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1、人教精通版五年级下册unit1知识汇总人教精晓版五年级下册 unit 1 知识汇总一、词汇library 图书室borrow (向某人、从某人)借borrow books借 书meeting room会 议 室haveameeting开 会welcome 欢迎meet 相遇、开会our我们的Englishlesson 英语课language lab 语言实验室science lesson 科学课science lab 科学实验室we 我们have 有all所有;所有like 喜爱very much 特别;很art club 美术(艺术)俱乐部paint a picture (用颜料) 绘画mu

2、sic club音乐俱乐部play the piano 弹钢琴many很多way 路;道路please请also 也;相同二、句子1. Welcome to our school! 欢迎到达我们的学校。2. We often borrow books from the library. 我们常常从图书室借书。3.Well show you around our school. 我们会带你观光我们的学校。4.This way, please. 这边请。5.This is our science lab. 这是我们的科学实验室。6.Do you often come to the library?

3、 你常常来图书室吗?7.How many English lessons do you have in a week? 你们一周有几节英语课?8.How many science lessons do you have in the science lab? 你们在科学俱乐部有几节科学课?9.We have one science lesson in the science lab. 我们在科学俱乐部有一节科学课。10.How many music lessons do you have in a week? 你们一周上几节音乐课?11.We often draw pictures in ou

4、r art club. 我们常常在绘画俱乐部画画。12.I like singing. 我喜爱唱歌。三、句型构造1.This is + 地址 . 介绍地址的句型。eg: This is our meeting room. 这是我们的会议室。2.主语 + often + 动词原形(动词第三人称单数) + 其余 . 表示某人常常做某事。eg: We often go swimming on Sundays. 我们周日常常去游泳。3.Do you like + 学科 ( maths, music. )? 咨询对方能否喜爱某个学科。eg: Do you like music? 你喜爱音乐吗? Yes,

5、 I do. I like it very much. 是的,我特别喜爱。3.How many + 课程(复数) + do you have + 其余( in a week,in a day)? 咨询对方在某段时间有多少节某个学科的课。eg: How many maths lessons do you have in a week? I have eight.4.I like + 动词 -ing 形式 . 表达某人喜爱做某事。eg: I like swimming. 我喜爱游泳。人教精晓版下册五年级 unit 2 知识汇总一、词汇toy train玩具火车toy plane 玩具飞机toy s

6、hip 玩具轮船toyboat玩具小船can 能help 帮助want 想;想要toy 玩具train 火车plane 飞机ship 轮船boat 小船motorbike摩托车jeep吉普车coach长途旅行车buy买bike 自行车car小汽车bus 公共汽车taxi 出租车trousers 裤子;长裤short pants 短裤try 试coat大衣clothes 衣服二、句子1.Can I have a toy train? 我能够拥有一个玩具火车吗?2.Can I help you? 我能够帮助你吗?3.I want a toy train. 我想要一个玩具火车。4.How much

7、is it? 多少钱?5.Its fifty-six yuan. 五十六元钱。6.What can I do for you? 我能为你做点什么?7.I want to buy a motorbike. 我想买一个摩托车。8.How about this one? 这个怎么样?9.Well take it. 我们要它了。10.It looks nice. 它看起来很好。11.I want a pair of short pants, please. 我想要一条短裤。12.Can I try them on? 我能够试一试它们吗?13.They are too big for me. 他们对我来

8、说太大了。14.Would you please show me that pair of short pants? 请帮我拿另一条短裤能够吗?15.How much are these short pants? 这些短裤多少钱?16.They are sixty-five yuan. 它们五十六元。三、句型构造1. How much is/ are .? 咨询物件的价钱。eg: How much are these eggs? 这些鸡蛋多少钱?2.How about . 用于征采对方的建议或见解。eg: How about your new toy? 你的新玩具怎么样?3. What can

9、 I do for you? 咨询对方需要什么帮助。eg: What can I do for you? 我能为你做点什么? I want to buy a present for my mother. 我想给妈妈买一个礼品。3.I want to + 动词原形 + 其余 . 表达我想做某事。eg: I want to go out for a walk. 我想出去散漫步。4.Would you + 动词原形 + 其余 ? 恳求对方做某事。eg: Would you show me your new toy? 你能够让我看一下你的新玩具吗?人教精晓版下册五年级 unit 3 知识汇总一、词汇a

10、sk问answer 回 答eat 吃make 制 造; 做think想late 晚;迟到class 班question问题actively 踊跃地quiet 寂静的make noise 喧杂;制造噪音keep your roomclean 保持房间洁净dohousework 做家务read in bed 在床上看书go home late 晚回家go home回家get up起床go tobed去睡觉help old people帮助老人keep off the grass 不要进入草地take good careof young children 照看好小孩play on the stree

11、t 在街道上玩耍pick flowers 摘花litter乱丢杂物wait 等候take拿;乘坐young 年青的child (children) 孩子(复数)people 人;人们二、句子1.He knows the school rules very well. 他特别认识学校规则。2.Dont be late for school. 上学不要迟到。3.Dont make noise in class. 上课不要喧杂。4.Listen to the teacher carefully. 仔细听老师授课。5.Hand in your homework on time. 准时交作业。6.You

12、 should help to do housework. 你应当帮忙做家务。7.You shouldn t watch TV too often. 你不该当看电视太屡次。8.You should go to bed early. 你应当早睡。9.You shouldn t read in bed. 你不该当在床上看书。10.You must wait for the green light. 你一定等绿灯。11.You mustnt cross the street when the light is red. 红灯亮的时候严禁过马路。三、句型构造 型祈使句:动词原形 (+ 其余)

13、. 恳求、命令或劝说某人做某事。eg: Show me your fathers photo. 让我看看你爸爸的照片。2.Dont + 动词原形 + 其余 . 用于劝说他人不要做某事。eg: Don t smoke in public. 公共场合严禁抽烟。3.You + should + 动词原形 + 其余 . 建议某人应当做某事。eg: You should drink more water. 你应当多喝水。4.You + shouldnt + 动词原形 + 其余 . 建议某人不该当做某事。eg: You shouldnt run a red light. 你不该当闯红灯。5.You + m

14、ust + 动词原形 + 其余 . 命令或激烈建议某人做某事。eg: You must wait at a red light. 红灯亮的时候你一定等候。6.You + mustn t + 动词原形 + 其余 . 严禁某人做某事。eg: You mustnt eat in class. 严禁在讲堂上吃东西。人教精晓版下册五年级 unit 4 知识汇总一、词汇have a badcold重感冒have a fever发热have aheadache 头痛have a cough咳嗽dear 亲爱的ill有病的bad严重的;厉害的afraid惧怕worry担忧;焦急have a toothache

15、 牙痛have a stomachache 胃痛takesomemedicine 吃点儿药take a good rest 好好歇息wrong 错的with和 一同head 头face 脸ear耳朵arm 胳膊chocolate巧克力dragon fruit 火龙果bring 带来feel 感觉get-well card 痊愈卡here这里;在这里for 为了 ;给 二、句子1.Kate doesnt feel well today. Kate 今日感觉不好。2.I m ill today. 我今日患病了。3.Dont worry about your lessons. 别担忧你的课程。4.I

16、 ll help you with your English. 我会帮你学英语。5.I have a bad cold. 我得了重感冒。6.Im afraid I cant go to school today. 我唯恐今日不可以去学校了。7.May I speak to Miss Liu? 我能够跟刘老师通电话吗?8.This is Miss Liu speaking. 我是刘老师。9.Whats wrong with you? 你怎么了?10.I have a headache. 我头疼。11.Can I go to school tomorrow? 我明日能去学校吗?12.You sho

17、uld take a good rest. 你应当好好歇息。13.Here is a get-well card for you. 这是给你的痊愈卡。14.How are you feeling today? 你今日感觉怎样?15.I feel much better. 我感觉很多了。三、句型构造更多内容请关注微信民众号:sxcyy1001. May I speak to ., please? 礼貌地请某人接电话。eg: May I speak to Susie? 我能够跟苏西通电话吗?2. I have a/ an . 表达自己患了什么病。eg: I have a fever. 我发热了。3

18、. Dont worry about . 用于安慰他人。eg:Dont worry about your grandma, she will be better. 别担忧你的奶奶,她会好起来的。4.主语 + will + 动词原形 + 其余 . 表达某人将要做某事。eg: He will go on a trip. 他要去旅行。5. How are you feeling .? 咨询某人感觉怎么样?eg: How are you feeling today? 你今日感觉怎么样? I feel ill today. 我感觉不舒畅。人教精晓版下册五年级 unit 5 知识汇总一、词汇make a

19、call打电话writean email写电子邮件wash theclothes洗衣服clean the room打扫房间tell a story讲故事sing a song唱歌play the guitar弹吉他play the violin拉小提琴lookatthepicture看图片talkabout讨论stand站立sit坐下;坐cousin表(堂)兄妹;表(堂)姐妹二、句子1.Hold on, please. 请稍等。2.Are you coming here with your parents this morning? 你今日要跟爸爸妈妈一同来我这里吗?3.Were all ve

20、ry busy today. 我们今日都很忙。4.What are you doing, Lily? 你正在做什么,莉莉?5.I am cleaning my room. 我正在打扫房间。6.I m telling a story. 我正在讲故事。7.Whats Li Yan doing? 李艳在做什么?8.Shes singing a song. 她在唱歌。9.Are you looking at the picture? 你在看那张图吗?10.Is he looking at the moon? 他在看月亮吗?三、句型构造1. This is . speaking. Can I speak

21、 to . 打电话用语。eg: This is Lucy speaking. Can I speak to Jack? 我是露西,我能够跟杰克通电话吗?2. 主语 + be 动词 ( am, is, are ) + 动词 -ing 形式 + 其余 . 表达某人正在做某事。eg: They are reading books. 他们在看书。3. What is/ am/ are + 主语 + 动词 -ing 形式 + 其余 ? 咨询某人正在做什么。 主语 + is/ am/ are + 动词 -ing 形式 + 其余 .eg: What is he doing? 他在做什么? He is hav

22、ing lunch. 他在吃午餐。4. Be 动词 (am, is, are) + 主语 + 动词 -ing 形式 + 其余 ? 咨询某人能否正在做某事。eg: Are they having a class? 他们正在上课吗?人教精晓版下册五年级 unit 6 知识汇总一、词汇playfootball踢 足 球playvolleyball 打 排 球playbasketball 打篮球 watch thegames 观看竞赛game 竞赛;游戏foot(feet) 脚(复数) football足球basketball 篮球playground 操场playbadminton打羽毛球playt

23、ennis 打网球play ping-pong 打乒乓球play baseball 打棒球Miss 小 姐Ms 女 士Mr先 生Mrs太 太favourite 最喜爱的sport运动do thehigh jump跳高do the long jump 跳远run fast 跑得快run跑;跑步highjump 跳高long jump跳远二、句子1.Were watching the games. 我们正在看竞赛。2.The boys are playing football. 男孩们在踢足球。3.The girls are playing volleyball. 女孩们在打排球。4.The te

24、achers are playing basketball. 老师们在打篮球。5.Thats my favourite sport. 那是我最爱的运动。6.Can I play it with you? 我能够和你一同玩吗?7.What are you doing? 你在做什么?8.Were playing ping-pong. 我们在打乒乓球。9.Theyre playing tennis. 他们在打网球。10.Are you watching the high jump? 你们在看跳高吗?11.Are they doing the high jump, too? 他们也在跳高吗?三、句型构造1. What are + 主语(复数形式) (you, they.) + 动词 -ing 形式 +(其余) ? 咨询某些人在做什么。eg: What are the girls doing? 女孩儿们在干嘛? Theyre washing clothes. 她们在洗衣服。2. Be 动词 (Am, Is, Are) + 主语 + 动词 -ing 形式 + 其余 ?咨询某人能否正在做某事。 Yes, 主语 + be 动词 ./ No, 主语 + be 动词 + Are you listening to music? 你在听音乐吗? No, I am not. 不,我没听。

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