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Taste of USA普渡大学实习有感word范文 11页.docx

1、Taste of USA普渡大学实习有感word范文 11页本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!= 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! = Taste of USA普渡大学实习有感第1篇 第2篇 第3篇 第4篇 第5篇 更多 顶部 目录 第一篇:Taste of USA普渡大学实习有感 第二篇:Taste of travel 第三篇:普渡大学 第四篇:a Taste of north europe 第五篇:初中英语演讲稿 Taste of home 更多相关范文正文第一篇:Taste of USA普渡大学实习有感 你正在浏览的实习

2、报告是Taste of USA普渡大学实习有感201X年10月7日的凌晨3点钟,躺在宿舍的床上,感觉很怪异,昨天的此时,我还身处洛杉矶热闹的市中心。脑中不禁过电影般回想三个月中的点点滴滴,独处陌生的异国他乡,领略截然不同的文化传统,感受别具特色的风土人情,学习全新前沿的科学知识。三个月,弹指一挥间,仿佛刚下飞机时充满兴奋却又有些忐忑不安的我仍在眼前。三个月,虽短暂,但足以让我对一个从未去过又一直充满好奇的国家有一个感性的认识。三个月,虽忙碌于工作,但足以让我有空余的时间四处游玩参观,深入当地人的日常生活,结交新的朋友。实习生活是充实且时刻充满惊喜与新奇的,是值得回忆与品味的。 生活普渡大学位于

3、美国中西部印第安纳州的westlafayette市,这是个以平原与农地为主的典型美国城镇,安静优雅的乡间气息,淳朴热情的居民民风,方便快捷的生活社区,为以普渡大学师生为主的居民提供了良好的学习,工作与居住条件。 我与一个从丹麦来的iaeste实习学生住在一间双卧室的公寓里,这是除每天8小时工作之外完全独立自由的私人空间。欧洲与美国,不论在生活方式或文化传统方面都有迥然的差异。交谈之中,她流露出了对美国的饮食,某些行为的极为不满。例如,她不满于美国的咖啡,平淡无味;她不满于美国人的口头语“excuseme”,虚假程式化。 拥有了自己的厨房之后,我也开始了“烧饭”生涯。从最简单的蛋炒饭开始,依照着

4、家人电邮过来的菜谱,根据现有的原材料,加上我在烧饭方面的小小天赋与创造力,我的厨技日渐成熟,同时也将用不同材料烹调为饭食当成了乐趣和一天中的放松。在实习接近尾声的时候,我邀请实验室的人共进晚餐,由我来负责全部厨房工作,得到一致好评。当得知在此之前我没有任何此方面的背景后,他们都大为惊叹。 然而,在美国没有汽车的日子是艰难的。这是一个名副其实的“建立在车轮子上的国家”。尤其中部城市,公共交通设施也不像东西海岸发达。即使是购买日常用品,也要有一段不近的路程。放弃了在没有自行车道的公路上骑车的念头,我们或步行权当锻炼或享受朋友们的好心的搭载帮助。 很幸运,新结识了很多的好朋友包括同事,教授,普渡大学


6、样本参数n=100或者n=1000时qtl分析的可信性。在三个月中,我的全部工作就是在电脑前,利用不同的软件,程序,生成,模拟并分析数据,将结果可视化,做成报告。由于工作中涉及到了很多统计,计算机和遗传方面的新知识,我都要从头学起,开始的日子是有些艰难的。但同事和导师提供的慷慨帮助和鼓励,让我一直充满信心。在结束总结工作时,presentation后,他们再次对我给予了很高的评价。 我喜欢那种愉快舒适轻松的工作环境,每天都会用音乐和咖啡来调节应该紧张的气氛。我喜欢高效率的工作节奏,用一个时间期限来督促自己,不轻易留下加班的借口。同时,值得一提的是美国至少是普渡大学中极为普及方便的网络,在任何一

7、个(谢谢你访问)实验室,图书馆,都能够随时免费高速上网。娱乐工作之余的生活是丰富多彩的。在芝加哥度过了四天的laborday假期,感受了号称美国第三大城市的与众不同,繁华的城市,耸立的高楼,拥挤的人群,一切都与宁静的普渡大学截然不同。在Tasteofchicago活动中,品尝了各种美国食物的样品。在searstower上,居高临下,观看了芝加哥和密歇根湖的全景。在科学,水生,艺术等六个博物馆中,我系统地领略到不同形式的americanstyle. 第二次的芝加哥之行,是参加在美国所有iaeste实习生的聚会,。这是一个真正意义上的国际交流聚会,在十个人的饭桌上,没有任何两个人来自同一个国家。随

8、心所欲,毫无顾忌的交谈,使国界从此消失,语言不是障碍。 印第安那州西部的blueriver上,marrengo山洞旁的木房中,普渡大学内部机场的飞机上,济州洛杉矶附近的阳光下海滩,圣地亚哥的海洋公园中,拉斯韦加斯耀眼的霓虹灯下均留下了我的身影。整整三个月的美国生活,是全新的,是精彩的,是无悔的。就像在Tasteofchicago中品尝各种事物一样,我也在感受着美国生活的方方面面。itisTasteofUSA.第二篇:Taste of travel i have been to many places in chinabut i think the most beautiful and unfo

9、rgettable places i have visit is tibet of coursein 201X,i went to tibet with my family,it really give me a wonderful today i want to introduce tibet for you.first!of course, the scenery theretibet is really a wonderful places. it is a places with an average height of 4,000 meters above sea

10、 level, tibet is encompassed by some of the worlds highest mountains. the himalayas to the south, the karakoram to the west, and the kunlun to the north are the dream lands of all adventurers and mountaineers. and i will introduce two scenery to you.if potala palace is the human scenerythen yangzhuo

11、yongcuo is the natural scenerylets see some picturepay attention to the chinese character “cuo”, it means lake in tibetcatesthen, lets come to the catesi just want to say that, eat delicious local snacks when you are traveling is really important. it is part of your travel experience. some of the pe

12、ople, especially senior citizens will pay a lot of attention on sight seeing, but ignore what they eat, they sometimes just eat some simple snacks they bring with them. but in fact, eating is really important while traveling about altitude sicknessinstead of lift to tibet like 戚伟明and章剑杰,we go there

13、by train, which i think is a good way to avoid altitude sickness. but still feel a little bit uncomfortable went our train enter the altitude. look, the cover of the food we take is inflated! and, when you are in the altitude, we will found that the rice will always parboiled ,and you can never drin

14、k boiled water. and, you must remember that never buy cola orsprite in tibet, cause you may shower yourself when you open it. in addition, ive heard that adolescences are more likely to get sick than adults or little children. and i found that it is valid. look ,this is my little sisters photo. and,

15、 well this is me on the train i throw up several times and even have a bloody nose. but, dont scared by my experience. after you adapted the environment, you well be better. look this is my photo one day after i arrived in tibet isnt i look healthier?tibet! go !第三篇:普渡大学 master申请 essay思路普渡大学purdue un

16、iversity一、 学校、学院及项目介绍1. 普度大学(英语:purdue university,或译普渡大学),是拥有六个校区的州立大学系统,主校区位于美国中西部印第安纳州西拉法叶(west lafayette)。普渡大学提供各式各样的主修,但其或许最为人所知的是它的工学院来源请求;普度工学院提供了高竞争力的课程设计与具领先地位的系所,经常被认为是全球顶尖的工程学校之一,在此发展出了数项创新,包含了您正在使用的 wiki、世界上首台全电子电视、机器人的控制与远制技术等。 2. the krannert school of management (or simply krannert) is

17、 purdue universitys school of management. the school was established in 1962 as the krannert school of industrial administration with a $2.7 million endowment from herman & ellnora krannert. 3. krannert awards several masters degrees: international masters in management, master of science in human r

18、esource management, master of science in industrial administration, master of science in financehttp:/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=394072&highlight=purdue二、 商学院主要项目介绍&申请文书思路解析简介the master of science degree with a concentration in finance specialization (msf) is a cohortprogram requiring ten months of inte

19、nsive study and 40 credit hours of coursework that will enhance and develop students abilities in:critical evaluationanalysisproblem-solvingthe program consists of five modules, with new classes entering in july of each year. the summer module provides students with a strong foundation developed thr

20、ough an immersive experience, with accelerated courses in accounting, quantitative methods, and finance. during the fall and spring semesters, classes are taken in parallel with other krannert masters students, with graduation in may. graduates will receive a master of science degree with a concentr

21、ation in finance. the program is designed to position graduates to pursue careers in the finance industry. students completing the program will be qualified to work in: corporate financeinvestment managementsecurity analysis and brokeragecommercial and retail bankingfinancial management of commercia

22、l and non-profit organizations学习计划the msf program leverages our established mba core curriculum and our traditional strengths in data-driven analysis and decision-making through a concentration of course work in finance, accounting, economics, and quantitative methods. coursework is further augmente

23、d with material from specialty areas such as capital markets, derivatives, and risk management. 课程安排summer modulemgmt 60000 financial accountingmgmt 67000 quantitative methodsmgmt 61000 financial management 1mgmt 61100 financial management 2mgmt 64100 options and futuresfall module 1econ 59000 finan

24、cial econometricsmgmt 60200 financial statement analysismgmt 64400 venture capital and investment bankingfall module 2econ 51400 microeconomicsecon 51500 macroeconomics3mgmt 61400 portfolio management imgmt 64500 merger, acquisition and corporate controlspring module 3mgmt 61500 international financ

25、emgmt 64300 risk managementmgmt 69000 securities lawspring module 4mgmt 57000 spreadsheet modeling & simulationmgmt 60100 cost accountingmgmt 69000 financial instruments & strategyelective 1 or 2 credit hours项目官网:http:/三、 申请 essay 题目、结

26、构和思路比选essay1、discuss your long and short term career goals, how these goals developed, and what you hope to gain from graduate study at krannert. limit your responses to no more than 500 words.?目的:i. 了解申请者的职业规划ii. 了解申请者选择该项目的原因? 结构要点及内容组织:i. 开门见山直接写出毕业后的职业规划。注意这里要 be specific,越具体越好。如果仅仅写想要进入某个领域或行业是

27、肯定不行的,要写出想在这个领域的具体哪个部门,哪个职位工作。另外要写出短期和长期的职业目标,且注意二者之间的连续性。 ii. 按照时间顺序描述决定申请者选择该职业的几个重要事件,2-3 个即可。体现出这些事件对申请者的影响(可以通过事件发生前后的区别对比来体现)iii. 表明被该专业和该项目吸引的原因,希望从该项目的学习中获得什么。可以从这几个方面来说:自己目前的学术水平,职业规划(说清楚职业目标和在该项目学习之间的联系),以及留学的其他动机。每个要点之间分层或者分段,看起来会比较有条理。这一部分注意要结合学校的特色来写,多查阅学校,学院,项目,教授等等的特点和优势,把赞美暗含于敬仰和向往之间

28、,总之要让招生官看完心情愉悦,觉得申请者确实对这个项目有自己的认识。iv. 结尾简要总结。 2、describe a situation in which you had to work with a diverse group of people (those with backgrounds or opinions different from your own) to accomplish something. what conflicts arose and how did you resolve these conflicts? what did you learn about yo

29、urself and accomplishing work as a group that you can bring to krannert? limit your response to no more than 500 words. ? 目的:i. 了解申请者的团队合作能力ii. 了解申请者解决问题的能力? 结构要点及内容组织:i. 简要描述事件发生的背景情况。着重体现出团队成员的多样性(可体现在专业/性别/年级等方面的不同,以及性格/想法的差异等)ii. 指出分歧所在。解释分歧的原因,双方的理由。描述自己做出了什么努力来解决分歧,起到了什么效果(同意某一方的意见/折中,etc)。申请者

30、在事件解决的过程中应该扮演推动者和领导者的角色,在化解分歧的同时兼顾与团队成员的协作。 iii. 总结从这件事中学到了什么,有哪些进步,体现了哪些自身优点,以及这些收获对于后的工作和学习有何帮助。3、describe a major obstacle you have faced in your professional, academic, or personal life. how did you overcome this obstacle? how did this experience foster your personal and professional development

31、? limit your response to no more than 500 words. sharewithu 尚友部落 热门学校 essay 思路解析系列? 目的: 了解申请者面对挫折的态度,解决问题的能力? 结构要点及内容组织:注意obstacle 的含义是:something that makes it difficult to achieve something,它和 fail 的含义并不相同。应该是对你达成某个重要的目标造成困难的,且影响持续比较久的障碍物。根据这个含义,一次考试失败不算obstacle,而某个学科长期学不好,而且对你长期目标的实现有影响(比如essay1 中

32、写到的职业目标),才算obstacle. i. 简单描述背景情况ii. 着重描写如何克服障碍。可以分阶段,描述是如何循序渐进一步步的攻克障碍的,每个阶段可适当总结自己的收获和进步iii. 总结自己从整个过程中得到的思考和收获,描述克服了这个障碍能如何帮助你更好的实现目标。可选essayplease provide any additional information that was not captured within your application. if you feel youve already provided us with sufficient information about yourself, you need not add anything

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