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教案 Unit Five.docx

1、教案 Unit Five天津冶金职业技术学院分院课程指导方案(首页)2014 2015 学年第 1学期课次课时2班级电气一班电气二班电气三班周次日期上课地点教室教学实施资讯示范小组讨论计划或项目实施实验实习实训学习情境名称Section I & II , Unit 5能力目标The students should be able to write and talk about weather conditions and understand the listening materials on describing the weather.(Please refer to the Data

2、Bank in the Workbook).知识目标Understand weather forecast of global weather conditions and local weather reportsTalk about weather changes: temperature, wind, rain, shower, snow, etc.Make comments on weather conditions and show likes or dislikes.教学资源Textbook, teachers guide for the textbook教学方法Talk in g

3、roups; use task-based language teaching method, communicative approach,考核与评价作业1 Act out the task on Page 84.2 Memorize the key words or phrases in Section I and Section II. 教研室主任意见:签字:日期:课程学习指导意见天津冶金职业技术学院分院课程指导方案(首页)2014 2015 学年第 1学期课次课时2班级电气一班电气二班电气三班周次日期上课地点教室教学实施资讯示范小组讨论计划或项目实施实验实习实训学习情境名称Sectio

4、n III, Unit 5能力目标The students should be able to write a weather report and master the usage of Simple Past and Present Perfect.知识目标To know how to write a weather report.To master the usage of Simple Past and Present Perfect教学资源Textbook, teachers guide for the textbook教学方法Talk in groups; use task-bas

5、ed language teaching method, communicative approach,考核与评价作业Do the exercise on Page 92. 教研室主任意见:签字:日期:课程学习指导意见天津冶金职业技术学院分院课程指导方案(首页)2014 2015 学年第 1学期课次课时2班级电气一班电气二班电气三班周次日期上课地点教室教学实施资讯示范小组讨论计划或项目实施实验实习实训学习情境名称Section IV, Unit 5能力目标The students should be able to know what we can do to change the clima

6、te situation.知识目标To learn about the global warming situation.To know about what we can do to change the situation.教学资源Textbook, teachers guide for the textbook教学方法Talk in groups; use task-based language teaching method, communicative approach,考核与评价作业1 Review the passage that learnt.2 Do the exercise

7、 on Page 96 and Page 97. 教研室主任意见:签字:日期:课程学习指导意见天津冶金职业技术学院分院课程指导方案(首页)2014 2015 学年第 1学期课次课时2班级电气一班电气二班电气三班周次日期上课地点教室教学实施资讯示范小组讨论计划或项目实施实验实习实训学习情境名称Section V, Unit 5能力目标The students should be able to improve their comprehension ability.知识目标1 To learn the passage in Section V.2 To do the exercise on Pa

8、ge 100.教学资源Textbook, teachers guide for the textbook教学方法Talk in groups; use task-based language teaching method, communicative approach,考核与评价作业1 Review the passage.2 Do the exercise on Page 101.教研室主任意见:签字:日期:课程学习指导意见Unit 5 Our Weather and Climate Section I& Section II: Talking Face to Face & Being A

9、ll Ears1. Teaching Objectives: Understand weather forecast of global weather conditions and local weather reports Talk about weather changes: temperature, wind, rain, shower, snow, etc. Make comments on weather conditions and show likes or dislikes.2. Time Allotment:1st Period: Learning the conversa

10、tion in Section I.2nd Period: Listen to the conversation and do the exercise in Section II.3. Teaching Procedures:Section I: Talking Face to Face3.1. GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.3.2 Lead-in Questions:1 Hows the weather today?2 Do you have a habit of watching the program “Weather report”?

11、Suggested answers:1 Its nice/ sunny/windy/rainy2 I like this program. Because weather report can make people have a clear conception of every days weather. So it is convenient for people to go outside.3.3 The patterns and expressions for talking about the weather:1) What do you think of the weather

12、here?2) Whats the weather going to be like tomorrow? 3) Do you think itll be a fine day tomorrow?4) What did the weatherman say?5) What a beautiful/lovely/awful/terrible day!6) There is not a cloud in the sky.7) Its not too hot or too cold.8) The heat is killing me!9) I cant stand it. Its freezing!1

13、0) Are we going to get much snow this winter?Section II: Being all ears: 3.4 New Words and Expressions:There is a chance of 很有可能Summer resort 避暑胜地Agreeable 令人愉快的Moderate 中等的Average 平均的Financial 金融的3.5 Listening Exercises (It aims to train the students with proper listening strategies.)Pre-listening:

14、 provide the students with the new words and expressions; read through the questions and the chart in exercise 1 and 2, and make some predictions as to the content of the dialogue.While-listening: ask the students to listen to the dialogue for the first time and ask them just to understand the main

15、idea of the dialogue not to finish the exercises; listen to the dialogue again and ask them to finish exercise 1; ask the students to repeat the dialogue sentence by sentence after the tape while the teacher will press the button “pause” on the tape recorder; listen to the dialogue as a whole for th

16、e last time.Post-listening: ask the students to finish exercise 2, i.e. answering questions. This step aims to change listening to speaking. Conclusion: The following dialogue and the passage listening can be done in a more or les similar procedure. The students should grasp the useful expressions o

17、f asking for directions, and they should translate the working schedules correctly.3.6 Homework:1 Act out the task on Page 84.2 Memorize the key words or phrases in Section I and Section II.2 Preview Section III.Section III: Trying your hand1.Teaching Objectives: To know how to write a weather repor

18、t. To master the usage of Simple Past and Present Perfect2. Time Allotment:1st Period: Learning the samples of weather report and learn to write your own.2nd Period: writing sentences and reviewing grammar: Simple Past and Present Perfect3. Teaching Procedures:3.1 AppliedWriting Readthefollowingtwos

19、amplesofweather reportandlearntowriteyourown.3.2 Grammar and Practice: Simple Past and Present Perfect(过去时态与现在完成时态)I. Simple Past (一般过去时态)I) 过去时态的基本用法:表示过去时间发生的行为或存在的状态,通常与表示过去时间的状语连用,如ago, last, yesterday, the day before yesterday, etc.如:1) He went to Europe three years ago.2) She often came to see

20、 us when she was here. II) 过去时态的其他用法,写作中要特别注意学习使用: 1 在虚拟语气中,使用一般过去时,表示不真实的假设;1) If I were you, I would go immediately.2) I would rather you sent out this letter right away.2 情态动词的过去式could, might, would, should有时不表示过去,而表示一种委婉的语气。Could you open the window for me, please?Would you like some apples? II.

21、 Present Perfect (现在完成时态)1) 现在完成时态的基本用法:现在完成时态表示行为或状态在过去已经发生或存在,但其产生的后果或造成的影响至今依然存在。1) Weve known each other for about two years.2) His mother has been ill since last month.3) Have you returned the book?4) The little girl has been to Japan twice.II) 现在完成时态与非延续性动词: 英语中非延续性动词用于现在完成时态时,不能与由for引出的表示延续性时

22、间的状态连用,这是我们使用现在完成时态经常犯的一个错误。试比较:“我来这里已经两天了。”误: I have come here for two days.正: I came here two days ago.他去上海已经一个星期了。误: He has left for Shanghai for a week.正:He left for Shanghai a week ago.但用于否定式和被动语态,则无此限制。如:1) The film has been put on at this cinema for two weeks.2) I havent received any of her e

23、mails for a long time.III) 现在完成时态常用的时间状语副词。1. 表示频率的副词和副词just放在主要动词的前边。2. Still, never, ever这些副词与现在完成时连用时,still通常放在have或has之前,而never和ever放在have或has之后。1) He still hasnt used his money in the bank2) This is the most exciting film I have ever seen.3 already和yet与现在完成时连用时,already通常用于肯定句中,Yet通常用于否定句和疑问句中,a

24、lready通常放在has和have之后,但也可放在句尾,而yet则经常放在句末。1) He has already sailed around the world twice so far.2) He hasnt had a serious accident yet.4 since和for也经常与现在完成时连用,指一段时间的开始用since,指一段时间,用for.Section IV: Maintaining a Sharp Eye1 Teaching Objectives: To learn about the global warming situation. To know about

25、 what we can do to change the situation.2 Time Allotment:1st Period: Learn the passage in Section IV.2nd Period: Do the exercises in Page57 and Page 58.3 Teaching Procedures:Information Related to the Reading Passage Climate Change and Global Warming:The term climate change is often used interchange

26、ably with the term global warming, but “climate change” is growing in preferred use to “global warming” because it helps convey the fact that there are other changes in addition to rising temperatures.Climate change refers to any significant change in measures of climate (such as temperature, precip

27、itation, or wind) lasting for an extended period (decades or longer). Climate change may result from:natural factors, such as changes in the suns intensity or slow changes in the Earths orbit around the sun;natural processes within the climate system (e.g. changes in ocean circulation);human activit

28、ies that change the atmospheres composition (e.g. through burning fossil fuels) and the land surface (e.g. deforestation, reforestation, urbanization, desertification, etc.)Global warming is an average increase in the temperature of the atmosphere near the Earths surface and in the troposphere, whic

29、h can contribute to changes in global climate patterns. Global warming can occur from a variety of causes, both natural and human induced. In common usage, “global warming” often refers to the warming that can occur as a result of increased emissions of greenhouse gases from human activities.Greenho

30、use Gases:For over the past 200 years, the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, and deforestation have caused the concentrations of heat-trapping “greenhouse gases” to increase significantly in our atmosphere. These gases prevent heat from escaping to space, somewhat like the glass panels of a gre

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