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1、航海词汇英文AActual depth; the true depth of water as opposed to a predicted depth. Tidal height from table added to the charted depth.Almanac; an annual publication containing Tide Tables astronomical ephemerals etc.Altitude; the angular distance of a celestial body above the viewers horizon. Anabatic Wi

2、nds; caused by warm air rising up a slope to be replaced by cooler air, as opposed to kabatic, descending winds.Apparent wind; the wind as felt on board, this will be the actual wind modified by the wind created by the vessels movement.Aries; the constellation of the Ram in the Northern Celestial He

3、misphere, see also, First Point of Aries.Astrolabe; an instrument used to determine the altitude of celestial objects before the introduction of the sextant. The first recorded use by Greek astronomers in around 200 .Azimuth; the horizontal angular distance from a reference position to a celestial b

4、ody, usually measured clockwise in degrees from the direction of the nearest pole.B Navigation Terms.Barometer; an instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure. Barometric Gradient; the rate at which atmospheric pressure rises of falls.Bars Harbor Bar.Beacon; an unlit navigation mark.Bearing; the c

5、ompass reading taken of a object in relation to the observer.Beaufort Scale; a numerical method of describing wind strength.Body; a celestial object.Buoyage Marks and Systems; C Navigation Terms.Cape; a piece of land that that projects out into a large body of water.Cardinal Marks; buoyage marks ind

6、icating the direction of safe water with reference to the cardinal points.Cardinal Points; the four main points of the compass, North, East, South and West.Cartography; the study and the construction of maps. Cartographer; a map maker.CC or Compass Course; the course to steer which has been correcte

7、d for current, variation, and deviation.Celestial navigation; a method of navigating by referring to the stars or other objects in the sky.Celestial sphere; an imaginary sphere with the earth at its center, on whose surface the stars, planets and other heavenly bodies appear to be situated.Character

8、istics; the distinctive pattern of flashes used to identify a light.Chart datum; the reference level on charts to which tidal heights are referred.Charted depth; the depth shown on the chart for a particular point on the sea bed.Chronometer; a very accurate clock or watch that is used for determinin

9、g ones longitude at sea Circumnavigate; to travel around the entire Earth.Civil twilight; times given in the almanac, for listed latitudes for approximately the best time to take a morning or evening sight, when both the horizon and the heavenly bodies are visible.CMG; the Course Made Good is the co

10、urse over the ground.Cocked hat; a triangle formed by a series of three LOPs which do not meet at an exact point. COLREGS; the international rules for prevent of collisions at sea.Compass; a device that always points towards magnetic north, used for navigation.Compass Rose; is a design on a chart th

11、at shows direction. It points which way is north, south, east, west, and some intermediate directions.Constellations; Star groups. Conversion tables; used to convert units of one system to units in another.Copernicus; 1473-1543, Polish astronomer credited with disproving the Ptolemaic System.Course;

12、 the direction in which a vessel is heading or is intended to be steered, the direction through the water. Course made good; the direction in which the vessel is actually traveling as opposed to the direction in which it is pointing. Corrections; alterations made to charts to update navigational inf

13、ormation.Cross bearing; using LOPs from several navigational aids or marks to obtain a position fix.Crux; the Southern Cross a constellation seen in the southern hemisphere. D Navigation Terms.Dead reckoning; determining a position by plotting courses and speeds from a known position. Declination; t

14、he angular distance to a point on the celestial sphere measured north and south from the celestial equator along the hour circle.Deviation; the compass errors caused by metallic o magnetic objects on board the vessel.Dip; a correction to be applied to sextant attitudes to compensate for height of ey

15、e above sea level. Doldrums; the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone (or ITCZ) a belt of very still air between 5 degrees north and 5 degrees south of the equator.Drift; the speed in knots of the effect of current or tide on a vessels progress.Drying height; the height above chart datum, on a chart, of

16、any areas which are uncovered at low water.Duration of tide; the time between high an low water, normally just over 6 hours. E Navigation Terms.Ebb; out-flowing tide. Electronic logs or E log books; a method of standardising the keeping of logs digitally on commercial vessels.Electronic charts; ther

17、e are two different types see Vector charts and Raster marine charts.ENT; , Evening Nautical Twilight.EP; Estimated Position, the DR plus the effects of current.Ephemerals; a published collection of tables giving coordinates for astronomical bodies for specific times.Estimated Position; a DR positio

18、n which has been adjusted to allow for Set and Drift.ETA; estimated time of arrival.Equator; an imaginary circle around the earth, halfway between the north and south poles. F Navigation Terms.Fathom; an old fashioned unit of measurement to measure depth, approximately equal to 6 feet or meters.Floo

19、d; incoming tide.First Point of Aries;a point on the celestial sphere which is used as a reference point, it is in fact where the Ecliptic and the Celestial Equator cross.Fix; a position verified by reference to bearings take off a known point such as a conspicuous land mark.Flotsam; the floating de

20、bris resulting from a shipwreck.Forecasting Terms; used to convey specific, concise, information on weather conditions. G Navigation Terms.Gates Tidal.Geographical Position or GP; in celestial navigation it is the point on the earths surface directly beneath the Zenith, and the bit of the surface yo

21、u are standing on is your bodys Geographical Position or GP.GHA, Greenwich Hour Angle; the measurement of a position, in degrees, westward from the Greenwich meridian. Read moreGMT, Greenwich Mean Time; now referred to as UTC, Coordinated Universal Time, or UT, it is the mean of the times of noon at

22、 the Greenwich Meridian.GPS, Global Positioning System; a system which uses information broadcast from orbiting satellites to calculate the longitude and latitude of a receiving device.Greenwich meridian;the Prime Meridian it is the 0longitude line, it is referred to as the Greenwich Meridian becaus

23、e it passes through the Royal Observatory at Greenwich in the UK. Gyrocompass; a non magnetic type of compass. H Navigation Terms.Harbor BarsHand held, Compass; a small portable compass.Heading; the direction in which a vessel is pointing, as opposed to the course made good.HE, Height of Eye; the he

24、ight of a sextant users eye above sea level, needed to add as a correction to a site reduction.Height of tide; a figure taken from the tide tables indicating the depth of water above the chart datum.Horizon; the apparent line, for an observer where the earths surface and the sky meet. Also a circle

25、formed on the celestial sphere by a plane tangent to a point on the Earths surface.Horizon Glass;or Horizon Mirror half clear glass half mirror, on a sextant it allows the observer to view the horizon at the same time as a reflection of whatever is showing in the Index Mirror. Read more:Horse Latitu

26、des; See Doldrums and ITCZ. I Navigation Terms.internationally recognised systems of buoyageIndex mirror; the mirror at the apex of a sextant frame which pivots with the index arm. Intercept; where two or more lines such as LOPs cross.International Date Line; the imaginary line in the Pacific Ocean

27、at which the date changes. This line varies from the 180 meridian to avoid populated land areas.International marine signal flags; a system of flag shapes and designes used to communicate messages at sea.Interpolation Tables; almanac tables to estimate value between the tabulated results.ITCZ, Inter

28、tropical Convergence Zone; the varying area of normally still air lying approximately between 5 north and south of the equator.Isolated Danger Mark; buoyage marks indicating a hazard, a such as a wreck directly below the mark, J navigation terms.Jetsam; are objects that have been thrown overboard fr

29、om a vessel, originally stuff jettisoned by a ship which was in trouble. K navigation terms.Knot, (Kts.); a unit of speed, nautical miles per hour. L navigation terms.Landfall; the approach to or sighting of land after an ocean passage.Lateral Marks; buoyage indicating the edge of a safe water chann

30、el.Latitude; the angular distance north or south from the equator on the earth surface.Leading lights or Range Lights; a pair of lights deliberately placed to provide a transit along a narrow channel.Leading or Range marks; transit markers.Leeway; sideways movement of a vessel usually caused by the

31、wind.Limb; when taking a sun or moon sight it is difficult to guess where the center is so the observer aligns either the top edge (Upper Limb) or more usually the bottom edge (Lower Limb) of the object on to the horizon. The sight is then corrected using the appropriate correction tables.Line Of Po

32、sition, LOP; a line drawn on a chart on which the position of the vessel must lie. The line deduced from either a compass bearing of a mark or a sight reduction. A minimum of two or preferably more are necessary to establish a fix.Local Noon; the time when the sun reaches its highest altitude at your position and is directly north or south of you. it will then be at your Zenith and its GHA will correspond to your longitude. Local ti

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