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1、国庆练习高三英语国庆练习(周三练习4 2013.10.06)单选1. People develop _ preference for a particular style of learning at _ early age and these preferences affect learning.A. a; an B. a; 不填 C.不填; the D. the; an2. At our factory there are a few machines similar to described in this magazine.A. them B. these C. those D. o

2、nes3. Carbon dioxide, which makes a _ between us and the sun, prevents heat from getting out of the atmosphere easily, so the earth is becoming warmer.A. difference B. comparison C. connection D. barrier4. Its said that the power plant is now_ large as what it was.A. twice as B. as twice C. twice mu

3、ch D. much twice5. Dont defend him any more. Its obvious that he _ destroyed the fence of the garden even without apology.A. accidentally B. carelessly C. deliberately D. clumsily6. I am always delighted when I receive an email from you. The party on July 1st I shall be pleased to attend .A. On acco

4、unt of B. In response to C. In view of D. With regard to7. Read this story, you will realize that not everything can be bought with money.A. or B. and C. but D. so8. It_ be the vocabulary that caused you the problem in the exercise because you know a lot of words.A. may B. couldnt C. should D. needn

5、t9. Mother always complains that children _ their shoes very quickly.A. find out B. wash out C. wear out D. set out10. There are some health problems that, when _ in time, can become bigger ones later on.A. not treated B. not being treated C. not to be treated D. not have been treated11. If he had s

6、pent more time practising speaking English before, he able to speak it much better now.A. will be B. would be C. has been D. would have been12. is often the case with children, Amy was better by the time the doctor arrived.A. It B. That C. What D. As13 The only way to succeed at the highest level is

7、 to have total belief _ you are better than anyone else on the sports field.A. how B. that C. which D. whether14. You must learn to consult your feelings and your reason _ you reach any decision.A. although B. before C. because D. unless15. The T shirt I received is not the same as is shown online.

8、? But I promise you well look into it right away.A. Who says B. How come C. What for D. Why worry. 完形填空I was satisfied when I got seated in the stadium. We were 16 a football game against the team from Mississippi. When the game began, 17 , I discovered that I was sitting directly in front of a Supe

9、r Lungs. He seemed like 18 guy. But his idea of having fun at a football game 19 standing and yelling non-stop, as loud as he could. He yelled at the 20 , at the players, at the officials and at the Mississippi State fans in the next 21 . Always at the top of his lungs. Super Lungs made an 22 perfor

10、mance and kept it for the entire game and never showed any sign of 23 . He was so caught up in his world that he 24 to notice he was ruining the experience for hundreds of others. I felt that my ear drums almost got broken. His 25 was only two feet away from my ears. For a while I thought of 26 back

11、 and stopping him yelling. People around were turning to look at him, and I could read their 27 : “Is he never going to stop?” At halftime I 28 by walking for a few minutes outside the stadium. I was thinking of seeking an empty seat in the student section across the stadium 29 the thought occurred

12、to me: I could write something about this! 30 , when returning to my seat, I 31 my steps and fell heavily on the stairs. As I was struggling to 32 , a pair of huge hands helped me from behind. I looked back and saw Super Lungs smiling face and 33 eyes. I suddenly felt that he was gentle and kind som

13、ehow. Super Lungs kept his shouting for another 90 minutes. However, I felt it much easier to bear. And in a way , it made me 34 the pain of my foot. I suppose it is important to learn to 35 and to love people around us. Thus we will live in a colorful world in harmony.16. A. judging B. expecting C.

14、 preparing D. watching17. A. instead B. therefore C. however D. otherwise18. A. a nice B. a bad C. an honest D. an ugly19. A. differed from B. consisted of C. applied to D. went against20. A. assistants B. servants C. audience D. coaches21. A. section B. dormitory C. house D. stadium22. A. encouragi

15、ng B. inspiring C. astonishing D. attracting23. A. disagreement B. tiredness C. complaint D. happiness24. A. managed B. tended C. appeared D. failed25. A. mouth B. hand C. football D. supporter26. A. fighting B. shouting C. smiling D. whispering27. A. situations B. attempts C. activities D. thoughts

16、28. A. searched B. wandered C. escaped D. hesitated29. A. when B. after C. since D. as if30. A. Similarly B. Frankly C. Unfortunately D. Undoubtedly31. A. missed B. lost C. walked D. emptied32. A. apologize B. congratulate C. bend down D. stand up33. A. curious B. concerned C. warning D. regretful34

17、. A. strike B. notice C. forget D. divide35. A. invite B. believe C. evaluate D. tolerateIII. 阅读 AMost book reviews start with a heading that includes all the basic information about the book, like:Title. Author. Place of publication; publisher, date of publication.Number of pages.Like most pieces o

18、f writing, the review usually begins with an introduction that lets your readers know what the review will say. The first paragraph usually includes the author and title again, so your readers dont have to look up to find this information. You should also include a very brief description of the cont

19、ents of the book, the purpose or audience for the book, and your reaction and evaluation. Then you move into a section of background information that helps place the book in context and discusses criteria for judging the book. Next, the review gives a summary of the main points of the book, quoting(

20、引用) and explaining key phrases from the author. Finally, you get to the heart of your reviewyour evaluation of the book. In this section, you might discuss some of the following issues:How well the book has achieved its goalWhat possibilities are suggested by the bookWhat the book has left outHow th

21、e book compares with others on the subjectWhat specific points are not convincingWhat personal experiences youve had related to the subjectIt is important to use labels to carefully distinguish your views from the authors, so that you dont confuse your reader.Then, like other essays, you can end wit

22、h a direct comment on the book, and tie together issues raised in the review in a conclusion.There is, of course, no set form, but a general rule is that the first onehalf to two-thirds of the review should summarize the authors main ideas and at least one-third should evaluate the book.36. It can b

23、e confusing to readers if . A. there is no heading in a book review B. the book has achieved its goal C. the viewers point of view is not distinguished from the authors D. the book is compared with others on the same subject37. What is NOT suggested for a book review in this passage? A. Quoting from

24、 the author of the book. B. Providing some book information. C. Analyzing only the author of the book. D. Comparing the book with others of a similar subject.38. The best title for this passage is “ ”. A. Steps to follow B. Tips for writing a book review C. The way to develop your idea D. Things not

25、 to be avoided in a book review BMy daughter, Emma (in the 7th grade), started back to school last week. She told me a boy named Jake who suffers from an eating disorder and is extremely overweight. As you might expect, he is the center of many jokes. Jake gives the impression that hes not nice to o

26、ther people as well mostly because of the fact that hes constantly picked on.For several nights this week Emma came home from school upset about the fact that Jake gets picked on so much. She also mentioned that he had no school supplies as his family could not afford them. He constantly would be as

27、king to borrow paper which just gives kids even more reason to pick on him.One night Emma was extremely upset about this situation, not only because Jake was picked on but that he also had no supplies. We sat together that evening and discussed the situation in great detail. We devised a plan for Em

28、ma to engage Jake in a conversation and to ask Jake what he needed for supplieswith her telling him that she had extra supplies she would like to share.The next day, Emma spent some time with Jake and really came to realize that this young man had a heart of gold, but rarely was able to show because

29、 he was always on the defensive. Emma asked Jake to make a list of the supplies that he needed. He put together a small list, 3 ring binders, paper, pens, pencils and a pencil sharpener. Emma told him she would help and he was most appreciative.That evening Emma and I bought everything on his list.

30、When we got home, we put all the supplies into a brand new grey back packfor Jake did not have a back pack either.The next day, I brought the bag to the school principal and asked the principal to give the bag to Jake discreetly (谨慎地) so that he did not have to feel embarrassed.Later that day I pick

31、ed Emma after school and she was all smiles. The principal had called Jake down to his office and gave him the bag. Jake read the little note that Emma put in hoping that he got all he needed and to enjoy the supplies. As Jake walked into the classroomhe winked at Emma and later thanked her very much for all the stuffhe loved it.Emma explained to me, that it was so cute to see him take out his new pencil box and to start arranging his pencils and pens. He seemed very happy.39. What do we know about Jake from the first paragraph?A. He is tall, strong and ea

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