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1、UnitWhenisyourbirthdayTeachingplanUnit 8: When is your birthday?Part 1:Teaching Design第一部分:教案设计FunctionsTalk about datesStructuresWhen questions。 Possessives。 How old are you? (formulaic)Target languageWhen is your birthday? My birthday is November 11th.When is Veras birthday?Veras birthday is Janua

2、ry 21st.How old are you?Im thirteen.Vocabularymonths of the year, ordinal numbers 1st -31st, birthday, party, speech contest, school tripLearning strategiesRole-playing, Self-evaluatingPeriod 1: Listening and Speaking (Page 47)(When is yourbirthday?)Objectives To learn to talk about dates To learn t

3、o use When questionsProcedures Warming up by going over titles/ structures Hi, class. Before we take Unit 8, lets go over all the titles/ structures we learned in the past and the one we are going to learn today. 1.My names Gina.2.Is this your pencil?3.This is my sister.4.Wheres my backpack?5.Do you

4、 have a soccer ball?6.Do you like bananas? 7. How much are these pants?8. When is your birthday? 何时是你的生日?1a Listening and repeating Look at the list of the twelve months of the year in 1a. Read after me one by one.月份中英文对照表 一月:January 简写 Jan.二月:February 简写 Feb.三月:March 简写 Mar.四月:April 简写 Apr.五月:May 简

5、写 May.六月:June 简写 Jun.七月:July 简写 Jul.八月:August 简写 Aug.九月:September 简写 Sep. / Sept.十月:October 简写 Oct.十一月:November 简写 Nov.十二月:December 简写 Dec.2b Listening and numberingLook at the three conversations and read aloud them after me. Now listen to the recording and number them in the right order. (1-2-3)Co

6、nversation 1A:When is your birthday?B: My birthday is October tenth.Conversation 2A:When is your birthday, Mary?B: My birthday is January fifteenth.Conversation 3A:When is your birthday, Jeff?B: My birthday is June fourth. 1c PAIRWORK 结对活动Now Listen to the recording again and practice the conversati

7、on with your partner. A:When is your birthday, Zhao Ping? B: My birthday is May fourth.A:When is your birthday, Fei Fei? B: My birthday is March nineteenth.A:When is your birthday, Lin Feng? B: My birthday is October twenty-first.Period 2: Listening and Speaking (Page 48)(My birthday is October tent

8、h.)Objectives To learn to use When questions To learn to usepossessivesProcedures Warming up by learning the grammar focus and ordinal numberHello, class. Look at this sentence:When is your birthday? 何时是你的生日?My birthday is May 4th. 我的生日是五月四日。 QuestionsAnswersWhen is your birthday?My birthday is Nove

9、mber 11th. When is Liu Pings birthday?Her birthday is September 5th. 序数词(ordinal number)的类别和构成第一类first (1st) 第一second (2nd) 第二third (3rd) 第三第二类fourth (4th) 第四fifth (5th) 第五sixth (6th) 第六seventh (7th) 第七eighth (8th) 第八ninth (9th) 第九tenth (10th) 第十eleventh (11th) 第十一twelfth (12th) 第十二thirteenth (13th)

10、 第十三fourteenth (14th) 第十四fifteenth (15th) 第十五sixteenth (16th) 第十六seventeenth (17th) 第十七eighteenth (18th) 第十八nineteenth (19th) 第十九(注意其中fifth、eighth、ninth、twelfth四个词的拼法)第三类twentieth (20th) 第二十thirtieth (30th) 第三十fortieth (40th) 第四十fiftieth (50th) 第五十sixtieth (60th) 第六十seventieth (70th) 第七十eightieth (8

11、0th) 第八十ninetieth (90th) 第九十(先将相应的十位整数的基数词词尾ty中的y改成i,然后在加上后缀eth)第四类thirty-first (31st) 第三十一sixty-second (62nd) 第六十二eighty-seventh (87th) 第八十七ninety-eighth (98th) 第九十八(由基数词“几十几”变化而来,十位数不变,仅把个位上的基数词变成序数词就行了) 2a Listening and repeating Look at the list of ordinal numbers in 2a. Listen and repeat. As yo

12、u are reading, please pay attention to the pronunciation and the spelling.first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth, twenty-first, twenty-second, twenty-th

13、ird, twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh, twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth, thirtieth, thirty-first2b Listening and circlingHere is a conversation between a teacher and students. They are talking about the class birthday. Listen carefully and circle the numbers in 2a. (5th, 4th, 17t

14、h, 22nd)2c Listening and matchingLook at the box and picture on page 48 in 2c. There are three columns: names, months and dates. Read them aloud. Now listen to the recording again and match the names, the months and dates. LeilaSeptember 5thNickJuly 4thRobertJanuary 17thJaneAugust 22ndNow lets go to

15、 page 87. Lets read aloud the tapescript. While reading try to find all the When questionsand underline all the expressions. Thats grammar study, indeed.Useful expressions from the conversationfill in the class birthday calendar, September 5th, how about, July 4th, January 17th, August 22ndTeacher:

16、Now, lets fill in the class birthday calendar. Leila, whens your birthday?Leila: Its September 5th, Mr. fisher.Teacher: Oh, OK. And how about you Nick?Nick: July 4th.Teacher: And Robert?Robert: My birthday is January 17th.Teacher: January 17th. OK. And Jane, whens your birthday?Jane: August 22nd.Now

17、 lets talk as they do in the conversation. We are going to talk in imitation of the conversation we have just heard and read. Now read the conversation again to turn it into a text.2d PAIRWORK 结对活动Now please work in pairs to ask each other about yourand your parentsbirthday. A: When is your birthday

18、?B: My birthday is May 22nd.A: When is your mothers birthday?B: Her birthday is January 18th.A: And when is your fathers birthday?B: His birthday is February 6th. Period 3: Speaking (Page 49)(How old are you?)Objectives To learn to use possessives To learn to speakHow old are you? Procedures Warming

19、 up by studying How old are you? And PossessivesHello, class. Whats my name? OK. My name is Zhao Ping. How old am I? 我是多大了?I am fourty-nine. How old are you? 你多大了?You are twelve. When is you birthday? You birthday is April 11th. When is Li Hui Fangs bithday? 李慧芳的生日是什么时候啊?How old are you? 你多大了啊?名词所有格

20、的构成法a. 单数名词词尾加s,复数名词词尾如没有s,也要加s: the boys bag男孩的书包,Mikes knife迈克的刀子,the Childrens Palace少年宫,mens room男厕所b.表示几个人共有一样东西,只需在最后一个人的名字后加s;如表示各自所有,则需在各个名字后加s,如:This is Tom and Jasons room. 这是汤姆和杰森共有的房间。These are Toms and Jasons rooms. 这些是汤姆和杰森各自的房间。注意:在某些句子里,名词所有格修饰的词,往往可以省略,如John s bike is better than Mi

21、kes.约翰的自行车比迈克的好。c.若名词已有复数词尾-s,只加:the workers struggle 工人的斗争,the teachers reading-room 教员阅览室注意: 名词所有格词尾s的读音与名词复数词尾-s的读音相同。3a PAIRWORK 结对活动There are three ID cards in 3a on page 49. Now in pairs choose an ID card and make a conversation.S1:When is your birthday, William?S2: Its November 12th.S1:How ol

22、d are you?S2: Im thirteen.S1:When is your birthday, Tina?S2: Its March 21st.S1:How old are you?S2: Im fifteen.S1:When is your birthday, Tina?S2: Its June 3rd.S1:How old are you?S2: Im seventeen.3d PAIRWORK 结对活动Ask and answer about each others name, age and date of birth.A: Good morning, Hao Qinghai!

23、B: Good morning, Zhao Hua!A: Whats this in English?B: Its a photo of my family.A: What color is it?B: Its white and black.A: Whats yourEnglish name?B: My English name is Gina. A: Is this your father? B: Yes, it is. A: Is this your sister?B: No, it isnt. It is my mother. A: Wheres your brother? B: I

24、dont have a brother. Do you have a brother?A: Yes, I do. Do you like bananas?B: No, I dont. A: How much are these bananas?B: They are ten yuan.A: When is your birthday?B: Its January 1st. A: Wonderful! How old are you?B: Im ten.A: Wonderful. My birthday is December thirty-first. B: You are wonderful

25、, too!4 THE Birthday GAME生日游戏Look at the picture ON PAGE 49. How old are they? Can you guess? Ask and answer about ONE ANOTHERS birthday and age and lineup from youngest to oldest.Period 4: Matching, Listening and Speaking (Page 50)(When is your birthday party?)Objectives To learn to talk about date

26、s To learn to use When questionsProcedures Warming up bymaking up sentencesHello, class. To begin with, lets make sentences with the two groups of words below. Lets see who can make the most sentences. speech contest, party, school trip, basketball gameis,am,meet,look, excuse,thank,do,spell,watch, w

27、heres = where is,theyre =they are,dont =do not,know,take,can,bring, have,does,doesnt =does not,let,lets,play,sound,watch,has,play sports, like,have,eat,run,list, help,want, come, buy, afford, see, sell, have a look1. I go to have a look at the speech contest.2. He wants to come to the party.3. We ca

28、nt afford the school trip.4. We watch the basketball game on TV. 1 Looking and matchingLook at the expressions in the box. Match the pictures and the events. 1. speech contestd 2. partyc 3. school tripb4. basketball gamea 2a Listening and checkingNow well hear a conversation about the pictures on pa

29、ge 50. Listen carefully and check the, basketball game, school trip, speech contest2b Listening and filling Please listen to the recording again and write the name of each event in the correct place in the calendar on page 50. 1. the school tripSeptember 26th and 27th2. the speech conte

30、stSeptember 29th3. the basketball gameOctober 2nd4. the (birthday) partyOctober 5thNow go to page87 to read this conversation. While reading try to find all the wh-questions and answers.wh-questions and answers from the conversationWhen is your birthday party? My birthday party is October 5th.OK and

31、 when is the basketball game? Oh, its October 2nd.And whens the speech contest? Oh, thats Friday, September 29th.Go over the conversation again. And also cut/ the sentence into thought groups, study all the predicates, circle all the linking words and underline all the expressions. Thats grammar study, indeed.2c PAIRWORK 结对活动Look at the speech bubbles and read the conversatio

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