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1、92年92 年 4 月 SECTION 1Time-30 minutes38 Questions1. It was a war the queen and her more prudent coun-selors wished to - if they could and were determined in any event to - as long as possible.(A) provoke. delay(B) denounce. deny(C) instigate. conceal(D) curtail. promote(E) avoid. postpone2. Despite m

2、any decades of research on the gasification of coal, the data accumulated are not directly - to environmental questions; thus a new program of research specifically addressing such questions is-(A) analogous. promising(B) transferable. contradictory(C) antithetical. unremarkable(D) applicable. warra

3、nted(E) pertinent. unnecessary3. Unlike other creatures, who are shaped largely bytheir - environment, human beings are productsof a culture accumulated over centuries, yet one thatis constantly being - by massive infusions of new information from everywhere.(A) harsh. unconfirmed(B) surrounding. up

4、held(C) immediate. transformed(D) natural. mechanized(E) limited. Superseded4. Edith Wharton sought in her memoir to presentherself as having achieved a harmonious wholenessby having -the conflicting elements of her life.(A) affirmed(B) highlighted(C) reconciled(D) confined(E) identified5. In their

5、preface, the collections editors plead thatcertain of the important articles they - werepublished too recently for inclusion, but in the caseof many such articles, this - is not valid.(A) discussed. replacement(B) omitted. excuse(C) revised. clarification(D) disparaged. justification(E) ignored. end

6、orsement6. The labor union and the companys management,despite their long history of unfailingly acerbicdisagreement on nearly every issue, have neverthelessreached an unexpectedly -, albeit still tentative,agreement on next years contract.(A) swift(B) onerous(C) hesitant(D) reluctant(E) conclusive7

7、. In response to the follies of todays commercial andpolitical worlds, the author does not - inflamedindignation, but rather - the detachment andsmooth aphoristic prose of an eighteenth-century wit.(A) display. rails at(B) rely on. avoids(C) suppress. clings to(D) express. affects(E) resort to. spur

8、ns8. FEAR: COWER:(A) calmness: fret(B) anger: rant(C) disappointment: console(D) gladness: satisfy(E) embarrassment: speak9. BACTERIA: DECOMPOSITION:(A) lava: eruption(B) penicillin : injection(C) yeast: fermentation(D) oxygen: respiration(E) plants : deforestation10. PALATE: MOUTH:(A) curb: sidewal

9、k(B) star: sky(C) stream: dam(D) mountain: range(E) ceiling: room11. SLAKE: THIRST:(A) perspire: exertion(B) moan: voice(C) shiver: muscle(D) satiate: hunger(E) dream: sleep12. FOIBLE: FAULT:(A) perjury: testimony(B) reputation : disrepute(C) vagary: notion(D) feud: hostility(E) quibble: objection13

10、. IMPORTUNE : REQUEST:(A) pry: inquiry(B) balk: obstacle(C) fulminate: silence(D) discountenance: plea(E) vitiate: punishment14. MILL: GRAIN:(A) loom: cloth(B) bazaar: wares(C) factory: furniture(D) hospital: medicine(E) forge: metal15. DAGUERREOTYPE: PHOTOGRAPH:(A) bust: statue(B) pastiche: paintin

11、g(C) narrative: novel(D) hieroglyphic: papyrus(E) musket: firearm16. INDISTINGUISHABLE: CONFOUND:(A) exceptional : overlook(B) impregnable : attack(C) ostentatious : consume(D) equivalent : interchange(E) occluded : revealThe 1960s witnessed two profoundsocial movements: the civil rightsmovement and

12、 the movement protestingthe war in Vietnam. Although they (5) overlapped in time, they were largelydistinct. For a brief moment in 1967,however, it appeared that the twomovements might unite under theleadership of Martin Luther King, Jr.(10) Kings role in the antiwar movementappears to require littl

13、e explanation,since he was the foremost advocate ofnonviolence of his time. But Kingsstance on the Vietnam War cannot be(15) explained in terms of pacifismalone.After all, he was something of alatecomer to the antiwar movement, eventhough by 1965 he was convinced that therole of the United States in

14、 the war was(20) indefensible. Why then the two yearsthat passed before he translated hisprivate misgivings into public dissent?Perhaps he believed that he could notcriticize American foreign policy(25) without endangering the support forcivil rights that he had won from thefederal government.17. Ac

15、cording to the passage, the delay referred to in lines 12-15 is perhaps attributable to which of the following?(A) Kings ambivalence concerning the role of the United States in the war in Vietnam(B) Kings attempts to consolidate support for his leadership within the civil rights movement(C) Kings de

16、sire to keep the leadership of the civil rights movement distinct from that of the antiwar movement(D) Kings desire to draw support for the civil rights movement from the leadership of the antiwar movement(E)(E) Kings reluctance to jeopardize federal support for the civil rights movement18. The auth

17、or supports the claim that “Kings stance on the Vietnam War cannot be explained in terms of pacifism alone” (lines 10-12) by implying which of the following?(A) There is little evidence that King was ever a student of pacifist doctrine.(B) King, despite pacifist sympathies, was not convinced that th

18、e policy of the federal government in Vietnam was wrong.(C) Kings belief in nonviolence was formulated in terms of domestic policy rather than in terms of international issues.(D) Had Kings actions been based on pacifism alone, he would have joined the antiwar movement earlier than he actually did.(

19、D)(E) Opponents of United States foreign policy within the federal government convinced King of their need for support.19. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the movement opposing the war in Vietnam?(A) It preceded the civil rights movement.(B) It began in 1965.(C) It was

20、supported by many who otherwise opposed public dissent.(D) It drew support from most civil rights leaders.(E)(E) It was well underway by 1967.20. Which of the following best describes the passage?(A) It discusses an apparent inconsistency and suggests a reason for it.(B) It outlines a sequence of hi

21、storical events.(C) It shows why a commonly held view is inaccurate.(D) It evaluates an explanation and finally accepts that explanation.(A)(E) It contrasts two views of an issue.What causes a helix in nature toappear with either a dextral(right-handed, or clockwise) twist ora sinistral (left-handed

22、, or (5) counterclockwise) twist is one of themost intriguing puzzles in the scienceof form. Most spiral-shaped snailspecies are predominantly dextral. Butat one time, handedness (twist direction(10) of the shell) was equally distributedwithin some snail species that havebecome predominantly dextral

23、 or, in afew species, predominantly sinistral.What mechanisms, control handedness(15) and keep left-handedness rare?It would seem unlikely that evolutionshould discriminate against sinistralsnails if sinistral and dextral snailsare exact mirror images, for any(20) disadvantage that a sinistral twist

24、 initself could confer on its possessor isalmost inconceivable. But left- andright-handed snails are not actuallytrue mirror images of one another.(25) Their shapes are noticeably different.Sinistral rarity might, then, be aconsequence of possible disadvantagesconferred by these other concomitantstr

25、uctural features. In addition,(30) perhaps left- and right-handed snailscannot mate with each other, havingincompatible twist directions.Presumably an individual of the rarerform would have relative difficulty in(35) finding a mate of the same hand, thuskeeping the rare form rare or creatinggeograph

26、ically separated right- andleft-handed populations.But this evolutionary mechanism(40) combining dissymmetry, anatomy, andchance does not provide an adequateexplanation of why right-handednessshould have become predominant. It doesnot explain, for example, why the(45) infrequent unions between snail

27、s ofopposing hands produce fewer offspringof the rarer than the commoner form inspecies where each parent contributesequally to handedness. Nor does it(50) explain why, in a species where oneparent determines handedness, a brood isnot exclusively right- or left-handedwhen the offspring would have th

28、e samegenetic predisposition. In the European(55) pond snail Lymnaea peregra, apredominantly dextral species whosehandedness is maternally determined, abrood might be expected to be exclusivelyright- or left-handed-andthis often(60) occurs. However, some broods possessa few snails of the opposing ha

29、nd,and in predominantly sinistral broods,the incidence of dextrality issurprisingly high.(65) Here, the evolutionary theory mustdefer to a theory based on an explicitdevelopmental mechanism that can favoreither right- or left-handedness. Inthe case of Lymnaea peregra, studies(70) indicate that a dex

30、tral gene isexpressed during egg formation; i.e.,before egg fertilization, the geneproduces a protein, found in thecytoplasm of the egg, that controls the(75) pattern of cell division and thushandedness. In experiments,an injectionof cytoplasm from dextral eggschanges the pattern of sinistral eggs,but an injection from sinistral eggs(80) does not influence dextral eggs. Oneexplanation for the differing effects isthat all Lymnaea peregra eggs beginleft-handed but most switch to beingri

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