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1、全国高考英语写作模板0418模板一 、直陈观点,以例佐证 谋篇构思三步曲观点:More haste, less speed. Before moving to the next step, one needs a practical consideration on what he has already achieved.(欲速则不达)语言结构点睛表明观点例证观点得出结论 From my point of view, we should do everything step by step. One often fails without good preparation.Take Engl

2、ish study for example. Just as Rome was not built in one day, it takes one years practice to have a good command of the language. If we do not learn from selling correct words and writing acceptable sentences, we are never able to write a good composition. And without practicing oral English a lot,

3、we can never speak English fluently. If we dont read and listen a lot and do a lot of efficient exercises, we can not pass English tests.In short, we should have a good foundation if we want to make great achievements in our studies and work or in other things as well.开门见山,直接表明观点。以英语学习为例来佐证“欲速则不达”。前

4、呼后应观点范例1 范例2 谋篇构思三步曲观点:Parents can be examples for their children.(有其父必有其子)语言结构点睛表明观点例证观点得出结论 Many people hold the opinion that parentscan be examples for their children. As far as I amconcerned, I quite agree with this.Here is a story. One day a little boy watched his parents planting flowers in th

5、e garden ,and he then learnt to water and lookafter the little plants. When he saw that the flowers were growing well, he shared the happiness with his parents. Their hard work resulted in beautiful flowers in full bloom, and the boys father proudly picked a flower and gave it to his wife to show hi

6、s love. But to their great surprise, the boy picked all the flowers and presented them to his parents. Only at this moment did the parents realize how great effecttheir behavior had on their children.Thus, I think parents should try to be good teachers in front of their children. 开门见山,直接表明观点。以 “种花与养

7、花”的故事来证明父母的言行举止对子女的影响。倒装句加强表达效果 经典句式回味 From my point of view, we should do.Takefor example. As far as I am concerned, I quite agree with this.谋篇构思三步曲观点:Nothing is too small.(防微杜渐)语言结构点睛表明观点例证观点得出结论 Some great disasters frequently happenednot because of something big but somethingsmall.There are some

8、 examples in our daily life.We may hear that a train is turned over because a rail spike (道钉)is loose without beingfastened timely, a great forest fire breaks out because of a lighted butt thrown without being putout, a great dam is destroyed as a result of a tube fountain in a dam without being fou

9、nd out, which have all caused a great loss to both people and society. We can learn from the above examples thatnothing is small in our work and life and that any behavior of carelessness or no responsibility of asmall fault will result in great damage or disaster.So we should be very strict with ou

10、rselves and learn to be responsible and careful in our life and work.直截了当表明观点。防微杜渐对人民和社会的必要性及重要性。用“大小因果关系“(Result in; so )得出结论。范例3 模板二、呈现观点,分说原由范例1谋篇构思三步曲观点:Honesty is the best policy. (诚实为上)语言结构点睛 呈现看法分说原因得出结论 It is true that most of us value honestyhighly. Personally I agree that honesty is the be

11、stpolicy. As we know, if one is honest, other people will deeply respect him or her, and are willing to make friends with him or her. In addition, beinghonest can make peoples life easier and moreharmonious(和谐的). There are a lot of examples to support the argument. For example,consumers will not be

12、afraid of being overchargedif dealers are honest. For another example,Singapore is a trustworthy society and has a very Low criminal rate.There is no doubt that being honest is of benefit to both the state and the individual. We should have the spirit of honesty. 以明理提出看法理由1:诚实的人受人尊重。理由2:诚实使生活轻松和谐。总结

13、全文,提出倡导。 经典句式回味 经典句式回味There are some examples in our daily life. It is true that In short, we should Personally I agree that We can learn from the above examples that 范例2 范例3谋篇构思三步曲观点:Students or Tutors?(做学生还是做家庭教师?)语言结构点睛 描述现象阐述原因表明观点 Nowadays, there are more and more privateteachers in universitie

14、s. People have different opinions about this. I think a student should focus on his studies instead of working as a tutor.To begin with, a college students main task is to learn knowledge. If he spends too muchtime teaching, then he will not have enough timeto study. Then, a student should not think

15、 too much about money since their parents will providethe daily necessities for him. Furthermore, if he fails to help his students improve their studies, that will cause worry and anxiety to him, and it might even affect his self-confidence. He might question his won ability.All in all, I think a co

16、llege student shouldpay attention to his studies and work hard at his studies.以现象引出观点主题句理由1:学生主要是学习。理由2:有家长提供日常费用。理由3:当不好的影响。总结全文,首尾呼应。谋篇构思三步曲观点:Dont hesitate to say “no”.(该说“不”时就说“不”)语言结构点睛 呈现看法分说原因得出结论 Helping others is our traditional virtue. It goes without saying that we should give a hand when

17、ever it is really needed. But we should also dare to say “no” to some unreasonable requests.The reasons can be listed as follows:Firstly, if you cannot keep your promisebecause the request is beyond your ability, you will be considered dishonest. Secondly, if youagree to unreasonable requests, it wi

18、ll spoil your principles of doing things and it may also do harmto other people. Thirdly , if you give help to a criminal, you may also result in committing a crime.In conclusion, we should say “no” firmly to unreasonable requests. 以常理引出看法。主题句Firstly, Secondly,Thirdly陈述原因,层次分明。回应全文归纳看法。 经典句式回味 经典句式回

19、味 It goes without saying that To begin with, Then, Furthermore,Finally,Firstly, Secondly, . Thirdly, There is no doubt that In conclusion, we should All in all, I think模板五、确定主题、分步解说范例1 范例2 谋篇构思三步曲观点:Reduce waste on campus.(减少校园浪费)语言结构点睛 提出主题分步解说得出结论 It is certain that the problem of waste is becomin

20、g more and more serious on campus and it is time for us to reduce it. For one reason, we have already wasted a great deal of precious resources such as water and electricity. For another, our waste adds our parents and the society a burden. However, some are still puzzled how to reduce waste on camp

21、us. Here are some suggestions. To begin with, we should turn off the light when we leave dorms or classrooms so as to save electricity as much as possible. Secondly, we should not spend too much money. Thirdly, we should stop wasting water when we bath, or clean faces, or wash clothes and dishes. Ac

22、tually, there are different solutions according to different situations. Therefore, I firmly believe that we can reduce the waste on campus with our efforts.主题:必须减少校园浪费。分说必要性。从三方面列举方法。总结全文,呼吁减少校园浪费。谋篇构思三步曲观点:The importance of after-class activities.(课外活动的重要性)语言结构点睛 提出主题分步解说得出结论 After-class activitie

23、s play an important part in school life. They are good for students developmentin all aspects. The first thing that after-class activities do to help us is doing a lot of good to our health. For example , playing basketball can help us improveour speed and strength, thus improving our health.Obvious

24、ly, we have a lot of pressure from our studies and we need a relaxation after heavy work,as sometimes we need to refresh ourselves and renew our energy. Furthermore, burying ourselves allday under piles of books, searching informationwe need in class or preparing for examination is not the only way

25、to learn. By doing some after-class activities, we can learn to look at things on a broader scale or in a long term. In conclusion, after-class activities are useful and helpful in many aspects. We can not onlyenjoy and refresh ourselves, but also improve ourselves mentally, physically, intellectual

26、ly and socially. 直接提出主题。解说:1.说明有益健康;能减轻学业负担。2.课外活动也是一种学习结论:不仅能愉悦自我,而且心理、生理、智力和社交的能力均能提高 模板六、名谚开篇,烘托观点 范例3 范例1 谋篇构思三步曲观点:The meaning of life.(生活的意义)语言结构点睛 提出主题分步解说得出结论 People hold various opinions on the purposeof life. Some think that they live for money, somefor fame, some for fun. As to my opinion

27、, living for experiences enables me to understand the truemeaning of life. The first reason of my belief is that money and fame are not enough for leading a happy life. Isee that many people going after money and famehave no interest or time to enjoy family life,friendship, sightseeing and things li

28、ke that. Moneyis important in life , but the idea only for moneyleads to an uninteresting life. Secondly, living just for fun is also unacceptable to me. Humans are different from animals in that they have feelings and emotions. They cannot avoid sadness and anger. Now I will come back to may point,

29、 living for various experiences, whether they are failures or successes, happiness or sadness. 陈述不同观点,亮出主题解说理由:理由1:有钱和名声还不能过上幸福生活。理由2:生活不仅仅为了娱乐消遣。总结全文,前后呼应谋篇构思三步曲观点:The treasure of time.(珍惜时间)语言结构点睛 表明观点例证观点得出结论 As the saying goes, “Time is money.” Yes,its indeed the case. But in my opinion, time is

30、 more valuable than money. The reason is that when money is spent, we can earn it back. However, when time is gone,it will never come back. In our life, from birthto death, time is limited for all of us. So weshould make good use of it. As students, what we should do first is to study well and obtainknowledge so that we can serve our country in thefuture. Some people, however dont know the valueof time. They spend time doing meaningless things, such as smoking, drinking and evengambling. They dont realize that was

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