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1、中央美术学院博士英语真命题中央美术学院2006年博士研究生招生考试英语试卷B一、听力Section 11. A. doctor B. pharmacist C. mechanic D. waiter2. A. In a bank. B. In a restaurant C. In an office D. In a shop.3. A. Teachers get much satisfaction from work. B. Teachers get little satisfaction from work. C. Few teachers are satisfied with their

2、work. D. Few teachers are satisfied with their salary.4. A. He is happy with his job. B. He is a very ambitious man. C. He is too ambitious to be an engine driver. D. He doesnt like to be an engine driver.5. A. 50 B. 15 C. 30 D. 106. A. Interviewing a clerk B. Writing a job ad. C. Dismissing a clerk

3、. D. Making inquires.7. A. The shop told me this would happen. B. I didnt know it would be like this. C. It became smaller but still fits me. D. The cardigan is well worth the price.8. A. 10:30 a.m. B. 10:00 a.m. C. 11:30 a.m. D. 11:00 a.m.9. A. Moving to London. B. Looking for a new job. C. Searchi

4、ng for a flat. D. Hunting for a house.10. A. Shes not sure about the trip. B. She would like to take more trips. C. Shes decided not to take the trip. D. She doesnt like discussing the trip.Section 211. A. He hasnt been doing much of the reading. B. He understood the reading last night. C. He isnt h

5、aving much trouble. D. He understands very little.12. A. Winter is his favourite time for sports. B. Sports are quite important to him. C. He should be more enthusiastic. D. He plays better than he used to.13. A. The noise B. The workload.C. The heat. D. The crowdedness.14. A. At the post office. B.

6、 At his home address. C. At his mountain cabin. D. At his uncles address.15. A. Overjoyed B. Confused C. Surprised D. Supportive16. A. Graduation date B. Vacation plans. C. School courses. D. Job hunting.17. A. He had the cooker changed. B. He had the cooker repaired. C. He bought a new cooker. D. H

7、e returned her new cooker.18. A. Its hard to pronounce the name. B. Its not going to be well-received. C. He has temporarily forgotten its name. D. He has never heard of the name.19. A. He is thoughtful B. He is forgetful. C. He is careless. D. He is unhelpful.20. A. 6 B. 5 C. 4 D. 7二、词汇与结构21. _ the

8、 condition of the engine, it is a wonder that it even starts. A. Given B. Granted C. Provided D. Allowed22. _ all behavior is learned behavior is a basic assumption of social scientists. A. Nearly B. That nearly C. It is nearly D. What nearly23. This _ in adult education, in turn, helps to raise the

9、 intellectual standard of the whole country. A. crisis B. decrease C. deficit D. boom24. We are _ you to wake up in time. A. looking for B. counting on C. waiting for D. insisting on25. I wish I _ to with you, but I am fully occupied. A. could B. can C. will D. am able to26. There was _ support for

10、the war. A. well-informed B. widespread C. faulty D. spectacular27. What he said is far _ the truth. A. to B. towards C. into D. from28. The TV play received _ acclaim. A. considerate B. considered C. considering D. considerable29. Only in recent years _ begun to realize that wild dogs, kept within

11、bounds, often do more good than harm. A. people have B. since people C. have people D. people who have30. By 2004, production in the area is expected to double _ of 2000. A. one B. it C. what D. that31. Normally he would have no _ to the whole world knowing his business. A. objection B. appeal C. ar

12、gument D. deterrence32. He had his camera ready, _ he saw something that would make a good picture. A. unless B. in case C. in any case D. in any event33. I was shocked by her _ views. A. reasonable B. reluctant C. scared D. radical34. It is highly necessary that our plan _ immediately. A. will be c

13、arried out B. must be carried out C. be carried out D. has to be carried out35. We condemn their actions without _. A. reservation B. observation C. conservation D. preservation36. 28. We know he lived in Fleet Road, but _ that we dont know much about him. A. other than B. more than C. better than D

14、. less than37. We need someone to find _ Johnsons and inform them of the news. A. / B. a C. the D. an38. The ability to use a language can be _ only by the act of using the language. A. approached B. overcome C. conquered D. acquired39. _ how to repair stove, I surely would have helped her. A. Had I

15、 known B. Would I know C. Were I known D. Would I have known40. Though remembered mainly for the invention of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell devoted his life _ the deaf. A. helping B. to help C. to helping D. help三、阅读理解Passage 1Panel (嵌镶板) painting, common in thirteenth-and fourteenth century

16、Europe, involved a painstaking, laborious process. Wooden planks were joined, covered with gesso (石膏) to prepare the surface for painting, and then polished smooth with special tools. On this perfect surface, the artist would sketch a composition with chalk, refine it with inks, and then begin the d

17、eliberate process of applying thin layers of egg tempera (用鸡蛋、水等稀释的颜料或涂料) paint egg yolk in which pigments (颜料) are suspended, with small brushes. The successive layering of these meticulously applied paints produced the final, translucent colors.Backgrounds of gold were made by carefully applying s

18、heets of gold leaf, and then embellishing (修饰) or decorating the gold leaf by punching it with a metal rod on which a pattern had been embossed (使浮雕). Every step in the process was slow and deliberate, the quick-drying tempera demanded that the artist know exactly where each stroke be placed before

19、the brush met the panel, and it required the use of fine brushes. It was, therefore, an ideal technique for emphasizing the hard linear edges and pure, fine areas of color that were so much a part of the overall aesthetic (审美) of the time. The notion that an artist could or would dash off an idea in

20、 a fit of spontaneous inspiration was completely alien (相异的) to these deliberately produced works.Furthermore, making these paintings was so time-consuming that it demanded assistance. All such work was done by collective enterprise in the workshops. The painter or master who is credited with having

21、 created the painting may have designed the work and overseen its production, but it is highly unlikely that the artists hand applied every stroke of the brush. More likely, numerous assistants, who had been trained to imitate the artists style, applied the paint. The carpenters shop probably provid

22、ed the frame and perhaps supplied the panel, and yet another shop supplied the gold. Thus, not only many hands, but also many shops were involved in the final product.In spite of problems with their condition, restoration, and preservation many panel paintings have survived, and today many of them a

23、re housed in museum collections.41. What aspect of panel painting does the passage mainly discuss?A. Famous examples. B. Different styles. C. Restoration. D. Production.42. According to the passage, what was the first step in making a panel painting?A. Mixing the paint. B. Preparing the panel. C. Bu

24、ying the gold leaf. D. Making ink drawings.43. The word deliberate in Paragraph 1, sentence 3, is closest in meaning to _.A. decisive B. careful C. natural D. unusual44. Which of the following processes produced the translucent colors found on panel paintings?A. Joining wooden planks to form large s

25、heets. B. Polishing the gesso. C. Applying many layers of paint. D. Covering the background With gold leaf.45. The “collective enterprise” mentioned in Paragraph 3, sentence 2, includes all of the following EXCEPT.A. supplying the gold leaf B. building the panels C. applying the paint D. selling the

26、 paintingPassage 2Of all the varieties of music which fill our concert halls, theaters, and nightclubs, only jazz is native American music. Symphonies and concertos, the ancestors of movie and television scores as well as of “serious” or “legitimate” electronic music, were first composed in Germany.

27、 Musical comedies descended from opera, which was first performed in Italy. And our ever-popular nightclub singers are the musical heirs of the French singers of chansons (歌曲).The one form of music which did not originate in Europe and which is popular today worldwide is jazz. Jazz was born in New O

28、rleans, the child of the Blacks. It drew on the rhythms as well as the emotionalism (感情主义) of the African music of the Black ancestors, which had been transformed into ragtime (拉格泰姆节奏爵士) and the blues. Improvisation (即度创作) was an indispensable element. Musicians were permitted, in solo (独奏) performa

29、nce, plenty of freedom to play in whatever variations just as their creative mood happened to lead them along. But during the Swing (摇摆乐) era (1930s - 1950s), impromptu (即兴的) performances gave way to arrangement. It was a period when jazz had its widest popular appeal with the big bands that boasted

30、 of such outstanding bandleaders as Duke Ellington, Glenn Miller and a whole galaxy of top-notch instrumentalists.Rock music in the 1960s is a sociological expression rather than a musical force and the rock arena was seen as a sort of debating forum (论坛), a place where ideas clash and crash, where

31、American youngsters struggle to define and redefine their feelings and beliefs. Bob Dylon touched a nerve of disaffection. He spoke of civil rights, nuclear fallout, and loneliness. He spoke of change and of the bewilderment of an older generation. “Something is happening here,” he sang. “You dont know what it is, do you, Mr. Jones?”

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