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1、整理届中考英语阅读理解专项训练2022019届中考英语阅读理解专项训练20(2) 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(2019届中考英语阅读理解专项训练20(2))的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为2019届中考英语阅读理解专项训练20(2)的全部内容。中考英语阅读理解专项训练20阅读下面5篇短文,

2、掌握大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项.AYesterday some of my friends talked about women s jobs. They have different opinions. Here are some of their ideas:I dont think that there are any special jobs made for women。 Women can fit into all kinds of jobs. We have even seen women drivers and engineers the

3、se days.EricNowadays men and women can do the same job, but I think that teaching suits women better than men. Women can be very good teachers.SidneyI think that boys and girls are not equal in the field of work. For example, women are thought to be a burden (负担) in India and it is difficult for the

4、m to find a job。 This is really unfairMaryI also agree with Eric. At present there is no difference between girls and boys in the field of work, but some jobs are not suitable for girls. I believe that office and teaching jobs are perfect for girls.RoseIts true that girls can do all types of jobs, b

5、ut some jobs such as teaching, HR management and nursing are really good for girls. However, as for politics, I think that girls should avoid this type of work.Andrew( )1. The underlined word “equal” means “_” in Chinese.A.胜任的 B。平等的 C.平静的 D.合适的( )2. Who thinks that politics is not suitable for women

6、?A. Eric B。 Sidney. C。 Mary。 D. Andrew.( )3。 Which of the following is TRUE?A。 Sidney thinks that it is difficult for women to find a job。B。 Mary doesnt think that women can become engineers。C。 Rose agrees with Eric s opinions.D. Andrew believes that HR management is suitable for men,( )4。 What are

7、these people mainly talking about?A。 Jobs which are most suitable for women。B。 Jobs which are most suitable for men。C。 The differences between women and men。D. Some special and interesting jobs for men。BA farmer had some little dogs to sell。 As he was putting up an advertisement on the fence (栅栏) ar

8、ound his yard, a boy happened to pass by. The boy said quietly, “I want to buy one of your dogs, Sir.The boy bowed his head for a moment. Then he reached deep into his pocket and pulled out some money.“I have got thirtynine cents. Is that enough to take a look? the boy asked。”Sure,” said the farmer.

9、 He let out a whistle(口哨),Here, Poppy!Poppy ran out of the doghouse, followed by four little dogs。 The boys eyes danced with happiness。As the dogs made their way to the fence, the little boy noticed something else moving inside the doghouse。Slowly, another little dog appeared. This one was much smal

10、ler It was doing its best to catchup “I want that one, the boy said.The farmer said, ”Son, you don t want that dog. He will never be able to run and play with you like the other dogs would。The boy rolled up(卷起)one leg of his trousers and showed a steel leg。 He said, “You see, Sir, I dont run well my

11、self, and he will need someone who understands。”With tears in his eyes, the farmer picked up the little dog and handed it to the boy.How much? the boy asked.“No charge (费用),. answered the farmer,” There S no charge for love.( )5。 What did the boy pull out from his pocket?A。 A watch. B. A picture. C。

12、 Some food。 D. Some money.( )6. How many dogs are there in the passage?A. Six. B。 Five。 C。 Four。 D。 Three.( )7. The boy was _ when he saw Poppy and the other dogs。A。 nervous B. worried C。 happy D。 sad( )8. Which of the following is TRUE?A. The boy could run very fast. B. The farmer gave the dog to t

13、he boy.C。 The dog was able to run well. D. The boy spent thirtynine cents buying the dog。CA famous magician (魔术师) came to our city and gave some shows every day. Most of his shows had some educational messages。 He taught lessons about health, history and some other important things about life throug

14、h his magic tricks。 Both parents and children enjoyed his magic shows, the children mainly for the fun and the parents mainly for the education。My aunt went to our home and gave us two tickets for one of his shows last week。 I watched the show with my mother last Wednesday. I had seen this magicians

15、 show on TV one year ago. But it was the first time I had seen alive (现场演出的) show, so I was very excited. The show taught children not to steal by describing how a person might feel when his or her thing was stolen. In the show, there was a monkey who liked eating bananas. He often stole things and

16、never cared about the owners feelings。 Then one day he found his own things were stolen。 He was worried and angry。 From that experience, he realized how worried and angry others would be when their things were lost。 From then on he decided to stop stealing。The show was great. It made me understand w

17、hy we shouldnt take what didnt belong to us. I also learned that we shouldnt get happiness from hurting others. I recommended(推荐) it to some of my friends. They watched the show last night。 I thought that they could learn something from it while enjoying the wonderful magic。( )9。 From the passage we

18、 know that the monkey in the showA。 has never lost things B。 used to steal thingsC。 was very stupid D。 stopped eating bananas( )10. What did the writer learn from the magic show?A。 We should know what belongs to us.B。 A person should always help others.C. A person shouldnt get happiness from hurting

19、 others。D。 We should pull together to overcome difficulties。( )11 In this passage, which of the following events happened last?A. The writer s friends watched the live show.B。 The writers aunt went to the writers home.C. The writer watched the show on TV.D。 The writer watched the live show.( )12。 Wh

20、at can we infer (推断) from the passage?A。 The magician would leave the city soon.B。 The writers mother didnt like the show。C。 The writer $ friends were not interested in the show.D. The writer thought the show was very interesting。DIn 1982, Steven Callahan was crossing the Atlantic alone in his boat

21、when it hit something and sank. He got into a life boat and was lost at sea. His supplies (供给) were few. His chances were small. Yet when three fishermen found him seventysix days later, he was alive. He was much thinner than he was when he started, but alive. His story of how he survived (生存)is fas

22、cinating。 His clevernesshow he managed to catch fish, how he changed seawater into drinking water一is interesting.But the thing that caught my eye was how he managed to keep himself going when all hope seemed lost. He was So hungry and tired. Giving up would have seemed the only choice。 When people s

23、urvive these kinds of situations, they do something with their minds that gives them the courage to keep going. Many people in similar situations give up or go mad。“I tell myself I can deal with it,” wrote Callahan in his story. ”Compared to what others have been through, Im lucky。 I tell myself the

24、se things over and over, building up my courage.。It struck me as something important And Ive told myself the same thing when my own goals seemed far away. And every time Ive said it, I have always come back to my senses.So whatever youre going through, tell yourself you can deal with it. Compared to

25、 what others have been through, youre lucky。 Tell this to yourself over and over, and it will help you get through difficult situations with a little more courage。( )13. Which of the following shows Stevens cleverness?He managed to catch fish. He made fresh water out of sea water。He built a big boat

26、 himself。 He found his way home.A. B. C。 D.( )14. The underlined word, “It,in the fourth paragraph refers to (指)_。A。 telling yourself you can deal with it B。 the chances of survivingC. the goals you have in your life D。 the problem that Steven had to face( )15. What should we do when we are facing a

27、 difficult situation according to the writer?A. Learn some useful skills。 B。 Ask someone else for help。C. Believe that we can handle it D。 Help other people who are in a similar situation。( )16. What is the best title for the passage?A。 Never Give Up B. An Honest ManC. The Skill to Survive D. He Was

28、 Lucky EnoughELast week we reported news about the relation between zoos and endangered animals。 But in India it appears that zoos should be the last place for animals of any kind, let alone the endangered kind.It is not a secret that most Indian zo0s are in a bad state. Although z005 should educate

29、 people and protect animals, Indian 2005 do neither. Most z00S are quite small, and the labels (标牌) provide little information。Visitors are more interested in entertainment(娱乐), often at the expense (代价) of animals, than in educating themselves.The purpose of most zoos research is to find ways to fe

30、ed more animals and to increase their numbers。 Most of the animals in zoos are not endangered at all, nor are they being prepared to be returned to nature! Animals that are not endangered should be left in nature, So that endangered animals can live in zoos.A report shows that animals can be badly a

31、ffected by having to live in a small space The bad living conditions in zoos often lead to animals behaving unusually。 They hit their heads against the wall, bite cage bars and even bite their own legs! More than 60% of the animals in Zo0S have scars (伤疤) on their heads because they continuously hit

32、 their heads against the bars, says animal rights activist, Maneka Gandhi India has 64 large z00s and 194 smallzo0S. Surveys show that in all these zoos, 10 to15 percent of animals die every year! Of course, the deaths of endangered animals are mentioned in the newspapers, but the deaths of monkeys, deer and other animals are not mentioned。Lets change the situation of these zoos

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