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1、Motivationaltheories动机理论Contents of this page include: Maslow Hertzberg Elton Mayo Handy Mcgregor theory X and Y Ouchi theory Z Lean and mass productionMaslows hierarchy of needs:Maslow showed how an individuals emphasis on needs moved from basic to the higher needs. The needs at the bottom must be

2、satisfied to move at the higher ones. Needs do not have to be completely satisfied before higher needs emerge, a sufficient level of satisfaction is acceptable as opposed to the maximum or optimum level.Maslows theory may be summarized and simplified by saying that everyone wants certain things thro

3、ughout life, and these things can be placed in five ascending categories namely:Basic or physiological needs: the things needed to stay alive: food, shelter and clothing. Such needs can be satisfied by money.Safety or security needs: people want protection against, unemployment, retirement as well a

4、s being safeguarded against unfair treatment. These needs can be satisfied by the rules of employment i.e pension scheme, sick fund, employment legislation.Social needs: the vast majority of people want to be part of a group and it is only through group activity that this need can be satisfied. Thus

5、 it is up to the organization to make the employee feel part of a group.Ego or Esteem needs: e.g. can include employee being asked to lead a group in a project. This enables the employee to think well of himself and in his abilities. This can be satisfied if the say or suggestion of the employee is

6、taken into account and/or he is asked to lead or be part of an important task.Self-actualization or self-fulfillment needs: this is quite the need to achieve something worthwhile in life. It is a need that is satisfied only by continuing success, for example opening and running a new office. EVALUAT

7、ION OF MASLOW:The significance of maslows hierarchy of needs is that if underlines the relative importance of money. Status gives little satisfaction to a person desperate for food and shelter. On the other hand it demonstrates that money alone is not enough, and indeed as basic needs are satisfied

8、people are likely to concentrate their attentions on social and ego needs. Herzbergs theory of motivation:Herzberg attempted to find out what motivated people at work. He developed the two-factor theory that was based on the idea that motivation is based on two needs, namely hygiene factors and moti

9、vational factors. Hygiene factors: are those that have to do with non-job related features such as the working environment.Motivational factors: are those concerned with a need for personal development. MOTIVATIONHygiene factors: factors that need to be met to prevent dissatisfaction. Will not motiv

10、ate in themselves, they are concerned with extrinsic factors associated with the job itself but are not directly a part of it. The important fact to remember is that attention to these hygiene factors prevents dissatisfaction but does not necessarily provide positive motivation. Pay Conditions Compa

11、ny policy Relationships with higher levels, such as management Treatment at work Inability to develop Feelings of inadequacyMotivators: factors which motivate: the main motivation factor are not in the environment but in the intrinsic value and satisfaction gained from the job itself. Motivation fac

12、tors include: Sense of achievement Chance of promotion Chance of improvement Recognition of effort Responsibility Nature of job itselfElton Mayo (Hawthorne Studies)Mayos most important contribution was to identify the basis of work satisfaction as non-economic and to connect it more with the interes

13、t taken in the workers performance than with the financial reward. Okay heres what happened in plain simple words: A test was conducted on 6 women which lasted for five years The test was conducted so as to observe the effect on output and morale of various changes in working conditions. Initially,

14、an incentive payment scheme was introduced; then rest periods in different forms. Changes were made in the hours of work etc. CONCLUSION: it was found that whatever changes were made including a return to the original conditions, output still rose! The output recorded over time kept on increasing.Ev

15、aluation: it was apparent that the changes in working conditions could not account for the increase in output this was due to the enhanced work satisfaction that the girls enjoyed, the development of personal friendships, and a new social atmosphere, which brought a marked change in their attitude t

16、owards work. Mcgregors theory X and theory Y:Theory XTheory Y Workers are motivated by money Workers are lazy and dislike work Workers are selfish, ignore the needs of organizations, avoid responsibility and lack ambition Workers need to be controlled and directed by management Workers have many dif

17、ferent needs which motivate them Workers can enjoy work If motivated, workers can organize themselves and take responsibility Management should create a situation where workers can show creativity and apply their job knowledgeMcgregors theories:Theory X: assumes that people dislike work and responsi

18、bility. Therefore they must be coerced, controlled, directed or threatened with punishment to get them to make an effort towards achievement of organizational objectives. However modern employment laws have made this difficult for managers. For this reason a carrot approach is used. People have to b

19、e persuaded to carry out tasks by promises or rewards. In many ways this is similar to Taylors view.Theory Y: assumes that most people are motivated by those things at the top of Maslows hierarchy. In other words, people are responsible, committed and enjoy having control over work. Most people, giv

20、en the opportunity, will get involved in work and contribute towards the solution of a problem that may arise. IN OTHER WORDS: THEORY X is pessimistic and rigid. Control is primarily external i.e. imposed on the subordinate by the superior. THEORY Y is optimistic, dynamic and flexible, with an empha

21、sis o self-direction and the integration of individual needs with organizational demands. Ouchi theory ZIn theory Z there is an emphasis on the interpersonal skills that form the basis of group working, where decision making is by consensus, but responsibility remains with the individual. There is e

22、mphasis on building trust through informal and democratic relationships. The characteristics of the theory z organizations are: Long term employment Slow evaluation and promotion Moderately specialized careers Consensual decision making Individual responsibility- this could mean giving greater respo

23、nsibility lower down the line Concern for the employee LEAN PRODUCTIONLean production is divided into the following sectors: Kaizen Just in time manufacturing Time based management Empowerment TeamworkingKaizen is perhaps the most concept in Japanese management. It means continuous improvement. In w

24、estern businesses productivity remains the same for long periods of time, then suddenly rises. The increase is followed by another period of stability, before another rise. Increases in productivity may result from new working practices or new technology. The dotted line below shows the Japanese app

25、roach. Improvements are continuous. They result from changes in production techniques.the kaizen is said to be an umbrella concept. A wide range of different production techniques and working practices must be carried out for it to be effective. These include: Zero defect policies Total quality mana

26、gement Quality control circles Automation Just in time It is difficult for workers in the business to look for continuous improvement all the time. In order to solve this problem a system was introduced namely PDCA (plan, do, check, action)Plan: business must identify where improvement is needed. Da

27、ta must be gathered and used to develop a plan which will result in improvement.Do: once the plan has been finalized it must be carried out.Check: the next stage in the cycle is to check whether or not there has been an improvement. Action: if the plan has been successful, it must be introduced in a

28、ll parts of the business.Just in time manufacturing:JIT: just in time manufacturing is an important part of lean production. It is defined as for example in any manufacturing and selling organization: raw materials being delivered JIT to be made into parts, parts were delivered JIT to be made into g

29、oods and goods were produced and delivered JIT to be sold.Advantages: It improves cash flow as money is not tied up in stock The system reduces waste Since no stock is held the excess factory space can be used for something else Links with and the control of suppliers is improvedDisadvantages: A lot

30、 of faith is placed in the reliability and flexibility of suppliers Increased order costs Advantages of bulk discounts is lost Difficult to cope up with sharp increases in demandTime-based management:Time based mgt involves reducing the amount of time businesses take carrying out certain tasks, such

31、 as launching new products or cutting lead times in production. Time based mgt is a feature of lean production because it involves eliminating a type of waste i.e. time. Advantages: Customers will benefit. A wider range of products will be available and there will be faster delivery times. Increased

32、 efficiency will benefit the company by improving its image in the eyes of the people The time spent on range of production tasks is reduced. This helps to improve productivity and reduce unit costs.Empowerment:Empowerment involves giving employees the power to make decisions in a business. The aim of empowerment is to give employees more control over

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