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1、最新最全考试资料博士学位研究生入学考试试题考试科目: 英语 满分:100分 考试时间:180分钟Part IVocabulary and Structure (15 points, 0.5 point each)Directions: For each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.1. The patient has been _ of the safety of the

2、 operation.A. guaranteedB. assuredC. entrustedD. confirmed2. Some teenagers harbour a generalized resentment against society, which _ them the rights and privileges of adults, although physically they are mature.A. deprivesB. restrictsC. rejectsD. denies3.When travelling, you are advised to take tra

3、vellerschecks, which provide a secure _ to carrying your money in cash.A. substituteB. selectionC. preferenceD. alternative4.The manager gave one of the salesgirls an accusing look for her _ attitude toward customers.A. impartialB. mildC. hostileD. opposing5. Christmas is a Christian holy day usuall

4、y celebrated on December 25th _ the birth of Jesus Christ.A. in accordance withB. in terms ofB. in favor ofD. in honor of6.No one imagined that the apparently _ businessman was really a criminal.A. respectiveB. respectableC. respectfulD. receptacle7. In some parts of the world the indigenous populat

5、ion has been completely _.A. wiped upB. wiped outC. wiped awayD. wiped off8. _ the invention of the steam engine, most forms of transport were horse-drawn.A. Akin toB. Prior toC. In addition toD. With reference to9. Because his workplace was so busy and noisy, he longed most of all for _.A.lonelines

6、sB.associationC. solitudeD. irrelevancy10.Because Mark needed to pass the exam, he made studying a _ over watching his favorite television show.A.priorityB.conformityC.perplexityD.concept11.The record of the past is always incomplete, and the historians who write about it _ reflect the preoccupation

7、s of their own time.A. bound toB. inevitablyC. indispensablyD. justifiably12. Man is a _ animal, and much more so in his mind than in his body: he may like to go alone for a walk, but he hates to stand alone in his _.A. conceited . vanityB. solitary . thoughtsC. gregarious . opinionsD. special . uni

8、queness13. He says he would write an English course book if he could find a(n) _ to deal with the less interesting parts.A. accompliceB. collaboratorC. spouseD. kin14. International travelers may have difficulties understanding the adjustment problems that _ them.A. amazeB.besetC.humiliateD.resurrec

9、t15.The distinctive qualities of African music were not appreciated or even _.A.deploredB. perceivedC. reveredD. ignored16.The spokesperson knew he had made a_error when heprematurely announced that all of the victims had survived the accident.A. glaringB.grievousC. dazedD. furtive17. His _ for want

10、ing to stay on as manager is to see England as the top team in the world.A. measurementB. motivation C. requirementD.presentation18. Many of the villagers rely on fishing as their _ source of income.A.primaryB.radical C.externalD.noticeable19. She couldnt imagine herself in any form of _ with her em

11、ployer, much as she liked him.A.prejudiceB. Fantasy C. intimacyD.conflict20. The fall in the number of deaths from heart disease is generally _ to improvements in diet.A.accountedB. referred C.creditedD.attributed21. Do you believe that he had killed a man with his _ hands?A.bareB.naked

12、eer22. It _ me as strange that the man didnt introduce himself before he spoke.A. occurredB. dawned C. impressedD. struck23. He definitely meant to be rudeit was quite _.A. spontaneousB. deliberate C. consciousD. expressive24. The lawyer told the judge that his _ did not have a criminal record.A.cli

13、entB.customer C.employerD.administrator25. Attitudes learned at home _ onto the playground.A.carry outB. carry on C. carry forwardD.carry over26. Im worried about washing that shirt in case it _.A.shrinksB.confines C. diminishesD.outweighs27. After youve signed the contract, it will be impossible to

14、 _.A.back outB.back up C.break offD.break down28. Korean newspapers only have four pages, so stories have to be very much the the effect the be exact29. Shes bought an exercise bike to keep _.A. in shape health30. The judge _ most of the pol

15、ice evidence, saying it was clearly fabricated.A. disposedB. declined C.dismissedD.discardedPart IIReading Comprehension(40 points, 2 points each)Directions: There are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one t

16、hat you think is the best answer.TextAWhen we use a word in speech and writing, its most obvious purpose is to point to some thing or relation or property. This is the words “meaning.” We see a small four-footed animal on the road and call it a “dog,” indicating that it is a member of the class of f

17、our-footed animals we call dogs. The word “dog” as we have used it there has a plain, straight-forward, “objective” meaning. We have in no way gone beyond the requirements of exact scientific description.Let us suppose also that one grandparent of the dog was a collie, another was an Irish terrier,

18、another a fox terrier, and the fourth a bulldog. We can express these facts equally scientifically and objectively by saying that he is a dog of mixed breed. Still we have in no way gone beyond the requirements of exact scientific description.Suppose, however, that we had called that same animal a “

19、mongrel.” The matter is more complicated. We have used a word which objectively means the same as “dog of mixed breed,” but which also arouses in our hearers an emotional attitude of disapproval toward that particular dog. A word, therefore, can not only indicate an object, but can also suggest an e

20、motional attitude toward it. Such suggestion of an emotional attitude does go beyond exact and scientific discussion because our approvals and disapprovals are individualthey belong to ourselves and not to the objects we approve or disapprove of. An animal which to the mind of its master is a faithf

21、ul and noble dog of mixed ancestry may be a “mongrel” to his neighbor whose chickens are chased by it.Once we are on the lookout for this difference between “objective” and “emotional” meanings, we shall notice that words which carry more or less strong suggestions of emotional attitudes are very co

22、mmon and are ordinarily used in the discussion of such controversial questions as those of politics, morals, and religion. This is one reason why such controversies cannot yet be settled.There is a well-known saying that the word “firm” can be declined as follows: I amfirm, thou areobstinate, he isp

23、igheaded. That is a simple illustration of what is meant. “Firm,” “obstinate,” and “pigheaded” all have the same objective meaningthat is, following ones own course of action andrefusing to be influenced by other peoples opinion. They have, however, different emotional meanings: “firm” has an emotio

24、nal meaning of strong approval, “obstinate” of mild disapproval, “pigheaded” of strong disapproval.In much the same way when, during the World War, thoughts were dominated by emotions, the newspapers contrasted thespiritof our heroic boys withruthlessnessof theHuns(贬义德国兵), and theheroismof our troop

25、s with the enemyssavagery. Now, with the more objective attitude that has been brought by the lapse of time, we can look back and see thatspiritandruthlessnessare objectively the same thing, only the one word has an emotional meaning of approval, the other of disapproval. We can see, too, that a sol

26、dier going forward under shellfire to probable death is doing the same thing whether he is a German or one of our countrymen, and that to distinguish between them by applying the wordsavageryto the action of the one andheroismto that of the other is to distort reality by using words to make an emoti

27、onal distinction between two actions which are objectively identical.31.The authors point in the first three paragraphs is that _.A. there is no real difference between calling a dog a mongrel or calling it a dog of mixed breedB. “a dog of mixed breed” is an emotional termC. “mongrel” is an objectiv

28、e termD. words may suggest emotional attitudes as well as objective meanings32. The author maintains that _.A. in discussing scientific subjects, emotional words are often used to make meanings clearerB. in discussing controversial questions, objective terms are generally used to help clarify meanin

29、gsC. in discussing scientific subjects, objective terms are generally used, in order to avoid controversyD. in discussing controversial questions, emotional terms are used very often33. The author believes that people have disagreements on many subjects partially because _.A. people have not learned

30、 how to get along with each other without conflict and argumentB.words used in discussing those subjects carry emotional overtones which tend to antagonize peopleC.words with objective meanings mean different things to different persons, and must be used carefullyD. politics, morals, and religion ca

31、use controversies that cannot yet be settled34. Regarding war, the author believes that in World War I, _.A. our men showed spirit and heroism, while the Germans displayed ruthlessness and savageryB.although our men acted heroically, there were occasions when they were almost as ruthless as the GermansC. there was no difference at all between the

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