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涂文Book 6unit4 导学案定稿.docx

1、涂文Book 6unit4 导学案定稿Book6 Unit 4 Global WarmingThe Earth Is Becoming WarmerBut Does It Matter?编写人:涂文 审核人:高二英语组 编写时间: 2015-12-11班级 _ 组别 _ 组名_ 姓名 _【学习目标】Can master key, phrases & expressions and important sentences.【重点难点】Be able to know how to use key words & phrases and important sentence structures.【

2、学法指导】Observation, conclusion & consolidation.【知识链接】Set down the following key words & phrases.Key words & phrases依靠某人干某事_列清单_ 被用完_向某人解释某事_ 大量的 _ 发生_把A与B相比_ 趋向/照顾_ 趋势/走向_向上/增长_反对_即使_继续_ 导致_继续干某事_ 同意/赞成_ 大体上_平均的_ Key words and expressions 1._ vt. 反对,对抗,与某人较量; adj: _【教材原句】_, there are those, like Georg

3、e Hambley, _ this view and believe that we should not worry about high levels of carbin dioxide in the air.另一方面,还有一些人,像科学家乔治.汉布利, 反对上面的观点,他们认为不必担心空气中会有高含量的二氧化碳。本句是一个_(句子类型),主句是_, who 引导的_ 修饰_且 who 在从句中充当_ 成分。定语从句中又包含由and 连接的并列成分。That 引导的是_。【观察思考】(1)They opposed my getting home too late.他们反对我回家太晚。(2)

4、People opposed building a new hall here.人们反对在这里建一座新会堂。(3)Many residents in Guang Zhou are opposed to the plan of tearing down the old building.广州许多居民反对拆毁旧房子的计划。【归纳总结】反对做某事 或_ 反对某人做某事 【巩固运用】 (1)People loving peace _nuclear weapon.热爱和平的人们反对使用核武器。(2)As a matter of fact, I _at night.事实上,我反对你晚上独自去那里。(3)_

5、, she decided to leave.由于反对这门婚姻,她决定离家出走。2. 趋向,往往是,照管护理 n._【教材原句】It means that more heat energy_ the atmosphere _ to go up.这意味着更多的热量被困在大气大气层中从而引起全球气温升高。【观察思考】(1)Most boys tend to enjoy playing basketball.大部分男孩都喜欢打篮球。(2)A team of medical workers were sent to tend the survivors of earthquake.一组医护人员被派去照

6、料地震中的幸存者。【归纳总结】 往往干某事/倾向干某事/喜欢干某事 照顾/照料某人_=_=_= keep _【巩固运用】(1)He was required_ in the owners absence.他被要求在店主不在时照看一个商店。(2) She _ when people are opposed to her plan.别人反对他的计划时,他很容易生气。3. 发生,造成【教材原句】_? 这是怎么发生的?【观察思考】(1)The argument came about when they talked about politics.他们谈到政治时就发生了争论。(2)It came abo

7、ut that the man was dismissed.那个男的被解雇了。(3)How did it come about that the man was dismissed?那个男的被解雇了,这是怎么回事? 【归纳总结】1 _ 某事发生(无缘由的), 同义词有:_ 发生,举行,举办;_ 发生(偶然或突发性事件);_发生,爆发(战争,疾病,灾难,争吵)。这类表“发生”的词均是_动词,无_.2 _或_.发生了3 _? 是怎么发生的?【巩固运用】(1)_that he knew where we were?他知道我们在哪?那是怎么回事?(2)_ since Asian Games.自从亚运会

8、后,广州发生了巨大变化。(3)_ I saw him on my way home.在我回家的路上,我碰巧遇到了他。4._ 同意,赞成,订购 【教材原句】All scientists _ the increase in the earths temperature _ the burning of fossil fuels like coal, nature gas and oil to produce energy.所有的科学家都同意这种观点:全球气温的升高是因为人们为了生产能量而燃烧化石燃料,比如煤,天然气和石油等引起的。【观察思考】(1) As a successful business

9、man, he subscribes to a charity every year.作为一个成功的商人,他每年都向一个慈善机构捐款。(2) Yesterday, I subscribed to a book on the Internet.昨天我在网上订阅了几分杂志。【归纳总结】subscribe to 译为:_【巩固运用】(1)There are so many books, and which one do you want_?有这么多书,你想要订阅哪一本?(2)_ means that you will continue to give him help.同意他所说的就意味着你要继续帮

10、他。5. 导致【教材原句】They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossils fuels _ in carbon dioxide.他们也同意正是由于越来越多的化石燃料燃烧导致了二氧化碳的增加。【观察思考】(1) The accident resulted in/led to two deaths.这场意外事故造成了两人死亡。(2) His stomachache resulted from his eating too much.他的胃痛是因为吃得太多。(3) Alice overslept this morning.

11、 As a result , she was late for school.爱丽丝今天早上睡过了头, 结果上学迟到了。(4) As a result of her hard work, she was finally admitted into her ideal university.由于她勤奋刻苦,她最终被理想的大学录取了。【归纳总结】导致/促使_= _ 结果_ 由产生/由于_(动词短语),或_(介短)【巩固运用】(1) Jenny nearly missed the flight _ too much shopping.(do)珍妮由于购买了太多东西差点错过了航班。(2) The ac

12、cident _.(kill)这次事故造成了三人死亡。(3) Any damage _ must be paid for.任何由疏忽引起的损失必须被赔偿。Key Sentences:【教材原句】There is no doubt _(see graph 1) and _ has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon.毫无疑问地球是在变得越来越暖和,而地球变暖正是人类活动导致的,并非是一种随意的自然现象。【句法分析】“毫无疑问”_, 句中第一个that引导的是_从句,第二个that 引导_ 从

13、句,第三个that 是_。【巩固运用】(1) Thereissomedoubt_.他是否会及时赶到值得怀疑。(2)When the news came _, he decided to serve in the army.当战争爆发的消息传来时,他决定参军。(3)I wonder _that gave away the secret.我想知道到底是谁泄露了这个秘密。【教材原句】Some byproducts of this process are called “greenhouse” gases , _ is carbon dioxide.这个升温过程的一些副产品叫做温室气体,其中最重要的就

14、是二氧化碳。【句法分析】此句是一个_从句,可把从句还原为_. 点拨:one /all /every one /each/ part of which (whom) 引导的定语从句表示“他(它)中的一个/所有/每一个/部分”【巩固运用】 (1)My good friend is showing me around her new flat, _ a beautiful garden.(lie)我的好朋友正在带我参观他的新房子,房子的前面有一个漂亮的花园。(2)Please pass me a book _ is green.请把那本封面是绿色的书传给我。(3) I have three frie

15、nds, _key university.(admit)我有三个朋友,他们都被重点大学录取了。(4)I have three uncles, _ went to Australia three years ago.我有三个叔叔,其中最年轻的叔叔在三年前到澳大利亚去了。【教材原句】That probably does not seem much to you or me, but it is a rapid increase when compared to other natural changes. 这个数值对你我来说可能是无所谓的,但是跟其他自然变化相比,这是一种快速的增长。【教材原句】本

16、句是一个由but连接的_, 在第二个分句中,when compared to other natural changes 充当_, when 后省略了_.【巩固运用】 (1) _, my name was called. (walk) 当我走在大街上的时候,我听到有人在叫我。(2) _, the machine is of no use. (repair) 除非修理一下,否则这个机器没有用的。(3) The girl stood at the gate of the school as if _. (wait) 一个女孩站在门口似乎在等人。【当堂检测】(1) we_ for 5 years.

17、(subscribe)我们订阅英语周报五年了。(2)_ you made such a silly mistake? (come)再回家的路上你犯下如此愚笨的错误,这是怎么回事? (3)He _that will be discussed at the meeting.(oppose)他强烈反对那项即将在会上讨论的计划。(4) He refused to follow our advice, _ anther failure of his work.(result)他拒绝听从我们的意见,这导致他在工作中的又一次失败。(5) I never forget the days _ while I w

18、as wounded.(tend)我永远不会忘记在我受伤时被村民们照顾的这些日子。(6)The Pacific is the largest ocean in the world, but it does not seem big at all _.(compare)太平洋是世界上最大的海洋,但与整个地球相比,它一点也不显大。【能力提升题】(1) Its already 10 oclock. I wonder _she was two hours late on such a short trip.(come)都已经十点钟了。是怎么回事,这么短的路程他迟到了两个小时。(2) Luckily,

19、we had brought a map with us, _.(without)幸运的是我们带了地图,没有它的话我们可能已经迷路了。(3) They are accustomed to being told _ that they need to learn, and never think to question it. (be) 他们习惯让别人告诉他们究竟要学什么,而且从未想过要去怀疑它。【课后反思】本课我学习了词汇:_vt. 反对,对抗,与某人较量; adj: _反对某人做某事 同意,赞成,订购 _倾向/喜欢干某事 导致/促使_= _结果_由产生/由于_ 列清单_ 被用完_把A与B相比

20、_句型:_of which (whom) 引导的定语从句表示“他(它)中的一个/所有/每一个/部分” 毫无疑问_Book 6/Unit 4 Grammar 导学案 编写人:涂 文 审核人:高二英语组 编写时间:2015-12-11班级_ 组别_ 组名_ 姓名_【学习目标】Be able to learn and master the Emphatic Pattern【重点难点】How to learn and master the Emphatic Pattern【学法指导】Observation, conclusion and consolidation 【知识链接】Find the sen

21、tences in the reading passage that use the Emphatic Pattern(1) There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer (see graph 1) and that_ rather than a random but natural phenomenon.毫无疑问地球是在变得越来越暖和,而地球变暖正是人类活动导致的,并非是一种随意的自然现象。(2) They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossils fuels

22、 _ in carbon dioxide.他们也同意正是由于越来越多的化石燃料燃烧导致了二氧化碳的增加。【归纳总结】以上两句都是_句型,基本结构为_。【学习过程】1、【观察思考】 (1) Was it yesterday that he met Li Ping?你是昨天遇到丽萍的吗?(2) Was it Tom that found your pen in the classroom yesterday?昨天在教室发现你的笔的是汤姆么?【归纳总结】 强调句在一般疑问句中的结构是:_+ 其他部分?【巩固运用】(1)_that I saw last night at the concert?我昨天

23、晚上在舞会上看到的是你吗?(2)_that he met her?你是在昨天遇到她的吗?(3)_ worth reading?正是这本书值得一读么?二、【观察思考】(1)Who was it that saved the drowning girl? 到底是谁救了这个溺水的女孩儿?(2) I dont know what it was that made him so angry.我不知到底是什么使他如此生气。【归纳总结】强调句的特殊疑问句结构为:_? 强调句中若强调特殊疑问词则句式结构为:_.【巩固运用】(1) I was not sure _ that made the breakthrough in grouping plants.我不知道到底是谁在种植方面做出了突破。(2) I still cant figure out what it is _ with teenagers today.(make)我仍然不能理解究竟是什么使他如此受当今青少年的欢迎。(3) _ that you lost your luggage?你究竟是什么时候丢的行李?(4) _that you found your lost pen?你到底是在哪里找到你丢失的笔呢?【当堂检测】(1) _

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