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1、现代大学英语精读Unit13Russell Baker Born in Virginia in 1925In charge of The Observer column for the New York Times from 1962 to 1998.Won his first Pulitzer Prize in 1979 for distinguished commentary as a columnistReceived his second Pulitzer Prize in 1983 for his autobiography Growing upRegarded as one of

2、Americas leading wordsmiths and humorists Beackground:The Great DepressionOne of the most critical economic periods in the United States history was the Great Depression. A majority of the U.S. citizens did not know much about the Depression. The only information that they knew was what they read fr

3、om textbooks. Many citizens never really had to face the hardship like others were forced to face. Growing Up by Russell Baker is an autobiography on the problems he and his family endured during this era. Causes of the Great Depression: Speculation(投机) in the 1920s caused many people to buy stocks

4、with loaned money. The stock market boom was very unsteady, because it was based on borrowed money and false optimism. Politicians believed that business was the key business of America. Thus, the government took no action against unwise investing. Stock Market crash on October 24, 1929 (black Thurs

5、day) Misery and personal sufferings were widespread.Living conditions changed when multiple families crowded into small houses or apartments. Unemployment rate was very high. Thousands went hungry. Children suffered long term effects from a poor diet and inadequate medical care. Women continued to d

6、oing womens work such as nursing, and even if they were able to get an industry job which seldom hired women, they usually were paid less than men. Language Study:preside prizaid v.act as president preside over companies and corporations vi.主持,担任会议主席to chair, run the showvt.管理manage, conduct, run, d

7、irect, controlovergrown ,uvrun adj.1. covered with growing plants2. abounding in usually unwanted vegetationadj.蔓生的;生长过快的conceive knsi:v v.1. have the idea for He conceived of a robot that would help paralyzed patients This library was well conceived 2. judge or regard; look upon; judge The racist c

8、onceives such people to be inferior 3. become pregnant; undergo conception She cannot conceive My daughter was conceived in Christmas Day vt.怀孕;构思;以为;持有design, holdvi.怀孕;设想;考虑allow, think of, think aboutinconceivable ,inknsi:vbl adj.totally unlikelyadj.不可思议的;难以置信的;不能想象的 incrediblepromptly prmptli ad

9、v.1. with little or no delay the rescue squad arrived promptly adv. 迅速地;立即地;敏捷地quickly, rapidlydismiss dismis v.1. bar from attention or consideration She dismissed his advances 2. cease to consider; put out of judicial consideration This case is dismissed! 3. stop associating with4. terminate the e

10、mployment ofvt.解散;解雇;开除;让.离开remove, fire outvi.解散disband, break upadv.迅速地;立即地;敏捷地quickly, rapidly, fast, readyhazy heizi adj.1. filled or abounding with fog or mist2. indistinct or hazy in outlineadj.朦胧的;模糊的;有薄雾的fuzzy, dark, vaguehazy blue 朦胧的蓝色briskly briskli a brisk manner she walked briskl

11、y in the cold air after lunch, she said briskly adv.迅速地;活泼地;尖刻地quickly, rapidly, fast, promptly, readyfierce fis adj.1. marked by extreme and violent energy fierce fighting 2. marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions; inclined to react violently; fervid fierce loyalty 3. ruthless in co

12、mpetition4. violently agitated and turbulent the fierce thunders roar me their music adj.凶猛的;猛烈的;暴躁的fell, violent, hardthrust rst n. the force used in pushingv.push forcefully He thrust his chin forward n.力推力;刺pushing forcecustomary kst,mri adj.1. in accordance with convention or custom sealed the d

13、eal with the customary handshake 2. commonly used or practiced; usual took his customary morning walk adj.习惯的;通常的usual, used, common, accustomedformidable f:midbl adj.1. extremely impressive in strength or excellence a formidable opponent the challenge was formidable had a formidable array of compos

14、itions to his credit the formidable army of brains at the Prime Ministers disposal 2. inspiring fear the formidable prospect of major surgery adj.强大的;可怕的;令人敬畏的;艰难的powerful, terrible, august, horribletrip trip vi.绊倒;远足;犯错误;轻快地走excurse, make a mistaken.旅行;绊倒;差错journey, tour, travelsyn: stumbledebris d

15、eibri: n.the remains of something that has been destroyed or broken upn.碎片,残骸remain, chipgravy reivi n.1. basically the juices that drip from cooking meatsn.肉汁;不法利润;轻易得来的钱bovril, gippobattered btd adj.1. damaged by blows or hard usage a battered old car 2. damaged especially by hard usage his batter

16、ed old hat adj.破旧的;磨损的;弄垮的;受到虐待的wearing, shotv.连续猛击;磨损(batter的过去分词)wornferocity n.凶猛;凶恶,残忍;暴行变形:crueltysenility sinilti; se- n.1. 老年;年老,年岁大2. 老态龙钟;老朽,年老昏聩silver lining1. 云朵的银色边缘2. 一线希望(或慰藉)banal bn:l, beinl adj.repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuseadj.陈腐的;平庸的;老一套的silver liningn.a consoling aspect of a difficult situationsenility sinilti, se- n.1. mental infirmity as a consequence of old age; sometimes shown by foolish infatuations2. the state of being senile

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