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1、BEC重点词汇解释Unit 1a Teamwork Synergy: 1+12 the extra energy, power, success, etc that is achieved by two or more people or companies working together, instead of their own.协同作用 Take over / takeover / overtakeTake over: to begin to have control of or responsibility for sth., especially in place of sb.接管

2、,接手takeover :An act of taking control of a company by buying most of its shares收购overtake:to become greater in number, amount or importance than sth. else大于,超过 Turnover: The amount of business transacted during a given period of time. /sales 营业额 The number of times a particular stock of goods is sol

3、d and restocked during a given period of time 库存周转率 The number of workers hired by an establishment to replace those who have left in a given period of time. The ratio of this number to the number of employed workers 人员流动率Expatriate:In general English, an expatriate is any person living in a differe

4、nt country from where he or she is a citizen. 移居海外的人 In business English, the term is often used in the context of skilled professionals sent abroad by their companies, as opposed to locally hired staff. 海外派遣工作人员 Return: risk v. returnrepayment 回报to give or produce a particular amount of money as a

5、profit or loss 利润,损失the amount of money that you get from sth.回报,利益,利润 SeminarA meeting for discussion or training研讨会,培训会A class at a university or college when a group of students and a teacher discuss or study a particular topic 研讨班Unit 1b Communication BilingualAble to speak two languages equally

6、 well because you have used them since you were very young会说两种语言的Using two languages /written in two languages用两种语言(写)的 Dominance/dominateTo control or have a lot of influence over sth./sb.支配,控制 UnderstateTo state that sth. is smaller , less important or less serious than it really is 轻描淡写 Culture-s

7、pecific Subsidiary(a business company that is )owned or controlled by another large company附属的,隶属的(公司) Cross-cultural issuesCross-cultural :Involving or containing ideas of two or more different countries or cultures跨文化的 AwarenessKnowing sth., knowing that sth. exist and is important, be interested

8、in sth.认识,意识,兴趣 Cancel To decide that sth. that has been arranged will not now to take place取消,撤销,终止To say that you no longer want to continue with an arrangement, especially one that has been legally arranged撤销,废除To mark a ticket or stamp so that it cannot be used again 盖销,注销 ConfirmTo state or sho

9、w that sth. is definitely true or correct, especially by providing evidence证实,确认To make sb. Feel or believe sth. even more strongly使确信,是感觉更强烈To make a position, an agreement more definite or official; to establish sb./sth. firmly批准,认可Unit 2a Entertaining a client EnhanceTo increase or further improv

10、e the good quality, value or status of sb./sth.增进,提高,增强 FacilityBuildings, services, equipment etc. that are provided for a particular purpose设施,设备A special feature of a machine, service etc. that makes it possible to do sth. extra .特别装置A place, usually including buildings, used for a particular pur

11、pose or activity(共特定用途的)场所 FlexibilityAble to change to suit new conditions or situations灵活性 Cater toTo provide the things that a particular type or person wants, especially things that you do not approve of 满足需要,迎合Unit 2b Corporate hospitality Fact-findingThat aims to find out information about a c

12、ountry, an organization, a situation 实行调查的 Place an order with下订单 FinaliseTo complete the last part of a plan, trip, project ect.定案 StopoverA short stay somewhere between two parts of a journey 中途停留 Sport event体育赛事 Corporate events企业活动 RecipeA set of instructions that tells you how to cook sth. and

13、the items of food you need for it烹饪法,食谱A method or an idea that seems likely to have a particular results方法,秘诀,诀窍 (put sth. at sbs) disposalAvailable for use as sb. Prefers任某人处置 AlternativeA thing that you have choose to do or have out of two or more possibilities可供选择的事物That can be used instead of s

14、th. else 可供替代的Different from the usual or traditional way in which sth. is done非传统的,另类的Unit 3a Ordering goods Catalogue / catalogA complete list of items, for example of things that people can look at or buy 目录A long series of things that happen(usually bad things)一连串(糟糕的)事情To give a list of things

15、connected with a particular person, event etc.记载,登记To arrange a list of things in order in a catalogue, to record sth. in a catalogue 列入目录 ArticleA particular item or separate thing, especially one of a set 物品 Concerning / regarding关于,至于 DeadlineA point in time at which sth. must be done最后期限,截止日期 De

16、livery (date)The act of taking goods, letters etc. to the people they have been sent to递送,交付Unit3b Inflows / outflowsThe movement of a lot of money, people or things into a place from somewhere else 流入 Down payment a partial payment made at the time of purchase; the balance to be paid later首付 Discou

17、nt 折扣,贴现。 Early settlement discount提前付款折扣 Labour cost劳动力成本 the cost made by staffis wages and welfare ect. Outstanding (balance) not yet paid, solved or done剩余的(金额) Finance: to borrow/raise money for a certain purpose 融资 Interestmoney which is charged by a bank or other financial organization for bo

18、rrowing money利息Creditbuy now pay later信用 Inventory / stockthe counting of all the goods, materials, etc. kept in a place such as a shop库存 Deliverywhen goods, letters, parcels, etc. are taken to peoples houses or places of work交付,送交 Penalty charges处罚收费,处罚要价 Balance sheeta statement that shows the val

19、ue of a companys assets (= things of positive value) and its debts资产负债表 Cash flow statementA statemen tthat showsa companys cash in or out现金流量表 Income statementThe income statement reports how profitable a company has been during the period covered by the statement.损益表Unit4A1. After-sales services:售

20、后服务 all kinds of servicing activities which later will provide in the commodity sell.2. Environmental-friendliness:Environment-friendly(not harmful to the environment)的名词形式3. User-friendliness:user-friendly(easy to use, operate, understand) 的名词形式4. Brandstretching品牌扩张 Brandstretching refers to the u

21、se of a successful brand name to launch a new or modified product in a same broad market。5. Diversify v.(使)不同,(使)变得多样化 to develop a wider range of products, interests, skills, etc. in order to be more successful or reduce risk; to change or to make sth change so that there is greater variety6. Satur

22、ated湿透的;饱和的 completely wet;to fill sth/sb completely with sth so that it is impossible or useless to add any more7. Prospect: possibility; potential client; candidatethe possibility that sth will happen;an idea of what might or will happen in the future; the chances of being successful;a person who

23、is likely to be successful in a competition;a wide view of an area of land8. Loyalty schemes:to plan to make customers stay loyal to the company9. bonus:奖金;红利;额外津贴 an additional payment (or other remuneration) to employees as a means of increasing 抵押 a conditional conveyance of pr

24、operty as security for the repayment of a loan11. savings account: 储蓄存款户头 bank account that accumulates interest12.publicity: 公众的注意,名声;宣传,宣扬a message issued in behalf of some product or cause or idea or person or institution13. PR:公共关系public relation.The art or science of establishing and promoting

25、a favorable relationship with the public14. overhead: 管理费用the expense of maintaining property, it does not include depreciation or the cost of financing or income taxes15.cover: vt.(掩)盖;占;包括;报道 n.盖子,封面the act of concealing the existence of something by obstructing the view of itunit4BPublic relation

26、The methods and activities employed to establish and promote a favorable relationship with the public公共关系 PublicityInformation that concerns a person, group, event, or product and that is disseminated through various media to attract public notice and interest. 公众关注度 Goodwill声誉,信誉 Valuesthe importan

27、ce or worth of something for someone价值观 Press coveragethe reporting of a particular important event or subject by media 媒体报道 Advertising campaignthe business try to persuade people to buy products or services by advertisment广告攻势 Showrooma large shop in which people are encouraged to look at the good

28、s that are on sale before buying them展厅 Venuethe place where a public event or meeting happens场馆。场地 Formata pattern, plan or arrangement形式UNIT6AProfit:利润n.1.the excess of revenues over outlays in a given period of time (including depreciation and other non-cash expenses).2 the advantageous quality o

29、f being beneficial. 得益于,获利V.1.derive a benefit from; She profited from his vast experience.2.make a profit; gain money or materially; The company has not profited from the mergerTurnover:营业额 n.the volume measured in dollars; the stores dollar volume continues to riseDividend:股息,红利 n.that part of the

30、 earnings of a corporation that is distributed to its shareholders; usually paid quarterly.Expand:扩张。扩大 v.become larger in size or volume or quantity; his business expanded rapidlyBreak even : 盈亏平衡,收支平衡 adj. The earing and expend is equalVolatile:易变的, 反复无常的, 易激动的 adj.liable to lead to sudden change

31、or violence; an explosive issue; a volatile situation with troops and rioters eager for a confrontation;tending to vary often or widely; volatile stocks; volatile emotions;marked by erratic changeableness in affections or attachments; fickle friends; a flirts volatile affectionsTakeover:收购;接收;接管 n.change by sale or merger in the controlling interest of a corporationa ;a sudden and decisive change of government illegally or by force;Merger:(两个公司的)合并 n.the combination of two or more commercial companiesRecover:恢复,恢复适当的状态的位置 v. ResumeCollapse:n,vi.(突然)降价,贬值;暴跌 a

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