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1、英语优秀教学设计Unit6Howdoyou feel ?A Lets talk滦县第三实验小学 史翠香 一、教材分析本课是2014版PEP小学英语六年级上册第六单元A部分的对话课。单元话题是有关情绪的表达和处理。Lets try板块通过Sarah和Sam由于天气寒冷无法外出,在家里讨论可以做什么的情景来呈现新句型。学生通过听力练习获得A Lets talk板块的人物及场景信息,为进入正式的对话学习做好准备。本课描写Sarah和Sam由于天气的原因,在家看电影展开的对话。两人对黑猫警长这部卡通片展开讨论。Lett talk部分核心句型是: Be+ 表示情绪的形容词。教材通过Sam 和Sarah在

2、家谈论所看卡通片的场景呈现核心句型,让学生感知上述句型的语义及语用情景。二、学情分析本课的学习者是六年级的学生。从进入六年级开始使用2014版PEP教材。在三到五年级的英语学习中学生已经接触过 “happy”一词,本课时将要学习的有关情绪的单词有:afraid, angry.本课时中出现的 “why”, “because”从句和现在进行时的语法现象已经在五年级下册系统的学习过。六年级学生对英语学习兴趣整体有所下降。教学中,教师应面向全体学生,以学生的发展为宗旨,始终把激发学生的兴趣放在首位,注意分层教学,引导学生端正学习态度,掌握良好的学习方法,培养良好的学习习惯和创造性运用语言的意识。三、教

3、学思路引导学生在语境中理解、学说对话,在情景中巩固、运用对话中的核心语言,语言活动设计从学说、操练到运用,层层递进,在滚动复现中实现巩固与内化,运用与提升。同时,注意活动安排的循序渐进,从逐个句型操练到对话操练,再由对话操练到自由创编,重视生生之间的交流,在交流运用中提高学生的语言表达能力。 四、教学目标在设计教学时充分考虑到本课书的语言技能目标、语言知识目标、情感态度目标、学习策略目标、文化意识目标、帮助学生达成培养综合语言应用能力的目的。1学生能够完成听力练习,养成听前预测听力内容的能力。2学生能够理解对话大意,能够用正确的意群及语音、语调朗读对话。3学生能够在情景中运用be + 表示情绪

4、的形容词来表达心情和感受 五、重点难点重点:理解对话大意。难点:在实际情景中运用语言表达心情和感受。 六、教学程序(一)Warm up and revision1 Sing a song: if you are happy, clap your hands 2 GreetingT: Good morning, boys and girls. First allow me to introduce myself. My name is Shi Cuixiang. Im from No.3 Primary School. Today we are going to have an English

5、lesson together. T: I am very happy. How do you feel?S: I am happy, too.T: Today we are going to talk about the feelings. Lets learn Unit6 How do you feel? (二)Presentation1 Lets try T: Boys and girls, Look out of the window. Whats the weather like today ? S: Its cold. T: Yes , Its very cold in winte

6、r. Now Sam is talking with Sarah, Lets listen and circle.T: Now lets check the answer. 2 Lets talk.(1) Play the videoT: Its cold outside. They will watch films. What film will they watch ? Lets watch the video together. Whats this cartoon about? S: Its about a cat and a mouse. T:Look, This is a mous

7、e. There are so many mice. (比较: ricemice ,以旧带新)Teach: mouse 和 mice (2) Show the pictureT:What does the cat do?S: The cat is a police officer. He often chases the mice. Teach: chase - chases S: Look! The cat is chasing a mouse now. Teach: chase- chasing(3) Watch the video.T: Watch the video, Find out

8、 the answers: How does the mice feel? How does the cat feel?T: The mouse is afraid of the cat. Teach: afraid rain raid - afraid Teach: be afraid ofT: Can you use “be afraid of” to make sentences? For example : I am She is We areQ2: How does the cat feel?讲解文中 “ be angry with”词组T: I dont do my homewor

9、k. So my mother is angry with me.Why is the cat angry with the mice? Because the mice are bad . They hurt people.T: Look at the pictures. The mice are stealing the food. Are they good?S: No, they arent.T: They are not good. They are bad. They hurt people.Teach: bad 和 hurt(三)Practice 1 Listen and rep

10、eat T: Boys and girls. Lets read follow the tape. Please pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. 2 Role read 3 Exercise 练习There are three eggs. You can choose anyone. If you can through it. You can get the stars.(四)Extension T: Boys and girls, look, there are many pictures, how do these

11、pictures make you feel? Write a sentence below each picture. You can say “ I am I feel”Ask the students to intrduce the cartoon “ Mr Black”.Ask students to intrduce another cartoon about cat and mouse: Tom and Jerry.六年级上册Unit 5 What does he do? A Lets talk教学设计 滦县第三实验小学 周会艳一、教材分析1 Lets try板块通过Sarah和O

12、live谈论各自父母工作的情景来呈现新句型,引出Lets talk 板块的相关信息,为进入对话学习做准备。2 Lets talk 板块的核心句型是:What does he/she do? He / She is a 教材通过Sarah和Olive在家谈论自己父母的情景,让学生感知主要句型的语义和语用场景。本单元主要学习第三人称的特殊疑问句。二、学情分析六年级学生对英语学习兴趣整体有所下降,两级分化现象比较严重。教学中,教师应面向全体学生,以学生的发展为宗旨,始终把激发学生的兴趣放在首位,注意分层教学,引导学生端正学习态度,掌握良好的学习方法,培养良好的学习习惯和创造性运用语言的意识。三、教学

13、思路引导学生在语境中理解、学说对话,在情景中巩固、运用对话中的核心语言,语言活动设计从学说、操练到运用,层层递进,在滚动复现中实现巩固与内化,运用与提升。同时,注意活动安排的循序渐进,从逐个句型操练到对话操练,再由对话操练到自由创编,重视生生之间的交流,在交流运用中提高学生的语言表达能力。四、教学目标在设计教学时充分考虑到本课书的语言技能目标、语言知识目标、情感态度目标、学习策略目标、文化意识目标、帮助学生达成培养综合语言应用能力的目的。1 学会听前预测,运用基本听力技巧完成Lets try 部分听力任务。2 能够听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用句型:What does he / she do?

14、 He/She is a 3 能在语境中理解生词country和head teacher的意思,并能正确发音。4 能够完成介绍自己父母职业的活动。五、教学重、难点教学重点:能够听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用句型:What does he / she do? He/She is a 教学难点:能在情景中运用主要句型,能与同伴创编对话。六、教学程序(一)Warm up and revision1 GreetingT: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning, Miss Zhou .T: What do you do?S: Im a student.

15、2 Revision(1) Review the wordsT: Lets review some words about jobs. Ill show you the pictures quickly. Please say the words quickly.cook driver farmer nurse doctor cleaner writer football player singer dancer cleaner(2)Say the phrases quickly.What does she / he do? She/He is a She/ He is a postman /

16、 businessman / police officer / factory worker【设计意图:通过多媒体呈现大量图片复习相关知识,唤醒学生已有知识与经验,为学习新知识奠定坚实基础。同时学生快速抢答说单词活动,激发了学生学习的兴趣,活跃了课堂气氛,也锻炼了学生观察、记忆和快速反应的能力。让全体学生动起来,避免了简单机械的读。】 (二)Presentation1 Lets tryT: Look at the picture. Here are our friends. What does she do ? S: She is a teacher. She is a student.T:

17、Look! Today is “Parents Day”. Their parents will come to school to meet the teachers. Who will come? (1) Sarahs mother can / cant come today.(2) Her father is a doctor / teacher / taxi driver .T: Can Sarahs mother come to school? What does her father do? Is he a doctor, a teacher or a taxi driver? L

18、ets listen and circle.【设计意图:本环节创设家长日情境,为学生提供讨论家长职业的交际情境。通过让学生听音圈出正确的答案,既提高学生的听力,又可以训练学生的快速反应能力,为学习Lets talk 打下基础。】2 Lets talk (1)T: Sarah and Oliver are talking about the Parents Day. Sarahs father cant go to the school . What about Olivers parents? Lets watch the video and find out: What does Olive

19、rs father do? Where is he? What does Olivers mother do? (2)The students watch the video and answer the questions:S: He is a businessman. He often goes to other countries.Teach: country -countriesT:China is our country. Canada and Australia are other countries.What other countries do you know?(3)The

20、students watch the video and answer the questions:S: She is a head teacher. Do you know: who is our head teacher?T: Look! Mrs Zheng is our head teacher. T: Do you want to be a head teacher, too? S: Yes, I do. No, I dont. T: Lets talk about our dreaming career. What do you want to be? S: I want to be

21、 a 【设计意图:通过替换图片进行练习,使学生能在情景中正确运用所学句型。采用分组、同桌结组进行练习,增大了学生的参与度,也让学生感受到了语言的交流意义和合作学习的乐趣。】 (三) Practice1 Listen to the tape and repeat.2 Role-read.3 Act out.【设计意图:通过听音跟读、分角色朗读、分角色表演等环节,循序渐进,由易到难,使学生对文本有更深层次的理解。】(四) Consolidation and extensionT: Now lets play a game:Hit the golden egg.1 T: You can choose

22、 any one. If you choose 1, Lets have a look.Read and judge.( ) Olivers father is in Australia.( ) Olivers mother is a businesswoman.( ) Oliver wants to be a head teacher. 2 T: If you choose 3 , Lets have a look.Fill in the blanks.S:Is your father here today?O: No, hes in_.S: What _ he do?O: He is a

23、_. He often _ to other _.S: And what _ your mother do?O: Shes a _.S: Thats nice.O: Yeah. Shell _ here today.S: Do you _ be a head teacher,too?O: No, I want to _ a businessman.3 T: If you choose 2, Lets have a look.Make a daliguageA: What does your mother / father /sister do?B: She /He is a A: Do you

24、 want to be a ?B: Yes, I do. / No, I dont . I want to be a4 T: No matter what you really want to be, please remember try your best for your dreaming career. You will be successful!同学们: 不管你的梦想是什么,只要你用心去追逐,就一定能成功。【设计意图:由课堂延伸到课外,让学生在真实生活情境中,通过合作、表演把语言真正运用到实际生活中去,使学生在轻松愉快的氛围中掌握英语,激发学生的学习兴趣,并做到学以致用,理解和拓展

25、所学知识。】 (五) Homework.1. 听录音跟读48页对话两遍。2. 与同伴创编对话。 七、Blackboard Design:Unit 5 A Lets talk What does your father do?He is a What does _ do ?She / He is aPEP五年级上英语Unit6 In the nature park A Lets talk教学设计河北省唐山市滦县第三实验小学 刘妍一、教学内容:2014年新版五年级(上)英语Unit6 In the nature park A Lets talk二、设计理念:小学英语课程标准明确指出:小学英语教学主

26、要目的是使学生获得为交际初步运用英语的能力,对话教学重在交际互动。本课是对话教学,重点就是培养学生运用本课的重点句型进行口头表达的能力,即教学重点是说。因此在教学设计时,我引导学生在语境中理解、学说对话,在情境中巩固、运用对话中的核心句型询问并回答某处是否有某物。在语言活动(Guess、listen and tick、Role read、Choose and make a dialogue)中,使学生从学说、操练到运用层层递进,在滚动复现中实现巩固与内化,运用与提升,同时重视生生间的交流,在交流运用中提高学生的语言表达能力。三、教材与学情分析:本课是Unit6 In the nature pa

27、rk的第一课时,本课的重点是学生通过学习能够在实际的情境中运用所学的句型Is there a? Yes, there is. No, there isnt.询问并回答某处是否有某物。在Unit5 There is a big bed中学生已经学习了There be句型,学生能够运用There be句型表达某处有某物;本节课重点是培养学生在实际的语境中运用所学语言,提升学生的语言运用的能力。四、教学目标:1.语言知识:1)能听、说、认读单词forest,lake ,river,“boating”和词组“go boating”。2)通过学习学生能够听、说、读写句型:Is there a? Yes,

28、 there is. No, there isnt.2.语言技能:1)能够完成Lets try中听音选单词的活动。2)通过学习能够朗读对话并表演对话。3)学生通过学习能够在实际的情境中运用所学的句型Is there a? Yes, there is. No, there isnt.询问并回答某处是否有某物。3.情感态度与价值观:激发学生语言交流的欲望,培养他们的口头表扬能力。4.教学重难点;1)教学重点:通过学习能听懂会说句型Is there a? Yes, there is. No, there isnt.并能在实际的情境中运用所学的句型询问并回答某处是否有某物。2)教学难点:在语境中理解f

29、orest,lake ,river,go boating 的含义并会能正确发音。五、教学准备:多媒体课件CAI,Recorder、cards。六、教学过程:Step I. Warm up and review1.Introduce myself and our school.Hello! Boys and girls. Im your new English teacher .You can call me Miss Liu. Im from No.3 Primary School. Our school is so big. Look!(CAI show pictures.)Show and

30、 introduce our school.Eg. There is There are2.Review This is our school.But I want to know something about your school.Whats in your school?Ss introduce their school and use “there is or there are”设计意图: Free talk创设语言情景复习There be句型,为新知识的学习做铺垫。StepIIPresentation and practice1.nature parkWow! Your scho

31、ol is so nice. This class will go to the the nature park with Miss White and her students .Look !this is a nature park.(CAI show a picture of the nature park)Teach nature park and according picture to teach nature .The nature park is so big and beautiful. Look at the picture of nature park .What do you want to know?Ss maybe say “Whats in the nature park?”2.

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