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1、英语四级真题及答案20XX英语四级真题及答案 20XX英语四级真题及答案篇一:20XX年6月大学英语四级第三套真题及答案 20XX年6月大学英语四级真题第3套 PrtIII Reding Comprehension Section Directions:In this section, there is pssge with ten blnks. You re required to select one word for ech blnk from list of choices given in word bnk following the pssge. Red the pssge thr

2、ough crefully before mking your choices. Ech choice in the bnk is identified by letter. Plese mrk the corresponding letter for ech item on nswer Sheet 2 with single line through the centre. You my not use ny of the words in the bnk more thn once. Physicl ctivity does the body good, nd there?s growin

3、g evidence tht it helps the brin too. Reserchers in the Netherlnds report tht children who get more exercise, whether t school or on their own, 26 to hve higher GPs nd better scores on stndrdized tests. In 27 of 14 studies tht looked t physicl ctivity nd cdemic, investigtors found tht the more child

4、ren moved, the better their grdes were in school, in the bsic subjects of mth, English nd reding. The dt will certinly fuel the ongoing debte over whether physicl eduction clsses should be cut s schools struggle to 30 on smller budgets. The rguments ginst physicl eduction hve included concerns tht g

5、ym time my be tking wy from study time. With stndrdized test scores in the U.S. in recent yers, some dministrtors believe students need to spend more time in the clssroom insted of on the plyground. But s these findings show, exercise nd cdemics my not be exclusive. Physicl ctivity cn improve blood

6、to the brin, fueling memory, ttention nd cretivity, which re 34 to lerning. nd exercise releses hormones tht cn improve nd relieve stress, which cn lso help lerning. So while it my seem s if kids re just exercising their bodies when they?re running round, they my ctully be exercising their brins s w

7、ell. Section B Directions: In this section, you re going to red pssge with ten sttements ttched to it. Ech sttement contins informtion given in one of the prgrphs. Identify the prgrph from which the informtion is derived. You my choose prgrph more thn once. Ech prgrph ismrked with letter. nswer the

8、questions by mrking the corresponding letter on nswer Sheet 2. Finding the Right Homend Contentment, Too When your elderly reltive needs to enter some sort of long-term cre fcility moment few prents or children pproch without ferwht you would like is to hve everything mde cler. B Does ssisted living

9、 relly mrk gret improvement over nursing home, or hs the industry simply hired better interior designers? re nursing homes s bd s people fer, or is tht n out-moded stereotype固定看法)? Cn doing one?s homework relly steer fmilies to the best plces? It is genuinely hrd to know. C I m bout to mke things mo

10、re complicted by suggesting tht wht kind of fcility n older person lives in my mtter less thn we hve ssumed. nd tht the chrcteristics dult children look for when they begin the serch re not necessrily the things tht mke difference to the people who re going to move in. I m not tlking bout the qulity

11、 of cre, let me hstily dd. Nobody flourishes in gloomy environment with irresponsible stff nd poor sfety record. But n ccumulting body of reserch indictes tht some distinctions between one type of elder cre nd nother hve little rel bering on how well residents do. D The most recent of these studies,

12、 published in The journl of pplied Gerontology, surveyed 150 Connecticut residents of ssisted living, nursing homes nd smller residentil cre homesknown in some sttes s bord nd cre homes or dult cre homes). Reserchers from the University of Connecticut Helth Center sked the residents lrge number of q

13、uestions bout their qulity of life, emotionl well-being nd socil interction, s well s bout the qulity of the fcilities. E “We thought we would see differences bsed on the housing types, sid the led uthor of the study, Julie Robison, n ssocite professor of medicine t the university. resonble ssumptio

14、ndon?t fmilies struggle to void nursing homes nd suffer rel guilt if they cn?t? F In the initil results, ssisted living residents did pint the most positive picture. They were less likely to report symptoms of depression thn those in the other fcilities, for instnce, nd less likely to be bored or lo

15、nely. They scored higher on socil interction. G But when the reserchers plugged in number of other vribles, such differences disppered. It is not the housing type, they found, tht cretes differences in residents? responses. “It is the chrcteristics of the specific environment they re in, combined wi

16、th their own personl chrcteristicshow helthy they feel they re, their ge nd mritl sttus, Dr. Robison explined. Whether residents felt involved in the decision to move nd how long they hd lived there lso proved significnt. H n elderly person who describes herself s in poor helth, therefore, might be

17、no less depressed in ssisted livingeven if her children preferred it) thn in nursing home. person who hd input into where he would move nd hs hd time to dpt to it might do s well in nursing home s in smll residentil cre home, other fctors being equl. It is n interction between the person nd the plce

18、, not the sort of plce in itself, tht leds to better or worse experiences. “You cn?t just sy, ?Let?s put this person in residentil cre home insted of nursing homeshe will be much better off,? Dr. Robison sid. Wht mtters, she dded, “is combintion of wht people bring in with them, nd wht they find the

19、re. I Such findings, which run counter to common sense, hve surfced before. In multi-stte study of ssisted living, for instnce, University of North Crolin reserchers found tht host of vriblesthe fcility?s type, size or ge;whether chin owned it;how ttrctive the neighborhood wshd no significnt reltion

20、ship to how the residents fred in terms of illness, mentl decline, hospitliztions or mortlity. Wht mttered most ws the residents? physicl helth nd mentl sttus. Wht people were like when they cme in hd greter consequence thn wht hppened once they were there. J s I ws considering ll this, press relese

21、 from respected reserch firm crossed my desk, nnouncing tht the five-str rting system tht Medicre developed in 20XX to help fmilies compre nursing home qulity lso hs little reltionship to how stisfied its residents or their fmily members re. s mtter of fct, consumers expressed higher stisfction with

22、 the one-str fcilities, the lowest rted, thn with the five-str ones.More on this study nd the str rtings will pper in subsequent post.) K Before we collectively ter our hir outhow re we supposed to find our wy in lndscpe this confusing?here is thought from Dr. Philip Slone, geritricin老年病学专家)t the Un

23、iversity of North Crolin:“In wy, tht could be liberting for fmilies. L Of course, sons nd dughters wnt to visit the fcilities, tlk to the dministrtors nd residents nd other fmilies, nd do everything possible to fulfill their duties. But perhps they don?t hve to turn themselves into privte investigto

24、rs or Congressionl subcommittees. “Fmilies cn look bit more for where the residents re going to be hppy, Dr. Slone sid. nd involving the future resident in the process cn be very importnt. M We ll hve our own ides bout wht would bring our prents hppiness. They hve their ides, too. friend recently to

25、ok her mother to visit n expensive ssisted living/nursing home ner my town. I hve seen this plceit is elegnt, inside nd out. But nobody greeted the dughter nd mother when they rrived, though the visit hd been plnned;nobody introduced them to the other residents. When they hd lunch in the dining room

26、, they st lone t tble. N The dughter fered her mother would be ignored there, nd so she decided to move her into more welcoming fcility. Bsed on wht is emerging from some of this reserch, tht might hve been s rtionl wy s ny to rech decision. 36. Mny people feel guilty when they cnnot find plce other

27、 thn nursing home for their prents. 37.Though it helps for children to investigte cre fcilities, involving their prents in the decision-mking process my prove very importnt. 38.It is relly difficult to tell if ssisted living is better thn nursing home. 39.How resident feels depends on n interction b

28、etween themselves nd the cre fcility they live in. 40.The uthor thinks her friend mde rtionl decision in choosing more hospitble plce over n pprently elegnt ssisted living home. 41.The system Medicre developed to rte nursing home qulity is of little help to finding stisfctory plce. 42.t first the re

29、serchers of the most recent study found residents in ssisted living fcilities gve higher scores on socil interction. 43.Wht kind of cre fcility old people live in my be less importnt thn we think. 44.The findings of the ltest reserch were similr to n erlier multi-stte study of ssisted living. 45. re

30、sident?s stisfction with cre fcility hs much to do with whether they hd prticipted in the decision to move in nd how long they hd styed there. Section C Directions:There re 2 pssges in this section. Ech pssge is followed by some questions or unfinished sttements. For ech of them there re four choice

31、s mrked ), B), C) nd D).You should decide on the best choice nd mrk the corresponding letter on nswer Sheet 2 with single line through the centre. Pssge One Questions 46 to 50 re bsed on the following pssge. s rtificil Intelligence(I) becomes incresingly sophisticted, there re growing concerns tht r

32、obots could become thret. This dnger cn be voided, ccording to computer science professor Sturt Russell, if we figure out how to turn humn vlues into progrmmble code. Russell rgues tht s robots tke on more complicted tsks, it?s necessry to trnslte our morls into I lnguge. For exmple, if robot does chores round the house, you wouldn?t wnt it to put the pet ct in the oven to mke dinner for the hungry children. “You would wnt tht robot preloded with good set of vlues, sid Russell. Some robots re lredy progrmmed

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