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Unit 2 Sporting events 2 教学设计优质公开课译林版必修4精品.docx

1、Unit 2 Sporting events 2 教学设计优质公开课译林版必修4精品Unit 2 Sporting events 2 教学设计I 词语辨析1、pretty / beautiful / charming / handsome:漂亮、美丽 pretty:adj. 只用于形容较小妩媚的青年女子和孩子,偶尔用于男子时,含有贬义,pretty还可作副词,解释为:相当、很、颇。 e.g. Though she is pretty, she fell from grace at last. She is a pretty lady in her twenties. It was a pret

2、ty serious accident. beautiful:adj. 用来形容女性,也可用以修饰给人以愉快印象或美好感受的事物。 e.g. Who is that beautiful young lady? She is our new English teacher. We were struck by the beautiful view of the mountain village. She has a beautiful voice and we all like listening to her songs. charming:指女子“有魅力、迷人的、可爱的”。 e.g. Don

3、t you think that young lady is pretty and charming? The boys smile is very charming. handsome:只用于修饰人,主要修饰男子,指“英俊的、仪表堂堂的”。修饰女子时,指“端庄健美的”。 e.g. He was a tall, dark and handsome man. She looks very handsome tonight, doesnt she?2、game / sport / matchgame:n. 指有一定规则的,双方竞争的游戏或运动,既可以是体力运动(尤指球类活动),也可以是脑力劳动(游

4、戏),以输赢为主要目的。e.g. Before going to bed, they played a game of cards. / crossword puzzle. Badminton is a game for the old and young. My brother likes all kinds of ball指户外游戏或运动,仅限于体力锻炼,包括娱乐性的及竞赛性的;不以胜负为目的。e.g. Swimming is his favorite sport. Skating is one of the winter sports. We have spor

5、ts every Friday afternoon. I like outdoor sports better than indoor sports.sports和games都表示“运动会”,但sport一般指小型的运动会,如school sports(校运会),sports meet(ing):运动会; 而game一般指大型的运动会,如:the Asian Games(亚运会),the Olympic Games(奥运会)match:比赛、竞赛,一般指户外的。e.g. a football match , a tennis match, win a match, II 重点词语和句型1、 s

6、tretch:vt. / vi.:伸展、延伸、伸出(手、脚)e.g. The boy stretched a rubber band to its full extent. The material stretches well. 这种材料伸缩性好。 The boy stretched out his hands for the magazine. The woods stretched for miles to the river.stretch ones legs:散步、走几步放松筋骨e.g. Id like to stretch my legs after a days work.2、r

7、ole:角色、职务 a leading role:主角; play / take an important role in :在里扮演重要角色 e.g. He will play the role of the doctor in the play. China is playing a more and more important role in international affairs. What role will the actress play?3、practise:vt. / vi. 练(习)、实习、行/做业务,用 “practise (doing) sth”.句式。 e.g.

8、 You have to practise the tune again and again. You must practise speaking English more. I can guess that you dont practise enough. He has practised law for years. practice:n. 练习、习惯做法(不可数), vt. / vi. = practise e.g. Practice makes perfect. With practice you will speak English fluently. Its my practi

9、ce to get up early in the morning. practical:实际的、实用的、老练的 practical knowledge:实用知识 for all practical purposes:实际上 a practical teacher:经验丰富的教师practiced:有经验的, be practiced in:在某方面有经验、熟练4、ensure:vt. 担保(成功)、保证 1) ensure sth. e.g. Registration ensures delivery of mails. Hard work usually ensures success.

10、2) ensure sb. sth. e.g. Healthy diet and proper exercise will ensure you a good health. This letter of recommendation will ensure you a job. 3) ensure that :保证一事 e.g. I cant ensure that youll have the job for long. Get on the bus and I ensure that youll have a seat. 4) ensure (sb./ oneself) against

11、:保护某人不受 e.g. We should ensure ourselves against possible risks. Proper exercise will ensure one against some diseases.5、keep under control:控制住、使处于控制之中 e.g. Soon the pilot kept the plane under control. A good teacher should keep his / her class under control. control:un. 支配、控制 have control of / over

12、sth.:对的控制 e.g. The teacher has no control of the class. The captain has got control over the new football team. beyond control:无法掌握、无法控制; in control of:管理、掌握in the control of:被控制、管理 lose control of:失去对的控制out of control:不受控制 take control of:控制、管理under control:受控制、在控制之中control:vt. 控制、掌握e.g. A wise man

13、 will control himself. Its difficult to control the present situation.6、make way for:给让路 / 位 e.g. We made way for the line of children when they came. The car was out of control and everyone on the road had to make way for it. Its polite to make way for the disabled on the road. way的短语: by the way:顺

14、便问一下 e.g. By the way, who will give us the talk?by way of:取道、途经e.g. They flew to New York by way of any way:不管怎样、好歹e.g. In any way, this is a room and we can spend the night a way:在某种程度上e.g. She, in a way, is a teacher of foreign no way:绝不In no way will I give in to hi

15、 ones own way:以自己的方式He solved the problem in his own way. in the/ones way:妨碍某人; e.g. Dont stand in the / my way.lead the way:带路e.g. With a boy leading the way, we had no difficulty in finding the village.lose ones way:迷路e.g. Once in a strange place, its easy to lose your way.make ones way:前进、行走e

16、.g. They made their way through the crowd of people.No way:别想、没门e.g. Tom, you wash the clothes this time. No way, its Kates turn.on ones way :在途中e.g. On his way to school, he found a wallet and turned it in.7、previous:adj. (时间、顺序) 前的、先的 (作前置定语) on the previous day:前一天; on the previous page:在前一页a pre

17、vious appointment:前约 adj. 过早的、过激的 e.g. Your question is rather previous. I havent prepared for it. previous to:在之前 e.g. You should test an article previous to buying it. Previous to coming here, he worked in Shanghai.8、maintain:vt. 维持、保持(= keep) e.g. We will maintain our friendship forever. Its not

18、easy to maintain life in such hard times. Xiao Wang maintains the lead in English study. Dont maintain silent when asked. vt. 保养、维修、养活 e.g. The car is well maintained. The lady had to send money home to maintain three children. We still need a large amount of money to maintain the roads. He has work

19、ed hard to maintain his family.9、distance n. 距离;间隔e.g. What distance do you have to walk to school?常用短语:in the distance在远处;e.g. I could see the bus coming in the a distance相距、相隔一段距离e.g. Seen at a distance, the picture looks more beautiful.go the distance 赛到底;keep ones distance 保持一定距离 e.g

20、. Americans like to keep a distance when speaking. from a distance:隔一段距离 e.g. The explosion could be heard from a distance (of 3 kilometers). distant:遥远的、远方的10、limit::n 限度、限制e.g. There is a limit to the amount of money I can afford.The speed limit is the fastest speed you are allowed to drive a car

21、at.My mother limits the amount of food that I eat.set a limit to sb. / sth.:为设限e.g. We have set a limit to cars in our city.vt. 限制;限定,常用句型:limit sb. / sth. to e.g. Please limit your speech to ten minutes. Your article is limited to no more than 120 words.11、coach :n. 四轮马车、长途旅游汽车、火车车厢;教练、私人教师e.g. The

22、 students went sightseeing in the Yellowstone Park on a coach. He traveled in the last coach of the train.Our football coach trains the team. vt. 辅导(学习)、指导(活动)e.g. He coached students how to play football in a club. She is now being coached by a famous violinist.12、bid n. 出价, 投标;招标e.g. Park wants to

23、 sell his farm, and he has already had two large bids for it.Bids for building the bridge were invited.vt. 出价、投标;(打牌时)叫牌e.g. He bid $5 for an old book. I bid 2 spades. (我叫两个黑桃。)vt. 致意(问候或道别); 吩咐(某人做某事)e.g. The little girl bid her granny good morning as she gets up in the morning.Do as you are bidden

24、.13、balance n. 平衡、天平;秤e.g. The child couldnt keep his balance on his new bicycle. The chemical must be weighted on the balance before the experiment. vt. :权衡 e.g. You have to balance the advantages of living downtown against the disadvantages.14、state:n. 状况、情形、状态;政府;盛礼、隆重的礼仪;州、邦in a . state / in a s

25、tate of.:处于状态e.g. Everything was in a state of disorder. She is in a worried state of mind. The house was in a dirty state.In China, the railways are owned by the state. The President was received in state. The United States of America is made up of 50 states.vt. state 陈述,叙述e.g. Please state your na

26、me, age and occupation on the form.The busmen have stated that the strike will continue until general agreement is reached about pay and working conditions.15、find / think / consider / feel . it + adj. / n. + (for sb.) to do sth.e.g. We find it important for us to help each other. I think it necessa

27、ry for you to go right away. She felt it her duty to repair the broken window.c.f. make it + adj. / n. + to do sth.e.g. We make it a rule to read English aloud in the morning. The heavy rain made it impossible for them to go camping.c.f. find / think / consider / feel . it + no good / no use / usele

28、ss + doing sth.e.g. We all think it no good reading such books.16、come up with:想出、提出(无被动式)e.g. Who came up with such a good idea? The company came up with a solution to the problem of pollution.c.f. come up:被提出、出现e.g. Questions on pollution came up at the meeting.c.f. come up to:升到某个位置e.g. Soon wate

29、r came up to our neck.17、apply to:使用、运用于,敷、贴e.g. This word can be applied to many similar cases. Wed better apply the new technology to our production. This rule cant be applied to that event. Ill apply this Chinese medicine to your wound.apply oneself to:专心于、致力于e.g. Youd better apply yourself to yo

30、ur study.18、Will Thursday morning do?do:在本处解释为:足够、适合、行,用于:sth. will doe.g. If you have no pen to write with, a pencil will also do. Will water do if there is no milk? Next week will also do if you are busy this week.19、enter sth into :把纳入、编入、收入 e.g. I want to enter the new comer into Class 4. Maybe

31、we will enter Taijiquan into the Olympic Games. c.f. enter for:报名参加 e.g. Will you enter for the English Speaking Contest?20、as的用法小结: a. 用于一些固定结构:the same as, such / so as ,as as / no so as e.g. I have the same idea as yours . Dont read such books as you dont understand. He is not so busy as he was three days ago. You must speak English as often as possible .b. 用于引导非限制性定语从句,可置于句首或句末e.g. As had been expected, she was late that m

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