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1、外教社商务英语入门期末概念词汇等总结1Forms of Business Ownership1.重要的短语和词汇 joint ventures 合资企业 corporations 公司 limited liability companies 有限责任公司 mergers and acquisitions 企业兼并与收购 franchises 特许经营 raise capital 筹资 fringe benefits附加福利 drawback 阻碍 make binding decisions 做出有约束力的,附有义务的决定 agreement 协议 creditor 债权人 pool thei

2、r money and credit 筹资和贷款 dividend 股息 incorporate a business 组建公司 capital base 资本基础 retain profits 保留盈余 interdisciplinary 跨学科的 claim bankruptcy 宣布破产 a salaried laborer or employee 上班族 high-achievement employee generate profit 创造利润 wind up/close business 关闭生意 be liable for 对.负有法律责任 state-owned enterpr

3、ise 国有企业 broad of directors 董事会 barre 除.之外 issuance 发行 minute book 记录簿 bylaws and minutes 规章制度和会议记录 annual report 年度报告 sales volume 销售量 total assets 总资产 financial condition 财政状况 satisfy claims 还清索赔金额 pay off business debts 偿清债务 terminology 术语 paperwork 文书工作 default 违约 real state 房地产 create a concent

4、rated market 形成一个集中市场 availability 可利用性 innovation 创新 sec-kill scandal 秒杀门 start from scratch 白手起家 a franchise agreement 特许经营合同 franchise 特许者 franchisee 被特许者 trademark 注册商标 deliver a product or service 送货/提供服务 coupon 优惠券 production line 生产线 2.定义:An organization that is owned.and usually managed,by o

5、ne person is called sole proprietorships(个人企业) Advantage:Be your own boss/Keep profit from your business/Enjoy freedom to wind up your business Disadvantage: Difficult to raise capital /Unlimited liability/Long hours working for the owner/Limited life span /Lose fringe benefitsPartnership(合伙企业): A l

6、egal relationship between persons carrying on a profit-motivated business. (maybe a partnership between two partners or among thirty )Advantages Bring different skills and resource the business /Easier to pay the rent ,utilities ,and other bills incurred by a business (A limited partnership is speci

7、ally to designed to raise money )Disadvantages Personally responsible for liability of the partnership/There exists division of profits/Disagreement among partners/Difficult to terminate Key elements of general partnership (1)common ownership(2)shared profits and losses (3)the right to participate i

8、n managing the operation of the businessGeneral partnership(普通合伙):a business with at least one general partner who has unlimited liability(无限责任)for the debts of the business (general partners arrange and run the business)Limited partnership(有限合伙): An arrangement where a person can contribute to a bu

9、siness without being involved in the affairs of the partnership (limited partners are investors only)Joint Ventures: (合资企业)the pooling of resources and expertise by two or more business ,typically from different areas or countries to achieve a particular goal .the risks and rewards of the enterprise

10、 are also shared (eg:Hewlett-Packard and Samsung).Advantage Access to new markets and distribution networks*分销渠道)/Increased capacity(生产力)/The sharing of risks with a partner/Access to specialized staff and technology.Disadvantages 1.If the objective of the venture is completely clear ,or not communi

11、cated to all the staff ,problems are likely to arise .2.There is an imbalance in the level of the expertise ,investment or assets brought into the venture by the different the partners3.Different culture and management style results in poor integration and co-operation between the partners.4.The par

12、tner businesses (总公司)do not provide sufficient leadership and support in the early stageThe corporation (公司):a legal entity(法人实体) ,allowed by legislation ,which permits a group of people ,as shareholders(股东) (for-profit companies 盈利性企业) or members (non-profit companies), to create an organization, w

13、hich can then focus on pursuing set objective ,and empowered(授权与) with legal rights which are usually only reserved for individual ,such as to sue or be sued ,own property ,hire employees or loan and borrow money Advantages(P12.13) Limited liability /Skilled management team /Transfer of ownership /G

14、reater capital base/Stability Disadvantages(P13,14) Multiple taxation(双重课税) /Difficulty and expense of starting /Government involvement /Lack of secrecy /Lack of personal interest /Credit limitations(信用额度)(P13,14)Limited liability companies (LLC):(有限责任公司)A type of business ownership combining severa

15、l features of corporation and partnership structure .It is not a corporation or a partnership .The numbers of the members are unlimited and may be individual Advantages Limited liability /Flexible profit distribution(灵活的利益分配)/No minutes/Flow through taxation(转移课税)Disadvantages Limited life /Going pu

16、blic (上市)/Added complexity(变得复杂)Merger(兼并) :the result of the combination of two companies (or corporations) to form a new company .Acquisition(收购) :one company buying the property and obligations of another company A horizontal merger(横向收购)joins firms in the same industry and allows them to diversi

17、fy(横线多样化)or expend their products (e.g. The merger of a bicycle company and a tricycle company , TCL and TMS )A Vertical merger(纵向兼并)is the joining of two firms involved in different stages of the related business a manufacture(生产商)merging with a supplier(供应商)of component(零部件) products ,or a manufac

18、turer merging with distributor(分销商)of its products.A potential competition merger(conglomerate)(混合兼并)unites firms in completely unrelated industrials.A franchises (特许经营)is the right to use a business name and sell products or services, usually in a specific geographical territory. (McDonalds and KFC

19、). Advantages It is a way to reduce risk and receive support from a large network./The preliminary work has been done with an infrastructure (基础设施)well established, a product line (产品线)in place, and the marketing strategy (营销策略)developed. /The customer base (顾客群)may be set, sometimes with good name

20、recognition.(品牌认同) /The franchiser usually provides management assistance and training and may offer financial support. Disadvantages A franchise offers less freedom than an independent business.Initial franchise fees(加盟费) may be expensive. (Start-up costs for a KFCs restaurant is about $5 million t

21、o $6 million in China.)/The franchise often demands a large share of the profits referred to as royalty payments(专利权税)./The reputation of one franchisee could be adversely affected by the failings of others.Types of corporationsPrivate Attempts to earn a satisfactory profitPublic Owned and run by th

22、e governmentClosed Stock held by only a few owner and not sold on the stock marketOpen Stock held by numerous people and actively sold on the marketMunicipal Cities and townships that carry out businessDomestic incorporated in one province or country and doing business within that regionForeign Inco

23、rporated in one province or country and doing business in another province country Alien Incorporated in one nation and operating in another nation Non- Service organization incorporated forProfit limited- liability status2Management 1.定义:(1.)Management is defined as the application of planning,orga

24、nizing,directing,and controlling functions in the most efficient manner possible to accomplish meaningful organizational objectives. The theme of management is that a central person must-by using such skills as decision making,communication and objective setting-coordinate the work activities of oth

25、ers to achieve organizational objectives(组织目标).(书上39页图)(2.)Planning means defining goals for future organizational performance(企业运作) and deciding on the tasks and use of resources needed to attain them.Strategic (long-range)planning(战略规划)determines the major goals of the organization as well as the

26、policies,procedures,and strategies for obtaining and using resources to achieve those goals.Tactical(short-range) planning(短期规划) is the process of developing detailed,short-term strategies about what is to be done,who is to do it,and how it is tod be done.Operational planning(运营规划) is the process of

27、 setting work standards and schedules necessary to implement the tactical objectives.Contingency planning(应急计划)is the process of preparing alternative courses of action that may be used if the primary plans dont achieve the organizations objectives. (3).Organizing involves the assignment of tasks,th

28、e grouping of tasks into departments,and the allocation of resources to departments.Autocratic leadership(专制型领导),the close style of supervision,means providing subordinates with detailed job instructions.Democratic leadership(民主型领导),or general supervision(also referred to as participatory).In this s

29、tyle,the manager consults with subordinates about his job activities,problems,and corrective actions.(3)Controlling involves verifying(核实) that actual performance matches the plan.The core idea of control is to modify behavior and performance when deviations(背离) from plans are discovered.The process

30、 of control has five basic steps:1.set clear standards for time,quality,quantity,and so on.2.Monitor and record actual performance(results),3.Compare results against plans and standards.4.Communicate results and deviations to the employees involved.5.Take corrective actions(采取矫正行动) when needed.(4)Or

31、ganizational structure(组织结构) is the formal decision-making framework by which job tasks are divided,grouped,coordinated,(书上47页图)Departmentalization by function organizes by the functions to be performed,Departmentalization by product assembles all functions needed to make and market a particular pro

32、duct and placed under one executive. Departmentalization by geographical regions groups jobs on the basis of territory or geography.Departmentalization by process groups jobs on the basis of product or customer flow.Departmentalization by customer groups jobs on the basis of a common set of needs or problems of specific customers.(5.)As enterprises grow from an owner to a group to a corporation,a number of managerial levels of management-top level,middle level and first level-are usually portrayed as a managerial hierarchy(管理层) (书53 图表)TOP Level Manger(高层管理者) title-p

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