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1、届浙江省杭州四中高三开学英语试题2021届浙江省杭州四中高三开学英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_ Indian-origin Anvitha Vijay has given a new meaning to the phrase “age is just a number”; she has proved that achievements and knowledge follow passion and not just age and experience.Vijay, who lives with her parents in Melbourne, Australia, at t

2、he age of seven realized that her piggy bank did not have enough money to hire a developer to make her an app, so she decided to teach herself how to code. With the help of Youtube videos, the young techie learned to code. For one entire year, she watched multiple coding tutorials on the web and bec

3、ame a programmer herself.Vijays inspiration for developing the apps was her little sister, who was still learning to talk. Therefore, Vijay developed an educational app for children that were her sisters age. The app uses about 100 sounds and flash cards of different animals that help children learn

4、 and identify. Later, Vijay developed a similar iOS app for children to identify and learn colors.Anvithas skills won her a scholarship to attend a big tech conference hosted by Apple in San Francisco, California. There, she got tips from the pros. She went to workshops where she learned about the l

5、atest software for app building.All that training led to an idea for a third app. This one called Goals Hi, inspires kids to practice good habits. Users are rewarded for achieving goals, such as eating their vegetables or practicing piano, Anvitha says the rewards are like getting a sticker for a jo

6、b well done.Anvithas goal is to continue creating technology that helps kids learn while having fun. But whats even more important to her is that the world sees the power of technology in kids hands. “The more training we get in tech at an early age,” she says, “the better chance we have of becoming

7、 creativity champions who will one day change the world.”1How did Anvitha manage to develop her first app?AHer parents instructed her. BA young techie tutored her.CShe hired a developer to teach her. DShe taught herself by watching videos.2What inspired Anvitha to code her third app?AHer strong desi

8、re to help her little sister to learn to talk.BThe reward that she got alter developing the former apps.CThe latest technology that she learned in Apple on coding apps.DThe training that she got when helping kids practice good habits.3What is Anvithas major purpose of continuing creating technology?

9、ATo help kids learn while having fun.BTo enable kids to get training at an early age.CTo prove childrens ability of advancing technology.DTo help little children like her sister learn and identify. Grandparents who help out occasionally with childcare or provide support for others in their community

10、 tend to live longer than seniors who do not care for other people, according to a study from Berlin, Germany. “Having no contact with grandchildren at all can negatively impact grandparents health. This link could be deeply rooted in our evolutionary past when help with childcare was important for

11、the survival of the human species,” said Sonja Hilbrand, one of the researchers. However, having full-time custody of grandchildren may harm their health.The findings are drawn from data on more than 500 people over age 70 in the Berlin aging Study. The participants completed interviews and medical

12、tests every two years. Overall after considering grandparents age and general state of health, the risk of dying was one-third lower for grandparents who cared for their grandchildren, compared with grandparents who didnt provide any childcare. Half of the grandparents who cared for grandchildren we

13、re still alive ten years after the initial interview. The same was true for participants who did not have grandchildren but supported their adult children in some way, such as helping with housework. In contrast about half of the participants who did not help others died within five years after the

14、start of the study. “Caregiving may be thought also as an activity that keeps caregivers physically and mentally active,” said Professor Arpino, adding that previous studies suggest that caregiving may improve cognitive functioning, mental and physical health. Arpino noted, however, that caregiving

15、is not the only activity that can improve health, and too many caring responsibilities can take away benefits from other activities like working, being in social clubs, or volunteering. “Children should take into account their parents needs, willingness, and desires and agree with them on the timing

16、 and amount of childcare,” Arpino suggested.4What is the caregiving study based on?AData on elderly people.BMedical tests on children.CHuman evolutionary history.DInterviews on local community.5What can we infer about Arpinos attitude towards caregiving?ANegative BObjective CDoubtful DPositive6Which

17、 statement about childcare may Arpino agree with?AChildcare is bound to be beneficial to grandparents.BGrandparenting is meant to become a growing trend.CProper amounts of childcare make grandparents live longer.DMore childcare can provide grandparents with more health. Next time your plane lands, l

18、isten to the sound of the tyres hitting the ground. The reason the tyres dont explode is because they are made of natural rubber. The tyres of cars, motorbikes and trucks are also often made of the same stuff.Natural rubber comes from trees, Workers cut the trunks of the trees and collect a white li

19、quid called latex. In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, huge numbers of rubber trees were planted in countries including Malaysia, Burma and Brazil. More than a century ago, scientists discovered how to make man-made rubber, but natural rubber is much stronger and can last much longer. N

20、early half the rubber which is produced each year is natural rubber and there is always a need for more.Rubber trees are not easy to grow. They are affected by changes in temperature, to much or not enough rain, high winds and disease. Some trees survive while others die and its all down to their ge

21、nes. Two British organizations, the Tun Abdul Razak Research Center (TARRC) and The Genome Analysis Center (TGAC), have been working together to look at rubber trees. This is the genes fit together in very long chains of DNAThe genome for a plant such as a rubber tree or animal needs to grow. The ge

22、nome contains all the information the plant or animal needs to grow. The genome for a plant such as a rubber tree is smaller than a human genome but it is still very long, which is why it has been so difficult to find. As Ewan Mollison of TARRC says, the work has been like putting a picture puzzle t

23、ogether where all the pieces show blue sea and blue sky.Now scientists can use the rubber tree genome to produce stronger trees. By understanding the genome, they can change the DNA in rubber trees in useful ways. They can also do it much faster than before. In the future, it will be possible to gro

24、w trees which survive climate change and disease.7What characteristics of natural rubber can be inferred from Paragraph 1?AInexpensive. BFlexible CConductive DExplosive.8What made natural rubber so demanding each year?AQuantities of rubber trees were planted in Southeast AsiaBRubber trees are not ea

25、sily affected by the climate change.CBy now scientists havent discovered how to make man-made rubber.DNatural rubber is much tougher and more lasting than man-made rubber.9What does Ewan Mollison suggest in Paragraph 3?AThe work sounds as interesting as a picture puzzle.BThe genome of a rubber tree

26、is as blue as sea and sky.CThe genome of a rubber tree is not easy to be identifiedDCompleting a picture puzzle with sea and sky is difficult.10What can be a suitable title for the text?AThe Origin of Natural Rubber BThe Application of Natural RubberCNatural Rubber: Its All in the genes DNatural Rub

27、ber VS Man-made RubberReasons Why Smart Goal Setting Is ImportantSmart goal setting is very important. Here we will start off by letting you know the Importance of Smart Goal Setting. 11Sometimes, you think that you wont be able to do something. But when it is already there, you discovered that you

28、can actually do it because you were motivated to attain your goal. Setting goals can also let you go beyond the limits that you already know and be a better, stronger person.Smart goal setting gives you something new to think.It would be a good thing for your mind to always have something new to thi

29、nk. 12 You can even have a wider perspective on things if you always have new things to ponder upon.Smart goal setting trains you to manage time.Well, as a designer, you surely know how to manage your time especially if you have major projects. So, when you have set your goals, see to it that you wi

30、ll be able to follow that by creating your own timeline. 13Smart goal setting urges you to take action.14 You cant just think of a goal and not do anything. You wont be able to accomplish anything if you will not take some action. So, set a goal so that you have something to look up to that would ur

31、ge you move.Anyway, setting a goal is very important in everything we do. 15ASmart goal setting lets you do your bestBSmart goal gives you fulfillment.CIf you have set a goal, you will be obliged to do something.DThis way, you will be able to develop your thoughts more.E.Setting a goal can also moti

32、vate you to move forward.F.This will help you do your priorities first and finish all your important tasks.G.So everyone should know the value of setting goals in order to be successful. When I came to the farm as a bride, the rock was there, just around the corner of the house. Cant we dig it out? I asked after I hit it at full 16 with the lawn mower, 17 the blade. No, its always been there. my husband said, and

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