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1、高一单元知识点复习高中英语第一册(上、下)单元知识要点解疑SBI Unit1-9单元知识要点1,问:So was my friend Bob(SBL1p1)中so的使用与下列两题中,so的用法有什么区别?在复习中还需注意哪些方面? 1),I like sports and _my brother.(NMET79) A, so does B, so is C, so D, so likes 2),-John won first prize in the contest. -_(NMET87) A, So he did B, So did he C, So he did, too D, So di

2、d he ,too 解答:so的使用句型,一般来说要注意四点:1),倒装句型:so(neither/nor)+系动词/助动词/情态动词等+主语;表示“。也一样(也不一样)”,如你所问的句子就是属于此类,以及上文例1,选A;又如:-Do you know Jim quarrelled with his brother?-I dont know, _(NMET91) A, nor dont I care B, Nor do I care C, I dont care neither D, I dont care also (选B)2),强调句型:so +主语+系动词/助动词/情态动词等;表赞同上文

3、的观点。如例2,选A。又如: -It was careless of you to have left your clothes outside all night. -My God! _.(NMET 99上海) A, so did I B, So I did C, So were you D, So did you (选B)3),同时,在表“。也一样(也不一样)”时,当上文出现了多种情况,多种形式的句子时,这时不能确定哪一个助动词,我们常用it is/was (the same ) with +主语;如: -I used to take a walk after supper, but no

4、w I dislike it. -It is the same with me.4), so用作替代词跟在do后指代前文提到的动词,主语+do +so;如:He didnt finish his homework, but he will do so tomorrow.2,问:Sometimes we go on working after dark by the lights of our tractors(SBI L2 p2)一句中,如何区分go on to do sth/go on doing sth/go on with sth? 解答:go on doing sth表示同一动作的持续

5、性,强调连续不断地做某事; go on to do sth 表停下先前的动作再干另一个动作,强调主语做事的延续性;而go on with sth表事情时间上的持续性,并非不间断,一般后接名词性的成分。如: The doctor found a young girl, who went on shouting and crying obviously mad. She went on with her work although she met something difficult. After reading for a while, he _some native talks in Eng

6、lish. A, goes on listening to B, goes on to listen C, goes on to listen to D, goes on with (读书与听不是同一动作,只是主语的延续动作,故选C) 类似的词组有stop doing sth/stop to do sth3,问:My Dad has only two men working for him(SB1L2 p2)中,have sb doing sth与have sb do sth在用法上有何不同?还有其他用法吗? 答:这是使役动词的用法,have sb doing sth表让某人持续某一种动作状态

7、,have sb do sth表一次性动作,如: Why do you have the tap water running all the time?A computer does only what thinking people _(NMET99上海) A, have it do B, have it done C, have done it D, having it done计算机只是按人们让它思维的方式思考”,选A。另外,还要掌握区分与运用get sb to do sth/ have sth done/have sth to do,get sb to do sth为“让某人干某事”;

8、have sth done “让。被做”;have sth to do“有事要做”; 如:Can you try to get them to bring down the price? (SBI L33)This Saturday I ll have something important to do.(有重要的事要做”)-Good morning, can I help you?-Id like to have this package _, madam.(NMET89) A, be weighted B, to be weighted C, to weighed D, weighed (

9、让人秤包裹,have sth done, 选D)-I cant get my car _on cold morning.-Have you tried _the radiator with hot water? A, started, to fill B, starting, to fill C, start, filling D, to start, filling(让车启动,get sb to do sth,选D)4,问:The mixture tasted terrible(SBI L6 p6)中taste为半系动词,高中阶段我们学过的这类词有哪些? 答:在高考的复习中,我们一般需要掌握

10、下列这些系动词或半系动词,如:feel, smell, sound, turn, grow, become, get, go, remain, stay, keep, look, seem, appear, fall等。在运用中主要注意系表结构的用法,如: This kind of cake looks _, smells _and tastes _. A, good, well, good B, well, good ,well C, good, good, good D, good, well, well (三空均为系表结构,都要用形容词,故选C) Cleaning women in bi

11、g cities usually get _by the hour.(NMET98) A, pay B, paying C, paid D, to pay (从非谓语角度,是过去分词的用法;从被动角度是被动运用;从系表角度为系表;故选C)5,问:Dont touch anything unless your teacher tells you to.(SBI L5p5) 中unless与 until能互换吗?他们有何区别? 答:until意为“直到”,通常与not构成not 。until“直到。才。”,引导一个时间状语从句或作时间介词;unless表“如果不。”,相当于if。not,引导一个条

12、件状语从句。因此,此句不能换成until。如: You will be late _you leave immediately.(NMET 97) A, unless B, until C, if D, or (你将迟到,除非立即走”,立即走是不迟到的条件,故选A)You will succeed in the end _you give up halfway(NMET2001上海春) A, even if B, as though C, as long as D, unless (成功的条件为中途不能放弃,只有unless含not之意,故选D) Dont ask for more books

13、 _you have finished. A, unless B, as long as C, until D, or(“读完后再要书”,有一个时间先后,再兼顾not 。until结构,故选C)6, 问:请讲讲None of you watched carefully enough (SBI L6 p6)中none 与no one的具体区分与运用。 答:先请看下例: They were all very tired but _of them would stop to have a rest.(96) A, any B, some C, none D, neitherNone与no one主要

14、区别在于: none表示人或物,可接 of短语, 其用法相当 于every one; no one只表人,不接of短语,其用法相当于everyone.故上例选C. 如:Therere faults from which none of us is(are) free. None表示人或物,作主语谓语单复数均可;(No one如用of短语表“连一个也不”之义:No one of you could lift it)在用法上,还要注意细致的不同,试比较:-Whos in the classroom?-None (F)-Nobody/no one. (T) (回答who,what的问句一般不用non

15、e。)-How many exercises have you finished?-No one. (F) -None. (T) 再看几道高考题: (1), As we were asleep, _of us heard the sound.( NMET87) A, both B, either C, none D, any(2), They were all very tired but _of them would stop to have a rest.(NMET96) A, any B, some C, none D, neither(3), We couldnt eat in a r

16、estaurant because _of us had _money on us.(NMET91) A, all, on B, any, no C, none, any D, no one, any 从结构上就可确定二者的不同,故上面的答案均选C 。7,问:Is anybody seeing you off? My plane leaves at seven.(SBI L13 p 13)这两句中,为何不用begoing to do?是什么用法? 答:趋向动词come, go, leave, begin, start, return,等的一般现在时和进行时通常表安排或计划好的将来动作,如: H

17、e returns home next Sunday. The bus starts at 8:00. -When _you_for London. -Next week.A, do, leave B, are, leaving C, will, leave D, did, leave Ive won a holiday for two to Florida. I _my mum.(NMET2001上海春) A, am taking B, have taken C, take D, will have taken 上述两题都是考查趋向动词表将来的用法。因此前题选B,后句选A。8,问:I cou

18、ld see nothing except a great fire and lots of smoke(SBI L14 p14)如何区分except,besides,except for与except that? 答:在意义上都是“除了。之外”,但except是表除开,不计算在内,即减去之意;besides则相反,表除了。外还有。,包括在内即相加。如: Besides English, I can speak a little Japanese and Russian. (包括English) All of us went to see a film Titanic except Bob.(

19、Bob不在内) except for主要是指整体中的其中一部分即相属关系。如: Marys study is very excellent except for her handwriting. except that主要是引导一个从属句。 如: The suit fitted him well _the colour was a little brighter. (NMET2000上海春) A, except for B, except that C, except when D, besides (选B)9,问:Ill keep the box in the shade so that t

20、he sun doesnt burn the little plants.(SBI L17 p17)中,so that与so。that用法有何区分? 答:一,so that和in order that一般引导一个目的状语从句,表“以便” “为了”;如: She saved her money _she might buy a color TV set. A, so that B, because C, if D, though节约钱的目的是为了买彩电”,表目的,选A。也可以用in order to 和so as to接不定式表目的,如:People had to walk many kilom

21、etres in order to fetch wood.(SBI L18)二,So/Suchthat引导一个结果状语从句,“如此。以致。”之义,如:His English in one of these articles was so good that Engels wrote him a letter and praised him for it.(L82)其结构变化如下:1),So+形/副词+thatSuch+形+名词(不可数或可数复数)+thatThis was such good advice that we should accept it immediately. 2),So

22、+ 形+单数可数名词 +thatSuch+a/an+ 形+单数可数名词+thatHe tells so moving a story that all of us are moved to tears. 当被修饰的形容词表示“多”或“少”这个概念如 many/much/little/few.则只用Sothat:She had so many novels that she didnt know which one to read first.3),So+动词/过去分词(被动)+thatIt so happened that we met each other at the airport ag

23、ain. 如此碰巧我们又在机场见面了。 4),如果把so/such放在句首强调so所带的部分,则句子要使用倒装:So badly was he wounded in the battle that he was still in hospital.10,问:The building of a new car factory was agreed on last month.(SBI L22 p22) 请谈谈agree的全面用法。 答: 动词agree用法很多,常见的用法有: 1),Agree接不定式,agree to do sth “愿意/同意协助干” Jack agreed _help Ma

24、ry with her lessons. A, to B, with C, on D, / (选A) 2), 接从句,agree that“同意” 3), agree to(介词)sth 接表计划、安排、建议、意见等名词;如: I dont agree _your going to Beijing. A, to B, with C, on D, in (选A) agree with sb 同意某人的意见;后接人;也可接意见、看法等; 不用于被动结构。也可指气候或食物等适合某人;或表什么与之相符或相配。 如: The climate doesnt agree with me. 我不适应这种气候。

25、 Your story agrees with what I had already heard. 你所说的与我听说的相符。 I agree _you but Im sorry I cant give you any help. A, to B, on C, with D, about (选C) agree on/about “就。起得一致意见”,主语一般为复数形式。由此可构成agree with sb on/about sth. The date of the meeting _. A, has not been agreed on B, has not agreed on C, agree

26、d upon D, has not been agreed (选A)11,问:We think that our schools will become even better.(SBI L22,p22)中,even better是什么用法?请予归纳。 答:在形容词和副词的比较级和最高级中,一些词修饰比较级或最高级,表程度的加深如: A bit, a little, rather, much, many, far, by far, a lot, lots,a great deal, any, still, even, yet, 而By far, much, nearly, almost, no

27、t really, ever, first, yet可修饰最高级。如: Now it is much easier to make plans for your trips. (SBI L34) We also believe that many more people will prefer to travel by air. (SBI L34) 再看几道高考题: -Are you feeling _? -Yes. Im fine now.(97) A, any well B, any better C, quite good D, quite better 析: quite不能修饰比较级,

28、any修饰比较级表“好多了”选B. Youre standing too near the camera. Can you move _?(NMET2000上海) A, a bit far B, a little farther C, a bit of farther D, a little far析:a little修饰比较级表程度的加深,选B;C应用a bit。12, 问:a large number of buildings were burnt. The number of people who lost homes reaches as many as 250,000. (SBI L26)中a number of 与the number of用法有何区分? 答:这两个短语主要的区别在于数的表达上,a number of 表“许多”谓语为复数;the number of表“。的数量”,谓语用单数;共同点是它们都接可数名词的复数。如: The number of people invited _fifty, but a number of them _a

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