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1、牛津初中英语9aUnit2单元教案课题Unit 2 Colour Comic strip and Welcome to the unit备课时间: 上课时间: 执教教师:教学目标知识目标:1认识不同颜色的名称。2认识彩虹的颜色以及它们的顺序。能力目标:能运用表示各种不同颜色的名称的单词,完成相关练习。 情感目标:激发学生对本单元学习话题的兴趣。 教学重点:认识不同颜色的名称。难点突破:通过多媒体介绍背景知识,激发学生对颜色主题的兴趣。教学内容四会内容 词汇:pink rainbow 词组:would rather in the sky 句型:Id rather wear blue than p

2、ink Theres nothing wrong with pink Blue looks good on you!教学准备1Step I导入1从回顾前一单元有关星座的知识导入本课:Weve learnt that people born under the same star sign may share similar characteristicsNow, were going to learn something about colours in this unit. Well see what different colours represent,how they can affe

3、ct our moods and which colour is suitable for different characteristics2复习学生已经学过的颜色名称,如red,green,blue,white,brown,black,orange等。让学生四人一组,一个学生可以挑选任意事物如水果、植物等,另一个学生说出其颜色并接着给出另一物体,再由别人回答,依次类推,如: S1:Mango S2:YellowSky S3:BlueYour hair S4:BlackStep II呈现1说:Eddie和Hobo也在谈论颜色,请听听他们在谈论些什么。完整播放一遍录音后,问学生:Why doe

4、s Eddie choose blue instead of pink?(Because Eddie thinks pink is a girls colour)2再放一遍录音,让学生跟着朗读。同时注意Eddie和Hobo所使用的语音语调。3用录音机播放下列Andy和Kitty的对话。 Andy:Kitty, youve got a new sweater! It looks nice Kitty:Thank youI like its colour. Pink is my favourite colour Andy:I like it tooYou are wearing blue jean

5、s Kitty:Yes,and my shoes are black and grey Andy:You look great 然后请学生回答相关问题。 (1)What is Kittys favourite colour?(Pink) (2)How many colours is Kitty wearing? What are they?(FourPink,blue,black and grey) (3)Do you like a sweater like that? (4)What is your favourite colour?Step III呈现1教师问学生:Have you eve

6、r seen a rainbow? When does a rainbow appear? (When there is both rain and sunshine and when the sun is low in the sky) The colours of a rainbow always appear in the order shown in the picture on page 25让学生把不同的颜色填在课本第25页A部分的空栏中。2核对A部分的练习。向他们解释indigo和violet的区别: indigo是“靛蓝”,即very dark blue;而violet则是“紫

7、罗兰色,蓝紫色”,即bluish purple。3请两位学生分角色朗读B部分的对话。鼓励扮演Amy表妹的学生在未经提示的情况下完成对话。提醒学生按照正确的顺序说出彩虹的颜色名称。Step IV活动1 We live in a colourful worldNow please work in pairs to talk about colours of the other things提醒学生可以参照第25页B部分的对话。2在学生讨论时,教师在课堂里巡视,给予指点,并给出示范,如:S1:Ive just read a book about sea fishS2:Really? Is it in

8、teresting?SI:Yes,it has many picturesSea fish have different coloursS2:Ive never heard of that beforeWhat colours do they have?S1:Yellow, blue,black,grey, red and so onS2:OhThats really a sea world of coloursStep V家庭作业1记忆有关词汇、词组和句型。2熟读漫画部分的对话。3完成练习与测试相关习题。教后记:课题Unit 2 Colour Reading (1)备课时间: 上课时间: 执

9、教教师:教学目标知识目标:本单元四会单词、词组和句型。能力目标:让学生通过自主阅读,完成课文中的阅读练习。情感目标:学会选择不同颜色的服装,改变自己的情绪。 教学重点:让学生通过自主阅读,理解本篇课文,提高阅读能力。难点突破:通过合作学习,激发阅读兴趣,提高阅读效率。 四会内容单词:sleepyrelaxed sadnesscalm satisfiedheatdimcultydecisiondeepworried词组:make us feel happy or sad be good for our mind and bodycheer you up study for exams have

10、difficulty making a decision in a deep sleep句型:So you may sayIm feeling bluewhen you are feeling sadWearing red can also make it easier for you to take action教学准备1多媒体2录音机3教学卡片教学步骤Step I导入1教师说:Whats your favourite colour? Do you know anything interesting about colours? Do you think that colours can a

11、ffect our moods? Well learn about colours and moods todayThis article explains what colours can do and what characteristics they represent2教师接着说:Our world is full of coloursSome colours are warm coloursSome colours can make us feel calm and peaceful让学生快速浏览课文,并回答:How many kinds of colours are talked

12、about in the text? What are they?(FourCalm colours,warm colours,energetic colours and strong colours)Step II阅读1播放录音,让学生仔细听。教师说:While listening,try to find out what colours belong to calm colours,warm colours,energetic colours and strong colours学生听完一遍之后,完成下列表格。calm colours(blue,white)warm colours(ora

13、nge,yellow)energetic colours(green) strong colours(red) 2请五位学生分段朗读课文,其他学生画出课文中不理解的单词或句子。向全班同学解释。3学生独立完成第28页B1部分的练习,全班核对答案。对学生有不理解的地方加以解释。4学生根据Reading部分的内容判断下列句子的正误。 (1)Different colours may represent different characteristics(T) (2)Blue is a calm colourIt can create the feeling of joy(F) (3)White wi

14、ll make you feel stressed(F) (4)Orange and yellow are warm colours(T) (5)If you feel tired or weak,you should wear green(T) (6)Red represents a strong feeling;it can help you take actions(T)5学生再次仔细阅读课文,找出各种颜色分别代表什么,然后试着完成第28页B2 部分的练习。教师也可以用投影仪或板书展示下列表格,让学生填写Moods部 分的答案。Colours MoodsCalm colours blue

15、 (harmony, sadness)white(calm,peace,purity)Warm colours orange (joy, success)yellow(warmth,wisdom) Energetic coloursgreen(energy, nature,growth,envy)Strong colours red (strength,power) 让学生两人一组完成此项任务。然后全班核对答案。6用多媒体或投影仪呈现下列短文。学生两人一组,完成填空练习。This article tells us something about the relationship between

16、 and . and are calm colours because they make you feel calm and . Blue can also represent , and white is the is the colour of . represents joy, and is colour of intelligence and . They are colours is an energetic colourIt represents new life and as it is the colour of . It is also the colour of . Re

17、d is a colourIt represents and , and strong feelings.(1 colours;2 moods;3 Blue;4 white;5 peaceful;6 sadness;7 purity;8 Orange;9 yellow;10 wisdom;1 1 warm;12 Green;13 growth;14 nature;15 envy;16 strong;1 7 power;18 heat)家庭作业1朗读课文。2用重点词组和句型造句。3完成练习与测试相关习题。教后记:课题Unit 2 Colour Reading (2)备课时间: 上课时间: 执教教

18、师:教学目标知识目标:本单元四会单词、词组和句型。能力目标:能说出颜色所代表的含义;理解有关情感的词汇;把颜色和性格搭配起来。情感目标:学会选择不同颜色的服装,改变自己的情绪。教学重点:让学生通过自主阅读,理解本篇课文,提高阅读能力。难点突破:通过合作学习,激发阅读兴趣,提高阅读效率。教学内容词汇:moodclimategrowthphysicalrepresentremindenvymentalweddingwisdomjealousstrength词组:affect our moods change our moodson their wedding day people living i

19、n cold climates句型:Yellow is the colour of the sun, so it can remind you of a warm,sunny dayI think the best colour to represent Lisa is yellow教学过程Step I复习上课时学习的单词和词组;复述课文大意。Step II 检查上节课布置的课后作业,讨论疑难问题。核对答案。Step III活动1把事先准备好的颜色卡片举在手里,如blue,yellow,green,red等。每展示一种颜色,可以询问学生: (1)Which group does this co

20、lour belong to,calm colours,warm colours,energetic colours or strong colours? (2)What does this colour represent? (3)Whats your favorite colour? Why?2鼓励学生用文章里的词汇来描述情感。可以提供文章中没有提到的一些颜色,如black,brown,pink,purple等。提醒学生答案没有对错之分。Step IV练习1说:Millie is thinking about her friends and tries to figure out whic

21、h colours match their characteristics bestHelp her decide which the best colours are for her friends让学生参考第26页和第27页的文章,运用文章提供的信息填写第29页C1部分的空格。填完之后,让学生和他们的同伴一起检查答案。让他们讨论。2请五个学生每人朗读一个气泡里的内容,在这个过程中纠正学生的错误,并解释这些答案错误的原因。3教师问:Whats your favorite colour?让学生把颜色的名称写在第29页C2部分的第一个空栏里,如:red。4教师说:Try to find out

22、what this colour represents让学生把答案写在第二个空栏处,如:strength,power, heat and strong feelings。5教师接着问:Why do you like this colour? How does this colour make you feel? 让学生把答案写在第三个空栏处,如:It can help me when I have difficulty making a decision把可能对学生有用的形容词写在黑板上,如: stressed confident powerful cheerful peaceful rela

23、xedcalm patient sad tired satisfied warm6鼓励学生思考他们自己的性格,提醒他们也可以不用黑板上的单词,并把性格填在第四个空栏里,如:lively, funny and strong。7请学生比较填在第二和第四个空栏里的内容。他们必须思考自己的性格与最喜欢的颜色所代表的性格是否一致。然后在第五个空栏里选择Yes或No。8学生完成任务后,让几个学生把他们写的内容读给全班同学听,如:My favorite colour is redIt represents strength,power, heat and strong feelingsI like it b

24、ecause it can help me when I am having difficulty making a decisionI am lively, funny and strongI think my favorite colour matches my characteristics对学生写得好的部分给予表扬。Step V活动1让学生写一篇关于同伴的文章。他们可以用第29页上端的内容作为指导。提醒学生在这篇短文中,必须提到以下几点: (1)The name of their friend (2)The best colour for their friend (3)The fri

25、ends characteristics2完成后让学生两人一组,讨论是否同意对方对于自己性格的看法。这种讨论会很有趣,学生可以了解到其他人的看法和自己的有什么不同。Step VI家庭作业1朗读课文。2用重点词组和句型造句。3完成练习与测试相关习题。教后记:课题Unit 2 Colour Vocabulary备课时间: 上课时间: 执教教师:教学目标知识目标: 让学生初步掌握英语的同义词。能力目标: 能识记本课时学习的英语单词的同义词,并能运用这些同义词完成练习。情感目标: 体会英语学习的成就感,激发学习英语的兴趣。教学重点:英语的同义词知识。学习和记忆有关同义词。难点突破:以做游戏的方式,帮助

26、学生完成学习任务。教学内容四会内容 词汇:influence unhappiness教学准备多媒体教学步骤Step I导入1教师说:Antonyms are words that have the opposite meanings of each otherWe have already learnt a lot of such words让学生快速说出下列单词和词组的反义词。black(white)right (leftwrong)common(uncommon)sure (unsure)dangerous(safe)true (false)lucky (unlucky) good luc

27、k(bad luck)powerful(weak) warm(coo1)2和反义词相反的是同义词synonym。告诉学生:Synonyms are words that mean the same or nearly the same thingStep II练习1让学生完成课本第30页的A部分。让学生读右栏提供的单词,重新排列字母的顺序,得到同义词。请学生一次朗读一个答案,检查错误答案和不正确的发音。2让学生举出一些学过的同义词的例子,如:big(large) small(little)fast(quick) happy(cheerful)seldom(rarely)cheap(inexpe

28、nsive)wrong(incorrect)smart(clever)journey(trip) calm(relaxed)把以上例词写在黑板上。把单词打乱,让学生去搭配。3为学生提供一组选择练习,帮助他们巩固所学的知识。(1)The colour red represents strong feelingsIt can make you feel .(B) A calm B powerful C sadness(2)Blue and white are calm coloursThey can make you feel .( C ) A joy B stressed C relaxed(3

29、)Warm colours,like orange and yellow, can make you feel contented,so put on an orange coat and you will feel with yourself(A)A satisfied B energetic C stressed(4)Energetic colours like green will make you look .( C ) A hopeful B sad C lively(5)Paul has a personality and likes to be the leader(B) A w

30、eak B strong C nervous3为学生提供一组选择练习,帮助他们巩固所学的知识。4向学生解释第30页B部分轮子上的每个单词都有一个同义词。学生必须在框里找到正确的同义词,把它写在与其相对应的单词的对面。5掌生独立完成B部分后,请七位学生一次朗读轮子上的一个单词,让他们给每个单词找一个同义词。6展示以下练习,让学生为画线单词选择同义词。(1)Your personal information is required when you buy an air ticketa qualities(2)His history teacher greatly influenced himb most unhappy(3)Wisdom is sometimes gained through experiencec come to now(4)Solar power is considered to be a cleaner way of producing electricity than burning fossil fueld sad(5)Eating certain foods can affect

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