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1、人文英语阅读教程3单元AB语言点Unit 3 Biographies of CelebritiesText A Winston ChurchillLead-in Activities Churchills Life1. PoliticsA. 1900Conservative MP (Members of Parliament) for Oldham奥尔汉姆保守党下院议员1906Under-Secretary of State 副国务卿(或国务次卿)1908President of the Board of Trade.贸易大臣(贸易委员会主席)1910.Home Secretary 内政大臣1

2、911First Lord of the Admiralty 英国海军大臣1912Royal Naval Air Service & Air Department 英国海军航空队(RNAS)1915Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 兰卡斯特公爵郡大臣1919.Minister of War and Air 战争与航空大臣1921Colonial Secretary 殖民地大臣B. Defeated by E.D. Morel at Dundee(敦提,英国苏格兰东部港市) in 1922 General ElectionSuccessfully elec

3、ted to represent Epping in the 1924 General ElectionStanley Baldwin, the leader of the new Conservative administration, appointed Churchill as Chancellor of the Exchequer In 1929, Churchill lost officeC On the outbreak of the Second World War, Churchill was appointed First Lord of the Admiralty and

4、on 4th April 1940 became chairman of the Military Coordinating Committee军事协调委员会. In May, 1940, he became Prime Minister and Minister of Defense and remained in office until 1945. After Pearl Harbor Churchill worked closely with Franklin D. Roosevelt to ensure victory over Germany and Japan. He was a

5、lso a loyal ally of the Soviet Union after Adolf Hitler launched Operation Barbarossa巴巴罗萨行动 in June, 1941. Churchill held important meetings with Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin at Teheran德黑兰 (November, 1943) and Yalta 雅尔塔(February, 1945). D He took over the premiership again in the Conserva

6、tive victory of 1951 and resigned in 1955 . He remained a Member of Parliament until the general election of 1964, when he did not seek re-election.2. LiteratureChurchills literary career began with campaign reports: The Story of the Malakand Field Force (1898) and The River War (1899) 1900, he publ

7、ished his only novel, Savrola 1906, his first major work, the biography of his father, Lord Randolph Churchill 1933-1938, his other famous biography, the life of his great ancestor, The Duke of Marlborough1923-1929, Churchills history of the First World War The World Crisis1930, an autobiographical

8、account of his youth, My Early Life 1948-1953/54, his memoirs of the Second World War1956-1958, History of the English-speaking Peoples His magnificent oratory: The Unrelenting Struggle (1942), The Dawn of Liberation (1945), and Victory (1946).3. ArtChurchill, a gifted amateur painter, wrote Paintin

9、g as a Pastime (1948).Before reading the text closely, scan to find the answers to the following questions.What did Churchill do in India and the Sudan between 1895 and 1898?A: He was present both as a war correspondent and as a serving officer there.What helped Churchill win a Nobel Prize for Liter

10、ature?A: The History of the Second World War.How old was Churchill when he entered Parliament?A: He was 26.What event caused Americas entry into the Second World War?A: Japanese attack of Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7,1941.Who dominated the alliance after the D-day invasion?A: The Russo-American nexus.Note

11、s and information related to the text1. As a young man of undistinguished academic accomplishment he was admitted to Sandhurst after two failed attempts - he entered the army as a cavalry officer. (Para. 1)Meaning: Having achieved nothing significant in his study, young Churchill was finally enrolle

12、d in Sandhurst Royal Military Academy after two failures as a cavalry officer.Sandhurst: a town which lies some 30 miles (48 km) west-southwest of London, best known for the nearby Royal Military Academy. Most of thepotential regular officers for the British army undergo a course of general and mili

13、tary education as officer cadets at the academy, commonly called Sandhurst.2. He took enthusiastically to soldiering and between 1895 and 1898 managed to see three campaigns (Para. 1) take to:1) become fond of or attached to; begin to likeE.G. Two keen minds that they are, they took to each other.2)

14、 start to do something often; develop as a habit or a steady practice E.G. He gave up engineering and took to medicine.3) take refuge in, use as a means of escape, run away E.G. The escaped prisoner took to the mountain.此句意为:他对军事显出了极大热情,在1895到1898年间,他设法见识到了三场战役。3. Thus he revealed two other aspects

15、of his character: a literary bent and an interest in public affairs. (Para. 1)bent: n. a tendency, disposition, or inclination E.G. The natural bent of his mind was to science. v.1) form a curve, change direction E.G. The branches bend in the wind.2) make a concession; yieldE.G. Is it possible to be

16、nd nature to human will?3) apply oneself closely; concentrateE.G. He bent (his mind) to the research project.此句意为:因此他显示出了性格中的另外两个方面:文学倾向和政治兴趣。4. Writing, however, never fully engaged his energies. Politics consumed him. (Para. 2)consume: v.1) expend; use upE.G. The project consumed most of my time a

17、nd energy.2) destroy totallyE.G. The flames consumed the house.3) purchase goods and servicesE.G. The Mongolians live in a society that consumes as fast as it produces 4) take in as food; eat or drink upE.G. Each year Americans consume huge amounts of potatoes.此句意为:然而写作从来没有占据他的全部精力。政治却耗尽了他的一生。5. His

18、 disapproval surely stung, but Churchill reacted by venerating his fathers memory. (Para. 2)sting: v.1) cause a sharp pain or discomfort, cause to suffer keenly in the mind or feelings E. G. Her ingratitude stung him.Those harsh words stung me bitterly.2) pierce or wound painfully with or as if with

19、 a sharp-pointed structure or organ E.G. I was stung by the bee.此句意为:父亲的不以为然确实很让他感到剌痛,但是丘吉尔却对父亲的忆力推 崇备至。6. Winston fought to restore his fathers honor in Parliament (where it had been dented by the Conservative Party). (Para. 2)Parliament: legislative assembly of the United Kingdom of Great Britain

20、and Northern Ireland. It is the sovereign power of Great Britain, whereas the monarch remains sovereign in name only. Parliament consists, technically, of the monarch, the House of Commons, and the House of Lords, but the word in common usage refers to the members of the two houses or to Commons alo

21、ne. The great power of the House of Commons lies, historically, in its control of government finances. Parliament is housed in Westminster Palace. the Conservative Party: British political party, formally the Conservative and Unionist party and a continuation of the historic Tory party.7. Thus it wa

22、s as political head of the Royal Navy at the outbreak of the First World War in 1914 that he stepped onto the world stage. (Para. 3)Note: This is an emphatic sentence pattern and the common sentence order should be:Thus he stepped onto the world stage as political head of the Royal Navy at the outbr

23、eak of the First World War in 1914.E.G. It was from Susan that he heard of the news.It was Oxford University that he entered five years ago.8. A passionate believer in the navy,s historic strategic role, he immediately committed the Royal Naval Division to an intervention in the Flanders campaign in

24、 1914. (Para. 4)commit to:1) entrustE.G. He committed us to the care of his drawings.2) give up, hand over toE.G. They commit the patient to a. mental hospital.3) pledge, bind (oneself)E.G. I wont commit myself to that course of action.9. Churchill was truly a romantic, but also truly a democrat. He

25、 had returned to the gold standard, for instance, because he cherished, for romantic reasons, Britains status as a great financial power. (Para. 5)gold standard: monetary system in which the standard unit of currency is a fixed quantity of gold or is kept at the value of a fixed quantity of gold. Th

26、e currency is freely convertible at home or abroad into a fixed amount of gold per unit of currency.10. In 1935 he warned the House of Commons of the importance not only of “self-preservation but also of the human and the world cause of the preservation of free governments and of Western civilizatio

27、n against the ever advancing sources of authority and despotism”. (Para. 5)Meaning: In 1935,he warned the House of Commons that it was important to protect England from invasion, and it was also important, for the human and world cause, to maintain free and independent governments and the Western ci

28、vilization to fight against the forward moving tyranny.此句意为:1935年他警告下议院,不仅自我保护很重要,而且为了人类和世界的事 业,保卫自由政府和西方文明免遭曾一度强盛的独裁主义的践踏也尤为重要。11. He nevertheless refused Hitlers offers of peace, organized a successful air defense that led to the victory of the Battle of Britain and meanwhile sent most of what rem

29、ained of the British army, after its escape from the humiliation of Dunkirk, to the Middle East to oppose HitlerV Italian ally, Mussolini. (Para. 6)此句意为:然而,他拒绝了希特勒提出的“和平”,组织了成功的空中防御,臝得了 不列颠之战的胜利;同时,在敦刻尔克大溃退后,他把大部分英军的剩余兵力派往 中东,与希特勒的意大利同盟者墨索里尼作战。12. Its victories against Mussolini during 19401941 both

30、 humiliated and infuriated Hitler, while its intervention in Greece, to oppose Hitlers invasion of the Balkans, disrupted the Nazi dictators plans to conclude German conquests in Europe by defeating Russia. (Para. 7)此句意为:19401941$间,英军对墨索里尼的胜利使希特細恼羞成怒。为反对希 特勒入侵巴尔干,英军对希腊进行军事干涉,瓦解了纳粹独裁者通过打垮俄国实现德国征服欧洲的计

31、划。13. Defeats in 1940 had weakened it further, as had the liquidation of its international investments to fund its early war efforts. (Para. 9)Meaning: To provide funding for its early war, Britain had settled its international investment, which had weakened its position in the world; and the defeat

32、s in 1940 had weakened its population, industry, and finance.14. During 1942,the prestige Britain had won as Hitlers only enemy allowed Churchill to sustain parity of leadership in the anti-Nazi alliance with Roosevelt and Stalin. (Para. 9)sustain: v. maintainE.G. The foundations were not strong enough to sustain the weight of the house.The court sustained her claim that the contract was illegal.此句意为:在l942年期间,英国被桃为希牿勒唯一

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