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1、翻译资格考试三级口译综合能力习题及答案2021翻译资格考试三级口译综合能力习题及答案判断题1判断题Every year the average American employee works 100 hours more than Briton, 300 hours more than French and 400 hours more than German.对错参考答案:错2判断题In 2017 the average American took 17.2 days of vacation. That was a slight rise on the 16 days recorded in

2、 2014 but still below the 1978 - 2000 average of 20.3 days.对错参考答案:对3判断题Many Americans spend part of the year working with no payment.对错参考答案:对4判断题Each American donates $561 to the company.对错参考答案:错5判断题In the European Union, workers are guaranteed by law a maximum of 20 days of holiday without payment

3、each year.对错参考答案:错6判断题There is no mandatory minimum standard for public holidays in the United States.对错参考答案:对7判断题Spanish and Swiss workers have the longest holidays, and they respectively have 36 days of holiday.对错参考答案:错8判断题There are 12 public holidays in the UK.对错参考答案:错9判断题In both 2015 and 2016 Th

4、anksgiving was the busiest day of the year for air travel.对错参考答案:错10判断题The planes after Thanksgiving holiday are packed with travelers.对错参考答案:对填空题Xiongan, China._(1) of national significance. As China enters a new era,Xiongan has _(2) of the whole world.We will_(3)Beijing of functions nonessential t

5、o its role as the capital and use this effort to drive the_(4) of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region; and we will develop_(5) and adopt high standards for building the Xiongan New Area.Each era has its own signature. In the march towards_(6), China has never stopped to rest in pursuing reform and open

6、ing up.Xiongan New Area sits at the heart of the triangular area formed by Beijing, Tianjin and Baoding, _(7) away from both Beijing and Tianjin. It is also part of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region that boasts _(8). The strategy of coordinated development in this region, introduced in 2014, has_(9)

7、with full steam and across the board.Xiongan New Area will be_(10) for our future generations. Following the principle of global vision,international standards,_(11), and high goals, we should aim to build _(12) that practices the new concept for development.This is a city that creates the fUture. W

8、e consider it_(13) anything to be part of this great era and part of the endeavor to build a great city.This is where the latest ideas of urban development take root, where the most creative reform model is_(14), and where the new theories in the new era_(15) the power of innovation driving developm

9、ent. Xiongan will offer a_(16) development model for new areas and cities.Reform and openness make the city_(17) innovation._(18) for all mankind; all eyes on Xiongan. Today, Xiongan is_(19) all countries to promote a better life for our people and share thefruits of high-quality development, _(20)

10、new hope and impetus to the future of mankind.参考答案:(1)A millennial plan(2)drawn the attention(3)relieve(4)coordinated development(5)forward-looking plans(6)great national rejuvenation(7)105 kilometers(8)enormous economic potential(9)been pushed forward(10)a legacy(11)Chinese characteristics(12)a dem

11、onstration area(13)more important than(14)put into practice(15)are transformed into(16)brand-new(17)a pioneer of(18)A shared future(19)joining hands with(20)InjectingToday were going to discuss the_(1)of the worlds population, which is an_(2) worldwide. First, Ill focus on two major reasons why peop

12、le are moving to cities.The first reason is economic. People are moving to the cities where they can find jobs and earn money. Until the twentieth century, the_(3)of employment, full and part time, was_(4). Now, no more than fifteen percent of all jobs are connected to farming. Jobs now are being cr

13、eated in information technology, _(5) and services areas, such as tourism and_(6). And these new jobs are in or around major cities. The second reason for the move to cities has to do with quality of life issues: _(7). For many, city life is just more comfortable. There are _(8),shops, and places of

14、 entertainment. An interesting consequence of _(9) is that the average age of people in the countryside is increasing, while that of the cities is falling. More old people stay in the countryside than young people and the_(10) is true in the cities. An important change is that our citiesare breaking

15、 up into_(11), often by ethnic group or_(12). Of course many cities do have a kind of identity, but a city is not_(13). For example, migrants to the cities often want to live in their own communities or with people from a similar_(14). Another example is that if you are moving from a smaller communi

16、ty to a city, you will be most likely to move to close friends or family members, who will help you get a job or give you support. However this often means that people stay within their own community and do not come into _(15) others from different backgrounds.The biggest_(16) facing us now is to im

17、prove the quality of life in cities, because sadly, they dont always offer the_(17), the safety, or the comfort they promise. Many cities have slum areas or_(18),where people live in_(19). The beautiful architecture and vibrant nightlife are one face of the city. But cities also have problems of_(20

18、), crowding, and poverty.参考答案:(1)mass urbanization(2) unprecedented trend(3)major source(4)farming(5)manufacturing(6)financing(7)comfort and convenience(8)transportation networks(9)urbanization(10)opposite(11)smaller communities(12)income level(13)communities(14)cultural background(15)contact with(1

19、6)challenge(17)economic security(18)ghettos(19)destitute conditions(20)inequalityParts of the following text are missing. While listening to the tape, complete the passage by filling in each blank space with the correct word or words on the ANSWER SHEET. There are 20 blanks, each carrying 1 point. Y

20、ou will hear the passage only once. At the end of the recording, you will have 3 minutes to finish this part.Welcome to the Chinese Consulate-General in Melbourae for the“Chinese Culture Day”2018.Speaking of the Chinese culture, many of you are no stranger to it. As one of the four great _(1) in the

21、 world, China _(2) a unique and _(3) that dates back over 5,000 years. It is open and inclusive and believesin the harmonious _(4), interchanges and mutual learning among different cultures.In recent years, as Chinas economy develops rapidly and China-Australia cultural and _(5) exchanges grow close

22、r, more and more people have come to know and like China and the Chinese culture. Symbols of the Chinese culture suchas _(6), TCM and _(7), can be seen everywhere in Melbourne and other parts of Victoria, and the Chinese New Year celebrations have become part of the local life.Todays event is attend

23、ed by over 300 students from more than _(8) schools. But the total number of Chinese-leamers in primary and middle schools in Victoria has reached _(9). As Australias “capital of education and culture”,Victoria leads other states in education and cultural exchanges with China, and has the most succe

24、ssful Chinese teaching programs.There are now 4 _(10) and 16 Confucius classrooms in the state, and 5 Victorian universities offer Chinese courses. _(11) has become the second most popular foreign language in Victoria, as more people _(12) Chinas economic success and cultural charm, and many schools

25、 have established _(13) or introduced exchange programs with Chinese _(14). But this would not have been possible without the unremitting effort and support of the Victorian government and people of all walks of life in the _(15) cultural and people-to-people links between us. My sincere thanks and

26、appreciation go to all those who have _(16).While language is a key to the understanding of a country, culture builds the bridge of communication that brings peoples hearts closer. Todays event can only give you _(17) some features of the Chinese culture. If possible,I _(18) you go and visit China t

27、o see things for you and get a more complete picture and _(19) of the country. I hope in the future you will be the _(20) promoting cultural links between our two peoples. The Chinese Consulate stands ready to work with people of all circles in Australia to write a new chapter of friendship between

28、China and Australia.参考答案:文章大意欢迎各方代表来到中国驻墨尔本总领馆参加2018年“中国文化日”活动。中国是世界四大文明古国之一,五千多年的悠久历史孕育出独 具魅力的灿烂文化。中国文化兼容并蓄、开放包容,主张世界各种文明和谐共处、交流互鉴。随着近些年来中国经济的快 速发展以及中澳人文交流的日益密切,越来越多澳大利亚民众了解和喜爱上中国文化,喜欢上了中国。正是对中国文化的兴趣开启了中文学习之路。文化能架起沟通的桥梁,拉近心灵的距离。中国总领馆愿与澳社会各界一起携手努力,用文化奏响中澳友好的篇章。(1)ancient civilizations(2)boasts(3)spl

29、endid culture(4)coexistence(5)people-to-people(6)Chinese cuisine(7)martial arts(8)a dozen(9)80,000(10)Confucius Institutes(11)Mandarin(12)are fascinated with(13)sister relationships(14)counterparts(15)strengthening(16)contributed(17)a taste of(18)recommend(19)deeper understanding(20)friendship ambas

30、sadorsThe world has experienced_(1) urban growth in the recent decades. As much as 3% of Earths_(2) has been urbanized, an increase of at least 50% over_(3).Today, people living in cities already outnumber those in rural areas and the trend does not appear to be_(4).In addition, cities have large amounts of_(5) than

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