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新起点大学英语第一册Unit 3.docx

1、新起点大学英语第一册Unit 3Unit 3Teaching Objectives:1. Grasp the main idea of the two passages2. Vocabulary practice: fail, figure, pass, grade, change3. Word formation: 1) special, specialist, specialize, specialty 2) insecure, secure, security, securely3) believe, belief, believable, unbelievable4) confiden

2、ce, confident, confidently; 5) fulfill, fulfillment1. Grammar: pronouns2. Translation and Writing Time allotment: 8 periods: Text A & Exercises 2 periods Text B & Exercises 2 periods Translation & writing 2 periods Listening 2 periods Text A The Best Teacher I Ever Had1. Pre-reading Tasks1.1. Pre-re

3、ading questions1) What is your idea of a best teacher? (What do you think are the good qualities of a best teacher?)2) Have you ever had a good teacher in your middle school? Can you say something about him or her?1.2. IntroductionQualities of a good teacher:The teacher can innovate, experiment, be

4、creative, have fun, and most importantly, be funny, caring, and loving.So who are the most loving teachers? They are the ones who know how to set up a relationship with the students; they are the ones who have classrooms that are organized, structured, and well managed. Thus, they have time to be lo

5、ving.2. While -Reading Tasks2.1. Learn the new words and expressions1.2. Read the text once and answer the following questions1) What subject did Mr. Whitson teach? Science.2) What did the animal, cattywampus exist according to the text? Before the Ice Age.3) What did the teacher think of the author

6、s paper? He thought it was poor and gave him a failing grade.4) What happened to all the students? Why? They all failed. Because there had never been such animal.5) What did the writer think of his teacher? He was very angry with the teacher. He thought he was not a good teacher.6) What was the stud

7、ents attitude towards what the teacher talked about the animal while he was passing around it? They were very convinced; they had no suspicion.7) Why did the teacher do so? He wanted to develop students critical thinking ability. 1.3. Study the text in detail 1) wipe : rub its surface to remove dirt

8、 or liquid from it 擦,揩eg. Nancy wiped the sweat from her face.南希擦去她脸上的汗水。wipe out: to destroy it completely 消灭eg. The epidemic wiped out thousands of animals. 流行病使欧洲数以千计的海豹遭到了灭绝。2) pass around/ round: to move sth. from one person to another 传递e.g. A bottle of whisky was passed around.一瓶威士忌被传了一圈。pass

9、 by/over: to go 经过,路过e.g. A beggar passed by his door and asked for a glass of water.一个乞丐经过他家门口,向他讨口水喝。pass on (to ): to move on 继续下去e.g. Please read this note and pass it on to others.请把通知看后传给其他人。pass away: to die 去世e.g. He passed away peacefully this morning.他今天上午安祥地过世了。3) shock: v. to cause usu.

10、unpleasant or angry surprise to 使震惊;使愤慨;使受打击e.g. The violence and bad language in the program shocked many of the viewers. 节目中的暴力场面和难听的粗话使许多观众感到震惊。 It shocked me(I was shocked)to see how my neighbors treated their children. We were shocked at/by her sudden death.n. (the state or feeling caused by) a

11、 sudden, unexpected, and usu. very unpleasant event or situation that severely upsets the mind and feelings 震惊,震骇eg. It took me a very long time to get over the shock of her death.(C)她的去世令我震惊不已,我好长时间才恢复过来。She is still in state of chock. (U.) 他仍处于休克状态。Her behavior at her husbands funeral shocked her

12、friends. (V) 她在丈夫葬礼上的表现使她的朋友感到震惊。have to be:一定是,必定是 have to do不得不做, 必需做eg. You have to be sick. You look pale. 你一定是病了你脸色苍白。eg. You have to do it by yourself. 你必需独立完成。4) realize: v. become aware ofeg. People dont realize how serious this recession has actually been.人们没有认识到这次不景气实际上是多么严重。 sth becomes t

13、rueeg. He was convinced that the dream will be realized. 他坚信梦想能实现。5) make up: to invent a story 捏造,编造e.g. a) I couldnt remember a story to tell the children so I made one up. to combine together to form a particular system 由组成 Women make up more than 50% the workers. 补偿,弥补 Nothing can make up for lo

14、st time. makeup n. cosmetics e.g. She wears light makeup that looks natural.6) expect: v. believe that sth will happen 预计会发生,预料eg. He expects to lose his job in the next few weeks. 他预料在随后的几周里会失业。 believe that sth will be delivered or sb will arrive盼望, 期待, 等待eg. We were expecting him home. 我们都盼着他回家。7

15、) figure out : 算出 e.g. I cant figure out how much money I owe you.弄明白 e.g. I cant figure out why he is absent.我弄不明白他为什么缺席。8) suspicious: adj. (of, about) not trusting 对 有疑心的,怀疑有罪的;可疑的 be suspicious of sth. / about She was suspicious of our intentions(企图). His strange behavior made the police

16、suspicious. doubtful: adj. (of a person) full of doubt; uncertain; unconfident 有疑问的,令人生疑的;犹豫不决的,迟疑的,常与if/whether, that 连用eg. Im doubtful whether theyll agree to this.9) Not everyone sees the value in this. not everyone knows how important it is 并不是每一个人都看到了其中的价值。3. Post Reading Tasks 3.1. Finish the

17、exercises of “Main Idea” and “Detail Understanding”.3.2. Translate the following expressions1) 暑假的第一天the first day of summer vacation 开学第一天 the first day of class2)一个叫彼得的孩子a boy called Peter 一种叫猫的动物 a creature called the cat3)编造了所有的材料make up all the stuff 虚构一部电视剧make up a TV play4) 理解/明白某事figure sth

18、 out 理解他所说的话figure out what he said5)他不可能知道的事实the facts he couldnt have known他不可能理解的语言the language he couldnt have understood6)从这一经历中吸取教训learn sth from this experience 从失败中吸取教训learn sth from failure7)使大脑处在休眠状态let the mind go to sleep 把鸟儿放飞let the birds go free8) 这么做很有乐趣have fun doing sth 获取这一信息很困难ha

19、ve difficulty obtaining the information9) 领悟其中的价值see the value in it 领悟其中的含义see the meaning in it4. Homework4.1. Preview Text B1.2. Finish the exercises in vocabulary Practice.Passage B Four Words That Changed a Life 1. Review Text A1.1. Dictate the words and expressions in Text A.1.2. Find out the

20、original sentences in Text A.1) He gave us a talk about an animal that died out during the Ice Age. (He gave us a lecture about an animal that was wiped out during the Ice Age.)2) When he talked, he passed the skull from one student to another. (He passed around a skull as he talked.)3) It must be a

21、 mistake! (There had to be some mistake!)4) It was obvious that we were very angry. (Needless to say, we were very angry.)5) We ought to have understood it. (We should have figured it out.)2. Pre-reading Tasks2.1. Pre-reading Questions1) Do your teachers often give you encouragement?2) If yes, what

22、kind of encouragement is it? If no, do you expect them to do so? 3. While Reading Tasks3.1. Read the text once and answer the following questions based on the text.1) What is the assignment the teacher the class? To write their own chapter that would follow the last chapter of the novel.2) What does

23、 the writer remember about the chapter he wrote? The four words this is good writing.3) Whom did he own his achievement to? Mrs. Brauch.3.2. Study the text in detail 1) change: to make or become different 变化,改变,改换e.g. There has been a change in the programme.节目有变动。Doctor say there is no change in th

24、e patients condition.医生说病人的情况没有变化。Please note my change of address.请注意我改换了地址。She badly needs a change.她急需改变一下。Ive no small change. 我没有零钱。Lets go to an Italian restaurant for a change. 我们去意大利餐厅换换口味。Can I change seats with you? 我可以和你换个座位吗?I need to change my dollars into francs. 我需要把美金换成法朗。2)secure: a

25、dj. not feeling worry about sth 无忧虑的,去疑虑的be secure (about sth.) security n. insecureeg. feel secure about ones future 对自己的前途无忧无虑 not likely to be lost or to fail, certain or to granted 有把握的,确切的,有保证的eg. have a secure job in the company 在公司有稳定的工作firmly fixed, not likely to fall牢固的,稳固的eg. Is that ladde

26、r secure? 那个梯子安全吗?3) had been doing: 过去完成进行时,表示一个动作从过去某时开始,一直延续到另一个过去时刻,到那时刻该动作可能刚刚终止,也可能在继续。I was tired when you saw me yesterday, because I had been running. 4). grade: n. step, stage or degree of rank, quality等级、品级、阶段、程度eg. a persons salary grade某人的薪金级别mark in an examination or for school work(考试

27、或作业的)分数、评分等级eg. Pupils with 90% or more are awarded Grade A. 满九十分的学生评为甲等。She got an excellent grade in the exams. 她考试成绩优异。division of a school based on age of the pupils.年级eg. My daughter is in the 4th grade.我女儿上四年级。v. to separate into levels of rank or quality 分等/分级eg. The potatoes are graded by si

28、ze.马铃薯按大小分等级。The term papers have been graded.期末考卷已评完分数了。5) have no idea: 一点不知道(听也没有听过), 不清楚 You have no idea how worried I was. 你想像不出来我有多么担心。6). convince: v.make sb feel certain; cause tab to realize使某人确信,使某人明白convince sb (of sth)eg. How can I convince you of her honesty? 我怎样才能使你相信她很诚实呢? What she s

29、aid convinced me that I was mistaken. 他的一番话使我认识到我错了. Im convinced that he is telling the truth.persuade 说服 convince sb. to do eg. What convinced you to vote for them? 究竟是什么使的你愿意头他们的票?convinced 坚定不移的; convincingly 令人信服地convincible: that can be convinced 可被说服的;convincing: able to convince 令人信服的4. Post

30、 Reading Tasks4.1. Translate the following into English:A. 作为一个洛克岛的男孩子 as a boy in Rock Island 作为银行的一名出纳 as a cashier in a bankB. 回忆起任何特别的事物 recall anything special 不记得任何重要的事情 cannot recall anything importqantC. 不知道我自己是什么样的人 have no idea of who I was 不知道他为何拒绝 have no idea (of) why he refusedD. 梦想做某事

31、 dream of doing something 梦想成为一名歌手 dream of being a singerE. 评价一篇故事 evaluate a story 评审一所学校 evaluate a schoolF. 正是我所需的 just what I needed 正是父母所期待的 just what the parents expectG. 被任命为中学校报的编辑 be named editor of his high-school newspaper 被任命为这次调查的组长 be named leader of the investigationH. 坚信这一切本不会发生 be convinced that none of this would have happened 坚信梦想能实现 be convinced that the dream will be realizedI. 中学校友30周年聚会 the 30th high-school reunion 大学同学10周年聚会 the 10th college reunionJ. 把信心传给了那位女士 pass the confi

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