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unit 1lecture notes.docx

1、unit 1lecture notes 2. Words and Expressions1. (L 5) raw: adj. cold and wet; not cooked, refined, processed, organized or analyzed *The event took place on a raw February morning. 这块砧板是专门用来切生肉的。(This cutting board is only used to cut raw meat.) *Raw materials are the natural substances from which in

2、dustrial products are made.2. (L 7) launch: vt.1) start * Beginning in the early 1960s, humans launched probes to explore other planets. 这家电脑公司今年开始生产一种新产品。(This computer company launches a new product this year.)2) send (sth.) on its course *On October 4, 1957, Soviet scientists launched the worlds

3、first artificial satellite, called Sputnik. Collocation: launch an attack 发动进攻 launch a massive campaign 发动一场大规模的运动 launch a company 开一家公司 launch threats at sb. 向某人发出威胁 launch into (积极有力地)开始 * He launched into a long speech about the danger of taking drugs. 他开始作关于吸毒危险性的长篇演说。 launch out (精力充沛或戏剧性地)开始

4、 * She wants to be more than a singer and is launching out into films. 她不是仅仅想当一名歌手,而且正在积极涉足电影界。3. (L 10) campaign: n. a series of military operations or planned activities with a particular aim (插入声音文件campaign) (The government is launching a massive campaign against corruption.) 在我们城市开展的灭鼠运动开端良好。 (T

5、he campaign against rats in our city got off to a good start.)CF: campaign, battle & war 这三个词都是名词,均含有“战斗,战争”之意。campaign通常指在一场大的战争中,某一地区进行的一连串有既定目的的军事行动,也可作引申用。battle强调指战争中的一次较全面、时间较长的战斗,也指陆军或海军在某一特定地区进行的战斗,或个人之间的争斗。war是战争的总称,一般指包括多个战役的大规模战争。(Directions:) Fill in the blanks with the words above. Chan

6、ge the form where necessary.1. Many _ criminals were proceeded against following World War II. (=war)2. The American presidential _lasts for eighteen months. (=campaign) 3. It was a decisive _ we won the _ because of it. (=battle, war) 4. The Philippines had suffered grievously under the Japanese oc

7、cupation. A highly effective guerilla _ controlled sixty percent of the islands, mostly jungle and mountain areas. (=campaign) 4. (L 15) efficient: adj. working well, quickly and without waste*To cut back on fossil fuels, we should build more efficient cars. 雇佣未受良好训练的工人效果是不会好的。(It is not efficient t

8、o hire poorly trained workers. ) 5. (L 16) conquest: n. conquering, defeat*Hitler badly miscalculated when he assumed the conquest of the USSR would be simple. 1939年德国征服了波兰。(The year 1939 had witnessed the conquest of Poland by Germany.)6. (L 21) retreat: v. move back or withdraw when faced with dan

9、ger or difficulty*After a fierce battle, the troops retreated southward.我们采取如下策略:敌进我退,敌退我追。 ( We adopted the following strategies: When the enemy advances, we retreat: when they retreat, we pursue.)NB: retreat 的反义词是 advance 例:to advance against (on, to, toward) 朝前进to retreat from 从撤退to retreat to 撤退

10、到CF: conquest, triumph & victory 这三个词都是名词,均含有“胜利”之意。conquest指获取胜利或征服,把失败者置于控制之下。triumph着重指胜利或成功的辉煌。victory普通用词,主要指在战争、斗争或竞赛中获得的胜利,强调艰辛与成功。(Directions:) Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form where necessary.1. Under the leadership of the Party, we are marching from _ to _. (=victor

11、y, victory)2. The Yangtze Bridge is a great _ of modern civil engineering. (=triumph) 3. It was a _ of human intellect, and also international cooperation and communication (=triumph) 4. In process of time, Rome became a great empire by_. (=conquest) 7. (L 24) engage: vt.1) begin fighting with sb. *

12、The commander ordered the soldiers to engage the enemy immediately.他们与敌人交战。(They engaged the enemy.)2) draw into; involve *We tried to engage him in our conversation, but in vain.3) attract sb.s interest*We failed to engage any active support for our project. 他善良的性情吸引每个人。(=His good nature engages ev

13、eryone.)4) occupy*Studying engages most of a serious students time. 工作占去她很多时间。(=Work engages much of her time.)Pattern: engage (sb.) in sth. : (cause to) take part in sth. * They are currently engaged in lengthy trade negotiations. * The teacher tried to engage the shy boy in conversation. Collocati

14、on: engage as 使聘为 engage in 从事;使参加 engage with 与啮合8. (L 27) be faced with: have to deal with * The librarians were faced with the huge task of listing all the books.(= We were faced with an exceptionally difficult situation.)9. (L 27)crucial: adj. very important (followed by to)*Amazingly, our socce

15、r team won the victory in the crucial final game.增强消费者信心是经济复苏的关键。(=Improved consumer confidence is crucial to economic recovery.)CF: crucial, critical & decisive 这三个词都是形容词,都有“紧要的, 紧迫的,重要的”之意。crucial意为决定性的、极重要的,指对关键性事物不断增长的缺乏或需求,或需求紧急情况或危急转折关头。例如:*We must pay attention to this crucial test. 我们必须重视这次决

16、定性的试验。critical意为决定性的,与crucial相似,但表示对缺乏程度更精确的估计。在转折关头时比crucial表现出更大的严重性。例如:* The patients condition is critical. 病人情况危急。decisive 意思是决定性的、果断的,只有重要、特殊或决定性效果。例如:* Our air forces were decisive in winning the war. 我们的空军对打赢这场战争有决定性的贡献。10. (L 30) take a gamble: take a risk * The company took a gamble by cut

17、ting the price of their products, and it paid off.(= I think shes taking a gamble investing all her money in stocks.)11. (L 30) press on/ahead: continue doing sth. in a determined way (used in the pattern: press on/ahead (with sth.)*Our school authorities are keen to press on with educational reform

18、. *Organizers of the strike are determined to press on. 12. (L 39) bide ones time: wait patiently for a chance * His political rivals are biding their time for an attack on his policies.*He bided his time until Harvard University offered him a professorship.13. (L 46)minus: prep. below zero; made le

19、ss by; slightly lower than the mark stated * Tomorrows temperature will be as low as minus ten degrees centigrade.* 20 minus 10 is 10.我在期末考试中得了B减。(= I got B minus in the final examination.) NB: 1) minus 的反义词是plus(加上)。例如:3 plus 6 is 9. 2) minus 还可以作形容词,意为“负的;减去的”。例如:a minus quantity负数;minus electrici

20、ty负电。此外,minus还可作名词,意为“负号,减号;负数”。14. (L 50) drag on: move slowly and with effort; continue endlessly and tediously*These compensation cases have already dragged on for one year.这个会还要拖多久?(=How much longer is the meeting going to drag on?)15. (L 55) at the cost of: with the loss of *The local governmen

21、t developed its economy but at the cost of environment.比尔为救约翰付出了自己的生命。(= Bill saved John at the cost of his own life.)Collocation: at any cost 不惜任何代价 at all costs 不惜一切代价 at no cost 不需花代价16. (L 56) limp: 1. vi. walk with difficulty, esp. when one foot or leg is hurt *That dog must be hurt its limping

22、.*I injured my ankle and had to limp. 他一瘸一拐地走出足球场。(=He limped off the football field.)2. adj. lacking or having lost rigidity, as of structure or substance; lacking strength or firmness; weak or spiritlessa limp handshake (无力的握手)limp opposition(微弱的反抗)17. (L 71) catch sb. off guard: take sb. by surpr

23、ise *The invitation to his wedding caught me off guard. (=The manager didnt know what to say. It was clear that my question had caught him off guard.)18. (L 71) instruct: vt.1) give orders or directions to (sb.) *The family has instructed solicitors to sue Thomson for compensation.*The professor ins

24、tructed us that we had one month to conduct the project.我奉命在这里等老师来。(= Ive been instructed to wait here until the teacher arrives.) Pattern: instruct sb. to do sth.; instruct sb. that; instruct sb. with quote 2) teach (sb.) *He instructed family members in nursing techniques.他们教给了我做这项工作的最好办法。(= They

25、instructed me in the best ways of doing the job.) Pattern: instruct sb. in/on sth CF: instruct, direct & order 这几个词都是动词,都有“吩咐,命令”之意。instruct指向人下命令或指示,指导等,还可指交待。例如:* He was instructed to represent the Government. 他奉命代表政府。* He hasnt instructed us where to go. 他还没指示我们去哪里。direct 一般指上级对下级进行的指示、命令等,须采取的行动

26、有准确说明。例如:* The owners directed that the factory be closed. 厂主下令关厂。 * The officer directed them to advance. 军官命令他们前进。order 是普通用语,往往带有强制性,语气较强。 例如:* He ordered the enemy to lay down their arms. 他命令敌人放下武器。 * The policeman ordered the motorist to stop. 警察命令摩托车手停车。19. (L 73) render: vt. cause (sb./sth.)

27、to be in a specified condition (same as make)*The drug will render the tiger harmless for up to two hours.*He was rendered unconscious by a blow on the back of the neck.地震导致成百上千的人无家可归。(=Hundreds of people were rendered homeless by the earthquake.)Collocation:render into 译成(某种语言)render up 做(祷告); 放弃,

28、交出render blow for blow 以牙还牙render good for evil 以德报怨20. (L 75) casualty: n. a person who is killed or injured in war or in an accident *First reports of the traffic accident tell of more than 50 casualties. (=The precise number of casualties in yesterdays bomb explosion is not known.)21. (L 91) brin

29、g to a halt: stop completely *Air traffic in Poland had been brought to a halt by an air traffic controllers strike.我们的旅行因风暴而终止。(=Our journey was brought to a halt by a storm.) 22. (L 91) offensive: 1. n. aggressive action, attack *The Red Army brought its winter offensive to a successful conclusion

30、. 红军发动全面的军事攻击。 (=The Red Army led a massive military offensive.)Collocation: launch/mount an offensive 发动进攻 carry out/undertake an offensive 进攻 on the offensive 处于攻势assume/go on/go over/take the offensive 进攻,采取攻势 * If all else fails, Ill go over to the offensive. 如果其他方法都失败,那我将采取攻势。 2. adj. of or abo

31、ut attack; causing offense; unpleasant 这支进攻的军队很快地赢得了阵地。(The offensive troops gained ground quickly.)* My neighbor is really an offensive person. He always plays the piano deep into the night. 23. (L 103) thanks to: because of *Thanks to her financial support, the two children in the remote village could go to school.*Thanks to their tireless efforts, the performance was a great success. 24. (L 114)reckon: v. count; consider; think The existence of

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