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1、常用句型整合高考英语知识梳理编写人 张爱美 审核人 孙能国 级部审核一、 复合结构1. have sth./ sb. do, have sth./ sb. doing, have sth./ sb. done(与get sb to do /doing 比较)have 表示“使、让、叫”时是使役动词,后跟复合宾词,即“宾语 (sth./ sb.) + 宾语补足语”。根据宾语补足语的不同,又可分为以下三种类型:1). have sth./ sb. do/ get sth./ sb. to do 使/让某人去做某事省略to 的不定式 (do)作宾补,与 sth./ sb. 之间具有逻辑上的主谓关系,

2、即“让某人做某事”,不定式往往表示一次性的具体动作,且强调动作已经完成或尚未发生。Have the driver bring the car round at 4 oclock.请让司机四点钟把车开过来。注意:Who would you like to have go with you? Who would you like to get to go with you?2). have sth./ sb. doing 现在分词(doing)作宾补,与 sth./ sb. 形成逻辑上的主谓关系,而且这种动作往往具有持续、进行的含义。如:The two men had their lights b

3、urning all night long.那两个人让灯通宵亮着。注意:have + sb. + doing sth.,(尤用于疑问句与否定句中)表示允许(同意)某人做某事 如: I cant have them wasting their time in this way. 我不允许他们这样浪费时间。I wont have you speaking to your father like that . 我不允许你同你父亲那样谈话。get/set/send sth doing 使某物开始His mysterious phone calls were bound to set them wond

4、ering.他的神秘电话定会使他们疑惑。A fire in the supermarket sent people fleeing for safety. 超市的大火使人们纷纷逃命。3). have/ get sth./ sb. done过去分词(done)作宾补,与 sth./sb. 形成逻辑上的动宾关系,该动作由他人(非主语本身)来完成,含有“被动意义且强调动作已经完成”的意思。The driver had his car washed once a week. 那位司机每周叫人洗一次车。某人遭遇某事 He had his pocket picked on the bus yesterda

5、y. 昨天在公共汽车上他的钱包被偷了。2. make+ 复合宾语1) make宾语形容词. His gift made her very happy. 他的礼物令她非常快乐。 2)make宾语名词 We made him chairman. 我们选他做主席。 注意:若此句型的名词为表示独一无二的职位或头衔的名词,则此名词前不加任何冠词。如chairman, captain, monitor, president等。 3)makesb.省to的不定式 She made her children wash their hands before eating. 她要孩子们在吃东西前洗手。 注意:此句

6、型变为被动语态后,不定式须带to。 People who wont work should be made to work. 可用于此句型的动词还有have, let, see, watch, hear, listen to, notice, observe, feel 等。4)make宾语过去分词。I had to speak loud to make myself heard. What made them so frightened? 5).make宾语介词短语 Sit down and make yourself at home.6) make +it +adj./ n.+ to do

7、/thatHe has made it a rule to get up early. 他已养成了早起的习惯。I d like to make it clear that I had nothing to do with this .我明确地说明我和这事没有关系。3. leave +复合宾语1)leave sb / sth doing,常用来表示使某人或某物一直做某事:(宾语与宾补之间是逻辑上的主谓关系)Dont leave her waiting outside in the rain.2). leave sth/sb undone 留下某事未做(宾语与宾补是逻辑上的动宾关系,表示被动和完成

8、,一般以undone, unfinished, unsettled, untouched 为多)Please excuse me if I have left any of your question unanswered.He got up slowly leaving the lunch unfinished.If left unsolved, the problem will make things more complicated.3).leave sb./sth +adj.: Youd better leave the door open.4)leave sb./sth +介词短语

9、The previous government left the economy in ruins.上一届政府把经济搞成了一个烂摊子5)leave sb. to do sth 委托某人做某事 She left me to take care of her baby.她托我照顾她的婴儿6)leave sb./sth.+n. His parents died in the war, leaving him an orphan.7) leave sb./sth. +adv.(on /off /out) Always leave things where you can find them again

10、.随时要把东西放在容易找到的地方。4. find + 复合结构 done/do/doingfind+宾语+ adj./adv./n./介词短语 it +adj. to do When he came to himself, he found himself surrounded by a group of boys.I found her wandering the streets in a complete daze.我发现她恍恍惚惚在街上游荡。He found it almost impossible to express what he wanted to say.他觉得要表达他想说的话

11、几乎是不可能的。When they got home ,they found their house broken into. to do sth5. find /feel / think +it + adj./n. + that I find it necessary to learn English well.I think it my duty to help others .6. “with +复合宾语 ”常见的七种形式 1) with + 名词 (或代词) + 现在分词此时,现在分词和前面的名词或代词是逻辑上的主谓关系。例如:With prices going up so fast,

12、 we cant afford luxuries. 由于物价上涨很快,我们买不起高档商品。(原因状语)With the crowds cheering, they drove to the palace. 在人群的欢呼声中,他们驱车来到皇宫。2) with + 名词 (或代词) + 过去分词此时,过去分词和前面的名词或代词是逻辑上的动宾关系。例如:I sat in my room for a few minutes with my eyes fixed on the ceiling. 我在房间坐了一会儿,眼睛盯着天花板。3) with + 名词 (或代词) + 形容词With the weat

13、her so close and stuffy, ten to one itll rain presently. 天气这样闷,十之八九要下雨。(原因状语)4) with + 名词 (或代词) + 介词短语With the children at school, we cant take our vacation when we want to. 由于孩子们在上学,所以当我们想度假时而不能去度假。(原因状语)5) with + 名词 (或代词) + 副词He fell asleep with the light on. 他睡着了,灯还亮着。(伴随情况)6) with + 名词 (或代词) + 动

14、词不定式 此时,不定式表示将发生的动作。With a lot of work to do, he wasnt allowed to go out. 因为还有很多工作要做,他没有被允许外出。(原因状语) 7) with +名词 (或代词)+ 名词He left home ,with his wife a hopeless soul.他走了妻子十分伤心。7. 独立主格结构 独立主格结构在句中主要用作状语,可以表示原因、方式、时间、伴随等,with+复合宾语结构除了可以作状语外,还可以用来作定语。1.名词/代词+动词不定式Nobody to come the day after tomorrow,

15、they will have to put off the meeting till next week.如果后天没人来,他们就把会议推迟到下周。(将来时间,表示计划)2.名词/代词+现在分词It being a fine day, we decide to go swimming. 因为天气不错,我们决定去游泳。(表示原因)3.名词/代词+过去分词The prisoner stood there, his hands raised. 那个囚犯站在那儿,双手高举。(表示伴随状况)4.名词/代词+非动词(名词、形容词、副词、介词短语)I heard that she got injured in

16、 the accident, my heart full of worry.我听说他在这次事故中受了伤,心中充满担忧。(形容词,表示伴随状态)二、目的、结果状语从句1. so/such .that +(在非正式文式中,that可省略) be such thatso+ adj./adv.+ that 从句so+ adj.+ a(an)+CN(单)+that从句so+ many/much/few/little+名词+ that 从句such+ a(an)+adj. +CN(单)+that从句such+ adj.+复数名词/不可数名词+ that 从句Mike is such an honest w

17、orker that we all believe him.= Mike is so honest a worker that we all believe him.注意:1 当so/such置于句首的时候,主句用倒装。So clever a student was he that he was able to work out all the difficult problems.此句式与定语从句的区别Last term our maths teacher set such a difficult problem _ none of us worked out .A that B as C

18、so that D which (B) such that 因为非常以至于(such 偶尔被倒装而置于句首)The shock was such that she was almost driven mad.因为打击太大了,她差点发疯。Such was the force if the eruption that the whole town was covered with ash .火山爆发的威力大的使整个城镇都被灰淹没掉了。2. in order that 与 so that “以便.,为了”两个连词引导目的状语从句中需用情态动词。so that引导的从句只能置于主句之后,in orde

19、r that 可置于主句之前或之后。I ll speak slowly so that you can understand me .In order that we might see the sunrise ,we started for the peak early.注意:so that 也可以引导结果状语从句,但引导的从句往往用逗号与主句隔开,而且从句中不用情态动词。Many contestants later failed drug tests ,so that the race had to be rerun.许多参赛者后来都没有通过药检,赛跑只得重新进行。3. for fear

20、that /in case/ lest 这三个从属连词引导的目的状语从句中谓语动词要用(should+动词原形)The boy hid himself behind the tree in case/for fear that his father ( should ) see him.Take your raincoat in case /lest it ( should ) rain .4. so/such as to do 到程度She was so kind as to help the old lady off the bus 她很好心,把那老妇人扶下了公共汽车。I am not s

21、uch a fool as to believe that .我不会傻到去相信那种事。The statement was so ambiguous as to be totally meaningless.那声明含糊不清,根本不知所云。注意:be such as to do 会那般地,会的地步地My English teachers humor was such as to make every student burst into laughter. (2008陕西)5. so as to do 与 in order to do否定式 so as not to do / in order n

22、ot to do注意:so as to 一般不放于句首。而 in order to 可以置于句首The Athletics Federation has introduced stricter regulations so as to prevent cheating.田径运动联合会为防止作弊推行了更严格的规定。6 can not /never be too can not /never enough 再也不过分You can not be too careful when crossing the street.穿越马路再怎么小心也不为过。I can not thank you enough

23、 我对你感激不尽。 太而不能 The problem was too complicated for us to solve .但在下列情况下它表示肯定意义: 1).否定词not,never等用在too前时构成双重否定,意为“并非太而不能”,从而表达肯定意义。例如: One is never too old to learn 活到老学到老。 This question is not too difficult for him to answer这个问题对他来说不难回答。 2).not用在to前时,意为“太不能不”,表示肯定意义。例如: He is too angry not t

24、o say that 他盛怒之下不免要说出那样的话。 She is too clever not to answer the question 她非常聪明,必然能回答出这个问题。 3).only,but,all等用在too之前时,表示肯定意义。此时too相当于very,意为“非常、十分”。例如: Im only too sorry to hear this 听到这我很难过。 The work is but too difficult to do 这项工作太难完成。4).当it作形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式(短语)时,此时too相当于very,这种句式表示肯定意义。例如: Its too i

25、mportant to learn English 学习英语很重要。 5).副词too用于修饰glad,good,pleased,happy,sad,ready等形容词时,too相当于very,此时句子为肯定意义。例如: She is too sad to hear the bad news 她听到坏消息非常悲伤。His father is too ready to get angry 他父亲动不动就生气。 注意:only too 非常 Id be only too happy to help. 我很乐意帮忙。三.it句型1. It is (has been)since从以来已经多长时间了It

26、 is (has been) two years since we began to use this medicine.我们使用这部机器已经两年了。注意:since后如果接延续性动词表示动作的结束,接非延续性动词表示动作的开始。It is (has been) two years since he smoked.他不吸烟已两年了。Its years since she was a singer.她不做歌手已经数年了。2. It will be +时间段 before要过多长时间以后才It will not be long before they understand each other.不

27、久以后,他们就会互相理解。It will be five years before the river is cleaned.要过五年以后,这条河才会被清理干净。注意:it is/will be +时间点+when 。We all know it will be next June when we can really have a rest.We all know it will be 4 months before we can really have a rest.3.Its likely/ possible/probable that很有可能He has not got another

28、 job yet and it is not that he will for some time.A.likely B. easily C. nearly D. lonely (A)c.f. be likely to do It is possible (for sb.)to do4.It doesnt matter whether(if) 是否并不重要 It makes no difference (to sb) whether (if)Do you think it matters that the cups and saucers dont match?Will it matter i

29、f Im a little late ?5. Its notbutthat matters/counts 重要的是而不是Its not what you are but your ability that matters/ counts. 重要的是你的能力而不是你是谁。6. It seems/ appears that似乎 It chances/ happens that碰巧It turns out that结果是=sb. seems / appears/ happens/ chances/ turn out to do(to be)/ to have doneIt chanced/happe

30、ned that I was there. =I chanced/happened to be there.It turned out that the man in rags was a rich man.7. It is time for sth./ sb. to do sth. It is time that sb. should do/that sb. did sth. 是干的时候了It is time that you handed in your papers.8. Its up to sb. to do由某人做-When shall we go?-Its up to you to

31、 make it.9.It no use/ good doing sth.干.是没有用处的(没有好处的)10.Its certain that.一定 Its certain that he will come today.11.Its worthwhile to do/doing干.事是值得的Its worthwhile to include /including really high-quality illustrations.把真正高质量的插图包括进去是值得的。12.Its a wonder/ no (not any, little) that-Tom passed the driving test. -Its no wonder that he looks so happy.13.It is a coincidence thatIt was

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