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Girls are the bosses.docx

1、Girls are the bossesGirls are the bosses解读高校中的阴盛阳衰不知你是否注意到,从小学到大学都呈现出一片性别比例失调(gender imbalance) 之景象,女生成为主导者。而步入社会之后,这一状况会有所改变吗?Yang Jianxiong, 20, a junior majoring in vegetation conservation, is amazed to see so many female freshmen in his department. Once the domain of boys, the department at Huaz

2、hong Agricultural University this year for the first time admitted more female than male students.20岁的杨建雄是名就读于植被保护专业的大三学生,他十分惊讶地发现本专业大一女生人数激增。植被保护专业曾经一度是男生的天下,可是今年,由华中农业大学开设的这一专业男女生人数首次出现逆转。“I am surprised to see so many girls in a traditional boys department,” said Yang.杨建雄说:“我很惊讶,这个一向以男生居多的系里居然出现了

3、这么多女孩。”A gender imbalance on campus caused by female students outperforming their male counterparts reflects a global trend. Experts, however, say that social structures and bias will continue to prevent women from gaining a better rank in society.巾帼不让须眉导致校园中的性别比例失调,这也反映出了一个全球性趋势。但有关专家指出,社会结构及偏见仍将是女

4、性获得更好社会地位的绊脚石。Qian Wei, an official in the deans office at Nanchang University, said that female dominance in gaining scholarships has beennotable for years.就职于南昌大学教务处的钱伟(音译)表示,奖学金几乎全部被女生斩获成为近年来颇受瞩目的一大现象。“The general impression is that female students study better than male students,” said Qian. “Qu

5、ite a number of departments give eight out of 10 scholarships to female students.”钱伟说:“整体印象是,女生学习要比男生好。许多系的奖学金获得者八成都是女生。”Gu Haibing, professor in the School of Economics at Renmin University of China, attributes this to the education system and college admissionmechanism.中国人民大学经济学院教授顾海兵将造成这一现象的原因归结于

6、教育体系和高校招生机制。“From their fundamental education through to college, girls gain the edge with their better discipline and memory-based studying methods,” said Gu. “Girls also do better under an exam-based college admission system.”顾海兵说:“从基础教育到大学,女孩凭借较好的自制力以及记忆学习法占得优势。在以考试为基础的大学招生体系中,女孩表现得也更为优秀。”Jin Yih

7、ong, professor at Nanjing Normal University, says the education system is not the decisive factor. “It is a global trend that women are outperforming men, under all kinds of education systems,” said Jin.南京师范大学教授金一虹认为,教育体制并非决定性因素。金教授说:“无论是在哪种教育体制之下,阴盛阳衰已成为全球性趋势。”Jin also said that women have better c

8、ommunication skills. “When an economy and society emphasizes information and communication, rather than labor, women have the edge.”金一虹还认为女性具备更好的沟通能力。“当经济和社会强调信息和交流,而非一味苦干时,女性便占了上风。”This notion is echoed by Hanna Rosin in The New York Times. Rosin, author of the book The End of Men, believes that th

9、e greater adaptability of women to a changing economy is the key to their success.来自纽约时报的汉娜罗森十分赞同这一观点。罗森是男性的末日一书的作者,她坚信,对于不断变化的经济环境,女性有着更强的适应能力,而正是这点成为女性成功的关键。Despite this, Feng Xiaotian, professor of sociology at Nanjing University, said that female students with better grades dont necessarily go o

10、n to a better career or social status after graduation.尽管如此,南京大学社会学教授冯晓天(音译)认为,对于女生而言,成绩优秀并不意味着毕业后找到好工作,获得较高的社会地位。“Gender discrimination against females in job hunting and promotion is a glass ceiling that turns academic performance into nothing,” said Feng.冯晓天说:“在求职和晋升中,对女性的性别歧视像是隐形封顶,将她们的学习成绩化为乌有。

11、”The gender imbalance has even changed admission procedures at some colleges. This year, China University of Political Science and Law had an admission score of 588 for men - 44 points below that for women. It caused a public outcry.性别比例失调甚至改变了一些高校的招生程序。今年,中国政法大学将男生录取分数线设为588分,比女生低了44分。此举引发公众的激烈抗议。A

12、 Wuhan-based college admission official, who asked to remain anonymous, confessed that many schools set higher benchmarks for female students due to the pressure of job hunting.来自武汉某高校招生办的一名不愿透露姓名的工作人员承认,由于就业率压力,许多学校对女性学生设置了更高的门槛。“Graduate employment rates are vital for the school to retain its repu

13、tation and attract students,” he said.他说:“毕业生就业率对学校而言至关重要,学校靠它来保持声誉、吸引生源。”Professor Feng says that despite their success, women have yet to change the current “men-oriented” social order.冯晓天教授还说,尽管女性取得了成功,但她们还是未能改变现存的以男性为主导的社会秩序。“With this bias and other barriers for women out there, women are restr

14、icted,” said Feng. “In the end, it is a social issue that we have to deal with.”冯教授说:“只要这种偏见以及其他针对女性的障碍存在,女性就会被禁锢起来。最终,这会成为我们必须解决的社会问题。”Even so, male students have to deal with female domination at least throughout campus life.即使如此,至少在大学期间,男生们也必须解决校园生活中以女性为主导的这一状况。Li Kunning, 18, from Chongqing Univ

15、ersity, is the only male class leader among seven others in his class. But he said its an all too familiar scenario.18岁的李坤宁(音译)来自重庆大学,他是班上8位班干部中的唯一一位男性。而他表示,这种现象太正常了。“Its always like this, from primary school through to senior high school,” Li said. “Girls are always the bosses.”李坤宁说:“从小学到高中一直都是这样,女

16、生一直是领导者。”麦蒂个人声明:退出NBA加盟中国青岛2012-10-11 来源:sina【大中小】 点击: 184 评论: 0 条【揭秘】牛人记单词的绝招秘诀! 抓住5个时间点,单词忘不了 热保钓人士必学的英语口语北京时间10月10日上午7点左右,麦蒂在脸书网上正式发布了退出NBA加盟中国青岛的声明,这份声明在短短的10分钟内,“赞”的数量就突破了一百万人次,声明中麦蒂提到了很多人,包括科比和姚明,以下是全文:原文:There are times in life that a new road presents itself and it appears this time has come

17、 for me now. I am so proud of what I have accomplished these past 15 years playing in the NBA. It was a dream entering the league as I just turned 18 years old. I worked hard and poured my heart and soul into this game. I consider myself a student of the game as I have watched, studied and played wi

18、th and against the best players in the world. The NBA was my University and I learned so much. The gratitude I feel is really immeasurable. I have experienced the best moments a player can experience and have had some dark ones too. Both equally important in helping shape me into the man I am today。

19、As I leave the league for now, there have been so many profound people who inspired me along my way. I have to say thank you for guiding me and having an enormous influence on the way I played basketball. Isaiah Thomas, Rich Devos, Leslie Alexander and John Gabriel, you believed in me and I thank yo

20、u. Jeff Van Gundy, you exemplified the brilliance of what a great coach is.Steven A. Smith, you gave us players a voice and for that I thank you. Doug Christy, Charles Oakley, Dee Brown, Mugsy Bogues, Antonio Davis, Dell Curry, Kevin Willis, you all showed a young kid from Auburndale Florida how to

21、be a better player. Kobe, you made me work harder and it was an honor to play against you. And Yao, we shared an experience together that will always be with me, thank you. Sonny & Pam Vaccarro showed me how there is loyalty and genuine friendship in this business. Arn Tellem and Tim Hoy, 15 years a

22、nd you are still my agents. Thank you for guiding me throughout my career. When all is said and done, there is so many that made an impact on my life. I am one blessed man to have the love and never ending support of my wife CleRenda and the best 4 kids a man can ask for. But most important, I give

23、glory and thanks to God. It is thru Him that I have been so blessed and I am forever thankful。As I enter this next chapter, I am excited to play for Qingdao Eagles in China. I have been to China several times in the last few years and I love the people and the country. It will be an honor to play fo

24、r them. Thank you to every fan that has followed me and believed in me. Injuries and all, I wouldnt have changed a thing. I am proud of the mark I left on this game and am grateful to have been a part this league. It was a dream to play in front of all of you, each night, in every stadium. Thank you


26、奇德沃斯,莱斯利亚历山大,约翰盖博,谢谢您们对我的信任;杰夫范甘迪,你诠释了一个伟大教练的智慧;史蒂文史密斯,感谢你的节目传递出球员的声音;道格拉斯克里斯蒂,查里斯奥克利,迪布朗,马吉斯博格斯,安东尼戴维斯,戴尔科里,凯文威利斯,你们为我这个来自佛罗里达州的少年诠释了篮球的真谛 ;科比,你让我的职业生涯充满了挑战,我以成为你的对手为荣;姚明,和你并肩作战的日子,将成为我生命中的永恒,谢谢你。松尼和帕姆,你们为我展示了在职业体育商业圈中可贵的忠诚和真挚的友谊;阿泰勒姆和蒂姆,十五年来,你们一直作为我的经纪人,守护左右,感谢你们在我的职业之路上给我的指引;还有许多许多的人,你们给我的生命以深刻的影

27、响。我感到多么的幸运,拥有深深爱着的我并且一路支持我的妻子,克莱伦达,以及四个可爱的孩子。有你们相伴,我复何求。最后,也是最重要的,我要将一切的荣耀归功于上帝。感谢你一直以来为我的祝福和保佑。而今我将要迈入下个篇章,去中国为青岛队打球,对此我感到很兴奋。在过去的几年里,我去过中国很多次,我十分喜欢这个国家和人民,能够为他们打球我感到十分荣幸。感谢所有一直支持我,信任我的球迷。无论伤病还是我身上所发生的一切,我都不曾改变。我为我在NBA球场上留下的烙印而感到骄傲,为我曾经能够成为其中的一员而感激。对我来说,在你们面前比赛的每一场比赛,每一个体育馆,每一个夜晚都是梦幻般的。谢谢你们!麦蒂Mo pe

28、ns Nobel success storyUpdated: 2012-10-12 01:40 By Liu Wei ( China Daily)Comments(6) Print Mail Large MediumSmall 分享按钮 3Writer praised for hallucinatory realism wins recognition from the Swedish Academy, Liu Wei reports. Writer Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize for Literature on Thursday. The Swedish Acade

29、my, which gives out the annual prizes, described Mos works as hallucinatory realism merging folk tales, history and the contemporary. Books by Mo Yan are put on prominent display at the Frankfurt book fair on Thursday. Mo is the first Chinese national to win the Nobel Prize for Literature.Photo/Agen

30、ciesThrough a mixture of fantasy and reality, historical and social perspectives, Mo Yan has created a world reminiscent in its complexity of those in the writings of William Faulkner and Gabriel Garca Mrquez, at the same time finding a departure point in old Chinese literature and in oral tradition

31、, according to the citation for the award.Mo, 57, whose real name is Guan Moye, is the first Chinese writer to win the honor, which also comes with a financial award of 8 million Swedish krona, or $1.2 million.I grew up in an environment immersed with (Chinese) folk culture, which inevitably come in

32、to my novels when I pick up a pen to write. This has definitely affected even decided my works artistic style, Mo told a group of reporters at a hotel in his hometown of Gaomi, in Shandong province, shortly after he won the award.Mo Yan deserves the prize simply for being a great writer, said Eric Abrahamsen, a seasoned critic and founder of Paper Republic, an English-language website on Chinese literature.Throughout his career he has done much to develop the language and st

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