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1、01听写文稿听写技巧1. 分值:15分,15个意群2. 体裁:大多为说明文,文章题目已经给出。3. 评分标准:A. 语言知识的准确性+交际意义的流畅性B. 大错误0.5分/个,小错误0.25分/个4. 难度等级:5. 听写步骤:a) 第一遍:听重点听主题思想,重点词,主要时态,掌握全局概念b) 第二遍:边听边写因时间关系,不可能一字一字地全部写下,所以要分清主次信息,重点抓句型结构和关键词C第三遍:边听边写补全其他次要信息如修饰语,定冠词等遗漏内容D.第四遍:边听边检查迅速标记有错的地方,千万不要因为改动一个地方而错过对整篇文章的核对。E.最后两分钟复查时间:利用自己的语法知识和逻辑分析能力对

2、有些明显的搭配或词语错误进行校正。PASSAGE 1 Teacher-student Relationship(00:0013:25)The relationship between a teacher and a student can be either good or bad, helpful or harmful./ Either way, the relationship can affect the student for the rest of his life./ A good teacher-student relationship will make the teacher

3、s job worthwhile./ A bad relationship can discourage the student from learning / and make teaching an unpleasant task./In order to have a good teacher-student relationship/ respect between teacher and student is very important./ If the teacher is too strict, he frightens the student./ If the teacher

4、 is too friendly, the student may become lazy and stop learning hard./ The teachers attitude and approach should be in between those two extremes./ As for the student, his proper respect to the teacher must be shown all the time./ He should be eager to learn and willing to work hard.In conclusion, a

5、 good teacher-student relationship can be beneficial to both./ The student absorbs knowledge eagerly and enjoyably,/ and the teacher gains satisfaction from his work./ (162 words)PASSAGE 2 Money(00:13:2300:26:45)When we think of money today,/ we picture it either as round, flat pieces of metal/ whic

6、h we call coins, or as printed notes./However, the earliest method of exchange was barter/ in which goods were exchanged directly for other goods./ Problems arose when either someone did not want what was being offered in exchange for the other goods,/ or if no agreement could be reached over how mu

7、ch one good was worth in terms of the other./ Valuable metals such as gold and silver began acting as a medium of exchange. / By the seventeenth century/ people were leaving gold with the local goldsmith for safe keeping. / Receipts of $1 and $5 were issued/ which could then be converted back into g

8、old at any time. / Soon these receipts were recognized as being “as good as gold”/ and were readily taken in exchange for goods./ Goldsmiths became the first specialist bankers/ and their receipts began to circulate as banknotes./PASSAGE 3 Generation Gap (00:26:4500:40:07)A few years ago it was fash

9、ionable to speak of generation gap, a division between young people and their elders./ Parents complained that their children did not show them proper respect and obedience, / while children complained that their parents did not understand them at all./ What has gone wrong?/One important cause of th

10、e generation gap is the opportunity that young people have to choose their own lifestyles. / In more traditional societies, when children grow up, / they are expected to live in the same area as their parents, / to marry people that their parents know, / and often continue the family occupation. / I

11、n our society, young people often travel great distance, /move out of the family home at an early age, / marry or live with people whom their parents have never met/ and choose occupations different from those of their parents./In our upwardly mobile society, parents often expect their children to d

12、o better than they did. / Often, they discover that they have very little in common with each other. /(168words)Passage 4 You Found a Job, Now How do You Save Money? (00:40:0700:52:44)Saving your hard earned money can be difficult / as most of us enjoy spending rather than saving. / I certainly had

13、a tough time holding onto my money every payday. / When I got my first few paychecks, / right away I spend the cold, hard cash Id earned by hard work. /But I quickly realized that this sort of spending wouldnt really help me get the things I wanted. / So I made a pact (agreement) with myself. / I pr

14、omise that before I did anything with the money, / I would deposit at least 50% of the money into my saving account. / That way, I eliminated (remove) the temptation to spend that money. /After I got used to saving my money, / it was much easier for me not to be tempted to buy things when I saw them

15、. / When I saw a CD or video game that looked appealing, / I learned to ask myself, “Do I really need this?” / Asking this question helped me appreciate my money and not let it slip out of my wallet quite so fast. / (173 words)Passage 5 Online Health Forum (52:45 1:05:05)There are many aspects to he

16、alth, illness and healing./ Among all the teachings there is one theme that is universal to them all/ and that is the unquestionable benefit achieved by communicating with others about health and its related issues./ It is with this single philosophy in mind/ that we have developed this site as a fo

17、rum for communication./ Dealing with a medical concern is often difficult./ Connecting with others who are going through the same thing/ can make a world of difference./ Our mission is to develop online communities to help you make those connections./ You can post questions, comments and respond to

18、messages from others./ Weve got various topics, and were adding more all the time./ If you dont see the topic you are looking for,/ just let us know and we will consider a message board for it./ We hope you decide to become a regular participant/ and help to make this a great resource! (158 words)Pa

19、ssage 6 Travel in the Future (01:05:0501:17:10 )In the next few decades people are going to travel / very differently from the way they do today. / Everyone is going to drive electrically powered cars. / So in a few years people wont worry about running out of gas. /Transportation in the future wont

20、 be limited to the ground. /Many people predict that traffic will quickly move to the sky. / In the coming years, instead of radio report about road conditions and highway traffic, / news reports will talk about traffic jams in the sky./But the sky isnt the limit. / In the future, youll probably eve

21、n be able to take a trip to the moon. / Instead of listening to regular airplane announcements, / youll hear someone say, / “The spacecraft to the moon leaving in ten minutes. / Please check your equipment. / And remember, no more than ten ounces of carry-on baggage are allowed.”/ (142 words)Passage

22、 7 Self-Reliance (01:17:1001:30:45 )Americans believe that individuals must learn to rely on themselves or risk losing freedom. / This means achieving both financial and emotional independence / from their parents as early as possible, / usually by age 18 to 21. / It means that Americans believe the

23、y should take care of themselves, / solve their own problems, and stand on their own feet./The strong belief in self-reliance continues today as a basic American value. / This is perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of the American character to understand, / but it is profoundly important. / Am

24、ericans believe that they must be self-reliant in order to keep their freedom. / If they rely too much on the support of their families / or the government or any organizations they may not be free to do what they want. /By being dependent, not only do they risk losing freedom, / but also risk losin

25、g the respect of their peers. / Even if they are not truly self-reliant, most Americans believe they must at least appear to be so. (165 words)Passage 8 Nearsightedness (01:30:4501:40:00)Weak eyesight is a term that is generally used to refer to nearsighted eyes. / People who are nearsighted can see

26、 well at a short range, / but anything very far away is likely to be unclear. / The term “weak eyesight” is misleading, / for in nearsighted eyes the lens of the eye is actually too strong. / The nearsighted lens is so powerful that it focuses the light coming into the eye too quickly. / Nearsighted

27、ness is common, and its growth may be graded; / often the unclearness of distant object is so slight at first / that a person may not recognize the condition. /Nearsightedness is frequently discovered first at school. / It is here that a student first realizes the difficulty of seeing words on the b

28、lackboard, / whereas others in the class have no trouble reading the blackboard at all. / After discovery, nearsightedness can easily be corrected. / You just need a pair of glasses / which can decrease the power of the lens of the eye. (161 words)Passage 9 Rice Cooking (01:43:1001:56:00 )Rice is ve

29、ry much under appreciated in the United States. / With the exception of Asian cooking, rice is usually a side dish or combined with other ingredients. / Rice is very nutritious, low cost and easy-to-prepare food. / There are different types of rice available and the cooking time varies by type of ri

30、ce. / Follow the package instructions (packing instruction) for the amount of liquid necessary and the cooking time. / Both vary for each type of rice. / Regular white rice has been milled / to remove the hull which comes in long, medium and short grains. / Long grained rice is the best for all-purp

31、ose use. / Brown rice has a pleasant nutty (smells like nuts) flavor and a firmer texture. / While white rice is cooked in about 15 minutes, / brown rice takes 45 to 50 minutes to cook. / Then cooking rice will not be concerned if you have cooked rice left over. There are some excellent recipes, whi

32、ch use cooked rice. (151 words)Passage 10 Distance Education (01:56:0002:10:10 )Distance education refers to methods of instruction / that utilize different communication technologies to carry teaching to learners in different places. / Distance education programs enable learners and teachers to interact with each other / by means of computers, artificial satellites, telephones, radio or television broadcasting, or other technologies. / Distance education is also sometimes called distance learning. / While distance learning can refer to either formal or infor

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