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1、英语书信写作句式与套话英语书信写作句式与套话1. 投诉信投诉信的开头常用句式和套话I am writing to inform you that I am dissatisfied with your 投诉信的结尾常用句式和套话I understand you will give immediate attention to this matter.I would like to have this matter settled by the end of 2、询问信询问信的开头常用句式和套话I would be most grateful if you could send me infor

2、mation regarding/concerning I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding 询问信的结尾常用句式和套话 Your prompt attention to this letter would be highly appreciated.I am looking forward to hearing from you.3、请求信请求信的开头常用句式和套话I am writing to seek for your assistance in 请求信

3、的结尾常用句式和套话I would like to thank you for your generous help in this matter.4、道歉信道歉信的开头常用句式和套话I am writing to apologize for I am writing to say sorry for 道歉信的结尾常用句式和套话I sincerely hope that you will be able to think in my position and accept my apologies.5、感谢信感谢信的开头常用句式和套话I would like to convey in this

4、 letter my heartfelt thanks to you for 感谢信的结尾常用句式和套话I must thank you again for your generous help.6、 建议信建议信的开头常用句式和套话I am writing to express my views concerning You have asked me for my advice with regard to and I will try to make some conducive suggestions.表达建议常用句式和套话I feel that it would be benefic

5、ial if I would like to suggest that I would recommend that If I were you, I would You may consider doing It would seem to me that you could As you may agree that 建议信的结尾常用句式和套话I would be ready to discuss this matter to further details.7、求职信求职信的开头常用句式和套话I am writing to express my interest in your rece

6、ntly advertised position for a waitress 求职信的结尾常用句式和套话Thank you for considering my application and I am looking forward to meeting you.If you need to know more about me, please contact me at 8、推荐信推荐信的开头常用句式和套话I would like to present for your consideration in your search for a qualified manager.With r

7、eference to your requirements, I shall, without reservation, recommend as an ideal candidate.推荐信的结尾常用句式和套话Therefore, I dont hesitate to recommend as the right person for your consideration.Any favorable consideration to this letter would be considered a personal favor.9、 寻找失物信寻找失物信的开头常用句式和套话I am wri

8、ting this letter to see if it is possible for me to have my camera back.寻找失物信的结尾常用句式和套话I would really appreciate it if you could 10、邀请信邀请信的开头常用句式和套话I am writing to invite you to I wonder if you could come 邀请信的结尾常用句式和套话My family and I would feel honored if you could come.We would be looking forward t

9、o your participation in the party.I really hope you can make it.常用的起首语有:1)Thank you for your letter dated Dec.22,1969.2)Many thanks for your letter of Sept.5,1997.3)A thousand thanks for your kind letter of June 5,1997.4)Your kind letter of November 22th arrived this morning.5)Your letter which arri

10、ved this morning gave me great comfort.6)In reply to your letter dated 4th July,I want to say7)Thank you very much for your letter of August 2 and the gift you sent me on Christmas Eve.8)What a treat to receive your kind letter of May 5th!9)It is always a thrill to see your nice handwriting.10)First

11、 of all I must thank you for your kind assistance and high attention to me .11)With great delight I learn from your letter of this Sunday that 14)I am very much pleased to inform you that my visit to your country has been approved.15)I wish to apply for teaching position you are offering.16)I am too

12、 excited and delighted at your good news.17)I am very obliged to you for your warm congratulations.常用的结束语有:1)Awaiting your good news,2)Looking forward to your early reply,3)Hoping to hear from you soon,4)We await your good news.5)I hope to hear from you very soon.6)We look forward to your reply at y

13、our earliest convenience.7)I look forward to our next meeting there in Los Angeles.8)Your early reply will be highly appreciated.9)Any other particulars wanted we shall be pleased to send you.10)The help you give me is sincerely valued.11)I hope everything will be well with you .12)Please let us kno

14、w if you want more information.13)I hope you always enjoy yourself.14)I wish you very success in the coming year.15)Please remember me to your family.16)With best regards to your family.17)All the best.18)With love and good wishes.称呼 ( Salutation )常用的称呼有:Formal Less formal InformalSir Dear Mr Smith

15、Dear MarySirs Dear Mrs Smith My Dear MaryMy dear Sir Dear Miss Smith Dearest MaryGentlemen Dear Prof. Smith My Dearest MaryDear sir My Dear Mr Smith Darling MaryDear Sirs My Dear Dr. Smith My DarlingMadam Dear Mr John Smith Dear Dad/MamDear Sir or Madam Dear Miss Mary Smith My dear fatherTo whom it

16、may concern Dear Prof. 在正式公文中,一般用Formal (正式)的称呼;在半公半私的信件中,可用Less formal(次正式)的称呼;在社交信件中,尤其是亲属与好友之间的通信,可用Informal(非正式)的称呼。结束语 ( Complimentary Close )事物信件中常用的结束语有:(Very)Truly yoursYours (very )truly(Very )Respectfully yoursYours (very) respectfully(Very )Faithfully yoursYours (very) faithfully(Very) Si

17、ncerely yoursYours (very) sincerely 社交信件中常用的结束语有:Sincerely yoursYours sincerelyAffectionately yoursYours affectionatelyObediently yoursYours obedientlyIntimately yoursFondly yoursYours devoted friendYoursYours (as) everEver yoursAs everLovingly yoursLovingly 英语书信格式英文书信通常由下列五个部分组成: A 信头(Heading)信头包括写

18、信人地址和写信日期,通常写在信笺的右上角。在比较熟识的朋友之间的通信,写信人的地址常可略去。本课的信头就只写了写信日期,而没有写信人的地址。日期通常有下列两种定法:(a)月、日、年:如August 15, 200_(b)日、月、年:如15th august, 200_地址的写法通常是由小到大,如:门牌号、街道名、市(县)名、省名、国名(邮政编码通常写在城市名之后)。这同中文书信的地址写法完全相反。地址可以写13行,日期写在地址的下方(见信笺格式)。 B 称呼(Salutation)称呼指写信人对收信人的称呼,如Dear Xiaojun,写在信头的下方和信笺的左边。称呼一般用Dear或My de

19、ar开头,称呼后一般用逗号。 C 正文(Body)这是书信的主体部分,即写信人要表达的内容。正文要求文字通顺,层次分明,表意清楚。可以手书,也可以打写。 D 结束语(Complimentary Close)它是书信结尾的恭维话,相当于文中书信最后的“祝好”、“致礼”之类的话语。本课书信中的“Best wishes”(致以最好的祝愿)就是结束语。 E 签名(Signature)签名通常签在结束语下方的中间偏右的位置,如本课信中的Charlie。签名应是亲笔书写,即使是打写机打出的信件,最后仍需亲笔签名。在签名的上方可根据写信人和收信人的关系写上Sincerely yours/Yours sinc

20、erely(用于长辈或朋友之间),或Respectfully yours/Yours respectfully(用于对长辈或上级)。书信格式如下:写英文商务邮件必备的9大黄金句子1. Initiate a meeting发起会议I would like to hold a meeting in the afternoon about our development planning for the project A。今天下午我建议我们就A项目的发展计划开会讨论一下。I suggest we have a call tonight at 9:30pm (China Time) with you

21、 and Brown. Please let me know if the time is okay for you and Ben。我建议我们今晚九点半和Brown小聚一下,你和Ben有没有空?Wed like to have the meeting on Thu Oct 30. Same time。十月三十号(周四),老时间,开会。Lets make a meeting next Monday at 5:30 PM SLC time。下周一盐湖城时区下午五点半开会。I want to talk to you over the phone regarding issues about rep

22、ort development and the XX project。我想跟你电话讨论下报告进展和XXX项目的情况。2. Seeking for more information/feedbacks/suggestions咨询信息/反馈/建议Shall you have any problem accessing the folders, please let me know.如果存取文件有任何问题请和我联系。Thank you and look forward to having your opinion on the estimation and schedule。谢谢你,希望能听到更多你

23、对评估和日程计划的建议。Look forward to your feedbacks and suggestions soon。期待您的反馈建议!What is your opinion on the schedule and next steps we proposed?你对计划方面有什么想法?下一步我们应该怎么做?What do you think about this?这个你怎么想?Feel free to give your comments。请随意提出您的建议。Any question, please dont hesitate to let me know。有任何问题,欢迎和我们联

24、系。Any question, please let me know。有任何问题,欢迎和我们联系。Please contact me if you have any questions。有任何问题,欢迎和我们联系。Your comments and suggestions are welcome!欢迎您的评论和建议!Please let me know what you think?欢迎您的评论和建议!Do you have any idea about this?对于这个您有什么建议吗?It would be nice if you could provide a bit more info

25、rmation on the users behavior。您若是能够就用户行为方面提供更多的信息就太感激了!At your convenience, I would really appreciate you looking into this matter/issue。如果可以,我希望你能负责这件事情。3. Give feedback意见反馈Please see comments below。请看下面的评论。My answers are in blue below。我的回答已标蓝。I add some comments to the document for your reference。

26、我就文档添加了一些备注,仅供参考。4. Attachment附件I enclose the evaluation report for your reference。我附加了评估报告供您阅读。Please check the attached file for todays meeting notes。今天的会议记录在附件里查收。The attachment is the design document, please review it。设计文档在附件里,请评阅。For other known issues related to individual features, please see

27、 attached release notes。其他个人特征方面的信息请见附件。5. Point listing列表Today we would like to finish following tasks by the end of today: 1.2。今天我们要完成的任务:1.2。Some known issues in this release: 1.2。声明中涉及的一些问题:1.2。Our team here reviewed the newest SCM policy and has following concerns: 1.2。我们阅读了最新的供应链管理政策,做出如下考虑:1.

28、2。Here are some more questions/issues for your team: 1.2。以下是对你们团队的一些问题:1.2。The current status is as following: 12目前数据如下:12Some items need your attention: 1.2。以下方面需提请注意:1.2。6. Raise question提出问题I have some questions about the report XX-XXX我对XX-XXX报告有一些疑问。For the assignment ABC, I have the following q

29、uestions: 就ABC协议,我有以下几个问题:7. Proposal提议For the next step of platform implementation, I am proposing关于平台启动的下一步计划,我有一个提议I suggest we can have a weekly project meeting over the phone call in the near future。我建议我们就一周项目开一个电话会议。Achievo team suggest to adopt option A to solve outstanding issueAchievo团队建议应对

30、突出问题采用A办法。8. Thanks note感谢信Thank you so much for the cooperation。感谢你的合作!I really appreciate the effort you all made for this sudden and tight project。对如此紧急的项目您做出的努力我表示十分感谢。Thanks for your attention!谢谢关心!Your kind assistance on this are very much appreciated。我们对您的协助表示感谢。Really appreciate your help!非常感谢您的帮助!9. Apology道歉I sincerely apologize for this misunderstanding!对造成的误解我真诚道歉!I apologize for the late asking but we want to make sure the correctness of our implementation ASAP。很抱歉现在才进行询问,但是我们需要尽快核实执行

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