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1、合肥工业大学研究生英语考试上课文复习翻译HFUT研究生英语上考试课文重点翻译Unit One1. I have never cultivated a mustache, though Im sure one would enhance my distinguished looks and cause women to giggle as I passed along the boulevard.尽管我确信蓄胡子会使我更加气度不凡,走在大街上会使女性发笑,但我从不留胡子。2. I wouldnt know how to respond. I might be thrown into such a

2、 panic that Id blurt out, ”I like yours, too.”我会无所适从,不知怎样回答才好。我可能会惊慌得脱口而出:“我也喜欢您的胡子。”3. It is one of the paradoxes of social intercourse that a compliment is much harder to respond to than an insult. Here is an area of small talk where most of use act awkwardly.在社会交往中,应对恭维比对付辱骂要艰难得多,这话听起来有点矛盾,却有一定的道

3、理。闲聊时来句恭维话,往往让我们大多数人不知所措。4. Someone utters a pleasing, praise remark in our direction and we grow inarticulate and our kneecaps begin to vibrate.有人对我们说上一句动听、赞美的话,我们就慌得说不出话来,膝盖开始瑟瑟发抖。5. I cant even accept with grace a compliment bestowed upon me for a thing that isnt really mine.如果别人称赞不是真正属于我自己的东西时,我

4、根本无法欣然接受。6The nearest I ever came to downright acceptance of this particular compliment was the time I said, “Well , we like it.” This is a response that should be used with caution.我在接受这种特定的恭维时,表示最能完全接受的说法就是“嗯,我们喜欢。”采用这种答话必须得小心谨慎。7. Not long ago I was in a group where a geophysicist form Australia

5、was talking eloquently about the wonders of the universe.不久前,我和一批人在一起时,其中有位来自澳大利亚的地球物理学家在滔滔不绝地谈论宇宙中的奇观。8There was a long pause, and then, carried away by the vastness of his complimentary remark, a woman said, “Well, we like it.”随后便是长时间的停顿。这时,一位被他的这种极度夸张的恭维话所吸引的妇女,禁不住说道,“嗯,我们喜欢这个地球。”9. I think we ma

6、ke a mistake when we react to a compliment with denial and derogation. 我认为,对待恭维采取否定和贬低的态度是错误的。10. The situation here is much the same as the one regarding my view. You have no right to feel ashamed or angry over praise directed at your gown unless it happens that you stitched it up yourself.这种情景,与我上

7、述提出的观点非常相似。别人赞美你的礼服,你无权为此感到羞愧或恼怒除非这件礼服恰好是你自己亲手缝制的。11. I know a man who has put his mind to this problem and come up with a technique for brushing off praise. He employs a sort of unreasonable realism.我认识一个潜心研究这种问题的人,他想出了一个办法来避开别人的表扬。他采取了一种不近情理的现实态度。12. This sort of thing, the witty reply, ought to b

8、e placed under government regulation. Maybe Im appalled by it for the reason that Im so inept at it myself.这种俏皮机智的应答,应该置于政府的规定之中。它也许会让我惊骇不已,因为我本人很不善于说俏皮话。13. That one, I thought , was more than passable. But for every genuinely clever retort there are a thousand that fall flat.我想,这个回答相当不错。但是,在千百次的应对

9、中才会有一句真正巧妙的应答。14. The unwritten code of authorhood compels me to say, in effect, “You must be a person of execrable literary judgement.”实际上,著书人的一条不成文的规定使我不得不这样说:“你这个人,文学鉴赏水平一定很差劲。”15. You are left standing there with immeasurable lovely egg on your face. There is no point in trying to play the game

10、back at them theyll top you in the end , no matter what.让你站在那儿,一脸尴尬。要想回敬他们是没有用的不管说什么,最后他们总会占上风。16. One thing is clear: at the bottom of all graceful social intercourse lies poise. 有一点很清楚:在所有得体的社交场合,最根本的就是保持镇定。17. Given the same circumstances I would have quietly asked for a coil of rope. This host,

11、however, had poise. He said, with superb calmness and gravity, ” Madam, I will thank you for that goose.”要是我遇到这种情况,我会感到极为窘迫,恨不得悄悄地找根绳子去上吊。可是,这位主人却泰然自若。他极为平静而庄重地说,“夫人,您把那鹅给我,我将感激不尽。”18. If we could all comport ourselves with that kind of dignity, and quit jittering, our social life would be much more

12、 enjoyable.要是我们的行为举止都能保持这种风度,摆脱局促不安,那我们的社交生活就会有趣得多。19. whenever a person pays you a compliment, the chances are hes just making conversation. The only sensible response consists of eight little letters arranged neatly into two little words: Thank you.每当有人恭维你时,他可能只是想和你说说话。唯一明智的回答就是由八个小小的字母构成两个简洁的小词:T

13、hank you!Unit Two1. I dated a woman for a while literary type, well-read, lots of books in her place whom I admired a bit to extravagantly, and one Christmas I decided to give her something unusually nice and, Im afraid, unusually expensive. 有一段时间,我曾与一位女子约会 她属文学爱好者之类,博览群书,其寓所藏书甚丰 我对她的仰慕之情有点过分。有一次圣诞节

14、,我决定送她一样非同一般的好东西,当然,恐怕也是非同寻常地昂贵。2. I thought it was terribly romantic; I had visions of her opening the set, volume by volume, while we sat by the fire Christmas Eve sipping cognac and listening to the Brandenburg Concertos.我觉得这样很浪漫;我想象着这样的情景:圣诞之夜,我俩坐在壁炉旁,一边呷饮法国白兰地,一边欣赏勃兰登堡协奏曲,她把文集一卷卷地打开。3. “Theres

15、a goat in all of us,” R. P. Blackmur wrote somewhere, “ a stupid, stubborn goat.”布莱克默曾在某处这样写过这样一句话:“我们每个人身上都有一股傻劲 愚蠢而又固执。”4. To my credit, Im normally more perspicacious about the gifts I give, and less of a show-off. but I have it in me, obviously, to be, as my ex-girlfriend said, totally out of pr

16、oportion.我的可贵之处在于:我通常送礼比较明智,不太张扬。但我却有个毛病,正如我的前任女友所说的那样,我送的东西经常让人明显觉得极不合适。5. Ive kicked myself too often not to know its there, this insensitivity to the niceties of gift-giving. 我对送礼的奥妙感觉迟钝,我经常因缺乏这种悟性而痛责自己。6. The niceties, of course, not the raw act of giving ( and certainly not the thought) are wha

17、t count. 最重要的,当然是送礼要送得恰倒好处,而非幼稚的送礼之举(当然亦非送礼之念)。7. And once thats under control, the giving and receiving of gifts is free to become ceremonious, an occasion for feasting and celebration. You can finish your cognacs, in other words , and get down to the real business of the evening.送礼和受礼一旦形成规范,便顺理成章地

18、成为一种礼俗,一种宴请和庆祝的场合。换句话说,你喝完白兰地后,可以去谈晚上的正经事。8. Gift-giving involves the expectation of reciprocity therefore, but we wise men of the Western world avoid this fact: we paper it over with rhetoric about selflessness, about how much better it is to give than to receive.因此,送礼涉及到对互惠的期待,但我们这些西方世界里的聪明人逃避这个事实

19、:我们掩盖这个事实,花言巧语地大谈无私,说给予如何胜过接受。9. To give freely, spontaneously, like nature in her abundance. Like some happy hooker who neglects to charge her customers. Like Gods own fool.慷慨地、自发地去奉献,如同富饶的大自然。如同一个快乐的妓女,忘了收嫖客的钱。如同上帝亲手造的傻瓜。10. Ive given some thought to my own proclivities in this matter and have con

20、cluded that even at my most ridiculously generous, my most spontaneously giving, I expect something in return as much as the next man does.我曾经想过自己在这方面的倾向并且得出结论这样的结论:即使我荒唐又自发地慷慨赠送,我也和别人一样,希望得到很多回报。11. We want what everybody wants: the timeless, unchangeable gestures; the rituals; the beautiful wrappi

21、ng paper; the ribbonsironed, no less, and chosen to go with the color of the paper.我们想要人人想要的东西:亘古不变的手势;仪式;漂亮的包装纸;丝带 而且只能是熨烫过的、被选中能与包装纸的颜色相配的丝带。12. There are professional altruists, its true nurses, social workers, all these so-called “helping professions” but they get paid to dispense their services

22、; as for governmental largess, ask any welfare recipient whether its given freely or grudgingly.职业利他主义者的存在却是真的如护士、社会工作者以及所有这些所谓的“救助性职业”但他们提供服务的同时得到报酬;就政府的援助而言,这种给予是否慷慨,是否勉强,你可去询问任何一个接受福利救济的人。13. Everywhere I went, and that was all over the country, potential donees treated me with a respect far out

23、of proportion to my callow abilities.我走遍全国,每到一处,可能受到捐助之人对我给予的尊敬都与我尚浅的资质极不相称。14None of the above, however, caught my interest; that belonged to Cesar Chavez, whom I met on the ninth day of his famous fast as he lay in his austere room in the farm-workers center in Delano, California, watching the sun

24、light fade. 然而,所有这一切都没有引起我的兴趣;恺撒-夏维兹却引起了我的兴趣。我是在他著名的禁食期的第九天见到他的,当时他正躺在加州德拉诺农民中心自己的陋室里观赏落日余辉。15. Foundation executives talk about their gifts as “investments” and look for a return of sorts, for the kind of success in a project or program they can then point to and call “mine.” Some of them wind up t

25、hinking very well of themselves indeed.基金会的行政人员把他们所赠之物说成是“投资”,他们寻求某种回报,寻求项目或方案的成功,然后指明把这种成功说成是“我的成功”。他们有些人到头来觉得自己确实很了不起。16. As soon as one becomes cynical about the possibility of altruism, counterinstances come to mind. We live in tension between the possibility of altruism and the reality of egois

26、m. And whichever way we lean, we ultimately want to think well of ourselves.人们一旦对利他主义的可能性冷嘲热讽,就会想到许多相反的事例。我们生活在利他主义的可能性和自我主义的现实性之间的紧张状态中。不管我们偏向哪一方,我们最终希望认为自己很了不起。17. Look into human motivation long enough, I am convinced, and you come away unwell to take anything at face value. But that doesnt neces

27、sarily destroy your faith in human nature.我相信,如果你长期调查人类动机,你对任何东西都不愿信以为真。但这未必会动摇你对人类本性的信念。18. beneath the neuroses, the compulsions, the fears, anxieties, desires, the self-pity, we harbor generous impulses, spontaneous warmth. There is much good nature in the human animal.在神经官能症、强迫、害怕、焦虑、欲望以及自怜的背后,我

28、们藏匿着慷慨的冲动和自发的热情。人类有许多善良的品质。19. As long as we dont deceive ourselves and imagine we dont want anything back when we all do theres no danger of feeling the kind of unacknowledged disappointment over unacknowledged expectations that does turn people cynical. 只要我们不欺骗自己,在期待回报时想象我们不“图”回报,就不必顾虑期待落空造成的莫名失望会

29、令人玩世不恭。Unit Five1.The serious part of my life ever since boyhood has been devoted to two different objects which for a long time remained separate and have only in recent years united into a single whole.自少年时代起,我一生的重要时光都致力于实现两个不同的目标。长期以来,这两个目标始终是分离的,直到近几年才合二为一。2. I was troubled by scepticism and unw

30、illingly forced to the conclusion that most of what passes for knowledge is open to reasonable doubt.我被怀疑主义所困扰,极不情愿地得出这样的结论:我们所传授的大部分知识都可以合理地质疑。3. But I discovered that many mathematical demonstrations, which my teachers expected me to accept, were full of fallacies, and that, if certainty were inde

31、ed discoverable in mathematics, it would be in a new kind of mathematics, with more solid foundations than those that had hitherto been thought secure. 然而我却发现:老师期望我接受的许多数学演算却充满了谬误;假如确定性果真能从数学中发现的话,那么它也一定是隐藏在一种新型的数学中,其基本原理比迄今为止人们认为无懈可击的数学原理更为可靠。4. after some twenty years of very arduous toil, I came

32、to the conclusion that there was nothing more that I could do in the way of making mathematical knowledge indubitable.经过大约20年的辛勤耕耘,我所得出的结论是:在使数学知识不容怀疑这个方面,我已尽了全力。5. And I am convinced that intelligence, patience, and eloquence can, sooner or later, lead the human race out of its self-imposed tortures provided it does not exterminate itself meanwhile. 我相信:只要人类不自我毁灭,智慧、忍耐和雄辩终究会指引人类走出自己强加于自己的苦难。6. On the basis of this belief, I have had always a certain degr

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