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1、仁爱版七年级英语下册U6T3SA教案精选资料Topic 3 How can I get to the library?Section AI. Material analysis本话题是第六单元的第三个话题, 以问路和指路为主, 贯串交通规则、 交通标记、交通设备等知识性知识,让学生掌握“问路”的功能用语,学会恪守交通法例和其余规则, 加强交通安全意识, 使学生懂得爱惜生命, 同时也向他们浸透了乐于助人、帮助他人也快乐自己的德育思想。 Section A 是第一课,主要活动是 1a,2a 和 3a。经过地图和对话体现本课教课内容,学习问路及指路的表达;还经过看图并依据表示方向的介词和介词短语来达

2、成句子, 学习建筑物地理地点的表达法;经过听录音、朗诵,初步掌握辅音字母 j 及字母组合 o+m/n/v/th,or,qu的发音规则。本课的话题设计问路和指路,切近生活,实质运用性很强,所以教师可指引学生结称身旁真切的生活、 学习环境进行实质对话演练, 从而提升学生学习的兴趣,调换他们的学习踊跃性。II. Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims能依据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗诵以下词汇并在实质的对话演练中加以应用:along, turn, crossing, meter, across, bridge, across from可以在小组合作活动中, 掌握辅音字母 j

3、和字母组合 o+m/n/v/th,or,qu 的发音规则并试试辨音;可以正确使用方向介词或介词短语来表达方向以及建筑物的地理地点;可以运用介词、介词短语进行问路、 指路等话题功能的沟通与对话演练, 如:(1) Excuse me, is there a bank near here?Yes. Go up Xinhua Street to the end, and youll find it on your left.(2) How can I get to the library? Go along Xinhua Street and turn right at the first cross

4、ing. It s about twenty meters along on the left.2.Skill aims精选资料能听懂讨论建筑物地理地点的对话;能听懂问路及指路的表达方式;可以听辨单词的不一样发音;能使用英语进行问路及指路;能在口头表达中做到发音清楚,语音语调正确;能正确朗诵对话,注意语音语调;能读懂简单的英文地图;能使用所学表达法进行对话写作,描绘抵达某地(建筑物)的路线。3.Emotional aims可以在音标学习中,规范音标的发音;可以与伙伴踊跃合作,参加讲堂活动,勇敢实践;可以在讲堂活动中培育乐于助人的观点。III.The key points and difficu

5、lt points1.在小组合作活动中,能掌握辅音字母 j 及字母 o+m/n/v/th,or,qu 的发音规则并试试辨音;2.可以在情形对话中,就“问路和指路”等话题功能,学会用方向介词或介词短语来表达方向以及建筑物的地理地点。IV . Learning strategies1.可以养成运用图片、重点词等帮助听闻的学习策略;2.可以清楚、高声地进行朗诵,仔细听录音和老师的发音,勇敢张口,频频模拟;3.能在学习过程中养成联合实质学习英语的好习惯。V. Teaching aids录音机、教课挂图、闪卡和黑板精选资料VI. Teaching proceduresStepInteractionStu

6、dent activityTeacher activitypatternIntroduction1. The wholeclass1. Focus their attention 1.Getstudents(5 minutes)work.on the teacher.ready for learning.2.Dodutyreport.2. Help the students2. Group work.Collectwordsaboutrevise the wordsroomsandfurnitureandexpressionsin last topic.Discuss ing

7、roupsand design your idealhome with your groupmembers.Drawapicture of it.Write down a passageto describe your idealhome.Somegroupsshowyourpicturesandpassages to the wholeclass:In ouridealroom,there willbethreerooms, one is a studyand the other two willbe bedrooms.3. The wholeclass3. Take out a toy a

8、nd3.Help the studentswork.a box.revisethe精选资料T: What can you see? prepositions.Ss: A toy and a box.T: (Put the toy on thebox.) Whereis thetoy?Ss: Itson the box.T: (Put the toy in thebox.) And now?Ss: Itsin the box.4.The whole class4.Look at the pictures4.Use the pictures towork.shown by the teacher.

9、 help the studentsLearn new prepositions,learn some newacrossfrom,prepositions.between . and., onthe corner of.T:(Show the picture, a library across from the bank.) Where is the bank?Ss: It s across from the library.T:(Show the picture, a building between two buildings.)Where is the post office?Ss:

10、It s between thelibraryand the精选资料supermarket.Presentation1. Individual work1. Look at the pictures 1.Create(10 minutes)and the whole classin 1a.situations to helpwork.(1)Suppose youarethe studentsguessnew in a city. You areandknowthemissing.Howcanfunctionyou ask the way?sentencesaboutS1: Excuse me,

11、 isasking ways andthere . near here?givingdirectionsS2: Excuse me, howin this section.can I get to .?S3: Excuse me, whichis the way to .?.(2)Now suppose youare a native in a city.Someoneasksyouthe way.Howcanyou give directions?S4:Go along/up/ down/across.S5: Turn left/right.S6:Its onyourleft/right.(

12、3)Look at the picturein 1a. Listen to theteacher and tryto精选资料guess where theteacher wants to getto.T: Now I am in frontof the supermarket. Igo down XinhuaStreet. I turn right atthe second crossing.The building is on myleft. Where do I wantto go?Ss: The post office.2. IndividualworkDo1b.Look at thea

13、nd pair in 1b. Try topredictwhattheconversation may beaboutin 1a. Thenlisten to the tape of1aandmatchthepictureswiththecorrectsentences in1b individually. Thencheckyour answerswith your partner.Consolidation1. The wholeclass1. Read 1a afterthe(10 minutes)work and pair work.tape.Practic

14、etheconversation in pairs.Somepairs actout2.Play the tape recorder and check the answers.1.Play the tape recorder. To be a good listener.精选资料theconversationtothe whole class.2.Thewhole class2. Closethebooks2.Ask the studentsworkand individualandlookatthequestions in 1a towork.picture of1a on thecons

15、olidatetheblackboard.Trytoexpressions aboutanswer the teachershow togivequestions.directions.T:Excuse me, is there a bank near here? Ss: Yes. Go up/down Xinhua Street to the end, and you will find it on your left.T:Excuse me, how can I get to the library?Ss: Go along Xinhua Street and turn right at

16、the first crossing.Itsabout twenty meters along on the left.Practice1. Pair work.1. Do1c.After1. To be a good(10 minutes)practicingthelistener.conversation in1a,look at the map in 1aand make up a newconversationwith精选资料yourpartner.Thenpracticeinpairs.Somepairsactouttheconversationtothe whole class.2

17、. Individualwork2. Do 2a. Look at the2. Checktheand pair in 2a. Completeanswers.thesentenceswiththegivenwordsorphrasesindividually.Then check the answerswith your partner.3. Individualwork3. Do 2b. Look at the3. Helptheand pair work.mapin2b.Trytostudents practicedescribethethreethe exp

18、ressionsroutines, A, B and C.ofgivingThenlistentothedirections.tape and choose theway to Janes home.Thenchecktheanswerswithyourpartner.4. Group work and4. Do 3a. Dividethe4. Makethethe wholeclassclass into four groups.students learn thework.Everygroupreadssounds ingroupone group ofwords.workbyDiscus

19、singroupsthemselves.andfindtherulesofsoundsabout精选资料o+m/n/v/th, or,j,quby themselves. Thenone student ineachgroupreads outthesound and teaches thesound tothewholeclass. Then the wholeclass listen to the taperecorderandcheckthe sounds. Read thesoundsandwordsaloud after the tape.5.Individual work.5. D

20、o3b.Read thewordsin3bbyyourself. Then listentothetape,checkyouranswersandrepeat after the tape.ProductionPair work.Sitinpairs.Draw(10 minutes)your ownmaptodescribe how togettotheschoolfromyour home. Make upa new conversation inpairs. Then practicethe conversationSome.pairsactouttheconversations.e.g.

21、5.Play the tape recorder. Check the answers.1. Makethestudents learntousewhat theyhavelearnedinreal situation.精选资料A:Maria, how can you get to your school?B:Well, I live on Guangqian Road. Go up Guangqian Road and turn left at the second crossing. Its on West Street. Go down West Street to the end. T

22、he school will be on my right. And you?A:.2. Assignhomework:theReview the wordsand practice theconversations inSection A withyour partner;Go on makingconversationsabout how toexpress the wayswith your partners.Then report it tothe class next精选资料day;Preview SectionB.Teaching reflection:在本 中,学生在听力活 与两

23、两 中, 学 并操 了对于 “ 路”和“指路”的表达方式。“ 路”和“指路”是我 生活中常 的 ,可是有的学生方向感不 , 特别在平面地 中 常会迷失方向, 所以,教 可引 学生 称身 真 的生活 境来操 “ 路”和“指路”的 , 一来,学生就能比 直 、有效地学 并掌握 两个 功能的用法。VII. Blackboard designTopic 3 How can I get to the library?Section A1. Is there a bank near here?Yes. Go up. to the end, and youll find it on your left.2. How can I get to the library?Go along.and turn right at the first crossing.It sabout twenty meters along on the left.3. Which is the way to the hospital? Go across the bridgealongturncrossingmeteracrossbridgeacross from

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