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GMATOG13语法真题 内附自己笔记.docx

1、GMATOG13语法真题 内附自己笔记 1. In a review of 2,000 studies of human behavior that date back to the 1940s, two Swiss psychologists, declaring that since most of the studies had failed to control for such variables as social class and family size, none could be taken seriously.(A) psychologists, declaring th

2、at since most of the studies had failed to control for such variables as social class and family size,(B) psychologists, declaring that most of the studies failed in not controlling for such variables like social class and family size, and(C) psychologists declared that since most of the studies, ha

3、ving failed to control for such variables as social class and family size,(D) psychologists declared that since most of the studies fail in controlling for such variables like social class and family size,(E) psychologists declared that since most of the studies had failed to control for variables s

4、uch as social class and family size,1.分词的不正确使用导致句子碎片2.时态不一致3.such like 搭配错误4. fail to do为正确搭配, fail in doing好像没见过,在目前看到过的fail 搭配中,只有fail to do 和 sth fail两种搭配5.表示举例用such as2. Manufacturers rate batteries in watt-hours; if they rate the watt-hour higher, the longer the battery can be expected to last.

5、(A) if they rate the watt-hour higher, the longer(B) rating the watt-hour higher, it is that much longer(C) the higher the watt-hour rating, the longer(D) the higher the watt-hour rating, it is that much longer that(E) when the watt-hour rating is higher, the longer it is3. Although a surge in retai

6、l sales have raised hopes that there is a recovery finally under way, many economists say that without a large amount of spending the recovery might not last.(A) have raised hopes that there is a recovery finally(B) raised hopes for there being a recovery finally(C) had raised hopes for a recovery f

7、inally being(D) has raised hopes that a recovery is finally(E) raised hopes for a recovery finally1.主谓单复数(杀伤力最强),注意倒装形式中的主谓搭配( from which derives both A and B,错误,因为A and B,谓语用复数)2.there be 是一种冗余的结构3.being出现基本不正确,但有例外4.raised 的过去时用法是正确的,但用现在完成时更好,表示持续到现在5.过去完成时的用法就不对了,没有过去的时间点。6. hope for sth or hope

8、 that 原文更想表达的是“复苏已经开始”的希望,所以不是单单对某种事物的希望。用后一种比较好。 这个原理好像就是“事物”“事物的变化”这两个概念的区别,很多时候我们要的是“事物在变化”,而不仅仅是“事物”。这个逻辑考察点在GMAT中也比较常考到。4. At the end of the 1930s, Duke Ellington was looking for a composer to assist himsomeone not only who could arrange music for his successful big band, but mirroring his ecce

9、ntric writing style as well in order to finish the many pieces he had started but never completed.(A) someone not only who could arrange music for his successful big band, but mirroring his eccentric writing style as well in order to finish(B) someone who could not only arrange music for his success

10、ful big band, but also mirror his eccentric writing style in order to finish(C) someone who not only could arrange music for his successful big band, but also to mirror his eccentric writing style in finishing(D) that being someone who could not only arrange music for his successful big band, but mi

11、rroring his eccentric writing style for finishing(E) being someone not only who could arrange music for his successful big band, but mirror his eccentric writing style as well, finishing1.not only. But also. 固定搭配,而且是平行的标志词,但要注意题目中究竟是不是需要这个递进关系的连词,还是仅仅需要转折,如果是后者,那么仅仅是not.but就可以了。 dofor doing/of d

12、oing, (杀伤力弱)3.破折号,一个的时候当逗号;两个的时候当可以把破折号成对的去掉。5. Of all the vast tides of migration that have swept through history, maybe none is more concentrated as the wave that brought 12 million immigrants onto American shores in little more than three decades.(A) maybe none is more concentrated as(B) it may b

13、e that none is more concentrated as(C) perhaps it is none that is more concentrated than(D) maybe it is none that was more concentrated than(E) perhaps none was more concentrated than1.maybe 不对(但注意OG上说maybe和perhaps是可以互换的)2.比较级比用than,as用错3.时态4.it的代词指代that从句:1.that 从句在句中作主语2.that从句在句中作宾语。这里it如果是强调句,明显

14、改变了原句的含义。6. Diabetes, together with its serious complications, ranks as the nations third leading cause of death, surpassed only by heart disease and cancer.(A) ranks as the nations third leading cause of death, surpassed only(B) rank as the nations third leading cause of death, only surpassed(C) ha

15、s the rank of the nations third leading cause of death, only surpassed(D) are the nations third leading causes of death, surpassed only(E) have been ranked as the nations third leading causes of death, only surpassed1. diabetes,是单数;而且 a with b 结构,谓语看a。 本句中两个逗号之间的内容如果全部去掉的话也可以得出用Ranks的单数形式。2.only的用法,

16、放在被限定的词语之前。如果放在surpass之前,意思就变成了“仅仅被超过,没有被其他怎么样。”放在heart disease之前,则说明仅仅只是被heart disease 和cancer超过,没有被其他的超过,因此only 的位置不能变。3.这里的surpassed修饰的是cause, 在任何情况下,V-ed都会作为形容词,修饰紧邻名词,作定语。修饰名词,touch-rule,这个和没有逗号的v-ing相似,还记得prep08里compare的那题么,compare可以不修饰前面的名词,7. The intricate structure of the compound insect ey

17、e, having hundreds of miniature eves called ommatidia, help explain why scientists have assumed that it evolved independently of the vertebrate eye.(A) having hundreds of miniature eyes called ommatidia, help explain why scientists have assumed that it(B) having hundreds of miniature eyes that are c

18、alled ommatidia, helps explain why scientists have assumed that they(C) with its hundreds of miniature eyes that are called ommatidia, helps explain scientists assuming that they(D) with its hundreds of miniature eyes called ommatidia, help explain scientists assuming that it(E) with its hundreds of

19、 miniature eyes called ommatidia, helps explain why scientists have assumed that it 1.主谓单复数,常常会在主语之后加很多的修饰语然后来考这个。目的是隔开主谓,放松警惕。 2.n+that+be。冗余 但是直接用N+that+be 就把选项给排除了是有风险的。除非时间来不及,还是应该要努力把其余的选项都过一下。3. they 指代insect eye不合理8. In late 1997, the chambers inside the pyramid of the Pharaoh Menkaure at Giz

20、a were closed to visitors for cleaning and repair due to moisture exhaled by tourists, which raised its humidity to such levels so that salt from the stone was crystallizing and fungus was growing on the walls.(A) due to moisture exhaled by tourists, which raised its humidity to such levels so that

21、salt from the stone was crystallizing(B) due to moisture that tourists had exhaled, thereby raising its humidity to such levels that salt from the stone would crystallize(C) because tourists were exhaling moisture, which had raised the humidity within them to levels such that salt from the stone wou

22、ld crystallize(D) because of moisture that was exhaled by tourists raising the humidity within them to levels so high as to make the salt from the stone crystallize(E) because moisture exhaled by tourists had raised the humidity within them to such levels that salt from the stone was crystallizing1.

23、A,B,D 同样犯了一个“事物”和“事物变化”的错误,用了介词(due to, because of),那就是表示“事物”,但是文章所要表达的是“事物变化”,即湿气提高了湿度,使得XXX关闭,而不是湿气使XX关闭。这是经常考的逻辑问题。联系2. its 不能指代chambers, 看到句子的主语,就要留意单复数的问题。 that.搭配错误4.最后不平行5.这里的 to 是正确的搭配,表示的是“以至于”的意思,与so as to 不同(表示的是 in order to )的意思,而且 so as to 出现即错。6.Ron关于介词指代歧义的说法:1.应该到最后才用这个

24、规律排除,一般不要考虑,比如这里的them 会不会指代 tourists 2.如果 有名词取代代词,那是正确答案出现的标志。9. In 1979 lack of rain reduced Indias rice production to about 41 million tons, nearly 25 percent less than those of the 1978 harvest.(A) less than those of the 1978 harvest(B) less than the 1978 harvest (C) less than 1978(D) fewer than

25、1978(E) fewer than that of Indias 1978 harvest1.在几乎所有的those/that of引导的比较问题,OG的选项前面都会有个与that/those of对称的结构来认为that/those是指代 noun/nouns of中的noun/nouns2. fewer 修饰可数名词,less修饰不可数名词。Those表示的是可数,that表示的是不可数,所以A,E就自我矛盾了。3.从语义上,应该比的是production, 所以用less,production和harvest的比较10. The widely accepted big bang the

26、ory holds that the universe began in an explosive instant ten to twenty billion years ago and has been expanding ever since.(A) that the universe began in an explosive instant ten to twenty billion years ago and has been expanding(B) that the universe had begun in an explosive instant ten to twenty

27、billion years ago and had been expanding(C) that the beginning of the universe was an explosive instant ten to twenty billion years ago that has expanded(D) the beginning of the universe to have been an explosive instant ten to twenty billion years ago that is expanding(E) the universe to have begun

28、 in an explosive instant ten to twenty billion years ago and has been expanding1.宾语从句必要加that2.时态问题-过去完成时没有相应的时间点3.动词形容词抽象名词动名词从句4.GMAT中常见的另一种逻辑错误是:什么是什么?比如C中说的beginning 是instant,就是不符合逻辑的说法5.C中把原来平行的句子变成了从属的关系,必错。11. Like the idolization accorded the Brontes and Brownjngs, James Joyce and Virginia Wo

29、olf are often subjected to the kind of veneration that blurs the distinction between the artist and the human being.(A) Like the idolization accorded the Brontes and Brownings,(B) As the Brontes and Brownings idolization,(C) Like that accorded to the Brontes and Brownings,(D) As it is of the Brontes

30、 and Brownings,(E) Like the Brontes and Brownings,Like 放句首,比较对象一致。Like 后面只跟名词12. Carnivorous mammals can endure what would otherwise be lethal levels of body heat because they have a heat-exchange network which kept the brain from getting too hot.(A) which kept(B) that keeps(C) which has kept(D) tha

31、t has been keeping(E) having kept(having done 不能做名词的后置定语)1.时态2. Having + past participle will only be a noun modifier when that noun is the subject of a clause(不确定,25神经科学家)3. having done 和 having been done都不是动名词结构,不能充当名词成分,所以不能做主语或宾语等名词可以充当的成分,也不能做后置定语4.having done 短语中所表达的内容发生在主句动作之前(就像neuroscientis

32、t那题)13. There are several ways to build solid walls using just mud or clay, but the most extensively used method has been the forming of bricks out of mud or clay, and, after some preliminary air drying or sun drying, they are laid in the wall in mud mortar.(A) the forming of bricks out of mud or clay, and, after some preliminary air drying or sun drying, they are laid(B) forming the mud or clay into bricks, and, after s

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