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8B Unit1集体备课教案.docx

1、8B Unit1集体备课教案8B Unit1集体备课教案 8B Unit 1Unit 1 the 1st peridntent: i strip ≈ ele t the unitTeahing ais: 1 T intrdue the nept f situatins that started in the past and are ntinuing in the present2 T in intrdue the graatial nept f the present perfet tense b fusing n a tieline and rdering infratin hrnl

2、giallTeahing predures:Step 1: Ditate ne rds fr “ past” t “lnel”Step 2: Revie the present perfet tense1) Translate se sentenes (ral pratie)1我已经看过这部电影了2李叔叔自从3天前就到北京了。3米利已经去过香港很多次了。2) rret istaes 1 He has e ba fr t hurs 2 i rte t e sine last ee 3 The gt arried sine 10 ears ag 4 ate has ined the league

3、fr three ears e have never gne t apan 6 H lng has he gne there? Sine last Frida 7 He has ritten t bs sine he has red here 8 H lng did u g t the USA? Five ears agStep 3: ar-up ativities1)Listen t a shrt dialgue and thin abut the flling questins: a hat did Eddie d? h?b H has Eddie hanged? H has Hb han

4、ged?Then he the ansers 2) Listen t the dialgue again and tr t repeat after the tape3) Read the dialgue tgether and understand the eaning f the dialgue4)hange se sentene patterns arding t the dialgueEg: Ive eaten it - I havent eaten it -Have u eaten it? es, I have /N, I havent4)Read it again and tr t

5、 reite it Step 4: ele t the unit Revise five transprt :bus , taxi ,train ,plane , undergrund Learn A Transprt at different ties rite the rret naes under the pitures B Ba t the past plete the tieline ae sentenes arding t the tie table Eg: a The pea tra has been in servie sine 1890/fr 2 ears b Peple b

6、egan t use the pea tra in 1890Step Gaes 老师事先准备几张纸条,每张上写好一种交通工具的名称,允许同学们问问题,但老师只能回答“es” “n”,看哪些同学猜的最多,猜中的有小奖品。Unit 1 The 2nd perid ntent: Reading (一)Teahing ais:1 T regnize tpes f questins used in intervies2 T regnize extended ansers t pen questins3 T infer general eaning fr title and ntextIprtant an

7、d diffiult pints:The understanding f the readingSe useful expressinsTeahing predures:Step 1: Ditate se past partiiplesStep 2: Revie the dialgue Step 3: Read the text and find the anser the flling questins1) H lng has r Dng nn the ln alled it ?2) hen did the ve ut f it ? h?3) H has the plae hanged?4)

8、 hat as a prble befre the lsing f the ld airprt?)H des he thin abut the life n?he ansers and tr t reite theStep 4: D the exerise n page 10 1 and rret the false stateentStep : Learn the first half f the text and explain se useful expressins(line 1 t line 18)1 used t d/be ;过去常常做/是 eg: He used t be a t

9、eaher Be/get used t ding现在习惯于做eg: He is used t having ndles fr breafast2 in fat I thught this anser as right in fat ,its rng3 live in a bl live tgether/there live n the fifth flr4 get arried t sb = arr sb 与某人结婚。eg: T gt arried t ar last ear =T arried ar last ear The gt arried last ear until 直到 nt -u

10、ntil 直到才eg : He did his her until 7 l esterda evening He didnt d his her until 7 l esterda evening6 atuall adv ad-atual 真实的 ,实际的 eg ; hat ere his atual rds? hat did he atuall sa?7 hange a lt hange :v ur it has hanged a lt hange n Great hanges have taen plae in ur it ( the hanges t the ln alled it ,

11、the anser t the e tthe entrane t-)8 turn int 变成eg ater turns int ie hen it freezes The shp has turned int a htel 9 n v 拥有 eg: I n a shp ad 自己的 I have n shp / f nes n: I have a shp f n n nes n =b neself =alne 独立、单独 He has red n his n fr three earsStep 6 Listen t the tape and read the learned part f t

12、he text Step 7 D the exerise n page 6 B ath the rds n the right ith the eanings n the rightStep 8 heut Read these phrases after the tesher Step 9 学生开展两人小组活动,编写对话谈论自己所在的城市的变化。一个扮演记者,一个扮演当地人。限时分钟,然后叫两到三组表演对话,表现好的将给以奖励。X b1Unit 1 the 3rd peridntent: Reading(二)Teahing ais:1 T grasp se useful expressins2

13、 T retell the ain idea f the text 3 T understand the use f se rds thrugh the exerisesIprtant and diffiult pints:Alne ≈ lnelTeahing preduresStep 1: revie the first part f the text a) iprtant phrases b) as and anser arding t the text ) reite se part f the text Step 2 learn the rest f the text 1) us

14、eful expressins1 iss 想念 eg: I iss ld friends ver uh错过 eg: He issed the earl bus this rning(iss ding -)2 pleasant :指环境,地方,行程的舒适愉快。多用于修饰事物。 eg: The eather is usuall pleasant here in a The trip is pleasantPleased :指感到愉快。通常描述人。 Be pleased ith- Eg: I pleased ith ur r The teaher is pleased ith us 同根词-plea

15、sure ith pleasure /Its pleasure3 tae ff 起飞 The plane has taen ff /脱下 Tae ff ur at Its ht here4 safel adv land safel safe ad The plae is safe safet n Tae hi t safet a 1)方面,方式,方法。in this a /that/anther a in se as 在某些方面,在某种程度上 a ne a f teahing 一种新的教法。2)路 n nes a t- n his a t shl /b the a 顺便问一下6 lnel ad

16、指人,表示寂寞孤独,指物,表示荒凉,无人居住的 eg: He feels lnel ithut friends/ This is a lnel huse alne ad/adv 独自的(地) He lives alne 7 fr tie t tie =seties=at ties 8 Its ad ( fr sb) t d- Its nie t have pen spae Its interesting fr us t fl ites It has bee re diffiult t see ld friendsStep 3 Finish the exerises n page 11 2 an

17、d D 将全班学生分成两组,分角色朗读2部分的对话Step 4 Ativities四到六人一组,找好自己的搭档,请一组学生离开教室,其他学生调换位置或者让某学生戴上眼镜,或者把黑板上的字擦掉,现在要求出去的同学描述他现在所看见的情形变化,再让下一组离开,找出变化最多的那组就是获胜的。Step exersises Read the hle text and finish the table bel In the past At present Peple living in the tn(30,000peple lived in Subshine Tn )(ang peple have ved

18、ut t ther areas)hat e had/have in the tn (Se sall restaurant ,shps, aret stalls, a sall pst ffie and an ld inea)(A par ,a large shpping all and a thestre 0ater pllutin (The ater pllutin as terrible The she fatr duped aste int the river0(The river is uh leaner)Step 6 Her 1、熟读,背诵记忆中的重点句子和词组2、了解本地过去和现在

19、的变化,学会描述已经发生的变化(字数在0字上)Unit 1 The 4th perid ntent: Graar (一)Teahing ais:1 T learn se ne rds2 T learn the use f the present perfet tense3T understand the differene beteen the present perfet tense and the siple past tenseIprtant and diffiult pints:The use if the perfet tense: have/ has +ppTeahing Pred

20、ures:Step1Teah the ne rds fr P13 t P17Step 2Lead in the present perfet tenseT: hen did u have breafast? S:I had breasfast an hur agT: He had breafast an hur ag He has had breafast(Bb)T: here did u stud English last ter?S: e studied English in Zhuzhuang iddle ShlT: es u studied English in Zhuzhuang i

21、ddle Shl u have studied here fr abut t ears(Bb)我们用一般过去时谈论过去发生的动作,但当过去发生的动作和现在有联系有影响时,我们用现在完成时态(Refer t P13)Struture: have/has+V(pp)Step 3H e fr the past partiiples f verbs P14 (Add the siple past frs)Add: have-had-had hear-heard-heard bu-bught-bught g-ent-gne d-did-dne eat-ate-eaten rget-frgt-frgtte

22、n ut-ut-ut read-read-read (Refer t P121)Step 4Explain the use f the present perfet tense(一)基本用法:1 到现在为止这段时间已发生的情况动作从过去延续到现在eg She has been ill fr three das (Shes been) e have learned 2,000 English rds (eve )2某个动作虽是过去发生,但其后果和影响及于现在,或者还有可能继续延续下去。eg Thans u Ive had supper (现在用不着吃) T has seen the fil (对

23、这部电影有所了解)(二) 特定的时间状语:alread, et(否,疑), sine, ever, never, ust, befre(句尾), fr+时间段, reentl, ties, h an ties, h lng, during the past / last 3 earseg She has alread finished her rI have ever heard abut itStep hange the abve sentene patterns t general questins, negative sentenes and questin the underlined

24、 partsStep 6ae sentenes P14 A1Step 7 pare the differene beteen the present perfet tense and the siple past tense现在完成时的特点是某一动作发生与现在有联系,一般过去时则单纯谈过去发生的某一动作,不涉及对现在的影响 egSin has lst his ath /Sin lst his ath Have u bught a pen? /hen did u bu the pen? hat did u have fr lunh? /Have u had lunh?et注:句中有表示过去的时间

25、状语如esterda,last ee,ag et,不能用现完Step 8hat tie P1, A2Step 9Assignent完成下列句子,并改成一般疑问句并作回答,否定句,划线提问1 I have _ (see) the fil an ties2 e _ ( be, ever) t the USA3 He _ (brr) the b befre4 She _ ( frget) nae alread The _(live) here sine I _( be) brnUnit 1 The th peridntent: Graar (三)Teahing ais:1 T learn se ne

26、 rds2 T learn the use f the present perfet tense3T understand the differene beteen “sine” and “fr”Iprtant and diffiult pints:The differenes: have been t ≈ have gne tSine ≈ frTeahing Predures:Step1Ditate the ne rds fr P13 P17Step2 he the herStep3 Revie the present perfet tenseStruture: have/has

27、+V(过去分词)Step4 Past partiiple: 规则动词的过去分词与过去式相同。Add se irregular verbs teah-taught-taught bring-brught-brught getgtgt n-nenn grgre-grn find-fundfund hldheldheld shshedshn eep-ept-ept leave-left-left lse-lst-lst run-ran-run si-sasu drivedrve-driven beginbegan-begun StepRevie 时间状语 alread/et, never/ever

28、的用法。Step6Explain the use f se rds(1)fr 和 sine 的区别。fr 和表示一段时间的词组连用。eg fr six hurs/nine das/ t ees/thirt earssine 和表示过去某一时刻的词或词组连用。eg sine nine l this rning / last suer/ three ees ag/ Septebersine 还可以引导时间状语从句,表示“自从以”。 eg 自从他出生以,他就住在这儿。 He has lived here sine he as brn 自从我离开学校,我给他写过两次信。 I have ritten t

29、 hi tie sine I left shle have been friends fr five ears (1用 sine 改写句子 2划线提问)e have been friends sine 2000/ five ears ag (+时间点)I have nn hi fr t nths (同上)(2)ust 的用法ust 作“刚刚”解时,多和现在完成时连用。eg I have ust finished lunh 我刚吃过午饭。 The t visitrs have ust arrived 两位访者刚刚到达。ust n “刚才”, 动词只能用过去时态。The gave it t e u

30、st n 他们刚才将它给了我。(3)have gne t 去了(没回) have been t 去过,到过 (已回)eg He has been t Beiing 他到过北京。(现在他不在北京) He has gne t Beiing 他上北京去了。(现在他不在这里) here have u_ ? I have _ t the par here is he ? He has_t the librarStep7 D exerises n P17Step8Assignent1 It _( rain) fr a ee2 I dnt n this an I _ (eet, never) her3 I _(bu) the bie t ees ag I _(have) this bie sine the beginning f this nth I _(have) it fr t ees4 H an ties _ u _(phne) e these das? _ u _(phne) e this rning? 最近你去哪里了?6 i已经完成了作业,现在他有空。7 我爸爸曾经去过长城。8 你找到你丢失的手表了吗?还没有。Unit 1 The 6th peridntent: Graar

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