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1、八年级英语下册导学案Unit 1 Whats the matter?Section A 2d3c 第2课时【学习目标】1、重点单词: headache, break, hurt, herself, 2、短语:have a fever, take breaks/take a break in the same way go to a doctor.3、句型:Are you OK? Do you have a fever? Yes, I do. /No, I dont. What should she do? She should take her temperature. Should I pu

2、t some medicine on it? Yes, you should. /No, you shouldnt. 【重点】使用should, shouldnt 给出合理的建议。【难点】根据不同的病症给出多个合理建议。【自学指导一】自读对话2d两次,把握大意,划出不懂之处并自己查字典解决。4分钟。【自学检测一】完成下列句子。1、你还好吗? Are you _? 2、我该怎么办? _ should I _?3、我应该量体温吗? Should I _ _ _?4、我头疼。 I have _ _.5、你周末做什么了? What_ you_ on the _?6、你应该离开电脑休息一下。You ne

3、ed to _ _ _ _the computer. 7、我认为你应该躺下来休息。I think you should _ _ and rest.【合作探究一】1、小组成员轮流读对话并翻译,划出疑难准备提问。2、共同划出你们认为重要的短语、句子,写在小黑板上。【达标检测】一、 短语翻译:1、 休息 _ _2、没有移动 _3、以相同的方式 _ 4、听起来像_5、割伤自己 _ 6、让自己受伤_7、在伤口上敷点药_ 8、跌倒_二、单项选择。1、( )【曲靖中考】I didnt sleep well last night, because I _ a toothache . A. was B. wen

4、t C. had D. took2、( )【山东莱芜】Tony, Whats _ matter with you? I have _ toothache. A. a; the B. the; a C. /; the D. the; /3、( ) Mr. Smith eats _ food, so hes _ fat. A .much too; too much B .too many; much too C. too much; too much D. too much ;much too4、( )【孝感】Why are you so tired these days? Well, I hav

5、e _ homework to do. A. too much B. too many C . much too D. many too 5、( ) You _ be quiet when you are in the reading room. A. should B. shouldnt C. can D. cant 6、( )【安徽】You _ drive your car so fast. Its very dangerous. A. wouldnt B. shouldnt C. couldnt D. mightnt7、( ) David needs _ a good rest. A.

6、has B. to have C. have 8、( )【连云港】30. Id like a cup of black coffee. What about you, Maggie? I prefer coffee _ sugar. A. than B. for C. with D. to9、( ) The boy isnt _ to dress himself. A. old enough B. enough old C. old10、( ) Im sorry to break your pen. _ A. Thats right B. It doesnt matter C. Thank y

7、ou【总结反思】_【课后作业】1、完成导学方案Unit 1 A部分。Unit 1 Whats the matter?Section A Grammar4c 第3课时【学习目标】1、重点单词:herself 2、短语:hurt oneself have a sore throat put some medicine on take ones temperature Fall down lie down3、句型:Whats the matter with ? She should put some medicine on the cut. She should lie down and rest.

8、【重点】使用should, shouldnt 给出合理的建议。【难点】根据不同的病症给出多个合理建议。【自学指导】自读Grammar Focus两次,弄懂含义。【合作探究】1、组内熟读Grammar Focus, 并演练对话。2、独立完成4a、4b,小组内互相检查,解决疑难。 hurt oneself What should I do? You should see a doctor and get an X-ray.3、共同划出你们认为重要的短语、句子,写在小黑板上。4、总结各种疾病以及相对应的建议,准备4c的活动。【达标检测】一、短语翻译:1. 伤着自己 2. 给伤口上药_ 3. 切到自己

9、 _ 4. 量体温 _ 5. 摔倒 _ 6. 做个X光检查_二、 根据句意填空1.A: I hurt _ when I played basketball yesterday. What _ I do?B: You _ see a doctor and get an X-ray.2.A: _ the matter?B: My sister and I _ sore throats. _ we go to school?A: No, you _.3.A: _ Mike _ a fever?B: No, he _. He _ a stomachache. A: He _ drink more ho

10、t tea with honey.三、根据首字母提示和句意提示填空。1.I have a toothache, I have to see a d_.2.She is tired, she should go to bed early, she s_ go to the party.3.When you have a headache, please lie down and r_.4. I have a t_ _, so I want to see a dentist.四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Im feeling terrible, I have a _ (stomach).2.

11、You should _ (drink) enough water every day. Our body needs much water.3.I think everyone has two_(foot)4.When you have a stomachache, you shouldnt eat _(something).五、选择填空。1. You should _ more water when you have a fever.A. drinks B. drinking C. drinked D. drink2. _ did the headache start? - About t

12、wo hours ago.A. When B. What C. where D. How3. I cant sleep, so I _ listen to quiet music, and I _ listen to exciting music.A. should; should B. shouldnt; shouldnt C. should; shouldnt D. can; dont4.David _ a stomachache. So he _ eat anything 24 hours.A. has, should B. has , shouldnt C. have, shouldn

13、t D. had, shouldnt5.-I have a sore throat. What should I do? _You should drink hot tea _honey.A. of B. in C. with D. about.【要点归纳】 罗列针对不同健康问题所给的建议的词汇或短语;理解should及shouldnt的使用方法。【拓展练习】 句型转换。1.Whats wrong with you?(同义句) Whats _ _ with you?2.My back hurts(痛)(同义句) I have _ _ back.3.He should eat something

14、(否定句) He _ eat _.或者 He should eat _.4 .That sounds good. (同义句) Thats a_ _.5.I have a toothache, I should visit a dentist.(同义句)I have a toothache, I _ to _ a dentist.【总结反思】Unit 1 Whats the matter?Section B 1a-2a 第4课时【学习目标】1、重点单词:bandage sick knee nosebleed hurt hit breathing sunburned ourselves2、重点短语

15、:get sunburned feel sick get hit on the head put a bandage on put ones head back put on a clean shirt have a nosebleed重点,难点】 使用should和shouldnt给出合理建议。【导学指导】 1.根据下列方框中左侧所给病况,在右侧方框中给出合理化建议。illnessadviceI have a sore throat.I have a stomachache.I have a toothache.I have a fever.自主学习:一、自学。1.浏览Page10上1a中的

16、图片,完成1a的要求。2.小组讨论自学结果并一起朗读它们。(老师可通过邀请学生表演这四种情况来检测学生对1a的掌握情况)3.浏览1b中的图片并完成1b的要求。4.小组讨论自学所填结果并在小组中比赛看谁背得最准最快。5.浏览2a和2b题目要求及图表信息,完成下列问题。 How many persons are there mentioned(被提及) in this chart and who are they? _. Discuss whether(是否) we should write down each word when we are doing 2a and 2b listening

17、practice. If not, why? And What should we do when we are doing them? _ _.6.师生共同探讨。7.Listen to the tape and complete the requirements of 2a and 2b。8.小组讨论听力各自所听答案结果。二、根据2c所给model conversation 按照你所填的图表信息和搭档制作自己的对话。然后争取在所有同学面前展示你们的对话。记住,当你站起来的时候,你就已经是个成功者了。.【课堂练习】一、根据首字母和句意补全单词。1.She is tired, she shoul

18、d go to bed early, she s_ go to the party.2.Would you please get me some water? Im a little t_.3.Im t_, I would like something to drink.4.When you are s_ out, you should listen to some music to relax. You shouldnt study .二、用所给词的正确形式填空。1.He _(have) a headache last week. But now he is _(feel)better.2.

19、Im too _(stress) out, let me listen to some music now.三、选择下列每组句子的正确语序,使其组成符合逻辑的对话。 Is it anything serious? My head hurts. I feel terrible. Unit 1 Whats the matter?Section B 2b2e 第5课时【学习目标】1、重点单词:risk accident situation kilo rock knife blood importance decision control spirit death 2、重点短语: be used to

20、 doing take risks cut off use sth to do sth the importance of make a good decision have the sane spirit be in control of 【重点,难点】提升阅读和写作技巧。【导学指导】 温故知新:NameProblemsShouldShouldntLiu HanCant fall asleep(不能入睡)Take more exerciseTake sleeping pillsKathyOften weak and tiredEat more hot yang foodsSleep all

21、dayKobeStressed out and angryEat more yin foodsArgue with your friends or have a big fight with them根据以上图表信息,按照下列提示,完成 “I want to say to you”。My dear friend Lin Han, I want to say to you: When you ,you should . , you shouldnt 。自主学习:一、自学1.Read the passage and underline the words you dont know. Then l

22、ook up the new words in a dictionary and write down their meanings.2. Read the passage and circle TRUE, FALSE or DONT KNOW.( 1 ). Aron almost lost his life three times because of climbing accidents.( 2 ) Aron had a serious accident in April 2003. ( 3 ) Aron ran out of his water after three days.( 4

23、) Aron wrote his book before his serious accident.( 5 ) Aron still goes mountain climbing.3. Read the passage again and answer the questions.(1)Where did the accident happen on April, 2003?(2)Why couldnt Aron move(3)How did Aron free himself?(4)What did Aron do after the accident?(5)What does “ betw

24、een a rock and a hard place” mean?4 Put the sentences in the correct order. Then use them to tell Arons story to your partner. Try to add other details from reading._ On April 26, 2003, he had a serious mountain climbing accident._ Aron loves mountain climbing and doesnt mind taking risks._ Aron did

25、 not give up after the accident and keeps on climbing mountains today._ He wrote a book about his experience._ Aron lost half his right arm from the 2003 accident.【拓展练习】一、根据所给词的正确形式填空。 1. My grandpa exercises for 3 hours to stay _(health) every day.2.Its easy _(say), but difficult _(do).3.Its import

26、ant for us to eat a b_ diet to have a healthy lifestyle .二、选择正确答案。1.Its _ to eat mooncakes in China. A. tradition B. traditional C. awful D. stressed out2.You are always angry, maybe you have_ “yang”. A. too B. too many C. much too D. too much三、根据汉语完成句子。1.学好英语很重要。_ _ to learn English well.2.我的压力很大,因

27、为我的口语没有长进。Im _ _ because my speaking English isnt _.3.作为一名登山者,他习惯于冒险。 _ a mountain climber, he _ _ _ _ _.4.因此他用小刀切掉了他的一半右臂。 So he used his knife _ _ _ half his right arm.5. 他在这次事故之后没有放弃,如今他继续爬山。 He didnt _ _ after the accident and _ _ _ mountains today.6. 在书中他讲述了关于做出明智抉择和掌握自己生民的重要性。 In this book, he tells of the _ of _ _ _, and of _ _ _ _ ones life.四、写出下列短语1. 的重要性 _ 2. 做决定 _

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