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牛津译林7B Unit 8 Pets 单元教案 最新译林牛津初一英语下册.docx

1、牛津译林7B Unit 8 Pets 单元教案 最新译林牛津初一英语下册课题Unit 8 Pets -Welcome to the unit课时第一课时执教时间复备人教学目标1. 知识目标:1 重点单词: pet, rude, goldfish, mouse, parrot, knee, hold, feed, 2 重点短语: bring me something to eat, want a new pet, swim around,sleep on my knees, hold it in my hand, feed her carrots, play with, teach him to

2、 speak 3 重点句子: How rude you are! You should say “Please”.I like watching them swim around. I want to teach him to speak 2. 技能目标: 认知几种宠物的名称及其典型特征, 了解这些宠物的基本习性。学会介绍宠物3情感目标:培养学生的爱心,激发学习的兴趣.教学重点认知几种宠物的名称及其典型特征, 了解这些宠物的基本习性。教学难点学会介绍宠物。教学媒体录影机,多媒体,实物等教学过程Step1:预习指导与检测 见导学案交流预习情况,讨论预习中存在的问题Step2:展示目标 见导学案S

3、tep3:课堂导学与互动 任务一:导入 Free talkDo you like animals?What animals do you know?任务二:呈现两人一组谈一谈你所喜爱的宠物,可运用以下句型: What is this? Do you like it? Why or why not?任务三:Ask and answerWhat is your favourite pet? Why (not)?I really like -. Because-.What about-? I like /dont like them. 任务四:Make sentences任务五:Finish Par

4、t B on Page 93.任务六:DiscussWhat animal do you want to keep as a pet? Why?任务七:Comic stripsListen and answer1. Is Hobo a good pet?2. What does Eddie want Hobo to do?任务八:Watch and answer1. Is Hobo happy? Why?2. Why does Eddie want to get a new pet?3. What can we learn from this conversation?Practice rea

5、ding the dialogue.Act it out. Step4:总结提升 Step5:当堂反馈见导学案Step6:课后拓展见导学案Step7:布置作业1. Copy new words and phrases.2. Recite the dialogue再备教学反思课题Unit 8 Pets -Reading 1 课时第二课时执教时间复备人教学目标 1. 知识目标: 重点单词: poem, wide, hide, build,stick, camp, bark, till, end, hunt,bite,fight,trouble,bubble, gentle, touch,rhyme

6、, care 重点短语: run after a ball, with eyes open wide, look after, till the end, need a gentle touch, look around for, take car of 重点句子: She isnt any trouble. My dog is the cleverest animal of all. 2. 技能目标: 学习宠物诗 让我们能更加了解宠物,能运用新词汇来谈论宠物。 3情感目标:通过学习让我们能够更好地与人类的朋友-动物,友好相处! 教学重点学习宠物诗,能运用新词汇来谈论宠物。教学难点通过学习让我

7、们能够更好地与人类的朋友-动物,友好相处!教学媒体录影机,多媒体,实物等教学过程Step1:预习指导与检测 见导学案Step2:展示目标 见导学案Step3:课堂导学与互动 任务一:Free talkWhat animals do you know we can use as pets? Why?任务二:Listen and answer: What can the dog do? Finish Part B1 on Page 95.Finish Part B2 on Page 95.任务三:Listen to the tape and answer: Why does the writer

8、like goldfish?Listen and repeat: My Goldfish Q:Does a goldfish chase another fish? Does a goldfish hide? Does a goldfish bark? Does a goldfish fight? Does a goldfish bite? Does a goldfish need a bed?Does a goldfish miaow?Does a goldfish need a rabbit hutch?Finish Part B3 on Page 96.Finish Part B4 on

9、 Page 96.任务四:Twinkle twinkle little starTwinkle, twinkle, little star,How I wonder what you are.Up above the world so high,Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle little star,How I wonder what you are. Step4:总结提升用不少于5句话来描述一下你自己的宠物。或者上网搜索一些有关宠物的诗歌,下节课在课堂与同学们进行交流。_Step5:当堂反馈见导学案Step6:课后拓展见导学案Step7

10、:布置作业1.Copy new words and phrases.2.Recite the dialogue再备教学反思课题Unit 8 Pets -Reading 2课时第三课时执教时间复备人教学目标 1. 知识目标: 重点单词: poem, wide, hide, build,stick, camp, bark, till, end, hunt,bite,fight,trouble,bubble, gentle, touch,rhyme, care 重点短语: run after a ball, with eyes open wide, look after, till the end,

11、 need a gentle touch, look around for, take car of 重点句子: She isnt any trouble. My dog is the cleverest animal of all. 2. 技能目标: 学习宠物诗 让我们能更加了解宠物,能运用新词汇来谈论宠物。3情感目标:通过学习让我们能够更好地与人类的朋友-动物,友好相处!教学重点读懂并理解课文内容,完成相关练习。教学难点让学生学会并能运用描述宠物的用语。教学媒体录影机,多媒体,实物等教学过程Step1:预习指导与检测 见导学案Step2:展示目标 见导学案Step3:课堂导学与互动 任务一

12、:A game: Say the following sentences one by one.T: A dogS1: He doesnt just run after a ball.S2: He hunts when I hide.S3: He does wonderful tricks,S4: He builds me camps out of sticks.S5: Hed never bark or bite.S6: He doesnt like to fight.T: A goldfishS1: She doesnt need a bed.S2: She isnt any troubl

13、e.S3: She doesnt bark,S4: She doesnt miaow,S5: She Just bubbles, bubbles, bubbles.任务二:Fill in the blanks.My dog is the cleverest animal of all.He doesnt just _ after a ball.With eyes open wide,He _ when I hide.He does wonderful _,Builds me _ out of sticks.Hed never _ or bite.And he doesnt like to _.My dog is my very best friend.And Ill look after him till the _ Language points任务三:翻译句子1. 虽然林女士很穷,她仍然把那个男孩照顾得很好。2. 我奶奶的猫喜欢追着球跑。3. 鱼睡觉的时候眼睛仍然睁得大大的吗?4. 如果你想有所得就该为之战斗到底。5. 下雨了,我们不得不中止了足球赛。Step4:总结提升_Step5:当堂反馈见导学

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