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1、高中英语4module3nonverbalcommunication教案7课时集体备课教案年级: 科目: 授课人: 授课时间:课 题Module 3Body Language and Non-verbal Communication第 1 课时三维目标1.Make the students master some new words,phrases and useful expressions.2.Encourage the students to know how to describe body languages or gestures in English.3.Make sure th

2、e students use simple English to discuss the gestures or physical contacts and express what they mean.重 点1.Master some words, phrases and useful expressions describing body languages and non-verbal communication.2.Improve the students speaking ability by talking, discussing, making up and acting out

3、 dialogues.中心发言人难 点1.How to encourage students to take an active part in the speaking and listening activities.2.How to improve the students speaking and listening ability.教 具Multimedia blackboard.课 型课时安排 课时教 法Individual work, pair work or group work 学 法个人主页教 学 过程Step 1 Lead-inIn last module we have

4、 learned something about traffic jam at home and abroad.Today we are going to learn something about communication without words but body language.(shows a pile of pictures of physical contacts.)Do you know how to express them in English? Now discuss them in pairs or groups. In a few minutes, Ill ask

5、 some students to talk about them.(A few minutes later, call back the answers from the whole class)Step 2 Match the verbs in the box with the picturesT:Just now we have discussed some pictures concerning physical contact and learned some words and expressions. Now open your books and turn to Page 21

6、.Read these four words after me.(The teacher reads the words, followed by the students and performs each words meaning with gestures.)Step 3 Say What You Do When You.Work in pairs.Act out the movements and say the relevant words and expressions according to the following situations given in this act

7、ivity.Five minutes for you to prepare.审核人签字: 年 月 日集体备课教案年级: 科目: 授课人: 授课时间:课 题Period 2Reading and Vocabulary第 2 课时三维目标Train the students reading ability.Make the students know more about body language and communication customs as well as cultures in different countries and areas.重 点1.Help the student

8、s to understand the passage better.2.Learn and master some important words and phrases in this period.中心发言人难 点1.How to help the students improve their reading ability and understand the passage better.2.How to master the important Language Points in this passage.教 具A tape recorderA multimedia课 型课时安排

9、 课时教 法Discussion , Fast reading Intensive reading学 法个人主页教 学 过程Step 1 Greetings and revisionAsk the students to act their dialogue out.Step 2 Discussion and lead inT:In the last class we have known something about body language through listening and speaking activity. We have known that we could comm

10、unicate not just by words but also by our expressions and body languages or movements, sometimes we may even communicate better and more clearly using body language than words.Step 3 Fast reading T: OK! Youve known something about body language. Now we are going to read a passage, from which we will

11、 learn more about body language. Open your books and turn to P22.Read the passage quickly and summarize the main idea of each paragraph.(After a few minutes, the teacher checks the main ideas they summarize.)Step 4 Intensive readingT: Quite true. We have known the main idea of each paragraph. Now re

12、ad the passage again and underline the useful words, phrases and expressions as well as say if these statements are T or F on the screen. This time you should read slowly and carefully and do T or F questions.1.Not all body language is conscious.2.Europeans shake hands with their left hand.3.In Asia

13、,people touch strangers when they meet.4.In the US a “high five” is a way of saying hello.5.A “high five” is a formal gesture.6.Body language is less communicative than spoken or written language.Suggested answers:1.T2.F3.F4.T5.F6.F审核人签字: 年 月 日集体备课教案年级: 科目: 授课人: 授课时间:课 题Period 3 Language study第 3 课时

14、三维目标1.Learn some useful words and expressions.2.Learn some facts about body language.重 点Learn and master some important words and phrases in this period.中心发言人难 点How to master the important Language Points in this passage.教 具A multimedia A blackboard课 型课时安排 1 课时教 法Practicing and explanation学 法个人主页教 学

15、 过程Step 1. RevisionHave the students retell the reading passage.Step 2. Language points1.yet/already相同点:都用来谈目前有关的动作或事件。都表示”到现在或另外某个时间为止”,常和完成时连用;都可以和进行时,be动词的一般现在时以及表示心事状态的情感动词(如:know,feel,understand等)的过去时连用。不同点:(1)already 一般用于肯定句;在if 引导的条件状语从句中可以是否定句。yet 多用于否定句和疑问句中,(2)already 用于助动词之后,行为动词之前,位于句末时,

16、表示较强的语气。yet 一般在句末,也可与not连用,位于句中。If you havent seen the film already,you may go to the cinema this evening.Have you finished your homework yet?The show has already started.The show hasnt started yet.2.vary vt. 变化3.involve v.包括;包含;牵涉;牵连(某人或某物)4.give away 暴露(情况),赠送;背弃;出卖give in屈服give up 放弃,认输give in to

17、 让步,投降,屈服give back 归还give off 放出,散发(光、热、烟、气味等)give out 分配,分发(不可指食物、燃烧、电力等用光),精疲力竭5.relax vt.&vi. (使事物)松弛;缓和下来,变得轻松;放宽审核人签字: 年 月 日集体备课教案年级: 科目: 授课人: 授课时间:课 题Period 4Grammar 1;Grammar 2第 4 课时三维目标Make the students learn to sum up grammatical rules themselves.Make sure the students master the grammatica

18、l items.Train the students listening ability and improve their listening skill.重 点Encourage the students to sum up grammatical rules.中心发言人难 点To make them be able to analyze the sentence structure of adverbial clause of condition and use what they learn in Grammar 1 to make up such kind of sentences.

19、教 具multimedia,tape-recorder & a blackboard课 型课时安排 课时教 法Individual work and pair work学 法个人主页教 学 过程Step 1 Grammar 1In this period we are going to deal with Grammar part. First please open your books and turn to Page 23.Look at the following sentences from the passage. Read them and pay attention to th

20、e conjunctions when and if. They are used to connect sentences or parts of sentences. Then finish the exercise below.Suggested answers:The following statements are true:1,3,4 and 5Step 2. Grammar 2 Here are three sentences with adverbial clause of condition.Read them through and answer the questions

21、 below.(Show the following sentences and questions on the screen.)a)If you meet someone you usually shake his or her hand.b)What should I do if Im invited to dinner?c)Unless youre unlucky youll soon think of something.1.Which sentence refers to a normal everyday situation?2.Which sentence refers to

22、a possibility in the future?3.Which word in the third sentence means if.not? (Then show the exercise on the screen.)1.If you _a cake you host _very pleased.(take, be)2.Unless the weather _better, I _at home.(get, stay)3.He _home early if he _well.(go, not feel)4.What _I _if they _about politics?(do,

23、 talk)Suggested answers:1.take;will be2.gets;will stay3.will go;doesnt feel4.shall;do;do talk审核人签字: 年 月 日集体备课教案年级: 科目: 授课人: 授课时间:课 题Period 4Function;Pronunciation;Speaking第 5 课时三维目标To let the students know the differences of an American accent and a British accent clearly and can use them freely in

24、the future studies.To train their listening skills.To train their speaking skills.重 点To motivate the students to work together.中心发言人难 点How to enable the students to master the differences between an American English accent and a British English accent.教 具a blackboardand a multimedia课 型课时安排 课时教 法List

25、ening and discussion.学 法个人主页教 学 过程Step 1. FunctionT:Now look through these sentences and underline the modal verbs.Then discuss with your partners to see in which situation people use them to give advice.Step 2 .PronunciationRead this short passage,meanwhile pay much attention to your intonation and

26、 pronunciation(Play the tape for the students to listen.)Step 3.SpeakingHave the students work in pairs and do this role-play.审核人签字: 年 月 日集体备课教案年级: 科目: 授课人: 授课时间:课 题Period 6 Grammar 3;Writing;Everyday English第 6 课时三维目标To train the students speaking.Make the students learn how to use some simple Ever

27、yday English in a conversationTo make the students practice expressing themselves by using both everyday English and body language.重 点Learn to write a reply to an invitation and compare a formal invitation and an informal one.中心发言人难 点Make the students compare two kinds of invitations.教 具Multimedia &

28、 a blackboard.课 型课时安排 课时教 法Pair work and individual work. Discussion.学 法个人主页教 学 过程Step 1 RevisionCheck their workbook exercises.Step 2 Grammar 3 Adverbial Clause of ConcessionThis period well learn another kind of adverbial clause,thatis,adverbial clause of concession.Please look at the screen.Have

29、students read the sentences and choose the correct meaning on page 27.Discuss with your partner and finish Activity 2 with whoever,whenever,wherever or however.Step 3 WritingRead the invitations and answer the questions on the screen.(A few minutes later, ask individuals to answer the questions.)Ste

30、p 4 Everyday EnglishThe writing practice gives us a chance to contact two different styles of invitations,that is,formal and informal. Please finish the exercise in everyday English.审核人签字: 年 月 日集体备课教案年级: 科目: 授课人: 授课时间:课 题Period 7Cultural Corner;Task;Module File第 7 课时三维目标Multimedia,a blackboard & a tape-recorderInstruct the students to learn to give advice for visitors to China.Encourage the students to consolidate what they have learned

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