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高中英语北师大版必修3Unit 8.docx

1、高中英语北师大版必修3Unit 8Unit 8Adventure能力提升题组训练(A).阅读(2019湖南衡阳高三一模)A thrilling polar competition between two adventurers to cross Antarctica alone,unsupported and unassisted had a happy ending with both explorers achieving the unprecedented feat (功绩).American professional athlete Colin OBrady and British A

2、rmy Captain Louis Rudd set off a mile apart at the same time on November 3,2018,from the Atlantic coast with the aim to become the first person to ski across the remote continent alone.Louis Rudd maintained the lead at first.However,OBrady caught up with Rudd on November 10 and never let the British

3、 man get close to him again.OBrady was the first to conquer the 930 mile icy land,arriving at the Ross Ice Shelf on the Pacific coast by way of the South Pole on December 26,2018.The 33-year-old spent 54 days skiing across the worlds coldest continent while pulling a 300-pound sled(雪橇) with supplies

4、.Instead of leaving the harsh environment after completing the historic adventure,the explorer set up a tent on the worlds largest ice sheet and waited patiently for Rudd to complete the great undertaking.On December 29,just three days after OBrady arrived,the British explorer finished his adventure

5、,becoming the worlds second person to complete the solo crossing of the frozen continent.Rudd was not disappointed at being second since he never considered it to be a “race”.Besides,the 49-year-old British Army Captain had a more selfless motive for attempting the feat.He was doing it in memory of

6、his friend Henry Worsley,who had introduced him to polar exploration.The disaster happened while Worsley was trying to cross the continent alone in 2016.Rudd said,“I didnt want to get drawn into a race.All that mattered to me was that I completed it,and that I skied solo and unsupported,carrying the

7、 tag with Henrys name on it.”After spending a few days camping 10 feet away from each other,the two adventurers were picked up by a helicopter to the South Pole scientific research station.1.What do Colin OBrady and Louis Rudd have in common?A.They became the first explorers to cross Antarctica alon

8、e,unaided.B.They became the first adventurers to ski across Antarctica.C.This is the first time that they have arrived at the South Pole.D.They crossed Antarctica in honor of their friend Henry Worsley.2.What do you know about the first leg(第一段赛程) of the race?A.OBrady skied along with Louis Rudd sid

9、e by side.B.OBradys sled with food supplies broke down.C.Louis Rudd lost the tag with Henrys name on it.D.OBrady fell behind Louis Rudd for the first week.3.What can we infer about Henry Worsley?A.He used to encourage O Brady to explore the Antarctic.B.He lost his life in a terrible traffic accident

10、 in 2016.C.He died while he was attempting to cross the Antarctic alone.D.He helped Louis Rudd complete the historic adventure.4.How did the two adventurers return to the South Pole scientific research station?A.On foot. B.By air. C.By land. D.By water.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了两个冒险家成功地在无人帮助的情况下独自滑雪穿越南极大陆的故事

11、。答案及剖析:1.A推理判断题。根据第一段第一句A thrilling polar competition between two adventurers to cross Antarctica alone,unsupported and unassisted had a happy ending with both explorers achieving the unprecedented feat (功绩).以及最后一句with the aim to become the first person to ski across the remote continent alone.可知,两人

12、的目标都是独自一人,且在没人帮助的情况下成为滑雪穿越南极洲的第一人,两人都获得了成功,这是他们的共同之处,故选A。2.D推理判断题。根据第二段中的Louis Rudd maintained the lead at first.However,OBrady caught up with Rudd on November 10以及第一段可知,他们于11月3日出发,OBrady赶上Louis Rudd是11月10日,可推断出,Louis Rudd领先时间为一周,故选D。3.C细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的The disaster happened while Worsley was trying t

13、o cross the continent alone in 2016.可知,Worsley在2016年独自穿越南极洲的时候遇难,故选C。4.B细节理解题。根据最后一段After spending a few days camping 10 feet away from each other,the two adventurers were picked up by a helicopter to the South Pole scientific research station可知,最后两人被直升机带回到南极科考站,故选B。.七选五(2019四川眉山高三一诊)The American ci

14、ty of Detroit was like Paris,some people said.It had a big river,beautiful wide streets and important buildings.Then,in the 20th century,it was called Motor City because of the number of car factories there.Workers in the car factories had good jobs and they earned good money.1. Life was good.But at

15、 the beginning of the 21st century,Detroit became Americas poorest big city.2. The citys population fell for several reasons.One reason is that people moved to the suburbs (郊区) in the 1950s because new highways were built.Another reason is that in 1967 some violent events happened there and it becam

16、e dangerous.3. Also,the big car companies like General Motors and Chrysler had huge problems.And in 2008,the world financial crisis had a big effect on many cities,especially Detroit.Now,a lot of people in Detroit are poor.Half of the citys families have less than 25,000 dollars a year.In 2013,it be

17、came the biggest bankrupt city in American history.4. It had some money to improve small things like lights in the streets and so people felt safe.The police came quickly when there were problems.Old,empty buildings were pulled down.5. And there are new businesses too.The city gave 10,000 dollars to

18、 30 new small businesses.Now there are grocery stores,juice bars,coffee shops and even bicycle makers.Finally,the city is working again.A.It was a new beginning for the city.B.But then something began to change.C.There is now space for new buildings.D.A lot of people were scared of coming to the cit

19、y.E.In a period of fifty years,more than half the people left Detroit.F.It wasnt unusual to own a home,a boat and even a holiday home.G.Detroit was famous for the cars General Motors and Chrysler produced.答案:1-5 FEDBC.完形填空When I was four,I was a painter armed with a big box of crayons.Somehow,the us

20、ual paper wasnt 1 enough for these sticks of vivid color.I looked around for fantastic paper and the walls that 2 an inviting yet limited view. If only there were 3 walls,which people could sometimes see and sometimes not,like the ones in Mom and Dads closet (衣柜). 4 quietly to the bedroom,I pushed a

21、side the heavy clothes.Words and 5 filled my mind faster than my hands could make them.A brilliant rainbow was seen on one wall. Flowers 6 everywhere.All my own 7 ! My masterpiece (杰作)! Joy swelled inside me.A thought 8 : Ive got to show Mom! Suddenly I was 9.I looked around with new eyes. What had

22、I done?Mom called out,“Dinners ready.” After a short time,her footsteps 10,and then finally,the closet door opened. I stood nervously in the corner. Oh,please dont be 11,I thought.Please,please.Mom breathed sharply,12 with shock. Only her eyes moved as she slowly looked over my masterpiece. She was

23、quiet for a long,long time. I didnt dare to 13. 14,she turned to me.“I like it,” she said.“No,I love it! Its happy! I feel like I have a new closet!”Now,many years later,my childhood artwork is still there. Every time I open it,I remember that,big as the white closet seemed when I was little,my moth

24、ers 15 was the biggest thing of all.1.A.relevant B.special C.fair D.regular2.A.ruined B.attracted C.presented D.required3.A.broken B.decorated C.painted D.hidden4.A.Flying B.Skipping C.Waving D.Slipping5.A.images B.cameras C.smiles D.acts6.A.opened B.cried C.advanced D.faded7.A.dinner B.magic C.ente

25、rprise D.garbage8.A.broke down B.came up off D.went away9.A.ambitious B.energetic C.pleasant D.still10.A.left B.escaped C.approached D.jumped11.A.grateful B.merry C.fond D.mad12.A.addicted B.ashamed C.embarrassed D.frozen13.A.deny B.breathe C.laugh D.nod14.A.Eventually B.Traditionally C.Strang

26、ely D.Naturally15.A.abuse B.celebration D.guidance语篇解读:本文通过作者小时候的一件事情展示出了母爱的伟大,它影响着作者的一生,一直被作者铭记在心中。答案及剖析:1.B根据后文的I looked around for fantastic paper和选项可知,此处应该用special,意为“特别的”。relevant意为“有关的”;fair意为“公平的”;regular意为“普通的;有规律的”。2.C作者四处寻找特殊纸张以及能展示出不同的视角的墙壁,故选presented,意为“展现”。ruin意为“毁坏”;attract意为“吸

27、引”;require意为“要求”。3.D根据后文的people could sometimes see and sometimes not可知,此处应表示,要是能有像“我”父母的衣橱里的那样的,人们时而能看见,时而看不见的隐蔽的墙就好了。结合选项可知,hidden符合此处语境,意为“隐蔽的”。broken意为“破旧的”;decorated意为“被装饰的”;painted意为“被粉刷的”。4.D根据空后的quietly可知,此处应指悄悄地溜进卧室,故Slipping符合语境,意为“溜走;悄悄地走”。fly意为“飞翔”;skip意为“略过;跳过”;wave意为“挥手”。5.A作者准备开始作画,故根

28、据常理推断,此处应表示文字和图像迅速充斥了“我”的大脑,故images符合语境。camera意为“照相机”;smile意为“微笑”;act意为“行动”。6.A根据上文的A brilliant rainbow可知,此处描述的应是作者创作的内容,故此处表示鲜花四处盛开,选opened。cry意为“哭”;advance意为“前进”;fade意为“褪色;逐渐消失”。7.B根据空后的“My masterpiece!”可推知,此处应与masterpiece表示的意义相近,故magic符合语境,表示“都是我自己的魔法!我的杰作!”。dinner意为“晚餐”;enterprise意为“企业”;garbage意

29、为“垃圾”。8.B根据语境可知,此处应表示,有个想法浮现在“我”的脑海中,故选came up,意为“出现”。break down意为“出故障;分解”;get off意为“(使)离开;脱下”;go away意为“走开”。9.D根据后文的“I looked around with new eyes.What had I done?”可知,此处应表示,“我”刚要让妈妈看一看,突然呆住了,因为“我”从另一个角度一想,觉得自己做了错事,故still符合此处语境,意为“不动的;静止的”。ambitious意为“有雄心的”;energetic意为“精力充沛的”;pleasant意为“令人愉快的”。10.C上

30、文讲到,妈妈喊到晚饭做好了;根据After a short time及下文语境可知,此处应表示妈妈的脚步渐渐地接近了,故选approached。leave意为“离开”;escape意为“逃走”;jump意为“跳”。11.D根据上文语境及下文的“Please,please.”可知,此时作者应是在心里祈祷,妈妈看到自己画在墙上的作品时,千万不要生气,故mad符合语境,意为“生气的”。grateful意为“感激的”;merry意为“快乐的”;fond意为“喜爱的”。12.D根据with shock及语境可知,此处应表示妈妈看到“我”的作品后惊呆了。故frozen符合语境,意为“(因害怕或震惊而)呆住

31、的”。addicted意为“痴迷的”;ashamed意为“丢人的”;embarrassed意为“尴尬的”。13.B根据上文语境和常理可知,“我”现在心里应该很害怕,故此处应表示,看到妈妈的表情后,“我”都不敢呼吸了,故breathe符合语境。deny意为“否定”;laugh意为“大笑”;nod意为“点头”。14.A根据上文的“She was quiet for a long,long time.”可推知,此处表示妈妈安静地站了很久,终于转过身来,故选Eventually,意为“终于;最终”。traditionally意为“传统地”;strangely意为“奇怪地”;naturally意为“自然

32、地”。15.C根据文章内容可知,作者认为自己闯祸之后,妈妈没有责备他,而是包容并且赞扬了他。故此处应表示每当“我”打开衣橱,“我”都会想起尽管对于当时小小的“我”来说,白色的衣橱是那么大,然而妈妈的爱却大于世间的一切,故love符合语境。abuse意为“虐待”;celebration意为“庆祝”;guidance意为“指导”。能力提升题组训练(B).阅读A(2020山东模考)Why go to Madrid?There may be a slight chill (寒冷) in the air,with temperatures staying around 15 in March,but Spains handsome capital is slowly starting to warm up.Even more attractive are the cultural events.A new e

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