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1、本科毕业论文英文版本科毕业论文英文版 人与自然环境 Abstract The first Industrial Revolution happened in 1760s.Since that time, human have began to explore and conquer nature. Due to excessive development, and hunting for natural resources, which lead to a series of environmental problems. Men have to let themselves to refle

2、ct and reposition the relationship between man and nature. Marxist view of nature studying this work has great theoretical significance and practical significance for the relationship between human and nature. Marxism stressed that people who live in the nature must respect the development of object

3、ive law of nature. Men can play their own subjective initiative to transform nature, but the transformation is based on respect nature for the objective law of the premise. The relationship between man and nature is objective existence. It can not be transcended. Nowadays the ecological environment

4、is cruelly destroyed by people, which promote the harmonious development of man and nature has become more and more concerned. Jack London is a famous American realism writer. All his life, he totally created about 50 works, most famous works are The Call Of the Wild, The Sea Wolf, The White Fang. A

5、nd the most famous one should be The Call of the Wild, which is based on his personal experience in the big social background and creation of dog novels. Marxist view of nature in the novel is the avoiding of the crisis of human spiritual, humans responsibility to nature, returning to the harmony of

6、 man and nature.,and how to create a harmonious relationship between man and nature. The development of human civilization should never dehumanize all kinds of animals. People should not be beyond all the laws of nature, and should respect animals, respect nature. Jack London condemns people who rec

7、klessly consume and despoil the nature, man should build a harmonious, equal, healthy, enduring relationship between man and nature. Keywords: man and nature; Marxism; The Call of the Wild; Jack London 摘要:从十八世纪六十年代第一次工业革命开始,人类为了自己的利益开始探寻自然,征服自然。由于过度的开发和猎取自然资源,导致一系列环境问题,不得不让我们重新思考和重新定位人与自然的关系。而马克思主义自

8、然观研读这部作品对于研究人与自然的关系具有很大的理论意义和现实意义。马克思主义强调,人生活在自然界之中,必须尊重自然界的客观发展规律。人能发挥自己的主观能动性去改造自然,但这种改造是以尊重自然界的客观规律为前提的。对于如今生态环境遭到人们无情破坏,促进人与自然和谐发展越来越成为现代人们关注的问题。杰克伦敦是美国著名的现实主义作家。他一生共创作了约50卷作品,其中最为著名的有野性的呼唤、海狼 和白牙 。而最具代表性的则是他根据自己的经历和所见所闻为素材并结合自身所处的社会大背景而创作的狗小说野性的呼唤。本文阐述了人类和自然之间的关系,包括小说中马克思主义自然观的体现,人类精神危机的避免,人类对自

9、然的责任,回归人类与自然的和谐,以及如何构建人与自然和谐关系。人类文明的发展绝对不应该残害各种动物,人也不应该凌驾于一切自然法则之上的,而应是尊重动物,尊重自然。杰克伦敦呼吁人类停止对自然的破坏,应该建立一个和谐,平等,健康,持久的人与自然的关系。 关键字:人与自然;马克思主义;野性的呼唤;杰克伦敦 1 Introduction 1.1 The Brief Introduction of Marxist View of Nature The core of Marxist view of nature is the relationship between man and nature. Ma

10、rxist view of nature is for the discussion of the ecological crisis and the reconstruction of the harmonious relationship between man and nature. These all reflect the nature to form a new view of nature. Base on Marxist view of nature, and the new view of nature can achieve integrated instructions.

11、 Marx and Engels in their writing explained the relationship between man and nature. In The Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844, Marx is against using the abstract conception to talk about nature, but people should put nature into Society, and put the essential relationship of nature into

12、 people to understand. Only in society, nature based on man, is the existence of the real life elements马克思,2000 Therefore, in Marxs opinion. The relationship between man and nature mainly displays: Human is a natural product, at the same time, it is part of the nature; Human is through labor to cont

13、act nature. In general, it is harmonious coexistence for people and nature.陈爱娟,2021 1.2 The Brief introduction of Jack London Jack London was a famous writer in the early 20thcentury in America. His stories were drawn mainly from his own experience. In his whole life, he wrote 19 novels in his life,

14、 many short stories and articles. 3 plays and 8 autobiographical and is sociological books. And London was especially famous for his north tales and animal tales. The publication that first brought Jack London worldwide fame and continues to be his best-known work is a short novel whose main charact

15、er is a Yukon sled dog named buck. That work, begun in December 1902 and published in 1903,was entitled The Call of the Wild .In the novel, the protagonist is a dog; it is sometimes classified as a juvenile novel, suitable for children, but it is dark in tone and contains many scenes of cruelty and

16、violence, although, in the book, it has been considered childrens books. So many literary scholars have argued that the novels complexities warrant close analysis. As we known, the chief ones among the topics of interest to literary critics are the novels relationships to the philosophy of the survi

17、val of the fittest, which was in vogue at the turn of the 20th century. We know, London was not only treating animals like human beings, but treating human beings like animals, recognizing no essential difference between man and animal.Abraham Rothberg, 19841 , Londons purpose on finding gold was un

18、successful, and he came back into his home. But he found that something was more important than gold. Which is what we will study in the latter? As Walker pointed out that Talk he did. But the most important of all, he listened and observed during those times in the draughty cabins. He stored memori

19、es and felt the stirring of the creative artist. Because of his experience in Klondike, he gained tremendous. Amount of insight and perspective and got an abundance of notes and memories of the northland. Therefore, London wrote his famous novel North Tales and Animal Tales on the basis of his exper

20、ience during that time. 1.3 Research Purposes and Significance With the economic and populations growth, the earth is facing the greatest problem, the area will disappear as a consequence many species die. Water pollution has been caused by human; industries has discharged a variety of pollutants in

21、 their wastewater including heavy metals,chemical and toxic substances cause disease in either human or animal. Massive destruction to the forest will boost warm temperature and accelerate global warming. Human activities is causing a big extinctions and threats the continuity of life. A clear envir

22、onment is essential for human health and well-being, however, the interaction between man and nature health are highly complex and difficult to assess. People have got to start treating them that way. People may not have easy solutions, but the fact is, people simply cant continue living our lives a

23、s if everything is peachy. These problems arent going to magically solve themselves. People should have begun acting generations ago, but they cant go back in time, and that means people have to step up our efforts. If people want to keep this planet a healthy place for humans to live for our grandc

24、hildren to enjoy its time to buckle down and do everything in our power to reverse the damage people have done. In the thesis, using Marxist view of nature to explain the relationship between man and nature has great theoretical and realistic significance. 2 Literature Review The relationship betwee

25、n man and nature has been researched by many famous ecologists, geographers, philosophers who come from different times and area. About people how to create and build a harmonious relationship between man and nature exerts lots of great contributions. Among them, the studies of some western and Chin

26、ese scholars deserve our special attention. 2.1 The Study of Context in the Western Bacon slogan is knowledge is power. It seems to show that westerners had been master the core of the relationship between man and nature in that time. However, this is actually an illusion. The ancient Greek and medi

27、eval culture has not given the practical spirit with the core status. As the growth in the cultural background of the modern western, although there is demand and utilization of the impulse in the deep heart of nature, but also give it more fundamental position in scientific theory. Bacons To contro

28、l nature will be required to obey the natural laws F培根,1986declared that modern western people about the thought of the relationship between man and nature. From the interpretation of the philosophy tree metaphor笛卡尔,1959 ,to use the natural interpretation of results for knowledge, for the above stat

29、ement ,Descartes for Bacon provided a foundation of the scientific theory. At this time, the nature of the relationship between knowledge is highlighted by people. About the relationship between man and nature, Marx made clear and scientific answer. The answer is a part of the important thoughts of

30、the relationship between man and nature that is us to analysis the important theory basis of the relationship between man and nature. And Marx in The Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844point out the persons development is inseparable from the object of his world nature, mans all-round dev

31、elopment is inseparable from the practice, they are a mutual restraint and promotion relation.马克思,2000 Marxist stressed that people living in nature, must respect the objective law of the natural development. One can play their own subjective initiative to transform nature, but the transformation is

32、 based on respecting nature for the objective law of the premise. Engels had pointed out: Dont too intoxicate with our mastery of victory. For each such victory, nature will revenge on us.恩格斯,1984 2.2 The Study of Context in the Chinese The Spring-Autumn and the Warring States periods were marked by

33、 the emancipation, the great leap forward the creative exploration of the ancient Chinese philosophies. In the relationship between nature and man there existed three schools of philosophy, the nature and man in unity school, interrelated, the man distinguished from nature school and the joining in the nature s

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