1、Unit 16 Finding JobsUnit 16 Finding JobsUnit 16 Finding Jobs 锛紟 鍗曞厓鏁欏 鐩 爣 鎶鑳界洰鏍嘢kill Goals 鈻睤iscuss jobs and career plans 鈻睺alk about likes and dislikes, wishes and expectations 鈻睮ntegrative language practice 鈻瞁rite a personal statement II锛?鐩 爣璇 鍔熻兘鍙紡 Talking about likes and dislikes, wishes and exp
2、ectations I鈥檓 good at . because . I鈥檓 not very good at . because . I鈥檓 interested in . I most enjoy . because . I expect to be . 璇?姹?1锛?鍥涗細璇嶆眹 barber, chef, accountant, adviser, typist, receptionist, greengrocer, astronaut, adore, vacant, outstanding, assess, salary, occupation, amateur, instant, fl
3、exible, shortly, nevertheless, drawback, applicant, personnel, accommodation, addition, qualification, modest, arithmetic, paperwork, punctual, tournament, draft 2锛?璁 璇嶆眹 Diana, Old Trafford, trainee, devil, pitch, scout, maintenance, competitive, Gerry Archer, significant 3锛?璇嶇粍 in touch with, up t
4、o date, hold back, send off 4锛?閲嶇偣璇嶆眹 adviser, adore, outstanding, occupation, salary, instant閲?鐐?鍙?寮?1. David鈥檚 career took off almost immediately when he was part of the Manchester United鈥檚 Youth Team that won the FA Youth Cup in 1992, and he was chosen to play for the Red Devils鈥?senior team in t
5、he same year. P138 2. Many countries have set up programmes to encourage and develop young footballers, and this is where the clubs go to assess athletes and find stars of the future. P139 3. From this point on the success of their career and how much they earn depends on their performance and how m
6、any matches their team wins. P139 4. You need to convince the reader that you understand what the company or organization does, and what the job or course will involve. P143 5. Then show that you have the ability to be successful by giving evidence of how your interests, qualifications or experience
7、 prove that you have the necessary skills. P143 III锛?鏁欐潗鍒嗘瀽涓庢暀鏉愰噸缁?1. 鏁欐潗鍒嗘瀽 鏈 崟鍏冧互Finding jobs涓鸿瘽棰橈紝鏃湪閫氳繃鍗曞厓鏁欏 锛屼娇瀛敓姝璁瘑鑷 垜骞舵噦寰楄 鎯虫垚灏变竴椤逛簨涓氾紝瀹炵幇浜虹敓鐞嗘兂锛岄渶瑕佷粯鍑轰笉鎳堢殑鍔 姏锛涜兘鐏垫椿杩愮敤鎵瀛煡璇嗘弿杩扮浼氫笂鐨勪笉鍚岃亴涓氾紝鎻忚堪鑷 繁鐨勭壒闀夸互鍙婃湭鏉殑鑱屼笟鐞嗘兂锛涜兘鏍规嵁涓浜涘缓璁 拰瑕佹眰锛岃杈捐嚜宸辩殑浼樺娍锛岄槓杩版眰鑱岀悊鐢憋紝骞惰兘鍐欏嚭涓灏佹垚鍔熺殑姹傝亴淇?1.1 WARMING UP 鎻愪緵浜嗗洓骞呮湁鍏崇
8、悊鍙戝笀銆侀 鍘呮湇鍔憳銆佸帹甯堝拰浼氳 宸綔鍦烘櫙鐨勫浘鐗囷紝璁 鐢熻繍鐢凡鏈夌殑鐭瘑鍜岀粡楠岋紝鎯宠薄骞舵弿杩颁粬浠 殑鏃父宸綔鍐呭 銆佽亴璐拰涔夊姟骞朵互鍏彮璁 鐨勫舰寮忥紝鍙戣鑷 繁鐨勮 鐐广?1.2 LISTENING鏄 笁浣嶅 鐢熻皥璁烘湁鍏虫嫨涓氶棶棰樼殑鍚 姏鏉愭枡銆傝 姹傚 鐢熷惉鍓嶄互灏忕粍鍚堜綔鏂瑰紡棰勬祴鍚 姏鍐呭 銆?1.3 SPEAKING鎻愪緵浜嗚亴涓氶【闂 殑閮垎璋冩煡闂 嵎锛岃 姹傚 鐢熶互灏忕粍鍚堜綔褰紡锛岃皥璁鸿嚜宸辩殑鍠滃銆佷笉瓒充箣澶勶紝骞跺氨璇炬湰鎵渚涘嚑绉嶅伐浣滅被鍨嬭繘琛岃 璁猴紝浠庤岃 瀛敓瀹 鍦拌 璇嗚嚜鎴戯紝骞惰 缁冭嚜宸辩殑琛揪鑳藉姏銆?
9、1.4 PRE-READING閮垎瑕佹眰瀛敓棣栧厛閫氳繃闃呰 鏍囬 鏉 娴嬫枃绔犲唴瀹癸紝鑰屽悗閫氳繃闃呰 姣忔 棣栧彞鍜岀粨璁洪儴鍒嗗綊绾冲叏鏂囦腑蹇冩濇兂銆佹彛鎽綔鑰呰 鐐广?1.5 READING鏄 竴绡囧鍙欏璁 殑鏂囩珷銆傞氳繃璐濆厠姹夊 鐨勪簨渚嬭 杩颁簡鑻卞浗鑱屼笟瓒崇悆杩愬姩鍛樼殑鑹拌緵浠強鏉箣涓嶆槗鐨勬垚鍔熴?1.6 POST-READING绗 竴涓 缁冮 瑕佹眰瀛敓浠庢枃涓 壘鍑虹浉鍏充俊鎭 畬鎴愯鏍间腑鍐呭 锛涚 浜岄 瑕佹眰瀛敓鍒敤鏂囦腑淇伅姣旇緝瓒崇悆鑱屼笟涓庡叾瀹冭亴涓氱殑涓嶅悓涔嬪 锛涚 涓夐 瑕佹眰瀛敓浠庢枃绔犵殑瀛楅噷琛岄棿璇绘噦浣滆呯殑寮 涔嬮煶锛屾帹鏂 綔鑰
10、呯殑鍐欎綔鎰忓浘銆?1.7 LANGUAGE PRACTICE 鍏变笁閮垎涓斿潎涓轰富瑙傞 銆傜 涓閮垎瑕佹眰瀛敓瀵逛竴绡囧叧浜庣綉涓婂姙鍏 殑鏂囩珷鍏堝氨鍏朵腑鐨勮 瑷閿欒 杩涜 鏇存 锛岃繘鑰岃 璁篢eleworking杩欑 宸綔鐨勭己闄枫傜 浜岄儴鍒嗚 姹傚 鐢熻繍鐢墍瀛瘝姹囨弿杩颁笉鍚岃亴涓氥佽韩浠界殑浜虹殑鐗瑰緛銆傜 涓夐儴鍒嗚 姹傚 鐢熷厛瀵逛笁绉嶈亴涓氭嫑鑱樺箍鍛婂睍寮璁 锛岀劧鍚庨夋嫨鑷 繁鍠滄 鐨勮亴涓氬苟闄堣堪鑷 繁鐨勮 鐐瑰拰鐞嗙敱锛屾渶鍚庤 姹傚 鐢熷垪鍑哄湪鍋囧畾鎯呮櫙涓嬫眰鑱岄潰璇曟椂鍙 兘鎻愬嚭鐨勯棶棰樸佸 杩欎簺闂 鐨勫簲瀵规帾鏂斤紝骞朵互pariwork鐨勫舰
11、寮忚鐜拌 鍦烘櫙銆?1.8 INTEGRATING SKILLS瑕佹眰瀛敓瀹屾垚涓釜浠诲姟锛?. 鍒椾妇鍐欐眰鑱岀敵璇峰簲娉剰鐨勪簨椤癸紱姣旇緝璇存槑涓皝姹傝亴淇腑閭竴灏佹晥鏋滀細鏇村锛?. 瑕佹眰瀛敓鏍规嵁鑷 繁鐨勮亴涓氱悊鎯冲苟缁撳悎鏂囩珷棣栨 涓 墍鍒楅棶棰樺啓涓浠芥眰鑱岀敵璇枫?2. 鏁欐潗閲嶇粍 2.1鍙 皢WARMING UP锛孲PEAKING鍜學orkbook涓 殑 READING AND SPEAKING鏁村悎鍦竴璧凤紝璁捐 鎴愪竴鑺備换鍔瀷鈥滃彛璇 鈥濄?2.2 鍙 皢璇炬湰LISTENING 鍜學orkbook涓 殑LISTENING鏁村悎鍦竴璧凤紝璁捐 鎴愪竴鑺傗滃惉鍔涜
12、 鈥濄?2.3 鍙 皢PRE-READING, READING鍜孭OST-READING涓変釜娲诲姩鏁村悎鎴愪竴鑺傗滅簿璇昏 鈥濄?2.4 鍙 皢LANGUAGE PRACTICE 涓嶹orkbook涓璓RACTISING閮垎鐨勮 娉曠粌涔犻 鏁村悎鍦竴璧蜂笂涓鑺傗滆 娉曡 鈥濄?2.5 鍙 皢INTEGRATING SKILLS 涓璕eading 鍜學orkbook涓璕eading銆丆loze Test鏁村悎涓轰竴鑺傗滄硾璇昏 鈥濄?2.6 鍙 皢INTEGRATING SKILLS 涓 殑Writing鍜學orkbook涓 殑Translating 鍜學riting閮垎鏁村悎鎴愪竴鑺傗滃啓
13、浣滆 鈥濄?3. 璇惧瀷璁捐 涓庤 鏃跺垎閰嶏紙缁忔暀鏉愬垎鏋愶紝鏍规嵁瀛儏锛屾湰鍗曞厓鍙 互鐢叚璇炬椂鏁欏畬銆傦級 1st Period Speaking 2nd Period Listening 3rd Period Reading 4th Period Language Study 5th Period Extensive Reading 6th Period Writing IV. 鍒嗚 鏃舵暀妗?The First Period Speaking Teaching goals 鏁欏 鐩 爣 1. Target language 鐩 爣璇 a. 閲嶇偣璇嶆眹鍜岀煭璇?barber, c
14、hef, accountant, a careers adviser, typist, receptionist, greengrocer, astronaut b. 浜檯鐢 Talking about likes and dislikes, wishes and expectations I鈥檓 good at . because . I鈥檓 not very good at . because . I鈥檓 interested in . I most enjoy . because . I expect to be . I would like to . I suggest that .
15、2. Ability goals 鑳藉姏鐩 爣 Enable the students to talk about different jobs and their own career plans with the target language. 3. Learning ability goals 瀛兘鐩 爣 Help the students learn how to express their likes and dislikes, wishes and expectations. Teaching important points 鏁欏 閲嶇偣 Enable the students
16、 to talk about different jobs and their own career plans. Teaching difficult points 鏁欏 闅剧偣 How to describe the duties and responsibilities of different jobs and their future career plans. Teaching methods 鏁欏 鏂规硶 Individual work; Discussion. Teaching aids 鏁欏叿鍑嗗 1. A computer. 2. A projector. Teaching
17、 procedures & ways 鏁欏 杩囩涓庢柟寮?Step I Revision Ask the students to check their writings with each other. T: Good morning / afternoon, boys and girls! Please check your writings with each other first. Step II Warming up Ask the students to talk about the pictures then discuss the two questions on Page
18、136. T: Look at the first four pictures on Page 136 please. Work in pairs and talk about the four different jobs, including their duties and responsibilities. Sample dialogues: S1: The barbers are busy cutting hair for their customers. As barbers, in my opinion, they should have friendly personaliti
19、es and fashionable oppearances. What鈥檚 more, they should have good cutting skills and are always ready to design various haircut styles. Only in this way can they satisfy the different customers. S2: Yes. Please look at Picture 2. A waitress is standing by the table waiting for the guests politely a
20、nd we can see that she is making an obeisance by crossing one hand with the other before her chest. It鈥檚 important for her to keep a smile and be attentive in order to offer good service to the customers. S3: I agree. In the third picture the chef in the kitchen is showing up the dishes newly prepar
21、ed by him with great satisfaction. In order to make every customer have a good appetite in his restaurant, he has to be smart and creative enough to make clean and delicious food. Can you imagine the scene when a customer sees a fly in the soup? S4: Aha, I see. Well, the accountant in the last pictu
22、re is busy keeping accounts. She has to be very careful and honest in performing her official duties. She should be responsible for the financial affairs in the work unit and it鈥檚 her duty to always keep her hands clean. Offer some help as follows, if necessary. T: Well, from these pictures we can s
23、ee that every day different people are doing different jobs and people in different fields have their own duties and responsibilities. Thanks to the hard work of people from all walks of life, our society has been making progress so rapidly. Do you agree? Well, can you think of any other jobs beside
24、s these? Ask the students to answer the other three questions on Page 136. T: OK, Let鈥檚 go on with some other questions of this part. You may talk with your partners first before we have a check five minutes later. S1: I know many other jobs such as teacher, doctor, nurse, manager, shop assistant, o
25、perator, driver, and so on. I would like to be a teacher when I grow up. I鈥檓 determined to devote myself to the basic education of our country and try to train as many teenagers for professionals as I can. If necessary, I鈥檒l be glad to go to the mountainous areas to help the poor students there. I d
26、on鈥檛 know the exact number of jobs in the world and I guess there may be several thousands jobs altogether in the world. S2: Besides the jobs mentioned above, I also know some other jobs like engineer, conductor, professor, inventor, judge, adventurer, traveler, businessman, bookseller, scientist, c
27、aptain. I would like to become an adventurer who leads a dangerous but exciting life and can travel around to see the world and make great discoveries for human beings. I guess maybe there are more than 10,000 different jobs in the world. S3: As far as I know there are many other jobs such as farmer
28、, worker, doorkeeper, soldier, officer, guard, guide, film director, actor, actress, street cleaner, bank clerk and so on. I have always been dreaming of being an army officer like my father serving in the air force in Beijing. I hope one day I can also fly a plane in the blue sky wearing uniforms a
29、nd do some research for the military purposes. In my imagination, there are maybe thousands of different jobs in the world. S4: There are many other jobs like instructor, writer, lawyer, detective, politician, musician, dancer, receptionist, moneylender, gymnasts, athlete, trainer, coach, policeman,
30、 postman. In the future I would like to become a great film director like Steven Spieberg who has created a lot of great works for us film fans. As to the last question, I think there are so many different jobs in the world that the total number may reach up to 20,000. T: Very good!I am glad to see
31、that all of you have great ambitions and I sincerely hope one day your dreams will come true through your hard work. As for the last question, experts believe that there are about 40,000 different types of jobs in the world. So choosing the right one is a difficult job in itself. Step III Speaking T
32、: Next, please look at part of the questionnaire the careers adviser gave James on Page 137. I鈥檇 like you to answer the questions and then discuss the answers with your partners. Show the slides of the questions and then get the students to work in pairs. T: Now, who鈥檇 like to begin the talk? Try to use the useful expressions in this lesson, please. S1: Let me try. I鈥檓 good at Chinese painting, handwriting, folk music because I love Chinese culture and have been making progress with the help of my teacher Mr. Lu. I鈥檓 also good at pl
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