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1、3500之五3500之五加拿大建国1 (2008-12-11 22:36:19) 加拿大建国Canada Becomes a NationBefore Canada became a nation in 1867, the area of North America that now composes Canada was a large expanse of widely scattered communities of British and French origins. It was an area with diverse landscapes that physically div

2、ided them from the north of the United States. There was little connection among communities politically or economically. These colonies of British North America traditionally traded with Britain and with the United States, very little among themselves. These colonies even had customs duties that, t

3、o some extent, restricted such trade. In the mid 1800s, important events and changes took place.3:compose: kmpuz . .v. 组成,写作,作曲be compose of=be made up of=consist ofcomposite: kmpzit, -zait . .a. 合成的,复合的n. 合成物composition: kmpzin . .n. 作文,著作,组织,合成物,成份scatter: skt . .n. 散播之物,散布v. 散开,散布,散播diverse: daiv

4、:s . .a. 不同的,相异的,多种多样的landscape: lndskeip . .n. 风景,山水,风景画v. 美化的景观,进行造园工程colony: klni . .n. 殖民地4:expanse: ikspns . .n. 宽阔的区域,宽阔在1867年加拿大成为一个国家之前,组成现在的加拿大的北美地区,辽阔宽广,到处是分散的英国人和法国人的移民社区。这片土地景色多变,很自然观地将其与美国的北方分辨开来。这些社区之间很少有政治或经济上的联系。传统上,这些英属的北美殖民地与英国和美国进行贸易,而相互之间却少有往来。这些殖民地甚至还没有关税,在一定程度上限制贸易往来。19世纪中期发生的几

5、件重大事件,使情况有了变化。Britain repealed the Corn Laws and Navigations Acts, which had been economically beneficial to the colonies at the same rate it applied to all other trading countries, a situation to which the colonies had never been accustomed.3:rate: reit . .n. 比率,等级,价格v. 估价,认为,检定等级repeal: ripi:l . .

6、n. 废止,撤消v. 废止,撤消accustomed: kstmd . .a. 习惯了的英国撕毁了给好几代殖民地人带来经济利益的谷物法和航行法案,并开始对殖民地课以与其他所有贸易国家同样高的税率,这是殖民地从未遇到过的情况。From 1861to 1864, Americans were involved in a major civil war. Britain had traditional economic ties with the southern part of the United States that provided cotton to British markets. I

7、n the meantime, since the war was essentially between the North and the South, the North resented Britains connection with the South. In addition, during the last year (1864) of the American Civil War, the American Government of the dominant and ultimately victorious North, refused to renew a ten-ye

8、ar free trade agreement with United Canada, the large British colony in the central part of British North America. These arbitrary events brought concern and even fear to these colonies. With the loss of traditional trading arrangements and the end of the civil war, the North being victorious, the c

9、olonists feared that the Americans might turn on the British colonies in retaliation for Britains moral support for the South.3:essentially: isenli . .ad. 本质上,本来resent: rizent . .v. 愤恨,憎恶,怨恨dominant: dminnt . .a. 占优势的ultimately: ltimtli . .ad. 最后,最终victorious: vikt:ris . .a. 胜利的,得胜的arbitrary: . .a.

10、任意的,恣意的,专制的concern: kns:n . .n. 关心,关系, 关切的事,忧虑v. 涉及,与.有关,影响;使关心4:retaliation: ri.tlieiLn . .n. 报复,反击1861到1864年,美国陷入全面内战。过去是美国南方为英国市场提供棉花,英国与之有着紧密的传统经济联系。在此期间,由于这实际上是一场南北方之间的战争,北方当然不满英国与南方之间的这种传统关系。此外,在美国内战的最后一年(1864年),占据优势并最终获胜的北方的美国政府,拒绝延续与联合加拿大英属北美中部最大的英国殖民地签订的十年自由贸易协议。这些独断专横的事件带给这些殖民地的是担忧甚至是恐惧。传统

11、贸易协议的废除和以北方作为胜利者的内战的结束,使殖民者们害怕美国人可能会转而对付英属殖民地,以报复英国对南方的道义支持。The need for new markets, and a solid defense system from potential invasion by the United States, brought an acute awareness to these diverse colonies that they should look to each other for resolutions to these problems. They felt uneasy

12、trying to cope against these adversities on their own. Sir John A. Macdonald from United Canada, the dominant personality at this time, also saw the acceleration of American settlers moving north and spreading throughout the flat prairie lands to the west. This would potentially put a wall between t

13、he colonies in the East and the lonely western British colony in what is today part of British Columbia on the west coast of North America. Macdonald felt that the situation was urgent.3:potential: pten()l . .a. 可能的,潜在的n. 潜力,潜能n. 电位,电势invasion: invein . .n. 侵入,侵略invade: inveid . .v. 侵入,拥入acute: kju:

14、t . .a. 敏锐的,激烈的,尖锐的awareness: . .n. 认识(了解,知道)diverse: daiv:s . .a. 不同的,相异的,多种多样的resolution: .rezlju:n . .n. 坚定,决心,决议,决定,果断,刚毅,消退:病理状态的减退,分辨率,清晰度acceleration: k.selrein . .n. 加速,促进,加速度accelerate: kselreit . .v. 加速prairie: prri . .n. 大草原urgent: :dnt . .a. 急迫的,紧要的,紧急的4:adversity: dv:siti . .n. 不幸,灾难对新市

15、场的需求,以及为了建立对付美国潜在入侵的可靠防御系统,使这些松散的殖民地清醒地认识到,它们应该共同寻求解决这些问题的办法。它们急于设法处理这些难题。联合加拿大的约翰.A.麦克唐纳先生,这个时期的关键人物,也看到美国人加快了向北方移民的速度,从大草原到西部到处都是。这很可能会将东部的殖民地与孤立的西部英属殖民地北美西岸的现在的英属哥伦比亚的一部分分隔开来。麦克唐纳感到情况紧急。In the summer of 1864, the maritime colonies of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and New found land scheduled

16、 a meeting to discuss the possibility of a customs union or free trade area to compensate for the latest setbacks in trade relations with Britain and the United States. Macdonald managed to get permission for some delegates from United Canada to attend as observers. For a number of years, United Can

17、ada was experiencing problems of political deadlock. Canada West was predominantly English-speaking Canada East was predominantly French-speaking. A central government, set up in 1841, required a majority from both Canada West and Canada East for all legislation to become law. It was very difficult

18、to pass significant legislation when two opposing views were constantly being debated and legislative bills were constantly being defeated. The Canadians saw a new, wider union, a potential new national institution or central government, as a possible solution for breaking out of this constant polit

19、ical disorder.3:compensate: kmpnseit . .v. 偿还,补偿,付报酬setback: setbk . .n. 顿挫,挫折,退步permission: p(:)min . .n. 同意,许可,允许delegate: deligit . .n. 代表vt. 派为代表;委任deadlock: dedlk . .n. 僵局,停顿v. 停顿,相持不下predominant: pridminnt . .a. 优越的,卓越的,有力的significant: signifiknt . .a. 有意义的,相当数量的,意味深长的,重要的,重大的legislation: .led

20、islein . .n. 立法,法律opposing: puzi . .反作用的, 反向的, 相反的, 对立的constant: knstnt . .a. 经常的,不变的n. 常数,恒量disorder: dis:d . .n. 杂乱,混乱v. 扰乱1864年夏,新斯科舍的沿海殖民地,爱德华太子岛和纽芬兰计划召开会议讨论建立关税联盟或自由贸易区的可能性,以弥补最近在与英国和美国贸易关系上遭到的损失。麦克唐纳设法得到许可让联合加拿大的一些代表作为观察员出席。多年来,联合加拿大都面临着政治僵局的难题。加拿大西部以说英语为主,而东部则以说法语为主。1841年成立的中央政府,则要求一切法案成为法律之前

21、,要得到加拿大西部和加拿大东部的多数同意。在两种对立观点争论不休,法律草案一再被否决的情况下,要通过重要的法案非常困难。加拿大人认识到一个更为广泛的新型的联盟,一种可能的新型国家制度或中央政府,可以作为避免这种时常发生的政治混乱的一个可行的解决办法。加拿大建国2 (2008-12-11 22:37:52) 标签:杂谈 The Canadian delegates sailed on board a cruise ship down the St. Lawrence River, into the Gulf of St. Lawrence, to Charlottetown on Prince

22、Edward Island. This convention expanded to discussions of the possibility of all the British colonies uniting into one nation.3:cruise: kru:z . .n. 巡航,巡弋,漫游v. 巡航,巡弋,漫游convention: knvenn . .n. 大会,协定,惯例计算机 约定expand: ikspnd . .v. 使.膨胀,详述,扩张计算机 扩充加拿大的代表们乘坐一艘游船沿劳伦斯河航行到劳伦斯湾,抵达爱德华太子岛的夏洛特敦。在那里,大会广泛讨论了联合所有英属

23、殖民地建立一个国家的可能性。After much complicated debate at another convention in Quebec City that same year, the delegate submitted a draft of an agreement for the formation of the dominion of Canada. The bulk of the work had been done by a group of men of seemingly high virtue, who became know in history as “t

24、he Fathers of Confederation”. United Canada was divided into the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Some allowances were given to Quebec because it was a predominantly French-speaking Catholic province and had special needs, unlike other provinces. The colony of Nova Scotia was divided into Nova Scoti

25、a and New Brunswick. These four provinces formed the original new nation. A flexible approach, in later years, persuaded other colonies to join.3:complicated: kmplikeitid . .a. 复杂的,难懂的debate: dibeit . .n. 辩论,讨论v. 辩论submit: sbmit . .vt.呈送,递交,主张vt. 使服从,屈服draft: dr:ft . .n. 草稿,草图,汇票v. 起草,征兵formation: f

26、:mein . .n. 构造,编队,形成dominion: dminjn . .n. 领土,主权virtue: v:tju: . .n. 美德,优点allowance: launs . .n. 限额,定量n. 津贴,零用钱original: ridnl . .a. 最初的,原始的,有独创性的,原版的n. 起源,原件,原稿approach: . .n. 途径,方法v. 靠近,接近,动手处理flexible: fleksbl . .a. 灵活的,易弯曲的,柔韧的4:bulk: blk . .n. 大部分,大多数,大块,大批,容积,体积vi. 越来越大vt. (使)更大同年,在魁北克城的另一次会议上

27、,经过错综复杂的讨论后,代表们提交了一份建立加拿大国家的协议草案。大部分工作是由一些那时德高望重的人完成的,他们成为历史上有名的“联邦国父”。联合加拿大被划分为安大略省和魁北克省。一些特权给了魁北克,因为它与其他省不同,是一个以说法语为主的天主教省,有其特殊需要。新斯科舍和新布伦斯威克。这四个省形成了新国家的雏形。在以后的岁月里,他们以灵活的方式说服了其他殖民地加入了这个国家。A federal system, with powers distributed between the central and provincial governments, was created. The pro

28、vinces were assigned powers to have their own governments to deal with more local or provincial issues, the federal system would promote harmony among provinces, with different perspectives on nationhood. This was a compromise, so that the bigger provinces of Ontario and Quebec wouldnt completely do

29、minate the smaller provinces. The country was to be called the Dominion of Canada, but would still remain loyal to Britain as a member of the British Empire.3:federal: fedrl . .a. 联邦的n. 同盟盟友distribute: distribju(:)t . .v. 分配,散布assign: . .v. 分配,指派promote: prmut . .v. 促进,提升,升迁,促销harmony: h:mni . .n. 协调,和睦,调和perspective: pspektiv . .n. 远景,看法,透视a. 透视的compromise: kmprmaiz . .n. 妥协,折衷,折衷案v. 妥协处理,危害v. 妥协,让步一种在中央和省政府之间分享权力的联邦体制创建起来了。各省被赋予权力,拥有自己的政府以处理更多的地方事务。这种联邦体制可望促进各省之间彼此协调,尽管它们站在本民族立场上有不同的观点。这是一种折衷的办法,致使较大的安大略省和魁北克省不能完全支配较小的省。这个国家被称为加拿大自

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