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1、字幕嗨,ClaireHi,Claire嗨 - 嗨Hey. -Hey好Oh,okay.你好Hi这位是我丈夫 PhilThis is my husband,Phil你好Hi那是我儿子Luke 他在那儿And thats my son,Luke,right there. 这位是.- DesireeThis is. -Desiree.对 Desiree 抱歉Desireeright. Sorry.Desiree刚搬进我们小区Desiree just moved in down the block. 好啊 你住哪? - 314号Fun. Where? -314.就那个两居室加室内室外客厅的房子吧Oh,t

2、he two-bedroom cottage With the indoor/outdoor family room. 记性不错啊Very good. 你肯定会喜欢那里的蒸气淋浴的Bet youre loving that steam shower. Phil 注意言行 抱歉Phil,thats creepy. Oh,sorry. 我是个房地产大亨Im a real-estate mogul. 什么?! 其实我只是个小经纪What?! No,I am a real-estate agent. 我们曾用拖车拖过那房子Um,we caravanned that house. 地板 还不错Great

3、,uh,deck. 谢谢夸奖Thanks. 我就在那儿待到我离完婚Im just there till my divorce is final. 哪来的傻X 竟然会跟你离婚?Now,who is coconuts enough to divorce you? 我们得走了 回见We got to go,but well see yoaround. 有时间可以到我家坐坐Well,well have to have you over sometime. 我很乐意 - 好的Id love it. -All right. 拜 - 拜Bye. -Bye. 她挺不错的Shes awesome. 我们家可不欢

4、迎她No,we are never having her over. 听说她已和学校里两个孩子爸爸上过床了I heard she already slept with two dads from the school. 什么?What? 那也太.可怕了Thats.Horrible. 老爸! 注意点 - 你也注意-Dad! Watch out. -Oh,watch it,buddy. 真老人Grandma. 那看起来还是像女孩的单车That still looks like a girls bike. 那我们再贴点黑胶带吧Well,well add more black tape. 我儿子骑的是

5、他姐的旧车My son has been riding his sisters old bike. 直到他有能力打理新车为止Until hes responsible enough To take care of his own bike. 他把苏打水洒我电脑Look,he spilled a soda on my computer. 因为水下自拍 毁了我家的数码相机He ruined our digital camera taking pictures of himself underwater. 但那是女孩的单车Its a girls bike. 我很赞同给他教训Im all for te

6、aching him a lesson, 但我很害怕But I worry about the ridicule he might get 他会被老嘴巴们嘲笑From some loudmouth bully. 嗨hey. 单车不错啊 Sally Nice bike,sally. 老爸!Dad! 在那上面 他看起来就像小波皮 (little bo peep 著名童谣 女性形象)Come on. He looks like little bo peep on that thing. 不会太久的 他今天下午就会有新车了Actually,not for long. Hes getting a new

7、 bike this afternoon. 真的吗? - 当然I am? Mm-hmm. 是吗?He is? 有时候 做爸爸的得下定决心Sometimes a mans gotta put his foot down 做男人该做的事And do what a mans gotta do. 要是做妈妈的不高兴.And if the old lady dont like it. 亲爱的?Honey? 那就不关我事了.Thats too damn bad. 老爸 这单车太酷了Dad,this is the coolest bike ever. 喜欢就好Awesome. 听着 老弟So,listen,

8、buddy. 家里的某些成员认为Certain members of this family 你还不够格照料好这部车Dont think you can take care of this bad boy. 你是说老妈? U mean mom?是你说的 我可没说Your words,not mine. 我和你妈是个团队Look,uh,your mom and I are a team, 而她.我们感觉这是一个And she. we feel like this is a chance 让你体现责任的好机会For you to show some responsibility. 别让我们失望啊D

9、ont make us look like jerks here. 我不会的I wont. 好的 还有.Okay. One more rule. 什么?What? 好好去骑 享受欢乐Have,like,three buttloads of fun. 谢谢你 老爸Thanks,dad. 对我做出承诺才10分钟10 minutes after making a promise to me, 他就没锁单车 扔一边了He leaves his bike unlocked. Claire的声音开始在我脑里嗡嗡作响.All I can hear is Claires voice in my head. “

10、他没有责任感”“hes not responsible.” “你就不该给他买新单车”You never should have given him a bike. 我知道 我模仿Claire超棒的I know. I do a pretty good Claire. 我决定给他上一课So I decided to teach him a lesson 让他认为车被偷了And let him think his bike was stolen. 我知道这不好Now,I know that sounds kind of rough, 但有时候你就得做个坏老爸But sometimes its a d

11、ads job to be the tough guy. 请让一下 谢谢Excuse me. Thank you. 你左边请让下 是我左边 你右边On your left. My left,your right. 哦 嗨Oh,hey. 嗨! 好啊Hey! Hi! 你好Hi. 说起来很丢人Hi,uh,this is really embarrassing, 我把自己锁外面了But I locked myself out of my house. 哦! 我总是这样 别觉得难为情Oh,tsh! I do it all the time. Dont be embarrassed. 我希望.你能帮帮我I

12、 was. I was hoping you could help me. 有个窗户是开的 但我够不着Theres a window open,but I cant reach it. 你不介意帮我吗?Would you mind? 当然了 没问题Yeah,sure.Of course.太好了Great. 不是有句俗语嘛.you know what they say. 上帝关了一扇门的同时 开了一扇窗Every time god closes a door,he opens a window. 我估计每次他把你关外面时都这样吧Or I guess this case,every time he

13、 locks you out. 好吧 给我说说情况Okay,what do we got here? 我是不是对她有感觉? 当然了I mean,am I attracted to her? Yes. 但我会出轨吗?不可能的事Would I ever act on it? No. No way. 只要我老婆活着就不会Not while my wife is still alive. 你确定不用进门喝点啥?Are you sure I cant get you something to drink? 不用了 我. 我不渴Yeah,no,Im. Im fine,really. 如果我知道会有男人爬我

14、的卧室窗户If I knew a man was gonna climb into my bedroom window, 我肯定会打扫一番I would have cleaned up a bit. 你在开玩笑吧?Are you kidding me? 闻起来很好啊 像乳液香精啊什么的It smelled great in there,like lotions and oils. 就是给呃.干燥 粗糙皮肤用的那种For.Dry skin and,you know,calloused hands. 嗯 那是蜡烛Yeah. Its a candle. 怎么了?Whats wrong? 自行车不见了

15、The bikes gone. 天 我来和你一起找吧?Oh,no. Can I help you find it? 没事的 谢谢你Thats all right. Thank you. 好吧 谢谢你喔!Okay. Thank you! 为了给他点教训 我偷了他的自行车So,to teach him a lesson,I took his bike, 然后.事情诡异了. 我把它放下才一分钟And then. crazy thing. I put it down for one minute, 它就被偷了And someone swiped it from me. 也许是你爹要给你个教训呐Mayb

16、e that was your dad teaching you a lesson. 真幽默Zinger! 那.So. 这一辆能打打折吗?Any chance I could get a break on this one? 我可以添上一个铃铛I can throw in a bell. 成交Deal. 用5块钱For $5.那算了 No,sir. 那你这次要买保险呢So,you want to go for the insurance this time, 还是继续做傻X族?Or is it still for suckers? 哈 哈!Ha ha! 还是很幽默Got me again. 说

17、的好 主人Well played,milord. 我要帮它买保险 真谢谢你啊I will take some insurance. Thank you. 你做错事了 你让爸爸很没面子you blew it. You made me look bad. 错了 你让你妈和我都没面子No,you made your mother and I look bad. 咱俩一起的嘛We are a team. Luke 你在里面吗?Luke,you in there? 嗨 爹地Hey,dad. 嗨 嘿 伙计Hey. Hey,buddy. 今天 呃 很好玩吧That was,uh,that was prett

18、y fun today,huh, 得了辆新自行车?Gettin a new bike? 对啊 太棒了Yeah,it was awesome. 那 我走了之后发生了什么事?So,uh,what happened after I took off? 你有事情要跟我说吗?Anything you want to share with me? 没有喔Not really. 那如果我现在就去车库So if I went out to the garage 拍张照片贴到剪贴簿上To take a picture for the scrapbook, 你确定不会有惊喜在上面?Thered be no sur

19、prises? 对不起 我不是故意的Im so sorry. I didnt mean it. 我错了I just made a mistake. 哼 你惹大麻烦了!Yeah,a big mistake! 你让我多丢人呐Youre making me look really bad here. 我跟你说了你自己能管好的I told mom you were ready for this. 只是一道刮痕啦 爸爸Its just a scratch,dad. 那不是重点呐Luke.啥?Thats not the point,Luke. what? 我骑上车道的时候刮了一下I scratched i

20、t on my way into the driveway.对不起Im sorry. 就是说.没被偷?So.Its not stolen? 没啊 为什么这么说?No. Why? 好事儿啊 因为.Thats good,cause. 外面有坏人会偷车呢There are bad people out there who would steal a bike. 他们叫做偷车贼Those are thieves. 你在这里好好反省一下那个刮痕You sit there and think about the scratch part. 那也是不好的哟 我真的要修那台阶了Thats not good,e

21、ither.I gonna fix that step. 我走的时候别再刮任何东西了So dont scratch anything while Im gone. 除非觉得痒-那种刮是不一样的喔Unless it itches - thats different. 好消息是 Luke的自行车还在The good news is,luke has his bike. 好上加好的是.More good news. 我用偷车的方式I taught some random kid a valuable lesson 给某个小孩上了人生的一堂课By stealing his bike. 而最好的就是.C

22、laire还不知情Best news. Claire knows nothing. 所以我盘算着我能把新买的车放回So,I figure Ill just dump the new bike 我偷车的地方Where I stole the first bike. 那样的话 那小孩能拿回自行车That way,random kid gets his back, 而这新车也不会遭来很多难堪的质问And this new bike doesnt rais a lot of embarrassing questions, 像为什么会拥有它啦Like why I had it 又或者是某人把某人从房间窗

23、口扔出去Or who boosted who through a bedroom window. 总之就是皆大欢喜So,everybody is happy. 我就不理解了I mean,I dont understand. 你干嘛要在我面前藏藏掩掩的?Why are you trying to sneak around and hide things from me? 其实这还蛮搞笑的I actually think its pretty funny. 真的? - 当然咯You do? -I do,yes. 你从别的小孩那里偷了一辆自行车I mean,you steal a bike from

24、 some poor kid 然后这车又从你手上被人偷掉And then the bike gets stolen from you. 多搞笑啊Thats hilarious. 这就是我嘛 对吧?classic me,right? 那是! 那辆在哪里被偷的啊?Yeah! So,where were you when it got stolen? 噢 就在我给车加油的时候Oh,I was getting some gas. 你加油的时候不站在车旁边?You dont stand near the car when you get gas? 站啊 呃 我进了加油站里面Yep,but,uh,I we

25、nt inside 去买汽水 因为我好渴To get a soda because I was thirsty, 如果我喝了汽水我就会不渴了And if I had a sod I wouldnt be thirsty anymore, 所以我就买了一瓶 就在那儿喝光光So I bought one,and then I drank it all right there, 所以没有铝罐带回来Which is why I dont have the can. 甜心 拜托Well,honey,please, 下次记住了 我是你老婆 不是你老母Lets try to remember that Im

26、 your wife,not your mom, 以后呢 不要背着我藏东西了 好不?So in the future,you dont need to hide things from me,okay? 好 当然好Okay. Okay. 你肥来啦 欢淫你哟!You get back here,you! 你在干嘛啊 Phil What are you doing,Phil? 老婆 我好爱你好爱你哦!I just love you so darn much! 我也爱你啊 你弄痛我了I know,I love you,too,but that hurts. 让我把你抱进屋Lets get you i

27、nside. 嗨!Hi! 我就知道 但那样好痛啊I know. Thats hurting a lot. 你真火辣 - 嗨 你们好啊This is a hot one. -Hello! Hi,there! 嗨 我又嗨了Oh,hi! Hi,again. 我 呃 找到你的自行车了I,uh,found your bike. 太棒了 你.在加油站找到的吗Oh,good! You. the - at the gas station? 不是啊 在我家No,at my house. 有个邻居看到 放进我车库里了One of my neighbors saw it and put it in my garage 那时你还在我卧室 所以When you were in my bedroom,so. 还认那是我吗?Classic me?

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