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1、鲁教版五四制初三英语unit7教案超详细Unit7Would you mind turning down the music? 单元备课一、 内容分析本单元的中心话题是Would you mind turning down the music?由话题可看出本单元的重点内容是学会提出请求并学会表达歉意。文中主要由request引出了本单元要所学的内容,通过学会提出请求和表达歉意让孩子们学会有礼貌的交际生活。二、 学生情况分析学生在初二学过Could you please -句型,学会了如何向别人提出委婉的请求,本单元学习另外一种提出请求的句型Would you mind-,所以就要求学生要能灵活

2、运用所学,把以往的和现在学习的有效整合,从而搭建起自己的知识构架。三、教学目标:1学会提出请求,学会使用Would you mind doing 这个句型2学会表达歉意3. 学会有礼貌的待人处事(德育目标)四、 教学重、难点重点词汇及短语:poster,annoy/annoyedt,polite,impolite,return,allow,public,smoke,criticize,careful,drop,behave,turn down, right away, wait in line, cut in line, keep down, at first, take care, put

3、out, pick up ,mind,重点句型:1. Would you mind (not)turning down the music?2. Could you please not follow me around?3. It is better to keep your voice down in public places.难点:Would you mind -句型在文章中的应用五、 重、难点突破方法a) 听读说先行,反复练习,最后以写落实b) 语法寓典型句子、课文中,精讲精练。c) 创设真实语言环境,抓住课堂生成资源,灵活运用提出请求的表达。在学习过程中要引导学生从关键词入手,掌握

4、句式结构,学会归类总结。句型的呈现也要考虑到学生的接受情况,应该由以前所学的、学生已经牢固掌握的知识来引入。六、课时划分: 共8课时 第一课时:集中识词 第二课时:Section A (1a-2c) 第三课时:Section A 2a-2c 第四课时:Section A (3a-4) 第五课时:Section B 1a-2c 第六课时:Section B (3a-4) 第七课时:Self check 第八课时:Reading 七、 作业自主作业(听写本)作业本Period 1课题 The new words of Unit4 教学目标 How to read the words. How to

5、 use the key words.教学重难点1. How to read the new words correctly. 2. How to use the new words in the conversation.3. The uses of these words: poster,annoy/annoyedt,polite,impolite,return,allow,public,smoke,criticize,careful,drop,behave,turn down, right away, wait in line, cut in line, keep down, at fi

6、rst, take care, put out, pick up ,mind, 教学内容二次备课Step 1. 1. Students read the new words by themselves.2. Read the new words in groups and help to know how to read the words.3. Ask some students to read the words one by one, and the teacher can guide the students by reading and spelling . 4 The teache

7、r corrects some mistakes if necessary.Step 2. 1. Students read the new words after the teacher. 2. Students read new words after the recording. 3. Students read new words by themselves together. 4. Check some individual students how to read the words.Step 3. Give some explanations about how to use t

8、he new words.1.mind (not) doing sth 2.turn down the music 3.right away=in a minute4.make some posters 5.finish the task 6.wait in line /cut in line 7.return to =give back to 8.keep down/keep doing sth /keep +adj9.take care not to do sth 10.put out/up/off/on 11.have a cough 12.drop litter 13.pick it

9、upStep4.1. Give students 10 minutes to learn the words by heart, then have a dictation. 2. Check each other.3. Let the students learn the wrong words by heart. 4. Have a dictation again, if there is no time to do this, we can finish it after class. 当堂检测一、根据句意和首字母补全单词1.I like apples very much, but I

10、dont like oranges at a .2.After dinner, you should help your mom wash the d .3.Would you m turning down the music?4.If you finish these t , we can go to a movie tonight.5.Could you make some p ?6.I get a when someone talks to me while I am reading.7.It is better to keep your voice down in p .8.Takin

11、g photos is not a in the museum.二、写出下列短语1. 一点也不 2.调小3.立刻,马上 4.洗盘子5.排队/插队 6 .变得恼怒7.压低声音 8.首先9.小心 10.违反规则11.熄灭 12.捡起Homework1. 必做:配套练习册p50 Part 1 记住黑体单词2. 选做:同步训练P67 I3. 预习作业:Preview Section A 1a-1c1.预习反馈:单词的发音2.通过跟读、自读,及正音解决单词的读音。3.讲授构词法知识,引导记忆单词4.造句练习5. 首字母写单词反思小结Period 2课题Section A ( 1a-1c)教学目标1.Gr

12、asp the new words:mind, turn down the music, clean the yard, play baseball, move ones bike, right away, not at all2. Learn the pattern: Would you mind turning down the music?No, not at all.Sorry, I will do it right away.3. Improving the students listening abilities. 教学重难点重点:学会使用提出请求表达方式难点:Would you

13、mind doing 句型教学内容二次备课Step 1 1. Revise the new words together: mind, turn down the music, clean the yard, play baseball, move ones bike, right away, not at all2. Read together.3. Have a dictation.Step2 1a1. Match the requests with the things in the picture above2. The teacher checks their answers in

14、time.3. Read the four sentences and sum up. Step3. 1b1. Go through the pictures and predict the listening.2. Play the recording for the first time, students only listen . 3. Listen again and check the answers. Step4 1cWork in groups to practice the dialogue according to the model and then act out.A:

15、 Would you mind moving your bike?B: Sorry, Ill do it right away.Step5 Sum up一、 掌握下列词组mind, turn down the music, clean the yard, play baseball, move ones bike, right away, not at all二掌握下列重点句子。1.Would you mind (not)cleaning the yard? 2. Would you mind (not)playing baseball here?3. Would you mind (not)

16、moving your bike? 4. Would you mind (not)turning down the music?三语法:“Would you mind -句型”“Would you mind -?”意为“你介意-吗?”用来征求对方对某一件事的意见或许可,是一种比较客气的表达方法。其用法有以下几种:1. would you mind +doing sth Would you mind giving me a cup of coffee?2. 否定形式在mind 后+not, would you mind not doing sth Would you mind not swimm

17、ing in the river?3. would you mind +ones +doing sth“你介意某人做-吗?” Would you mind my opening the window?1) 不介意:not at all/ certainly not /no ,go ahead(可以,请把)/of course not /no, please do2) 介意:sorry/I wish you wouldnt4. Would you mind 同义句型Do you mind-?Would you mind if I sat here?=Do you mind if I sit he

18、re?当堂检测1.Would you mind my you a question? - .A asking, Of course not B to ask, Certainly not C asking, Never mind D to ask, I dont dare2.Kate,could you the radio a bit? Your father is sleeping now.A turn down B turn off C turn up D turn on3.-So hot in the classroom. Would you mind the windows? -OK,

19、 Ill do it right away.A not closing B not opening C closing D opening 4.Would you mind me how English words?A tell, to remember B telling, remember C telling, to remember D tell, remember5.Would you mind (not sit) here?Homework:1. 必做:练习册p50 part 2,2. 选做:练习册p50 Part 3 3. 预习作业: Preview Section A ( 2a-

20、2c)1 检查重点词汇并听写。2.提问检查预习作业(预习反馈)3 学习Would you mind 句型反思小结Period 3课题Section A ( 2a-2c)教学目标1. Revise the new words.2. Learn the pattern: Would you mind doing the dishes?Ok, Ill do them in a minute.Would you mind not wearing those old jeans?-Ok, Ill put on another pair.Would you mind getting out of the

21、bathroom?Sorry, I wont be long.They look terrible. 3. Improve the students listening abilities. 教学重难点1.表示请求的方式Would you mind-2.肯否定回答教学内容二次备课Step 1 Revise the new words together.1. Read together.2. Have a dictation.3. Try to translate the sentences in 2a (预习反馈)Step2 2a1. Play the tape twice and check

22、 the answers.2.Ask some of students to translate some phrases 3.Let them sum up(肯否定形式)Step3. 2b1. Read the instructions. 2. Play the tape. 3. Explain some difficulties in the conversation. 4. Check the answers. Step4 2c1. Have a conversation according to 2b2. Students begin like this: A: Nick, would

23、 you mind not wearing those old jeans? They look terrible.B: Ok, Ill put on another pair.3. Students practice the dialogue in pairs. 4. Check some pairs. 当堂检测:根据汉语提示完成句子。1.Would you mind (洗盘子)?2.Ill do my homework .(立刻)3.Youd better your raincoat. Its raining outside. (穿上)4.When I saw him, he was hi

24、s car.(从-出来)5.Look,they are over there.(打棒球)Homework1 必做:同步训练p67 ii 1-52 选做:同步训练p68 iii3 预习作业:预习3a,找出重点短语1.复习上一课时重点词组及句子。2. 检查预习作业 3.检查would you mind 句型的掌握情况4.检查2b的情况。5. 点拨would you mind句型反思小结Period 4课题Section A (3a-4)教学目标1. Revise the new words and phrases:at the meeting ,wash the dishes, cook dinn

25、er, return the book to the library, finish the task, babysit your little cousin, make some posters, thats no problem 2. Improve the students reading and comprehension abilities.教学重难点1. The important phrases and sentences 2. Reading and writing practice.教学内容二次备课Step 1. Revision 1. Revise the importan

26、t sentences in the last lesson by translating them into English. Step 2 3a1. Ask the students to list the key phrases.(预习反馈)2. Ask the students to read the passage and try to complete the note.3. Work in groups. 4. Explain the following phrases: at the meeting ,wash the dishes, cook dinner, return t

27、he book to the library, finish the task, babysit your little cousin, make some posters, thats no problem5. Read the passage by themselves and try to recite the small talkStep3 3b 1. Work in groups to make conversations using “would you”, “could you ” “have to ” 2.Check several groups Step 4 1.Its th

28、e school open day, Make a list of things students need to do ,Decide who should do these things, then go around the class and ask them. 2. Ask a few groups to show their dialogues to the class. Step 5 Sum up一重点短语at the meeting ,wash the dishes, cook dinner, return the book to the library, finish the

29、 task, babysit your little cousin, make some posters, thats no problem 二掌握下列重点句子。1. Would you mind washing the dishes?2. Could you please feed the dog?3. Please go to the library.4. You have to do your homework.5. If you finish these tasks, we can go to a movie tonight.当堂检测:单项选择1Could you please ask

30、 me such kind of question?A not B no C dont D doesnt2.- playing football here?Sorry, well leave right now.A Would you mind not B Would you no mind C Would you dont mind D Would you mind no3.those dirty socks? They smell terrible.A Could you wear B Could you wearing C Would you mind not wear D Would you mind not wearing4.Could you not please not here?A waiting B wait C to wait D to waiting5.Would you mind a minute?A waiting B wait C to wait D to waitingHomework:1 必做:掌握1-5重点句子。2 选做:配套练习p50 part 3 and part 43 预习作业:Section B (1a-2c)1.复习上一课时重点词组及句子

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