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1、高二英语课改组教案和学案第二周课题名称 Module 5 Unit 3Life in the future Periods1-2Words and expressions教学重点:学生正确读单词;学习重点词汇用法 教学难点 正确使用重点单词和短语的用法制作人:吕清梅 苑青 鲁新霞 制作时间:2014-9-8学习环节学习目标学习评价学习活动目标检测问题引导目标1:学生正确读单词目标2.学习重点词汇用法1.学生在老师的引导下根据音标拼出单词的正确读音2.通过练习掌握重点单词的用法针对目标一组织以下活动1.学生小组相互拼读单词2 老师纠正学生读音3.小组活动英译汉、汉译英针对目标二组织以下活动1.利

2、用现有资料完成导学案上的课堂学习2.独立完成导学案课堂检测,然后组内讨论,确定答案,教师解决疑难。1,翻译单词、短语和句子 2.完成导学案中的检测部分课题名称 Module 5 Unit 3Life in the futurePeriod 3Warming up教学重点 引导学生认识现在教学难点 培养学生展望未来制作人:吕清梅 苑青 鲁新霞 制作时间:2014-9-8学习环节学习目标学习评价学习活动目标检测问题引导目标1: 复习巩固重点单词、词组目标2.了解课文背景知识1.学生能识记15个单词及其单词用法2.培养学生把握文章能力针对目标一组织以下活动:.听写单词针对目标二组织以下活动1 学生小

3、组讨论,完成导学案课堂学习2学生细读,小组完成导学案课堂检测,组内相互讨论,确定答案,教师解决疑难1老师抽查学生背单词2.完成导学案中的检测部分课题名称 Module 5 Unit 3Life in the futurePeriod 4 pre -reading教学重点: 快速阅读文章能力并找出短语教学难点: 培养学生阅读能力制作人:吕清梅 苑青 鲁新霞 制作时间:2014-9-8学习环节学习目标学习评价学习活动目标检测问题引导目标1: 通过找出课文中短语了解课文大意目标2.根据找出的短语知道课文内容1.学生翻译有用短语2.通过学生找出课文中每一自然段的中心句 针对目标一组织以下活动1.老师检

4、查所学单词2 .独立完成导学案短语 然后组内相互讨论,确定答案,教师解决疑难针对目标二组织以下活动1.利用课文找出每一自然段的中心句2。1教师抽查翻译短语和句子 2.完成导学案中的检测部分Unit 3 Life in the futurePeriod 1 words and expressions (1)Teaching Aims:1. Learn some new words and the reading (1)2. Read new words and expressions . correctly3. Use the important new words

5、 and expressoins correctly词性变化 (旨在提供语法填空所需材料)surrounding n.周围;环境 surround v. 包围, 围绕press v. 按;压;逼迫pressure n. 压, 压力,require v. 需要;要求;requirement n. 需要;要求;命令impression n.印象,感想,impress v. 印, 留下印象【练习】根据句子结构,用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空1._ by green hill on the north and south and a blue sea on the east, this city re

6、ally enjoys nice _.(surrounding)2-Whats your _ of the new teacher?-He is a kind and handsome young man, but what _ me most is his sense of humour.(impression)3.It is _ that all students should wear the school uniform in school, but not all students obey the _. (require)4.The nurse _ the wound and th

7、e _ to the arm stopped the bleeding at last. (press)课堂学习在练习册中学习运用词汇1._ n.印痕;印记;印象;感想常用结构:have an impression of sth.doing sth. 对(做)某事有印象make an good/deep impression on sb. 给某人留下好/深的印象make no impression on 对无影响效果练习:Your performance gave me _ _ _你的表演给我留下了很深的印象。What I said made no _ _ him.我的话对他不起作用。联想拓展

8、impress vt. 使- 获得深刻印象, 使铭记 impressive adj. 给人深刻印象的impress sb with sth _impress onupon sb_The teacher_ _ _(给我们留下印象) his sense of humour.2._从事;占(时间、空间、注意力等);继续;开始;This table_ _ too much room. 这张桌子太占地方。This chapter _ _ where the last one off.本章继续上一章的内容。联想拓展_ 脱掉(衣服等);起飞;打折;作为折扣而减价_ 接管;获得对的控制或管理take apar

9、t 拆开;分开后将分成许多部分take for 把视作;误认为take.for granted 认为是理所当然take down 写下;记下take back 收回(诺言)take on 呈现;聘用;单项填空Since the 2008 Olympic Games Beijing has taken a new look everywhere. A.Up B. on C. over D. Off3._ vt指引;指导 短语:guide sb around/through _The old man _us _-the town.老人带领我们参观城镇。n. 向导;导游;手册They hired _

10、 _ _to get them across the mountain他们雇佣了一位当地导游带领他们翻越那座山。4.lack n.& vt. _ _ _1) n. 缺少;没有 (后面常与介词of 连用) 短语:for lack of. 因缺乏 The project failed _ _ _money. 这项工程因资金不足而失败。 2)vt. 缺少;缺乏 We_the strength to walk any further. 我们没力气了,不能再往前走了。 拓展:lacking adj. 匮乏的;不足的;没有的短语: be lacking in 缺乏(品质,特点等)eg. He _ _ _c

11、onfidence.他缺乏信心5._vt. 需要;要求;命令常用结构:require that+主语+(should)+动词原形 需要某人做某事require sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事The situation requires that I_(be) there.形势需要我去那里。They required him_ keep it a secret.他们要求他对这事保密。温馨提示require后接宾语从句时,宾语从句必须用should do的虚拟语气,其中should可以省略。另外,表示“需要”,且是物作主语时,后接动词 ing形式的主动形式表示被动含义,可以等于不定式

12、被动形式;在这一点上,need和want用法相同。The house requires mending.=The house requires to be mended. 房屋需要维修。All cars require servicing regularly.所有汽车都需要定期检修。6_vt. 容忍;忍受 I dont know how you_ that noise. 我不知道你怎么能容忍那样的噪音。We simply can not_cheating in exams.我们就是不能容忍考试作弊行为。 拓展:同义词有 bear, stand, put up with7._ n.(1) 调整;

13、调节I have made a few _to the plan.我以对计划作了几处调整。(2)(思想,行为的)调整,适应 She went through a period of_ after the divorce. 离婚后她熬过了一段感情调整期。拓展:adjust. v. (1) 调整;调节 The button is for _the volume. 这个按钮是调节音量的。(2)适应;习惯短语;adjust to sth. adjust oneself to sth.Youll quickly_ _ student life.你将很快适应学生生活。课堂检测找出所学单词并翻译句子1.Sh

14、e spoke very confidently because she wanted to make a great impression on her employer at the first time.2.The speech made a strong impression on us.3. The house is in beautiful surroundings.4.In Singapore, a southeastern Asian country, the Chinese people take up the largest percentage of its popula

15、tion, so you can speak Chinese there. 5.He took up challenge with courage.6.Tom has taken up pottery(陶艺). 7.He decided to take upphotograph as his career.8.Im going to take this matter up with my lawyer.9.Writing the paper took up most of the weekend. 10.They lacked the money to send him to universi

16、ty.11.I lacks words with which to express my thanks12.He is good at his job but he seems to lack confidence13.They lacked for nothing, but money.14.The plants died for lack of water.15.He lacks courage = He is lacking in courage.16.Im back on my feet. 17.He cant wait to get back on his feet.18.Is sh

17、e back on her feet?19.He did better in his previous study.。20.His previous attempt was successful.21.Previous to the conference we had discussed the matter. 22. This suggestion will require careful thought. 23.To carry out this plan would require increasing our staff by 50 Period 2 words and express

18、ions (2)Teaching Aims:1Learn some new words and the reading (2)2 Read new words and expressions . correctly3 Use the important new words and expressoins correctly找出所学单词或短语画线并翻译句子2.The shoe is pressing my toe.3.I pressed the button but nobody answered the door.4.Time presses. Make up y

19、our mind.5.I caught sight of her getting on the bus when I came out of the bookstore.6.She was left to sweep up after the party.7.The strong wind swept up the leaves into the air.用sweep up的适当形式填空 After the party, the house needed .The leaves were into the air by the strong wind.单项填空In competition, w

20、omen are required some of their exercises music.A. perform; to B. to perform; to C. performing; with D. to perform; by All the people present agreed that the matter required . A. to look into B. being looked into C. to be looked into D. looking into课堂学习1._v 1).按;压;逼迫_the button. 按按钮。They _me for an

21、immediate decision. 他们逼我立即决定。He_ his father to buy him a car. 他逼着父亲给他买一辆车。 2)n. 按,压,挤He gave the bell another_ 他又按了一下铃。the press 新闻界;新闻工作者_ _ was not allowed to attend the trial.庭审谢绝新闻采访。2 _ 看不见;忘记;失去_sth./sb. 看见某物/人at first sight 初看之下;乍看起来 _ 一看见就_ 看不见_ 看得见,在眼前 Crusoe was frightened _ _ _ a mans foo

22、tprint.克鲁索看到一行人的脚印,他非常害怕。 (1)单项填空For miles around me there was nothing but a desert, without a single plant or tree .A. in sight B. on eartC. at a distance D. in place (2)完成句子 我们失去了许多珍贵的动物。We several precious animals.3. sweep up打扫;横扫;涌向;一下子抱起;掠过These students are_ _ dead leaves.这些学生们正在扫(拢)落叶。He ran

23、forward and _ _ _ into his arms.他跑上前去一把将她抱在怀里。The whole country was_ _ in the excitement.全国上下都沉浸在兴奋的气氛中。联想拓展;_ 放/堆到一边; 不予理会sweep away 扫清;消灭;彻底消除sweep off 扫清; 吹走; 大量清除sweep out 扫掉; 清除sweep over 将一扫而光; (某种感情)掠过(的心头)4._. 偷偷地移动;潜行;(使)滑动船滑入水中.The ship _ _the water.5._n 开关;转换短语:_打开/关掉灯的开关Switch on/off_Ple

24、ase _ _the light when you leave the room._ _the gas after you cook the food.辨析:Turn on/off 与 Switch on/off课堂检测二完成句子 1.因为缺乏兴趣这次旅行被取消了。The trip was cancelled for . _2.他缺乏信心。He .3.植物因缺水而死The plant died _ _ _ water.。4.西湖的美景给我留下了深刻的印象。.The beauty of West Lake_ _ _ _ _ me.5他的话给她留下了恶劣的印象。 What he said gave

25、 her _ _ _ 6. 她当上老师了.She has_ _a job as a teacher。7.她似乎缺乏常识。.She seems to _ _ _common sense.8.这鞋挤我的脚。The shoes are _ my feet. 9.眼不见,心不烦。_ _ _ out of mind. Period 3 warming up【重点难点】掌握有关描绘未来生活的词汇以及有关预测和猜测的表达方式。1. 回顾历史,认识现在,展望未来,激发学生的想象力。2. 学习使用有关预测和猜测的表达方式。课堂学习Discussion: Life at present V.S. Life in

26、the future1.Ask the students to carry out a discussion to compare the present life and life in the future.2.Do you want to work for space? What worker should be needed for the space?课堂检测Ask the students whether they would like to work for space if possible, and then ask them to complete this adverti

27、sement choosing these words in their proper forms.(constant remind unsettle previous bend press swiftly link)Many people need to be_of the job opportunities on space stations, which _ need space cooks, cleaners, teachers, and computer engineers. You can be _ trained with one-year space course and then be ready to enjoy the benefits of working in space. People are _ at first but soon feel better as families are encouraged to come. For health reasons, only one stay of three years is allowed. So any _ experience working in spa

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