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1、仁爱英语八年级下U8T1教案period5Unit 8 Our ClothesTopic 1 We will have a class fashion show.教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本话题围绕服饰而展开。主要内容包括:由Maria和Jane讨论Maria穿的一件唐装引入“Fashion Show”的话题和由“so.that. ,.so that.,such.that.”引导的结果状语从句。因为要举办服装秀,孩子们就要购买自己的参赛服装,从而引出有关服装的词汇、购买服装的常用表达、着装技巧、服装的功能和及其所代表的社会涵义。着装是学生日常生活中的重要话题,通过学习本话题,学生能够自如地谈

2、论与服装相关的话题并选择适合自己的服饰。本话题建议用5个课时来完成:第一课时:Section A1a,1b,1c,2,3第二课时:Section B1a,1b,2第三课时:Section C1a,1b,2第四课时:Section B3,4a,4b Section C3,4第五课时:Section DGrammar and Functions,1a,1b,Project 第五课时(Section DGrammar and Functions , 1a, 1b, Project)教学设计思路:本课主要是让学生归纳总结结果状语从句和目的状语从句,同时了解服装的功能。首先引导学生归纳总结so.that

3、. 和such. that. 的用法。然后通过猜测来教学新词汇。扫除了词汇障碍后,让学生快速阅读1a,完成1b。核对1b的答案时继续解决剩余的词汇。然后让学生再读1a,发现并合作解决难点,教师进行补充。最后教师组织学生完成Project 的任务,完成本课时。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1)学习并掌握新词汇 discuss, meaning,material, skin,uniform,saying,function,sportswear,easy-going(2)归纳总结结果状语从句的用法。2. Skill aims:(1)能够根据衣着来判断着装者的职业

4、,民族,性格等。 (2)能够自如地运用so.that.,so that,such.that.。(3)能够结合本单元的着装常识来给别人提供着装建议。3. Emotional aims:4. Culture awareness:了解衣服所赋予的社会涵义。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points:(1)归纳总结结果状语从句。 (2) 理解服装的社会涵义。2. Difficult points:(1)区分so that 引导的结果状语从句和目的状语从句。(2)理解短文中出现的过去式的被动语态。. Learning strategies1.利用

5、语境或逻辑关系来区分so that 引导的是结果状语从句还是目的状语从句。2. 利用已经掌握的常识来帮助作出判断。如:和服是日本的民族服装。3. 在做阅读理解时,在短文中找到所给问题的关键词可以快速帮助理解。. Teaching aids多媒体课件/图片/小黑板V. Teaching proceduresStage 1( 5 mins):RevisionStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose(Class activity)Revise the grammar and function sentences of this top

6、ic.T: Good morning, boys and girls .T: We have finished learning the adverbial clause of result. Can you say something about it?T: Absolutely right. What else? T: Perfect! Could someone give me an example?T: Really?T: But its better than the junk food outside. More examples?T: Great! Now, lets check

7、 the answers to Grammar and Functions. Have you done them yet?T: Xxx, please read the first sentence. T: .Revise the grammar and function sentences of this topic.Ss: Good morning, Mr.S1: We can use “so. that.”, “so that” and “such . that.” to introduce it.S2: We usually use “ so +adj./adv. + that +

8、.” and “such a /an +adj.+that+.”S3: The food in the school is so terrible that I dont want to eat it at all. Ss: Yeah!S4: .Ss: Yes .S5: I liked it so much that.S6: .归纳总结结果状语从句和本话题的功能句,完成Grammar 和 Functions 部分。Remark:在复习结果状语从句时,允许学生用汉语来表达相关的专业术语。如:形容词、副词、结果状语从句等。但教师要坚持使用英语来表述,让学生多听,为以后的学习打基础。Stage 2(

9、5mins):Pre-readingStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose(Class activity)Let the Ss learn the new words by guessing .T: Now you all wear all kinds of beautiful clothes, and people use different kinds of materials to make clothes, such as cotton, silk, bamboo and so on. But what did the

10、 early Peking Man in Zhoukoudian area use to make clothes? Can you guess?T:Bark. I think so. What else?T:Yes, animal skins. Oh, you are good at guessing. Lets go on guessing. Look at the pictures in 1a, and guess what the first mans job is.T: Clever! How do you know that?T: You are so smart. He is w

11、earing a uniform. And this kind of uniform is only worn by policemen. Then guess where the woman comes from?T: Right again. Kimonos are the traditional Japanese clothes. Go on guessing what the man likes doing?T: I agree with you. Because he is wearing sportswear and is running. I think he is active

12、 and easy-going, too. As the saying goes:You are what you wear.Learn the new words .S1: 树皮。Ss: 兽皮。Ss: He is a policeman.Ss: His clothes.Ss: Japan.Ss: Doing sports.解决短文中的新词汇,为阅读扫除障碍。Remark:这个环节主要是解决词汇问题。教师要充分利用1a 的插图,既要完成让学生猜测任务,又要顺势教学部分新词汇。Stage 3(5 mins) While-readingStepTeacher activityStudent act

13、ivityDesigning purpose(Individual work)Let the Ss read 1a quickly and finish 1b.T: We have learned the new words already. Next, please read 1a quickly and do 1b. But before reading the passage , youd better read the questions and the tip in the key . T: Hi, class . Have you finished reading ?T: No.1

14、 , xxx, the answer is .T: Yes . The passage mainly talks about the function of clothes . How about No.2, xxx ?T: .Read 1a quickly and finish 1b.Ss: Yes.S1: BS2: .S3: .培养学生的阅读能力,完成1b 。Remark:这个环节只是考查学生的阅读理解能力,只要学生把正确答案找出来了即可。教师在核对答案时顺便把新词汇解决掉。如:function, discuss, meaning 。Stage 4(5 mins):Post reading

15、StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose (Group work)Let the Ss read 1a carefully and find out the difficult points and solve them within the groups .T:Oh, you did very well . Now, read the passage again, find out the difficult points. First, discuss with your group members, if you cant

16、 solve them, write them down, we will deal with them together later. Are you clear?T: Time to solve your problems now. Group One, what are your problems?T: .Read 1a carefully and find out the difficult points and solve them within the groups.Ss: Clear.Group One: What does “were made of ” mean?Group

17、Two:.让学生在组内解决部分问题,有利于合作学习。这样也可以做到“学生知道的老师不讲”的原则。Remark:因为在1b环节学生已经基本了解了短文的内容,所以在这个环节主要是处理学生感到困难的词和句子。教师在解释过去时的被动语态时,只要让学生知道意思即可。教师还要强调如何区分so.that. 引导的结果状语从句还是目的状语从句。Stage 5(20mins):Finishing ProjectStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1 (Group work )Let the Ss survey their classmates

18、 and fill in the table.T: Do you have more problems? T: Then lets move to Project. Its similar to what you have done in Section C. First, survey your classmates and fill in the blank. Quickly, go and make the survey.The questions on the blackboard may help you.Survey their classmates and fill in the

19、 table.Ss: No.培养学生的口头交际能力,完成Project 的第一部分。2(Group work)Let the Ss discuss whether their classmates dressing is suitable or not and give some suggestions .T:Hey, boys and girls. Please come back to your group. You should discuss with your group members and give suggestions if possible .While you are

20、discussing, youd better take notes, because you will write a short report soon.Discuss whether their classmates dressing is suitable or not and give some suggestions.小组合作,运用本话题的着装知识去分析同学们的着装是否合适。讨论的过程也是培养学生的口头交际能力。完成Project的第二个步骤。3(Group work)Let the Ss write a short passage according to their surve

21、y and then encourage the Ss to present their reports to the class.T: Hi,class! Finish discussing, please. Now you should write your report according to your survey.T: Have you finished your report yet? Its time to present your report now. Which group begins first? Write a short passage and present t

22、heir reports to the class. Group Three: We think xxx and xxx dont have suitable dressing. Xxx is fat, but he usually wears .Group One:We think .Group Two:.培养学生的写作能力。小组合作完成写作,可以带动基础较差的学生。Remark: 这个Project 与Section C-4 有几分类似,学生做起来不会很难,只要学生按照提供的步骤去完成即可,重点是给更多学生展示的机会。Stage6(5mins):Summarizing and assign

23、ing HMKStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Let the Ss summarize what they have learned in this topic.T:We have finished this helpful topic. What do you know from this topic?T: Right. If you want to make yourself look great, you should know the knowledge of dressing.

24、 Then who can tell something about dressing?T: Wonderful . How about grammar ?Summarize what they have learned in this topic .S1: I know how to dress myself .S2: Fat people should wear.S3: Tall and thin people should wear.S4: .S5: we learned “so.that.”, “so that” and “such. that.”.S6: .回顾总结单元知识,加强学生

25、的记忆。2 (Class activity)Assign the HMK.T: For todays HMK, Id like you to write a short passage on your exercise book according to your report in Project. Finish the HMK.让学生把Project的成果变成短文,有利于做到点面结合,兼顾到各个层次的学生。Remark:Project的报告是小组的成果,更多的是较为积极的学生的成果,对于那些不怎么参与的学生,受益不大,所以有必要让每个学生根据报告写一篇短文。这样也可以敦促每个学生都必须积极参加活动,否则就不能完成写作任务。VI. Blackboard design第五课时(Section DGrammar and Functions , 1a, 1b, Project)Words and expressions Grammar material 结果状语从句skin so.that. uniform . so that . kimono such.that. sportswear 目的状语从句saying so that function discuss meaningbe made of protect.from . .

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