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四年级下册unit 10 一对一课堂讲义.docx

1、四年级下册unit 10 一对一课堂讲义课堂讲义课前检测一、请记住以下口诀:我用am,你用are,is连着他,她,它; 单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。 变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。 变否定,更容易,be后not莫忘记。 疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。二、Be动词在一般过去时中的变化:1am 和is在一般过去时中变为was。(was not = wasnt)2are在一般过去时中变为were。(were not = werent)三、作为助动词的do和does是没有词义的,它们在句中的构成一般现在时的疑问句和否定句.do用于主语第一人称,第二人称和第三人称复数形式的句中,does用于

2、主语第三人称单数的句中。Eg: Do you want to be a teacher? 你想成为一个老师吗?Do his friends go to park every day? 他的朋友们每天都去公园吗?I dont like him. 我不喜欢他。Where does Tom come from? 汤姆来自哪里?He doesnt live here. 他不住在这儿。知识检测Be动词练习题1.There _ (be)many monkeys in the mountain. 2.There_(be)a beautiful garden in our school. 3.There _(

3、be)some water in the glass. 4.There _(be)some bread on the table. 5._(be)Tom _(read) a book now? 6.Where _(be) your friends yesterday? 7.When _ (do) your father usually _ (go) to work? 8.How old _ (be0 you last year? 9. Which dog _ (be) yours? 10.Ten and two _ (be) twelve单选题 1:She_toseedocumentaries

4、(记录片). A、dowant B、 dontwant C、doesntwant D、notwant2:Lookatthatpictureonthewall._youlikeit? A、Do B、Can C、Could D、Are3:He_likepears. A、 do B、is C、doesnt D、not4:Doyouoftengotothecinema_Sunday?No,we_.A、on,dont B、on,arent C、in,do D、in,dont5:Canyouseealightonthetable?Yes,_.A、Iam B、Imnot C、Ican D、Heisnt6:D

5、oestheboywanttobeanactor?_. A、 Yes,heis B、No,hedoes C、Yes,hedoes D、No,heisnt7:_hehaveanyapples? A、Do B、Does C、Is D、Are8:She_wanttobeapolicewoman,becauseshethinksitskindofdangerous. A、 isnt B、arent C、dont D、doesnt9:Whyhehavebrownhair? A、 do B、does C、is D、has10:Whattime_hegethomeeveryday? A、is B、does

6、C、do D、am11:What_youseeinthepicture? A、is B、are C、can D、have12:Jack_likeflyingkites_throwingafrisby. A、dont,or B、doesnt,and C、 dont,and D、doesnt,or13:A:_Jim_aball?B:No,he_.A、Do,have,dont B、Does,has,doesnt C、Is,have,isnt D、Does,have,doesnt14:I_haveawatch. A、 amnot B、does C、dont D、doesnt15:_you_agoodt

7、imeonyourvacation? A、Did;have B、Did;had C、Were;have D、Were;had时态专题-现在进行时一、现在进行时的定义,构成,标志性词语定义:表示现在或现阶段正在进行或发生的动作或存在的状态。构成:由be(am/is/are)+动词-ing形式构成 标志性词语:1.现在进行时.通常用“now”.eg: I am doing my homework now.2.现在进行时.通常用“look”.eg: Look! My mother is running!3.现在进行时.通常用“listen”.eg: Listen! They are reading.

8、4.现在进行时.通常用“at the (this) moment”eg: At the (this) moment, he is only weeping.二、动词现在分词的构成规则1 一般情况下直接加ingthink-thinking sleep-sleeping study-studying speak-speaking say-sayingcarry-carrying wake-waking2 以不发音的字母e结尾的单词,去掉字母e,再加ingcome-coming make-making leave-leaving have-having take-taking3 以重读闭音节(重读闭

9、音节即两个辅音中间夹一个元音并且重读的音节)结尾,呈现 “辅,元,辅”结构的动词,双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ingstop-stopping sit-sitting run-running forget-forgetting begin-beginning这类词还有:bigin,cut, get,hit, run, set, sit, spit, stop, swim, beg, drop, fit, nod, dig,forget, regret, rid, 等。4 以ie结尾的动词,把ie改为y ,再加ingdie-dying lie-lying三、现在进行时的用法(1)用来表示说话时正在进

10、行或者发生的动作,例如:Mother is cooking in the kitchen.妈妈在厨房里煮饭。What are you looking at? 你在看什么?(2)用来表示现阶段正在进行的动作(但说话时不一定在进行),例如: Is she writing a novel? 她正在写一本小说吗?(3)用来表示即将发生的动作,一般是指按计划或者安排好要发生的动作。适用于这种情况的动词主要有:go,come,leave,start,arrive等。例如: Im going home in half an hour.我一个半小时内要回家。 The train is arriving soo

11、n.火车很快就要到达了。四、现在进行时的句型变化(1)肯定式结构:主语+be+动词-ing形式+其他.例如:Eg:We are running now.(2)否定式结构:主语+be+not+动词-ing形式+其他.例如:Eg:They arent doing their homework.(3)一般疑问句式结构:Be+主语+动词-ing形式+其他?例如:askaskingstudystudyingstandstandinglistenlisteningtaketakingwritewritingbecomebecomingcomecomingsitsittingbeginbeginningru

12、nrunningstopstoppingdiedyinglielyingseeseeingagreeagreeingEg:Is she having lesson?回答:肯Yes, she is. 否定:No, she isnt.(4)特殊疑问句式结构:疑问词+be+主语+其他?例如:Eg:What is he doing now?回答:He is swimming.五、巩固练习写出下列动词的现在分词形式 work_ sing_ play_ _ study_ have _dance _ write_ _ take_ run_sit_ shop_swim_ lie_手动练练选择题1. Who _

13、 over there now?A. singing B. are sing C. is singing D. sing2. Its eight oclock. The students _ an English class.A. have B. having C. is having D. are having3. Listen! The baby _ in the next room.A. crying B. cried C. is crying D. cries4. Look! The twins _ new sweaters.A. are wearing B. wearing C. a

14、re wear D. is wearing5. Dont talk here. Grandparents _.A. is sleeping B. are sleeping C. sleeping D. sleep6. Tom is a worker. He _ in a factory. His sisters _ in a hospital.A. work/ work B. works/ work C. work/ works7. Who _ English best in your class?A. speak B. speaks C. speaking8. Mrs. Read _ the

15、 windows every day.A. is cleaning B. clean C. cleans9. We _ music and often _ to music.A. like/ listen B. likes/ listens C. like/ are listening10. She _ up at six in the morning.A. get B. gets C. getting11. On Sundays he sometimes _ his clothesand sometimes _ some shopping.A. wash/ do B. is washing/

16、 is doing C. washes/ does12. The twins usually _ milk and bread for breakfast, but Jim _some coffee for it.A. have/ have B. have/ has C. has/ haveUNIT 10一语块整体记忆习惯搭配/短语 volleyball 打排球 2.take a bath 洗澡句型框架:1.Whats your favourite ? -My favourite is 2.-What do you like doing? -I/We like二默写词汇:1.手臂

17、_ 复数_联想:leg 腿 hand 手2.排球_ 短语:play volleyball3.快的_ 最后的_last_4.水_ 短语:hot water热水 drink water 喝水5.洗澡_ 短语:take a bath 洗澡6.聪明的_ 近义:smart 聪明的三语法讲解1.表达自己喜欢做某事的句型I like like 意为“喜欢”,后面可接动词-ing形式练习:1. Do you like _ housework? A. do B. does C. doing D. did 2. I _ playing basketball. A. am not like B. dont like

18、 C. isnt D. likes 3. _ do you like about Tianjin? A. Why B. What C. Which D. Where 4. Which color _? A. are you like B. she likes C. do you likes D. does she like2.询问对方喜欢做什么句型What do you like doing?解析:“what”用来询问事情或事物,引导特殊疑问句。“do”是助动词,构成疑问句,do后用原形。询问他人在哪里用“where”,do或does的使用由主语决定。当主语是第三人称单数用does。练习:特殊

19、疑问词专项练习whatwhowhosewhen wherewhy which would how1.() do you go there?2.() time is it?3.() do you see in the picture?4.() day is it today?5.() old are you?6.() is your name?7.() many balloons are there?8.() can I get to Zhongshan Park /the zoo?9.() is your hobby?10.() do you do when you have the flu?

20、11.() much is it?12.() many kites can you see?13.() would you like?14.() is wearing yellow today?15.() do they live?16.() did you do last weekend?17.() are they doing?18.() does the vapour come from?19.() colour is it?20.() many apples do you have?21.() did you go on your holiday?22.() are you from?

21、23.( ) is your math teacher?24.() is that woman?25.( ) season do you like best?26.() is heavier than you?27.() is your favourite day/food/fruit?28.() do you have on Thursday?29.() season does Zhangpeng like best?30.() do you do morning exercises ?31.() is childrens day?32.() do you like spring?33.()

22、 not?34.() has a birthday in October?四、听句子,选择句子中所含的信息。(共10题,每小题1分,共10分) ( ) 1. A. sofa B. flowers C. wall( ) 2. A. map B. maps C. window( ) 3. A. mouth B. minutes C. minute( ) 4. A. close B. open C. clock( ) 5. A. house B. toilets C. bedrooms( ) 6. A. bedroom B. study C. living room( ) 7. A. buildin

23、g B. flat C. house( ) 8. A. read B. homework C. music( ) 9. A. next to B. behind C. opposite( ) 10. A. thirty B. ninety C. fifty三、听问句选择最佳答语。(5题,每题1分,共5分)( ) 1. A. No, it isnt. B. Some pencils C. OK( ) 2. A. No, there isnt. B. Yes, there are. C. They are some toys( ) 3. A. Yes, I do. B. It is beautif

24、ul. C. Thank you.( ) 4. A. Yes, I do. B. It is big. C. No, I dont.( ) 5. A. There are twenty. B. They are twenty. C. Yes, there are.练习巩固一、从右边选择正确的答语。(10分)( ) 1.What colour is your bag ? A. Its ten oclock.( ) 2.What time is it? B. Its on the second floor.( ) 3.Where is your classroom? C. Its green.(

25、) 4.Where is Mike? D. Yes, I do.( ) 5. Do you have a library? E. He is in the canteen.十、读短文,选择正确的答案。(10分)Im Mike. Its seven oclock. I get up and put on my blue jeans and purple jacket. At 7:30, I go to school. At 9 oclock, I go to English class. At ten oclock, I go to art room and draw some pictures. At 12 oclock, I go to our canteen for lunch. At 3:15, I have P.E. class with my white shoes. At five oclock , I go home.1. What colour are the jeans? _.A. Black B. Brown C. Blue2. What time does Mike get up? At _.A. 7:00 B.7:30 C. 8:003. What class does Mike have at nine oclock? _.

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