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1、深圳版小学英语五年级下册全册教案深圳版小学英语五年级下册全册教案1.mustnt talk _ at the library.7)We must walk _ in the corridor.1我们必须有礼貌他能很快的回答问题他一定是个聪明的学生在冒险乐园你们必须小心我们必须在走廊里安静的排队This dog _ _ Boby. (被叫做)当交通灯是绿色时.我们必须迅速过马路When the _ _is green ,we_ _ _the road _.7.深圳街道上有太多的来往车辆 There _ _ _ _ _ in the streets in SZ.8.她很有礼貌.她总是礼貌的交谈Sh

2、e is _ . She _ _ _.The Sixth Period1.Go through the exercises in the WB2.Do some listening exercises3.Do some writing exercises4.Do more oral practice5.Have a dictation课后记:本课学习的一些副词较难.特别是usually, never, sometimes, always的区分.还有quietly, quickly, slowly, loudly, carefully的用法.时态主要是一般将来时:be+ going to +动词

3、原形 或 will+ 动词原 形.还有must/ mustnt 的用法.这课总的来说比较简单.学生比较容易接受.Unit 2 Helping peopleollowing a series of instructionsRelate personal experience and opinion in short conversationsUnderstand and explain information provided in notesWrite short paragraphs about events following modelsWhat happened ? He smelle

4、d smoke .She saw a fire.I dropped my bags. They shouted for help.He picked up my things.drop/dropped pick/picked carry/carried shout/shouted for help lose/lost walletfind/found give/gave smell/smelled see/saw a fireGood for you.What a day !Guess what!Sound and rhyme words: ring stringRubrics :Read t

5、he notes and the report from last weeks school.Newspaper .Youre a reporter for the school newspaper. Read the notes on page 17.Choose someone as your student of the week. Write about them and read your report to the class.Chant words : believeThe first periodStep 1 .GreetingStep 2 .Revision : must m

6、ustnt (let the ss make some sentences)Step 3 .Pre-task stage1.Bring some things :keys , coins , bananas, e.g. Hide some items in the classroom.2.Tell the ss/I lost a banana .Can you find for me? Let the ss look for it.3.Tell the ss that you are using present and past tense. Ask them look at the word

7、 boxes on page11. Explain the difference.Step 4. Play a game .Dropped a key on the floor and ask :Can you pick it for me ? After a volunteer picks it up and says : I picked it up.Continue to do this game to demonstrate the differences in tenses.Step 5.Task 1 Explain the new words in the word box and

8、 teach the ss how to read. Ask them questions in the present tense , encourage them answer in past tense.Task 2 Show Transparency . Point the pictures. Read aloud or play Pupils BookCassette.Task 3.Ask the ss to repeat the words after you .Task 4 .Ask the ss to work in pairs and role-play the dialog

9、ues.Task 5 drop a bag pick up carry sth What happened? Good for youSmell smoke call 119 see a fire at the police station need to be careful lose ones wallet give sth to sbStep 6. Homework : Read A and recite.The second periodStep 1.Greeting.Step 2. Read A/Teach B1.Put a word box like the page 12 on

10、the board. Read out a present tense from the table. Ask the ss to say the past tense of the verb.2.Write a sentence using the wrong tense on board, e.g.Grandma lose her glasses today./ I find them in the kitchen.3.Let the ss correct them on the blackboard.Step 3. Task 1. Listen B1 and number the pic

11、ture .Task 2. Show transparency. Point out that when someone is telling a story they are usually using past tense. Play the pupils Book Cassette.Task 3.Ask the ss to work in pairs and take turns to circle all the past tense verbs they can see on the page.Task 4. Activities .Ask the ss to ask their p

12、artner .Did you help anyone today ? Let them tell the storyabout who they helped today .Encourage them use the new past tense they have learned.Task 5.Tell the class one story .Use first ,then next and after thatTask 6 Listen and summary the story.Step 4. Show Transparency .Read the conversation and

13、 ask the ss to repeat after you . Step 5 Homework : 1.workbook2.Read B2The third periodStep 1. Greeting.Step 2. Read B1 ,B2Step 3. Task 1 Teach Workbook page 9 . Ask some ss tell the answers and let the class read.Task 2.Listen and write the names on page 10 (workbook)Task 3.Listen page 11, Harry mu

14、st help his grandma. Listen and tick or cross.Step 4. (1) Ask the ss to tick the correct sentences according to what theyhear on tape.(2)Ask ss to listen to the tape once more to check their answers.(3)Ask the ss to write the sentences in B3 in the correct order. Ask them to include first ,then, nex

15、t and after thatStep 5.Summing up .Step 6. Homework. 1.Review C BT he fourth periodStep 1. Greeting.Step 2. Do some exercises about the past tenses . For example:help ones grandmother Peter helped his grandmother last Sunday. cross the road carefully _. go to the supermarket _. clean the floo

16、r _. wash the dishes _.put the medicine on the table _.And .Step 3Task 1. Point to and introduce the shoemaker. Explain that he makes shoes but he is very poor.Task 2. Ask the ss to cover the last two pictures. Read the first three paragraphs with the ss . Ask them What do you think will happen next

17、?Task 3.Play the Pupils Book cassette for the ss and ask them to say sentences after the cassette.Task 4.Ask the ss Why did the little men help the shoemaker?(He was poor and they were helpful and kind.)Step 4. Ask the ss read story again.Ask them to read through the sentences D.Tell them to number

18、the sentences in order according to what they read in this story.Check the answer. Step 5. Summing up .Step 6. Homework . Read C Do workbook Page 14 and 15.T he fifth periodStep 1. Greeting.Step 2. Read C and teach Page 14 and 15.Step3. Task 1 .Recite and write CTask 2. Write the symbols for the sou

19、nd on the board. Write the words on the page under each symbol. Ask the ss tell other words with the same sounds and add them to the list.Task 3 . Play the cassette and let them listen the sound.Task 4. Listen again, Ask them to listen to the rhyme.Task 5. Play the cassette ,and ask them write to li

20、sten to the words and then write them under the correct symbols.Step 4. G Listen and chant on page 18)1.Play the cassette G. for the ss to the chant.2.Play again and encourage the ss to join in with the words.3 .Tell the ss to say the chant again.Step 5. Summing up.Step 6 Homework . Read GReview F a

21、nd try to write a report.T he sixth periodStep 1. Greeting.Step 2. Review and teach I Further reading page19Task 1 . Arouse interest in the passage by asking the class Does anyone knowwho Dr Bethune is? Tell the ss that he was an important doctor and he helped a lot of people.Task 2. Give the ss wat

22、ch some information about Dr Bethune . Ask:Where was he from? Did he love Chinese people? What did do in China?Task 3 Ask the ss to answer the questions at the bottom of the page . TellSs to write T or F .Check the answers with the ss.Task 4 . Ask the ss read F after the tape.Step 3. Teach workbookS

23、tep 4. Homework : Read and do some exercises找教案课后记:本课学了一些短语的过去式.我发现他们写倒没什么大问题.在读过去式短语时.过去式很多都没读出来.把音给吞了.老师应该多强调一下.多带读几遍.把过去式和现在时的读音比较一下.Unit 4 RevisionThe First Period1.Revise the words and phrases in Unit 1-3.2.Ask Ss to make up some sentences by using their favourite words.3.B1.1)Play the cassette

24、. Ss listen carefully.2)Listen again, ask Ss to circle the correct words.3)Check answers.4.B21)Get Ss to read the poster quickly2)Listen and fill in the blanks with the correct words.3)Answer the questions about the passage. Check the answers with the class.5.HomeworkWrite a poster about your city.T

25、he Second Period1.Translations1)他从不在图书馆大声交谈.2)我们不能在走廊里追逐.3)我们将买些水果带到医院,因为奶奶生病住院了.4)你不能把宠物带进宾馆.5)在过马路时,我们必须多加小心.6)他很乐于助人. 他经常为老人提包.7)你能把这些衣服晾好吗?8)他把眼镜掉到了地上.9)我马上就把自行车还给他.10)我丢了雨伞,我到处找都找不到.11)他花很多钱买了一只狗.12)这位医生挽救了很多人的生命.2.Task 1Show Ss a picture about “ Helpful dogs”, get Ss to talk about it in groups

26、 then ask some of them to report to the class.3.Task 2Show Ss another picture, ask them to tell the story in the past tense ( at least 10 sentences)4. Do more exercisesThe Third Period1.Revise the model verbs2.Task 1.Show Ss some pictures of Mcdonalds , ask them to talk about the rules there by usin

27、g must and mustnt.3.C. Look at the pictures and talk about the canteen rules with your friends.4.D1.1)Ask Ss to go through D1 quickly ,then try to tell teacher how to make a leaf samplea. pick up, carry homeb. press the leaves, putbetween , puton., do withc. wait, dry slowly,e. stickonto, writeunder

28、 ( be careful, not look very different)f. bring to give to, puton5.Learn the new words and phrase in Part D16.Learn Part E17. HomeworkThe Fourth Period1.Revise some words and phrase2.DiscussionDo you like dogs? Why or Why ont?3.Listen to the story in D2 and then answer some questions1)What can a res

29、cue dog do ?2)What did Rex do one day?3)What can a guide dog do ?4)What did Sunny do one day?4.ReadingGet Ss to read the story and try to retell it in their own wordsAsk some Ss to retell it.5.Do some exercises6.HomeworkThe Fifth Period1.Revise some phrase and translate some sentences.2.Read E2 quic

30、kly and answer some questions.1)What could we see in Shenzhen five years ago?2)What can we see now?3)What are the interesting things in Shenzhen? What can we do here ?4)What about the people here ?5)What about the weather here?3.Read E2 together.4.Do the exercises in Wb5.Do some exercises :1. The twins study in the same c

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