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1、新视野大学英语读写教程第二版第二册课后练习答案610单元新视野大学英语读写教程第二版第二册课后练习答案 Unit 6VocabularyIII.1.confessed 2. reserve 3. professional 4. impressive 5. latter6. convey 7. qualify 8. refined 9. substitute 10. approvalIV.1. Correct from: fill out; synonym: fill in2. Correct from: feel comfortable with; synonym: feel comforta

2、ble about3. Correct from: attach first importance to; translation: 非常重视;把放在第一位4. Correct from: turned down; synonym: rejected; refused5. Correct from: came (up) to; definition: moved toward6. Correct from: pressing me for; definition: try in a determined way to get something.7. Correct from: free fr

3、om/of; definition: not influenced by8. Correct from: stuck with; translation: 不得不接待;被迫接待9. Correct from: for better or worse; definition: whether the result is good or bad10. Correct from: took charge of; synonym: took responsibility forV.1. M 2. K 3. L 4. F 5. I 6. C 7. H 8. O 9. E 10. BWord Buildi

4、ngVI.illegal impolite irregular impatient incapableirresponsible inconsistent inappropriate incorrect indefinite1. impatient 2. irresponsible 3. inconsistent 4. illegal 5. inappropriate6. incapable 7. irregular 8. impolite 9. incorrect 10. indefiniteVII.unnoticeable unreasonable ungrateful unlimited

5、 uncertain uncoverunrecognizable unfashionable undo untidy unfold unload1. unreasonable 2. unfolded 3. uncertain 4. uncovered 5. ungrateful 6. unloading 7. unlimited 8.undidSentence structureVIII.1. so is air to man2. so is the eagle of all birds3. so is beer to the British4. so is tea to the Chines

6、e5. so do the English love their beerIX.1. While waiting at the doctors, I read an entire short story.2. After using the brush, put it in its proper place.3. Before being in the army, he was an engineer.4. I deliberately didnt read the book before going to see the film.5. When buying a new car, it i

7、s best to seek expert advice.TranslationX.1. (Just) as a machine needs regular running, so does the body need regular exercise.2. He learned to play the piano while studying in the United States.3. To our disappointment, he turned down our invitation.4. The reality is that, for better or worse, the

8、world has changed with advance of new technologies.5. Most of the female students in my class appear to be ill at ease when (they are) required to answer questions.6. The local government took charge of the security for the sports meeting.XI.1. 足球之于意大利人,就像乒乓球之于中国人。2. 教师没急着要班里同学现在作决定,而是要他们仔细考虑后再下决心。3

9、. 我不知道那是什么饮料,我喝了那么多;结果那些小伙子只能送我回家,因为我有点醉了。4. 在中国北方,三月份往往多风。5. 尽管如此,政府已经同意总支出增加6.2%。6. 信息被定义为通过陈述事实向大脑传达的知识,它可以有多种形式。ClozeXII.1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. C11. C 12. B 13. A 14. A 15. ASection BComprehension of the TextII.1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. T 8. FVocabularyIII.1. tid

10、y 2. prevail 3. emotional 4. imitating 5. discourage6. bargain 7. wander 8. superficial 9. concealed 10. accompaniesIV.1. tuened out2. is not really up to3. went to great lengths4. acting out5. spoke of6. Judging by7. out of character8. took sides9. blow his cover10. more or lessUnit7Section AVocabu

11、laryIII.1.react 2.tense 3.recommended 4.destructive 5. perceive6.emphasis 7.stirred 8.priority 9.attributed 10. stimulateIV.1. blow his top 2. Among other things3. take charge of 4. put emphasis on5. is attributed to 6. from my viewpoint7. substituted low-fat oil for butter 8.cut down on9. keep your

12、 audience in mind 10. out of controlV.1.N 2.E 3.G 4.J 5.I 6.A 7.C 8.L 9.D 10.OWord BuildingVI.1.endless 2. thoughtful 3. harmful 4. restless5.beautiful 6.successful 7.fearless 8.joyfulVII.realize privatize characterize socializenationalize economize normalize criticize1.nationalized 2.criticized 3.n

13、ormalized 4.economize5.realized 6.socializing 7.privatized 8.characterizesSentence structureVIII.1.When you are studying abroad,misunderstandings can result from cultural differences, among ohter things.2.Online learning requires, among other things, commitment and discipline to keep up with the flo

14、w of the course.3.The research work was severely criticized for its poor management, among other things.4.They discussed, among other things, the future of the oil industry.5.The article shows, among other things, the negative effects of generation gap between parents and children.IX.1.The more ofte

15、n I practice, the better I play.2.The higher we got up in the air, the colder it became.3.The more carbon the steel contains and the quicker the cooling is,the harder the steel becomes.4.The more I thought about his suggestion, the more doubtful I became.5.The more he eats,the fatter he becomes.Tran

16、slationX.1.At the meeting they discussed, among other things, the present economic situation.2.The more I learned about the nature,the more absorbed I became in its mystery.3.The doctor recommends that those stressed people should try something new,interesting and challenging in order to give their

17、negative feelings an outlet.4.The teacher gives more homework to the student who has bad grades instead of cutting it down.5.By contrast,American parents are more likely to attribute their childrens success to natural talent.6.One of a teachers priorities is to stimulate students interests and their

18、 creativity.XI.1.初了其他内容,他的研究还牵涉到发展中国家与爱滋病的斗争.2.这些人明白了他们的服务越好,他们就挣得越多.3.尽管父亲似乎忧虑不安,但苏珊感觉不到他在表情或行动上有什么变化.4.能获得多少经济资助已成为学生选择上哪所学校的更重要的因素.5.她已经减少了外出和买衣服的花费,但她还是没钱开始还债.6.控制压力的方法之一是认识到生活中有很多事情是我们无法掌控的.CLOZEXII.1.D 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.B 11.D 12.B 13.C 14.C 15.BSection BComprehension of the T

19、extII.1. F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.F 8.TVocabularyIII.1.constant 2.ambition 3.consequence 4.evident 5. summarize6.welfare 7.schedule 8.attaining 9.loyal 10.indispensableIV.1. There isnt anything to do other than wait to see what will happen.2. Althought Bill was going to the movies, he told Joe to the

20、 contrary.3. I wonder who it was that defined man as a rational animal.4. Traveling in that country isnt necessary expensive;you can find reasonably priced hotels and restaurants.5. Janet tends to get angry if you bother her.6. I would rather walk there than go by bus.7. She was held for twenty days

21、 and at times she feared for her life.8. Hes been burning the midnight oil for a week now, getting ready for finals.9. For many people the only possible way to escape from poverty is to move to other countries.10. Born in Milan, he dropped out of university to devote himself to music.Unit 8Comprehen

22、sion of the TextI.1. Todays college beginners are more consumeristic and less at any time in the 17 years of the poll.2. It is less important than being financially well off or successful.3. Work is not the only thing they live for and they are meant to do more.4. To help students become aware of th

23、e meaning of life.5. Education teaches us to see the connections between things as well as see beyond our immediate needs.6. We can improve our moral sense by acquiring knowledge accumulated throughout the ages.7. In the long run education should be about teaching people how to distinguish right fro

24、m wrong.8. We ought to give our ability to our work but our genius to our lives.VocabularyIII.1. render 2. contribution 3. popular 4.institutions 5.enrolled6. diverse 7. accumulated 8. distinguish 9. puzzling 10. confineIV.1. His past record is certainly something he is proud of. 2. The members of t

25、he committee after a two-hour discussion finally arrived at a solution.3. If we want to arrive there in time we have to travel by day as well as by night. 4. I was shocked when I read of his death in a newspaper.5. According to the police the young man was arrested at the scene of the robbery.6. The

26、re is nothing more frustrating than spending hours searching for information only to discover the information useless.7. It is unnecessary to worry a lot. In fact things will get better in the long run.8. My smile was meant to show interest in this trip but Carla was far too intelligent to believe i

27、t showed anything of the sort.9. The number of students who want to be enrolled in engineering courses is way up. 10. The little girl is so fond of her dog that she gives it a piece of chocolate every day.V.1. A 2. D 3. M 4. N 5. E 6. J 7. C 8. L 9. G 10. HWord BuildingVI.1. weekly 2. attractive 3.

28、worldly 4. costly 5. secondary6. leisurely 7. earthly 8. customary 9. protective 10. progressive11. sickly 12. momentary 13. manly 14. orderlyVII.1. backward(s) 2. strangely 3. outward(s) 4. unfortunately5. homeward(s) 6. originally 7. sadly 8. inward(s)Sentence structureVIII.1. On no account will t

29、hey give up the plan.2. Little does he know much his parents love him.3. Not until he read the report did he realize what a serious mistake he had made.4. Hardly could the poor old man fall asleep with a pain in his leg.5. Under no conditions will we give in to their demands.IX.1. While I agree it i

30、s a tough problem I dont think it cannot be solved.2. While Sara cannot come to help us she will give us some suggestions.3. While people admit pollution is very serious few are willing to take measures.4. While its raining hard now it will clear up anytime.5. While it is true we need money badly we cannot steal it.TranslationX.1. Little did she know that this picture would one day be worth more than a million dollars.2. While I understand what you say I dont agree with you on the issue.3. I think the police are

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