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1、英美概况3A. 1/4 B. 1/2 C. 1/31. In 1844 the U.S. forced the Chinese Government to sign the first unequal treaty of _.A. Wangxia B. Nanjing C. Tianjin2. The Articles of Confederation was accepted by all the _ states in _.A. 50, 1781 B. 13, 1781 C. 13, 17873. _ was chosen as the capital for the time being

2、 in Washingtons administration.A. New York B. Chicago C. Boston4. It was _ who advanced four plans which met bitter criticisms from many people.A. Alexander Hamilton B. Thomas JeffersonC. George Washington5. _ was the first American President who was inaugurated in the city of Washington.A. John Ada

3、ms B. Thomas Jefferson C. James Madison6. The War with England between 1812 and 1814 happened during the administration of President _.A. James Madison B. James Monroe C. John Adams7. The _ stopped the Holy Alliances program, and prevented the European countries from extending their influence.A. Mon

4、roe Doctrine B. Sedition Act C. Holy Alliance8. _ was the first president who developed the power of veto into one of the means of making laws.A. John Adams B. Andrew Jackson C. Andrew Johnson9. _ made slavery possible in the new territories such as in Kentucky and Nebraska.A. Douglas Bill B. Monroe

5、 Doctrine C. Sedition Act10. During the Civil War Lincoln issued the _, which declared the abolition of slavery.A. Homestead Bill B. Emancipation ProclamationC. Both A and B11. The Battle of _ was the turning point of the American Civil War.A. Bull Run B. Gettysburg C. Richmond12. The first imperial

6、ist war took place between the U.S. and _ in 1898.A. Britain B. France C. Spain13. The first American President from the Republic Party is _.A. Abraham Lincoln B. Andrew JohnsonC. Thomas Jefferson D. George Washington14. In 1918 President _ issued the “Fourteen Points”.A. Woodrow Wilson B. William H

7、. TaftC. Theodore Roosevelt D. Warren G. Harding15. Haymarket Massacre took place in _ in May 1886.A. New York B. Chicago C. Washington16. In 1894, the American industrial production held the _ place in the world.A. first B. second C. third17. McCarthy was notorious for his harsh _ persecution of th

8、e progressive people.A. religious B. spiritual C. political18. The Ku Klux Klan was the most notorious terrorist society which persecuted the _.A. blacks B. Indians C. progressive people19. On August 14, 1914, the U.S. and Britain issued a joint communiqu called _.A. the Teheran Declaration B. the A

9、tlantic CharterC. the Washington Proclamation20. In Sino-American relations Theodore Roosevelt exercised the so-called “_”, invading China by means of both force and culture.A. Open Door Policy B. Big Stick C. Douglas Bill21. The First World War broke out on July 28th, _ and ended on November 11th,

10、_, lasting for about four years.A. 1913, 1917 B. 1914, 1918 C. 1915, 191922. The two military alliances during WWI were the _ and the _.A. Axis, Allies B. Holy Alliance, AxisC. Central Powers, Allies23. The assassination of a(n) _ prince, Arch Duke Fedinand, served as the direct fuse for the outbrea

11、k of WWI.A. Australia B. Belgium C. Austria24. Altogether _ countries became involved in or were dragged into WWI.A. 33 B. 38 C. 3925. The frequent emergence of the economic crisis in the U.S.A. led to the following disastrous effects except _.A. inflation B. the rise of prices C. the decrease of po

12、pulationD. the decrease of the purchasing capacity26. In April 1945 a conference was held at _ to organize the United Nations.A. San Francisco B. New York C. Philadelphia27. _ countries attended the conference of the foundling of the UN.A. 48 B. 47 C. 4528. At the _ Conference, the heads of the Sovi

13、et Union, the U.S. and Britain discussed the problem of opening the second battlefield in Europe.A. Yalta B. Teheran C. Casablanca29. In July 1945, Britain, the U.S. and the Soviet Union met at Potsdam to formulate an occupation policy and set up a program for the future of Germany. The meeting was

14、the famous _ Conference.A. Cairo B. Teheran C. Potsdam D. Quebec30. The two fighting sides in WWII were _.A. the Allies and the Axis (powers) B. the Axis and Holy AllianceC. the Central Powers and the Allies31. The _ was the treaty signed at Versailles, near Paris in France in 1919.A. Paris Treaty B

15、. Versaills Treaty C. Teheran Treaty32. The meeting was held at Yalta in the Crimea of the Soviet Union in Feb, 1945. At the meeting many matters were discussed, including the final defeat of Germany, the demilitarization of Germany, the founding of the U.N. etc., this was the famous _ Conference.A.

16、 Yalta B. Teheran C. Potsdam33. The Communist Party of the US was founded in _.A. 1920 B. 1918 C. 191934. The U.S. Communist Party was re-established in 1945 with _ as its general secretary.A. Levestone B. William Foster C. Earl Browder35. The Great Depression of _ to shook the US and the whole capi

17、talist world to its foundations.A. 1929, 1933 B. 1933, 1937 C. 1924, 192936. The programme of 1947 that America would offer its money supplies and machinery to any European nation that wished to participate in was called _.A. Eisenhower Doctrine B. Marshall PlanC. Truman Doctrine37. The _ broke out

18、in June 1950 and ended in the summer of 1953.A. Vietnam War B. Cold War C. Korean War38. In April 1949 twelve nations established the NATO to coordinate the military actions of member nations against the _.A. Germany B. Japan C. Soviet Union39. The Second World War broke out in September, _ and ende

19、d in August _.A. 1939, 1945 B. 1937, 1943 C. 1938, 194540. After WWII there emerged a new balance of power between _ and _.A. the Allies, the Axis Powers B. the USSR, the USAC. the old capitalist countries, the new ones41. There occurred _ economic crises from the end of WWII to the middle of the 19

20、70s.A. six B. five C. seven42. The President Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed a policy called _ to save the economic situation.A. Good Neighbour B. the Open Door PolicyC. the New Deal43. The Battle of _ took place in 1942 and it was the turning point of the Pacific area.A. Midway Island B. Britain C.

21、Normandy44. In Feb. _ came President Nixons historic visit to China.A. 1979 B. 1972 C. 197345. In 1953, _ ended in the failure of the U.S.A. the Korean War B. the Vietnam War C. the US-Spanish War46. On December 7th, 1941, the base of the American Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbour, was suddenly attacked

22、by the _ air force and navy.A. Spanish B. French C. Japanese47. The original Union consists of _ at the time of its independence.A. 13 B. 50 C. 4848. The first thirteen states of the US mainly located _ seaboard.A. the eastern B. the western C. the northern49. _ appointed many of the colonial govern

23、ors.A. The English King B. the local governmentC. the local people50. The Declaration of Independence was drafted by a committee including _ as head.A. George Washington B. Thomas JeffersonC. both A and B51. _ was the British king when colonial Americans declared their independence.A. King George I

24、B. King George III C. King George II52. In 1945 a conference was held in _ to found the United Nations.A. San Francisco B. Chicago C. New York53. President Nixon visited China in _.A. 1973 B. 1974 C. 197254. _ was the only American president who was re-elected three times in succession.A. Theodore R

25、oosevelt B. George WashingtonC. Franklin D. Roosevelt D. Thomas Jefferson55. The citys name “Philadelphia” means _.A. brotherly love B. fishing pit C. philosophy1. It was _ who first discovered the America in 1492.2. The New World was named after _ Vespucci.3. _ was the first man who sailed around t

26、he earth.4. The Indians living in America are all _ skinned and dark-haired.5. The War of _ broke out in 1775 and ended in 1783.6. The First World War broke out on July 28th in _.7. In 1620 some English Puritans sailed to Plymouth on a ship called _.8. On July 4th, 1776, the document called the Decl

27、aration of _ was accepted by the American Congress.9. The first English colony was _.10. Lexington Fire was the _ of the War of Independence.11. In 1803 the United States purchased Louisiana from _.12. The U.S.- _ War broke out in 1898.13. The Great Depression of 1929 - _ shook the United States and

28、 the whole capitalist world to its foundation.14. The _ _ policy went into effect by the spring of 1947 when Truman Doctrine came forth.15. The Confederate Union of America consisted of _ southern states.16. During the Civil War Lincoln took two important measures, one was the _ _, the other was the

29、 _ _.17. By the end of _ century, the U.S. had become the most powerful country in the world.18. The U.S. bought the area of Alaska from _ in 1867.19. The Constitution Convention lasted _ weeks from May to September, _.20. The Constitution drawn up at the end of Independence War is called the _ of t

30、he Confederation.21. The Constitution of _ established the dictatorship of the America bourgeoisie big capitalists and big slave owners.22. The bourgeois democratic personages headed by Thomas Jefferson, were opposed to the Constitution. They were called _.23. The people, headed by John Hamilton, who supported the Constitution of 1787, were called _.24. During Washingtons administration Thomas Jefferson was appointed _ o

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