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1、catti二级综合能力口译考试试题及答案解析二catti二级综合能力口译考试试题及答案解析(二)一、Part (共20小题,共40.0分)Listen to the following passages and then choose the best answer to each question by blackening the corresponding circle. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to answer the questions satisfactorily. There are three passage

2、s in this part, each with five questions. And each question carries two points. You will hear the passages only once. 第1题 What is the main topic of the talk?A Jeffersons views about commercialized agriculture.B International trade in the nineteenth century.C Improvements in farm machinery in the Uni

3、ted States.D Farmers loss of independence.【正确答案】:D【本题分数】:2.0分【答案解析】主旨题。本题要求听者掌握全文的主要内容。本文主要围绕l9世纪美国农民自己自足生活的改变进行,从历史发展的不同阶段分析了这种生活方式改变的原因和结果,因此,涉及自己自足生活的改变的选项d是正确答案。 注意:文章首尾部分一般是全文的中心句,这就需要听者在听一篇文章时,要格外对首尾部分留神,如本文第三句“but in general they could get along just fine by relying on themselves”和最后一句“By the

4、 end of 19th century,the era of Jeffersons independent farmer had come to a close”都涉及到independence。因此与该词有关的选项有可能就是题解。第2题 What was the major change in agriculture during the 19th century?A Crop production became increasingly specialized.B Economic depressions lowered the prices of farm produce.C New

5、banking laws made it easy to buy farmland.D The United States increased its agricultural imports.【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:2.0分【答案解析】语义逻辑关系的找寻和判断。根据原文,其主要议题是美国19世纪农业的变迁史,分析变迁原因是本文的重要组成部分,文中谈到情况变化时,在第六句说道“But by the mid centuryfarmers began to specialize in raising crops”,而由此变化产生的结果则是农民“achieve a much higher st

6、andard of living but at a price”(第八句)即“农民的生活水平提高了,但也付出了代价”,这句话暗示农民生活变迁的结果就是后面提到的banks,national economic depressions等选项b和c的内容,至于选项d的内容原文并没有明确提出,因此只有选项a是正确答案。 注意:该文涉及美国19世纪农业的变迁史,变迁的原因是重点内容,因此关于变迁原因的重点词汇或词组应反复出现。原文中specialize这个核心词汇反复出现,听者应予以注意,涉及该词的选项有可能就是正确答案。第3题 What was one result of the increased

7、use of machinery on farms of the United States?A Prices for farm produce rose.B Farmers became more dependent on loans from banks.C Jefferson established government programs to assist farmers.D Farmers relied less on foreign markets.【正确答案】:B【本题分数】:2.0分【答案解析】因果关系的判断。根据文章第七句“revolutionary advances in

8、farm machinery have vastly increased production of specialized crops”及第八句“By raising and selling specialized cropsachieve a much higher standard of living but at a price”可知,其逻辑关系是农业机械化的进步使专门作物的产量提高,而种植和销售该作物又可提高农民的生活水平,但这种变化也使农民付出了代价。后面具体列举了各项事实,实际上就是前面变化产生的结果,其中包括选项b的内容,因此该项是正确答案。 注意:根据暗示因果关系的单词或短语

9、做出正确的因果判断。如本文中上下句间at a price(付出代价)的使用,暗示了前后句问存在因果关系。第4题 Why was the world market important for the United States agriculture?A It provided evidence that Jeffersons ideal could be achieved.B It made farmers less dependent on local bankers.C It affected the prices that farmers could receive for their

10、crops.D It decreased the power of the railroads to control farm prices.【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:2.0分【答案解析】语义因果关系的判断。文章最后说道“farmers now have to worry aboutthe influence of world supply and demand on,for example,the price of wheat in Kansas”即“农民们现在不得不操心世界供需市场对他们的影响,如Kansas小麦的价格”,根据前后上下文可判断,这句话存在因果关系,因此涉及price的选

11、项c的说法是正确的。 注意:正确解读语句间的逻辑关系是解答本题的关键。第5题 Which of the following is NOT a factor for the change in agriculture in the United States?A Advances in machinery.B Specialization in farming.C The extensive network of railroads.D The change in world supply and demand on oil.【正确答案】:D【本题分数】:2.0分【答案解析】特定信息的找寻。本文

12、主要讨论美国农业的变迁情况,而本题的设问比较宽泛,因此选项中,只要是文章中没有提到的内容就是答案。将各选项与原文一一对应,可发现,只有选项d的说法原文未提及,因此该项是正确答案。 注意:只需将选项与原文对应即可,但应掌握选项词性变换。第6题 Which of the following is NOT true about the new capital according to the report?A Its in the center area of South Korea.B It has excellent transport and environmental conditions.

13、C The relocation will cost $94 million.D It is not named yet.【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:2.0分【答案解析】事实细节的找寻和判断。根据原文第一段最后一句“which lies in the center of South Korea”可知,选项a的说法是正确的;根据第二段第二句“The government chose the site of the new capital,which has yet to be named,over two other areas because of its superior transpor

14、t and environmental conditions”可知,选项b和d的说法是正确的;根据第四段第一句“But the relocation-which could cost as much as $94 billion”可知,选项C的说法与原文不符,因此该项是正确答案。 注意:掌握情态动词的语法知识是解题的关键。原文中关于费用问题使用了could表示一种对未来不确切的推测,而选项中的will却表达了确切的计划。第7题 How large is the site?A 7,100 acres.B 7,100 hectares.C 70, 100 acres.D 70,100 hectar

15、es.【正确答案】:B【本题分数】:2.0分【答案解析】数字信息的找寻和判断。根据第二段第一句“for the 7,100-hectare site”可知,选项b的说法是正确的。 注意:在数字信息颇多的情况下,迅速排除其它数字信息的干扰。第8题 How many years is construction of the new capital scheduled to take?A About 23 years.B About 27 years.C About 30 years.D About 13 years.【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:2.0分【答案解析】数字信息的找寻和判断。根据第二段

16、第一句“construction scheduled to start in 2007 and end in 2030”简单计算可知这一项目需约23年的时间,因此选项a的说法是正确的。 注意:正确找到关键的数字信息,并迅速做出简单的运算或推理。第9题 Which of the following is President Roh Moo-hyuns argument for relocation of the capital?A Efficiency of government.B Environmental protection.C Decentralization.D Traffic co

17、ncerns.【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:2.0分【答案解析】特定信息的找寻和判断。根据题干要求找寻到有关韩国总统的说法,发现原文第三段“he said he believed it would help decentralize the country”,由此可见只有c的内容与此对应,所以该项是正确答案。 注意:根据题干要求,注意文中相关的特定信息。第10题 Which of the following does NOT describe the rival parties opinion on the relocation?A Feasible.B Impractical.C Unpop

18、ular.D Inefficient.【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:2.0分【答案解析】事实细节的找寻和判断。根据题干要求在原文中找寻反对党的意见,发现原文最后一段关于反对党派的意见有如下说法“have raised questions about the efficiency and feasibility of the project”和“is an unrealistic plan without popular support”,可知他们对该项目的效率和可行性抱怀疑态度,该项目是不现实的,且不受大众欢迎。由此可见,选项a的说法与原文不符,因此是正确答案。 注意:识别反义词和近义词的表达

19、。上面分析中前一句中efficiency, feasibility需要选项用反义词来对应,后一句中unrealistic,without popular需要选项用近义词对应。第11题 Why do people doubt about the pickup of Japans economy?A Low domestic demand.B High energy cost.C Deflation.D Weaker economic growth in the U.S. and China.【正确答案】:B【本题分数】:2.0分【答案解析】因果关系的判断。根据原文第一段最后一句“Japans r

20、ebound is cast in doubt as investors worry about inflationary pressures caused by the high cost of energy”即“日本的反弹蒙上阴影,因为投资者担心能源费用过高而带来的通货膨胀压力”,由此可见,选项b的说法是正确的。 注意:掌握信号词,正确判断语义逻辑关系。上句中信号词as和caused by均表明了上下文存在因果关系。第12题 According to the report, what did IEA keep doing in the past half a year?A It kept

21、revising the forecast of world oil demand upwards.B It kept making serious mistakes in forecasting.C It kept lowering down the world energy consumption.D It kept increasing the oil prices.【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:2.0分【答案解析】事实细节的找寻和判断。根据题干中IEA这一线索,发现原文第三段第一句有相关信息“But it did increase its estimated overall deman

22、d by 750,000 barrels a day”即“据它估计,全部需求量将每天上调750,000桶”,由此可见,选项a的说法与之相符,是正确答案。 注意:掌握意义相近词组的替换。如原文increaseby与选项中revisingupwards意思相近。第13题 Compared with this year, the estimated world oil growth for 2005 will_.A be 84 million more barrels per dayB increase by 2.5%C be up 2.53 million barrels per dayD be

23、up 1.8 million barrels per day【正确答案】:D【本题分数】:2.0分【答案解析】数字信息的找寻和判断。根据题干要求,找到原文相关信息处“Growth will moderate in 2005 to 2.2,or 1.8 million bd,at 84 million bd.”即“2005年世界需求量将适度上涨2.2,即每天上涨一百八十万桶,达到每天八千四百万桶”,由此可见,选项d的说法是正确的。 注意:正确排除干扰的数字信息,找出正确答案。第14题 Which of the following is true about China?A The oil dem

24、and growth in the second quarter is 12.3%.B Restrictions on trucking and economic growth will help reduce the oil demand.C Extra refining capacity is also under tight control.D The oil demand in the third quarter will fall by 9%.【正确答案】:B【本题分数】:2.0分【答案解析】事实细节的找寻和判断。根据题干要求,发现原文相关信息处为最后一段最后一句“China whe

25、re restrictions on trucking and economic growth could push down demand”,可知“中国对货车运输业和经济增长的限制可能会使需求走低,由此可见,选项b的说法与原文相符,是正确的答案。 注意:掌握同义词的替换。原文中push down与选项中reduce意思相同。第15题 Which of the following is NOT the reason for the slowdown of world oil demand?A The cooling down of the Chinese economy.B Weaker gr

26、owth of U.S. economy.C Inflation.D Uncertainty about Japans rebound.【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:2.0分【答案解析】因果关系的判断。根据题意可知原文第一段相关信息处,第一句“World oil demand is slowing down led by weaker economic growth in the U.S. and China”显然,选项a和b的说法是正确的;日本的情况与前两个国家相仿“Japans rebound is cast in doubt”与选项d说法相符;而通货膨胀的问题,仅在说明为何日本经济反弹蒙

27、上阴影时提及,而对全球石油需求并不相干,因此选项c的说法与原文不符,该项是正确答案。 注意:通过信号词正确判断因果关系。文中第一句中的led by直接将美国和中国的情况与石油需求减少形成因果关系;而第一段最后一句中的as将通货膨胀与日本情况挂钩,因此根据这一因果关系的判断,可迅速解题。第16题 Which of the following statements is the most appropriate title for the passage?A The Origins of GPSB The Advantages of GPSC The Future of GPSD The Incr

28、easing Uses of GPS: Military and Civilian【正确答案】:D【本题分数】:2.0分【答案解析】主旨题。本题要求把握全文结构脉络。本文主要内容是关于GPS(全球定位系统)的应用。其中,前一部分讨论了GPS在军事方面的应用;中间通过However实现转折,后一部分集中讨论GPS的民用。因此能够反映这种脉络,包含全文主要思想的选项d是正确答案。 注意:掌握反映全文结构脉络的信号词,有助于判断全文主旨。本文中第二段首however的使用就反映文章的结构走向。第17题 Why did the United States first launch satellites

29、 into space?A To improve navigation for warplanes and warships.B To guide smart bombs that home in on moving targets.C To collect meteorological data.D To sense remote volcanic eruptions.【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:2.0分【答案解析】因果关系的找寻和判断。原文第一段中说美国发射卫星的目的是“in order to improve navigation for fighters,bombers and war

30、ships”即“为战斗机、轰炸机和战舰导航”,由此可见,选项a的说法与原文相符,是正确答案。 注意:掌握表因果关系的信号词,有助于迅速判断因果关系,从而得到正确答案。如原文中in order to短语的使用,便表明了这种关系。第18题 How much has the use of precision-guided weapons increased in the past few years?A Less than 6%.B More than 6%.C More than 3%.D Less than 3%.【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:2.0分【答案解析】数字信息的找寻和判断。根据题干对

31、数字信息的要求找到原文有关部分“the proportion of such bombs used rose from no more than 3 percent to at least 60 percent”即“这一比例从仅仅3上升到至少60”,由此可见这一上升区间的最低值为大干等于3,因此选项c的说法符合原文含义,是正确答案。 注意:关于数值的题目,有时要特别注意文中数字前的修饰成分,如no more than,not more than,at least,about等,这些成分往往是提问的重点,所以一定要弄清楚它们的确切含义。此处,no more than的意思是“仅仅,只不过”。第19题 Which of the following is NOT mentioned as civilian users of GPS?A Hikers.B Bankers.C Fishermen.D Internet service providers.【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:2.0分【答案解析】特定信息的找寻。文中讲军事应用时提到了hikers和bankers,讲民用时提到了Inte

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